Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 853 God won’t agree

While Qingyun was engaged in construction in Taiyang, Yuan Shaoxing led an army to rush to Huanlang Pass.

As soon as Yuan Shaoxing arrived at Huanlang Pass, his army rested for a day and launched a sneak attack in the middle of the night.I learned this from the young general named Guanyun in Beidi. Beidi doesn't talk about martial ethics, and he was the first to break the rules. Why can't he, Yuan Shaoxing, do the same?

He has already mastered the relevant information about Huanlang Mountain, so some urging is not rash.

The previously discussed battle plan: First provoke a war between the Northland and the rebels, reach a life-and-death situation, and destroy the possibility of an alliance between them. Then, wait for both sides to consume part of their forces, and then win over the Northland, such as forming an alliance with the Northland and helping the Northland. Together with the land, the rebels were wiped out, prompting the Yuan family's army to enter the Northland in good faith.

Asking God is easy and sending God is difficult!
The Yuan family's army entered Beidi without a single soldier. Once they entered Beidi, the following events were beyond the control of the Beidi family. They did whatever Beidi said.

The Yuan family's army is good at fighting and has strong soldiers and horses. Its military strength is stronger than that of Beidi. It is easy to turn against the enemy. The final result is that the Beidi family submits to Yuan Shaoxing, or the Beidi family is defeated and leaves Beidi.

The plan was very good, and things developed according to his plan at the beginning, but Shangguan Qingyun showed up halfway.

Don't wait for me!

We had just received information that Shangguan Qingyun had occupied two states in the North. The bandits divided their troops into two groups. One army went to attack another state, and the other army headed towards Taiyang.

When Yun Yuan Shaoxing received the news, he was so angry that he vomited blood on the spot.Seeing that Huaizhou is about to fall into the hands of Shangguan Qingyun, Yuan Shaoxing is still wandering around Huanlang Pass. To this day, the Yuan family's army has not set foot in the northern land.

Can he be in a hurry?

There was no time for him to implement his plan. Before he could lay out the plan, Huaizhou fell into the hands of this traitor.Yuan Shaoxing is a joke.

While the Northland army still has the strength to resist, he will seize Huanlang Pass as soon as possible. The army will go straight to Taiyang to seize Huaizhou before the rebels, and then compete with the rebels for the Northland.

The Luo and Yun armies stationed at Huanlang Mountain didn't know that Huaizhou had also fallen into the hands of Shangguan Qingyun. The defense alarm of the entire pass was raised to the highest level, and the outside was loosened and the inside was tightened. The patrols secretly increased to [-] teams, and there were no secret sentries. Know how much it increased.

The reason why the Huanlang Pass is so tense is ultimately due to the sudden appearance of Yuan Jiajun before, sneak attack on their pass every now and then, using despicable and shameless methods, coming and going without a trace, making it difficult to guard against.

After many discussions, the Luo Yun family finally came up with the final battle plan, which was to guard against a sneak attack by the Yuan Army.

As soon as Yuan Shaoxing stepped into Huanlang Mountain, the secret sentry outside quickly discovered their movements. General Luo Yun, who was guarding Huanlang Mountain, immediately dispatched troops and generals to prepare for the war.

The generals of Huanlang Pass suffered a lot from the Yuan family's army. These foreign troops did not respect martial ethics, did not issue war stickers, and did not fight head-on. Instead, they specialized in sneaky movements or sneak attacks from behind.

Phew, what the hell!
Fortunately, they have mastered their fighting style. No, when Yuan Jiajun made a sneak attack in the middle of the night, they immediately discovered and fought.

The Yuan family in Shaoxing and the Yuan family army were full of anger, and they vented all their anger on the northern army. The humiliation they had suffered at Guanyun was returned to Huanlang Pass.

The soldiers at Huanlang Pass are also full of evil spirits. They have suffered losses at the hands of Yuan Jiajun several times, and they must get them back today.

Both armies were full of murderous intent. They looked at the enemy as if they were the enemy who killed their father. They would either live to the death or die together.

Although there were not as many soldiers and horses in Huanlang Pass as Yuan Shaoxing, they relied on the favorable terrain that was easy to defend but difficult to attack, the traps set outside the city, and relying on [-] self-inflicted wounds and [-] enemy losses, to level the battle between the two sides.

No one took advantage of anyone, and both sides suffered in the end.

After that, several major battles were fought in succession, but no one could do anything to anyone, and the battle situation became deadlocked for a while.

Yuan Shaoxing got angry and held several emergency military meetings. However, no good battle plan was discussed and there was no other way but to attack by force. He became so angry that he overturned the table.

"Is there really no other way?"

Yuan Shaoxing looked tired, his eyes covered with red threads due to lack of sleep, scanning the generals and staff present.

