Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 838 Mr. Qing is a ruthless person

Chiang's old house
The head of the Jiang family sat in the study in silence for a long time. There was a letter on the desk, and he had already read the content of the letter.

All the generals of the Jiang family have also been sitting there for a long time, all looking at the head of the Jiang family, waiting for him to make up his mind.

Rumors are flying everywhere outside, and Xiao Shi’s letter also mentions the collusion between the Luo Jiayun family and Yuan Shaoxing. Regardless of whether it is true or not, the Jiang family must be prepared.

If the Northland cannot be defended, what will the Jiang family do?
What should I do if the madman Luo Family Head goes crazy and drags the Jiang family to death?
The rumors outside were not spread by them, nor by the Han family. I don’t know what the wretched grandson is doing. There is no need to explain to the Luo Jiayun family, they won’t believe it.

Don't think that their generals have no brains and cannot see that the people behind them are sowing discord.

Very good, the purpose was achieved.The Luo family and the Yun family now have the hearts of the Jiang family who have eaten them alive.

"Don't worry about the rumors outside. As long as the Jiang family army is still in use in Beiland, the Jiang family will be safe for the time being. You should guard your respective areas and don't be taken advantage of by people with ulterior motives. As long as Beiland exists, the Jiang family will survive."

The words of the head of the Jiang family gave everyone reassurance.

The head of the Jiang family slowly tightened his palms. Xiao Shi also put a note in the letter. Jiang Hongli asked to see him.

The Yuan Jiajun who broke out of the encirclement were surrounded and intercepted by the Northern Army. After nine deaths, they finally escaped back to Annan County and met Yuan Shaoxing.

"General, General, the people in the North are too insidious. They ambush and attack halfway. All the 20 troops were killed except for us who survived.

The general also died!

In order to send the news back, the general stayed behind to intercept the enemy troops and organized a death squad to break out for us. The general is responsible for his humble position and should be punished by the general. "

Yuan Shaoxing's eyes were gloomy and he looked at him expressionlessly, not knowing what he was thinking.After he finished his report, instead of punishing him, he was comforted and asked to go back with the army and have a good rest.

The generals were angry.

"Son of a bitch, it's a shame that we wanted to show courtesy to the Northern Territory first and then attack the Northern Territory, but they sneaked up on us behind the scenes. They are insidious villains. General, I am willing to fight for my humble position and flatten the Northern Territory with blood." One general was furious. , jump out and ask for a fight.

"Begging for a fight in a humble position, Northern Territory bullies people too much! If we don't beat them until they cry for father and mother, kneel down and beg for mercy, they don't know our interests."

All the generals asked for battle and asked to go out to fight.People from all over the country come to see him, and they must beat him severely.Otherwise, stepping on the Yuan family's army to establish its authority will be detrimental to their army and the morale of the army will be unstable!
To be honest, Yuan Shaoxing was a little surprised. According to the intelligence he collected, most of the Beidi family's generals were steady and steady, but there seemed to be no generals who were so out of the ordinary.

Sneak attacks are not the Northland style.

Perhaps the leader of the battle this time is just the only outlier in the North, or have the generals in the North changed their style?
It's just that a few outliers can't affect the overall situation. If they change their fighting style, it will be greatly detrimental to them.

"What's wrong with the rebels?" Yuan Shaoxing asked.

"No! The rebels are still grabbing territory for Beidi everywhere. The Jiang family's army is not in Huanlang Mountain. They are chasing the rebels everywhere. I heard that the rebels were chased in a very embarrassed manner."

Yuan Shaoxing vaguely felt that something was wrong. He thought for a long time and had no idea. Maybe he was overthinking.

"Find someone to contact the rebels and see how they react."

Yuan Shaoxing felt very distressed after losing 20 troops in one fell swoop.Don't look at it. He has an army of more than 200 million. If he loses it, he cannot make up for it. This is not the Central Plains, it is not his territory, and there is no source of troops to replenish it.

He couldn't wait any longer. Whether the rebels agreed to form an alliance or not, he would attack the Northland. The longer the delay was, the more disadvantageous it would be for them, sapping their blood and energy.

If the news of the demise of the entire 20-strong army spreads, I am afraid it will shake the morale of the army, and it will be even more difficult to attack the Northland at that time. "Tell the army to rest for a day. Tomorrow at [-]:[-] pm, the army will set out and march north to attack the north."



Qingyun lit the fire, no matter how badly Beidi was burned, let alone unintentionally destroyed Yuan Shaoxing's conspiracy to frame her.

Now, she led the army to Annan County to meet Yuan Shaoxing, the Central Plains tiger, and still hung the military flag of the Luo Jiayun family.


During the lunch break, the scout came back.

"Say!" Qingyun took the dry food and gnawed it.

"Master Qing, our people discovered that Yuan Shaoxing's army was heading towards Huanlang Mountain, and Annan County became an empty city."

"Reacting so quickly, I thought he was going to continue to live in Annan County. How is it going at Qisha? Is it going well?"

"It went well. General Seven Kills and the others launched a surprise attack on Huanlang Mountain. Luo's army and Yun's army suffered casualties of 40 to [-] soldiers and horses. They are jumping around and scolding Yuan Shaoxing every day."

Qisha and the others pretended to be Yuan Shaoxing's army and threw the blame on his head, not scolding anyone but him.

"Continue to keep an eye on Yuan Shaoxing's army and report back at any time. Jiang Hai, bring the map."

The map was spread out on the ground. Qingyun Jianghai and the others squatted on the ground to look at it, their eyes scanning all the way north from Annan County.

Qingyun pointed at a certain person on the top of the mountain, "Here, this area is the only place suitable for ambush warfare. There is a jungle behind it. It is convenient to retreat from here. Send people over to trample them. If it is suitable, you can ambush here."

"My subordinates think that this valley is the best place for an ambush. This valley is more suitable from the advantage. Our army ambush here, here, and here, forming an encirclement on three sides. As soon as Yuan Shaoxing and the others enter the ambush circle, they will cut off their retreat. Come and catch turtles in an urn," Jiang Hai said.

The place that Mr. Qing was looking for was a large piece of flat land. At a glance, he could clearly see something in the grass. It was a suitable place for an ambush.

Qingyun smiled, if Qisha and the others were here, they would understand what Qingyun was planning.Jiang Hai was the general promoted by Qingyun after he came to the North. If you had seen Qingyun and the others suppressing bandits in Qishan, you would understand everything.

Qingyun nodded, "Indeed, from the geographical point of view, the valley is indeed the most suitable place for an ambush. I think Yuan Shaoxing thinks so too. He is not the general we have met in the past. He will only think more about the things you think of." many."

There were old men among the lieutenants who had been with Qingyun all the way from Qishan. They didn't ask Qingyun to explain. They understood Qingye's plan and said to Jiang Hai with a smile: "General, this is what Qingyun plans..."

Then the lieutenants and these ignorant generals and lieutenants, Barabara, they once followed Qingye in his great achievements in suppressing bandits.

Of course, the sensitive place name Qishan still needs to be concealed.

Jiang Hai and the others looked at Mr. Qing in awe while listening. They never imagined that Mr. Qing had already killed tens of thousands of bandits with only three or four hundred men. Their admiration was like a torrent of river water.

The incredible tactics are amazing.

After listening to this, a general in Jianghai had only one thought: Master Qing is a ruthless man!

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