The general was a weak scholar, which shocked the people of the Northland a lot. Qingyun, as a person involved, didn't know what the people outside thought, and he wouldn't care if he knew it.Gathered together with a group of generals in the general's mansion, this time the Taoist priest was also there.

Huaizhou is the political center of the Northland, a place where powerful people, aristocratic families, wealthy businessmen, and the economy are all integrated.To put it in layman's terms, Huaizhou has always been rich and can be regarded as a money hole.

After Tian Duoliang Black Bear and the others captured Huaizhou, except for a small number of die-hards who refused to surrender, they killed and ransacked their homes. Most of the aristocratic families did not move and sent troops to surround them, waiting for Qingyun to come back to deal with it.

There are too many aristocratic families, and we cannot kill them all. If we really want to kill them all, Huaizhou will probably shed a river of blood.

It's not that they are reluctant to kill. Killing is a common occurrence for them. It's a simple matter when the hand rises and the knife falls.They were worried that the people would think them cruel, ruthless, and cold-blooded, which would chill the hearts of the people.

Qingye wants to fight for that position, and his reputation must not be harmed. They cannot hold back Qingye.

This is the theme of today's meeting.

Kill them, there are too many people. After killing them, Huaizhou will be half empty.Don't kill them, these moths are useless and disgusting if they are left alive. Whenever they are asked to contribute, they push back and block, procrastinate and resolutely refuse to participate.

This kind of people keep... what used to eat into the foundation of Beidi will eat into the foundation of their Qingye in the future. This kind of thing is absolutely unacceptable.

Let them go, but not willing to do so.

The brothers felt that they should be killed, but the staff persuaded them not to kill. It was best to listen to Master Qing's opinion.

"Master Qing, what are you doing?"

Tian Dora, Black Bear and the others looked at Qingyun eagerly. They had never encountered such a situation before!

What could she do?
She must be released, she is not a murderer.But we can't let it go so easily.

Qingyun scratched his nose and said solemnly: "I am a reasonable person. In the past, when we faced enemies, the two sides had different camps and each had his own master. It is understandable that we will not hold him accountable."

This is what it says...

The corners of Taoist priest's mouth twitched, you have all come to attack Huaizhou, why don't you allow anyone to fight back?Do you still want to be held accountable?Why don't you go to heaven?

The key was the expressions of approval on the faces of the generals, and the Taoist priest felt his heart twitch when he saw it.

He had attended a meeting at Qishan to discuss evacuation. The Taoist priest had never seen what kind of temper Qingyun and the others were. He had not attended the subsequent military advisor meeting, so he did not find these people to be so shameless. Still thick.

No, do they still have the nerve?

"The situation is different now. According to the rules of the battlefield, they are all prisoners. Prisoners have no human rights, let alone the qualifications to make conditions. Their life and death are all in our hands.

From ancient times to the present, who has ever seen a prisoner make terms with the victorious party?
In the heat of war, all means are used to win the battle.The massacre of the city happened frequently!
That’s why we are soft-hearted and compassionate. After joining the army, except for those who deserve to be killed, the butcher knife has never been pointed at innocent people.It can be seen that the brothers are all kind-hearted people and have a kind heart towards the prisoners. This general is very pleased! "

'Kind' Tian Dora, Black Bear and other generals:...

Very good, Master Qing is going to talk nonsense again.

Those who were not thick-skinned enough, the new generals who were not familiar with the general's style, felt a little ashamed of the general's praise, and straightened themselves up uncomfortably.

But the rules are the rules and cannot be questioned.

Thank you for forgetting for a thousand years, the wind moves with the trees like a shadow, the maple leaves are silent, the wooden horse, the wooden horse, the wooden horse, the monthly vote, okay

Thank you 20230820680096 for the reward, alright

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