There was silence in the tent.

Yuan Shaoxing's heart suddenly felt cold.


Not to mention how impatient Yuan Shaoxing was, here at Huanlang Pass, the generals of the Luo Yun family were also holding a military meeting.

"General Yun, have you noticed that there is something wrong with the Yuan army that came this time? There are at least two to three million troops." General Luo asked doubtfully.

"It's different. This time it should be the main force of the Yuan Jiajun. It is conservatively estimated to be at least [-] troops. According to our intelligence, the head coach of the Yuan Jiajun is a young man named Yuan Shaoxing.

It is said that this son has the talent of a general. In just a few years, he led the Yuan family's army to grow from several thousand men to millions of soldiers and horses. He fought his way through the Central Plains where many heroes came together, occupied Zhongzhou and became the overlord of Zhongzhou. "

Those who can be called overlords in the Central Plains have all come through mountains of corpses and seas of blood.Why can't such a hero come to the North?For the Central Plains, the Northland is just a remote mountainous area.

General Yun didn't know what he was thinking of and frowned.

"In the past few battles, we haven't seen the kid who sneaked into our checkpoints repeatedly. General Luo, have you seen him over there? This guy is despicable and uses all possible means, so we have to guard against him."

General Luo was stunned. During these days, he had only been thinking about how to resist Yuan Jiajun, but he couldn't care less about that bastard.General Jing Yun reminded him that he was the one who didn't see him.

"You're right, we have to be on guard. I don't know where that bastard is hiding, why he hasn't gone out to fight yet, and I don't know what Yuan Shaoxing's plan is. I guess he might be a trump card in Yuan Shaoxing's hands. I don't know what they are doing. What's going on behind the scenes?"

General Luo became very irritable when he mentioned that boy.

"Why can't Yuan Shaoxing just start the war openly and have to do villainous things?"

Just as General Luo finished speaking, a soldier outside shouted at the door: "Report! Yuan Jiajun sent a war sticker."

War stickers?

General Luo and General Yun looked at each other. They didn't know what kind of medicine Yuan Shaoxing was selling in his gourd, so they secretly became more vigilant.

When the two sides once again started fighting outside the field, they followed the rules.First there was a scolding, then formation, and finally a one-on-one challenge. After the one-on-one challenge, the army started fighting.

Others in the North called Yuan Jiajun despicable and shameless. If they couldn't defeat their Northland army, they would launch a sneak attack...

Yuan Shaoxing's people scolded Beidi as nothing, worse than a beast. Yuan's army was afraid of them, so they ambush and blew them up in the middle of the road...

Bei Di did not admit that they had ambushed and bombed Yuan's army, and Yuan's army did not admit that they had sneak attacked Bei Di. Both sides said that they had not done it, and that the enemy had despicably framed them.

I scolded him for three days and three nights, without distinction.After setting up the formation, it was a one-on-one challenge. As a result, Yuan Shaoxing's side was called to challenge Guanyun, while Beidi's side was called to challenge Seven Kills...


After the army entered Huaizhou, they went from mountain to village to eliminate unrest, that is, the remaining stubborn soldiers and horses who had fled, and stabilized the military affairs and situation in Taiyang. Hong Xingwu was left with 100 million to guard Taiyang and Huaizhou. Qingyun was preparing to lead the army to Huanlangguan.

"General, you can't leave yet."

After Qingyun announced the news at the military meeting, everyone had no objections. As soon as Qingyun raised his hand to leave the meeting, the Taoist priest suddenly broke in to object.

Yes, an intruder.

On the day Qingyun entered the city, the Taoist priest came to hold a military meeting, but never attended it again. His presence or absence was meaningless, so the generals paid little attention to him.

When walking outside Qingyun City, I saw him leading a lot of people busy in the suburbs, seemingly building something. Qingyun didn't pay attention, and didn't ask him what he was building. He just looked at it and was mumbling.

If he hadn't jumped out today, Qingyun would have almost forgotten this person.

Qingyun didn't pay attention to the Taoist priest's rudeness. He raised his eyebrows and said, "Why? Is it not good for traveling in the past few days?"

Qingyun was wondering whether she should look through the calendar after the meeting to avoid this old man fooling her.

The Taoist priest flicked his fly whisk and said, "That's not the case. It's the poor Taoist who needs help from the general for something else."

Qingyun was really surprised. He looked at the old man and everyone else, then pointed at himself and asked doubtfully, "Can you please help me?"

Not to mention Qingyun was surprised, even the generals were also surprised.Ever since I followed them, I occasionally looked at the days when I was traveling, but there was nothing else.

Leng Buding asked Qingye for help, which was the first time in history!

Having said that, they were very, very curious. What did the old man need help from Qing Ye? Qing Ye was a martial artist. In addition to solving problems with force, Qing Ye also knew something about the gods.
Qingyun blinked, "What can I help you with? I don't know how to talk about things! Even if I learn from you now, I won't be able to learn this thing in a while! I heard that this thing requires talent, I think You have no talent! Isn’t it a bit overwhelming?”

The Taoist priest waved the fly whisk again and said in his heart: Even if you have talent, I wouldn't dare accept it!

"The Northland has been experiencing drought for half a year. It hasn't rained once. The riverbeds in many places have dried up and the crops in the fields are about to wither. Just relying on the government offices to open warehouses to release grain can only solve the temporary difficulties.

During the drought for half a year, the yamen opened the granary to store grain. If the drought lasted for three to five years, how much grain would there be in the granary?What if the food runs out?
Generals know better than veterans that once disaster occurs, plague and riots are not far away.The general has just regained the northern land, and the foundation is not yet stable and solid. The people have not yet recognized the general in their hearts. At this time, we must not continue to cause chaos and damage the reputation of the general.

The fundamental problem is to solve the drought and allow crops to grow again in the ground to solve the plight of the Northland.As a poor man observes the sky at night, he realizes that the general is the one destined by fate. As long as the general prays for rain for the people, the sky will definitely respond. "

Qingyun: "..."

You bastard, I believe you!

Bai Yanheng: "..."

Tian Duoliang and other generals said: "..."

The generals present subconsciously looked at Master Qing after hearing the Taoist priest's words, and then immediately looked away.

I can't tell that the Taoist Master not only knows how to talk about things, but also knows how to manage local affairs, and he has thought very carefully about Mr. Qing.

The generals thought to themselves that the Taoist priest was really good at talking. Not only did he make sense, but he was also very comfortable to listen to, making it impossible for people to refuse.

Listen to, 'Pray for rain for the common people', 'Destiny returns', 'Heaven responds'... If you don't know who it is, I am sure that the Taoist priest also knew about the time when Mr. Qing was drunk and summoned thunder.

Praying for rain? !
With so many high-sounding excuses, he could only fool Master Qing.Qingye can summon thunder and lightning, control the wind and rain... It's probably, maybe, probably not a big problem with a set process.

This is probably what the Taoist priest had in mind.

Qingyun raised the corners of her lips, she had already asked you to say such naughty things, what else could she say.The Taoist priest had considered every aspect for her, and his words were all for her own good.

Qingyun tilted his head, guessing what the Taoist Master had built, and couldn't help but murmur in his heart, did the Taoist Master doubt her?It seems like she didn’t tell anyone except her old man that she was different from ordinary people?
Qingyun glanced at the Taoist Priest, then at the generals and Bai Yanheng present. He didn't see anything unusual about them. He narrowed his eyes and said, "You do have confidence in the sky."

The generals complained that the Taoist priest had no confidence in the sky, but he had confidence in you, Mr. Qing!

The Taoist priest said enigmatically: "The Taoist priest is not out of touch, but has a basis. The general is busy with military affairs, so he did not find out. Wherever the general goes, the weather is good and the grain is plentiful.

The general cares about the common people, saves the world from the fire and water, and carries out God's will to help the people. This is the praise given to the general by God.Such miracles as calling the wind and rain are impossible for others, but it is enough for the general. "


She's not that awesome!

Don't add it to her randomly!
It doesn’t have that function!
It’s really impossible!
At most, she can breathe infinitely and feel the water in the water. She can't call the wind and rain. She's not a cultivator, and she's not a dragon. How can she call the wind and rain?

Qingyun: "..."

Very good, this is chicken soup for the soul... If only she was the person involved, she would believe it.

Qingyun believed it or not, they didn't know, but the generals were silent.Seeing the expressions of the generals, Qingyun almost vomited blood from them. These fools...

The generals believed it.


Think about it carefully, from the time Qingye took over Qishan, apart from the bandits who suffered a lot when they suppressed the Eighteen Villages, later on people in the county started farming, or did the army later open up wasteland for farming, or barbarians or Li County opened up wasteland for farming, anyway. As long as Mr. Qing opens his mouth, he will grow what he sows, and he will look really good.

They didn't know if the other overlords were short of food. Anyway, their army had never been short of food.When there were [-] to [-] soldiers and horses, there was no shortage of food. Today, with an army of several million, there is still no shortage of food.

The generals looked at Master Qing with eyes that were comparable to hundreds of thousands of watts of spotlights, and their hearts became more stable.

In the past, they tried every means to push Mr. Qing to fight for it. They were always worried that Mr. Qing would give up the job halfway.

They will have to do this again in the future, but they feel at ease!
Qing Ye was chosen by God. If he is not qualified, who else will be qualified? Even if he wants to give up his job, God will not agree!

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