Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 859 It’s not a coincidence

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that it is a certainty that the new general will take over Huanlang Pass, and no one can stop it. If anyone blocks it, this general will not mind killing a chicken to scare the monkeys.

Unexpectedly, all the generals from General Luo's faction were captured and imprisoned by the new general. They still don't know whether they are alive or dead.

Even General Yun had no objections and had willingly surrendered to the new general. Who would dare to have any objections?

They don't have one more life than others. Besides, their family background is not as powerful as the Yun and Luo families. The Yun family and the Luo family have surrendered, and little people like them have no objections.

"There is no objection. I am extremely grateful to the general for taking over Huanlang Pass. From now on, I will obey the general's command and obey the order of the general. I will not give up even if I die. If I violate this oath, I will be shattered into pieces and die without a burial place." .”

All the generals stood up and swore allegiance. The general was already the new overlord of the North. With 500 to [-] million soldiers, they couldn't resist even if they wanted to.

Besides, their family members are all in the North, and all the aristocratic families in the North have surrendered. It is impossible for them to ignore the life and death of their families and go against the general.

The heads of the family wrote letters every now and then, urging them to be devoted and loyal to the end, to be loyal to the general regardless of the sword mountain or the sea of ​​fire. They must make up for their mistakes, win glory for the family, and strive to become familiar with the general in the future, so that the army can advance in the future. The struggle for hegemony in the Central Plains can lead them to make achievements.

Ever since they saw with their own eyes that the general was the reincarnation of a true dragon, the Northern family and even the people of the North had no doubt that the general would not be able to sit on the dragon chair. Even the head of the Luo family, who jumped out to find trouble from time to time, has stopped.

The Beidi family and merchants wanted to donate all their family property to the general for his cause, but it's a pity that the general didn't want it!
It's a pity that there is one less way for the family to rise.

This is a common regret for the aristocratic families in the North whose homes were not confiscated and for the wealthy merchants who kept their fortunes. While feeling lucky, they are also quite proud. After all, in the eyes of the general, they are still an upright person or an upright family.

Spending money to buy life is ignored by everyone.

The family wants them to be loyal to the general, so what reason do they have for not being loyal?

Besides, they have inquired, the general is kind to his own people, but not like General Luo. Except for his own cronies and the Luo family army, other soldiers are cannon fodder. It is not a pity to die!
So, you can't blame them for not having loyalty, integrity, or being rebellious. The general is really much better, and people follow him from the bottom of their hearts and bones.

"Very good! The generals are very good." Qingyun raised his eyebrows, very satisfied with their attitude.

The generals in the audience didn't know why, but they always felt that the hair on their backs stood up and they felt a little palpitated.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but the general seemed a little regretful just now. I wonder if it’s a pity that I didn’t kill the chicken and scare the monkey on the spot to show them? I don't know about the other regrets.

It has to be said that the generals' intuition is very sensitive. Qingyun really regrets that he can't kill chickens to scare monkeys. He didn't kill any of them, so all the generals in Huanlang Pass obeyed. It was so smooth that she was embarrassed to take action.

Regardless of whether they are dissatisfied orally or heartily, they are all obeying on the surface anyway. Qingyun is too lazy to care about this. Those who are dissatisfied will deal with them when they jump out.

As for debts, of course it’s best to accumulate them as much as possible. The more debt you start, the heavier it will be!

The generals looked at the smiling general and shuddered for no reason. They always felt that something bad was waiting for them in the future. After thinking about it, they just didn't know what it was.

All in all, be careful!

Qingyun narrowed his eyes. He decided not to kill the generals named Luo and the Luo family faction for the time being. He would then reuse the waste and leave it to Po Jun Qisha and the others to train them. If it was no longer possible, they would just kill them again.

"Generals, please report on your respective situations and hand over a defense change. You two should take notes and see which position the brothers are suitable for. Go to your respective posts. Tomorrow, I, the general, will see a brand new Ring Wolf Pass."

Qingyun ordered Tian Dora, Black Bear and the others to treat this matter with caution and seriousness. At the beginning of General Yun, all the generals at Huanlang Pass carefully reported on their respective work and the situation of their respective armies at Huanlang Pass.

That night, all the troops brought by Qingyun, including those outside the city, were stationed in Huanlang Pass, and all the troops were purged.

The positions of the generals who were originally in charge of Huanlang Pass were all replaced by Qingyun's people. The original generals were changed to deputy generals and worked beside the new generals.

The former generals of Huanlang Pass didn’t know whether the general was a ruthless person. However, after seeing how ruthless the generals were and after rectifying the army in Huanlang Pass, the former generals of Huanlang Pass all shrank their heads and honestly Be their lieutenant.

It must be emphasized that they did so willingly.


next day
Qingyun stood on the watchtower on the city wall, looking at the Yuan army stationed outside the city. He scratched his chin and asked: "General Yun, according to you, Yuan Shaoxing was struck by lightning?"


General Yun came forward from behind. He reported the battle situation yesterday, and also reported the reasons for the temporary truce between Yuan's army. When Yuan's army was attacking the city, Commander Yuan Shaoxing was suddenly struck by lightning.

I don’t know why the general is asking now. Is there something in it that he doesn’t know about?

Qingyun smacked his lips and thought about it over and over again. He couldn't help but mutter in his heart: Why is it such a coincidence?
Qingyun denied it repeatedly, but that whimsical thought had its own thoughts and dominated the screen in her mind.

"When was the day struck by thunder?"

Qingyun pinched his eyebrows. It shouldn't be any of her business, right? How could such a coincidence happen? When praying for rain that day, she just muttered in her heart...

It shouldn't be any of her business. If she was that awesome, she wouldn't even have to fight. If she wanted to die, she could just strike him with lightning and that would be the end of it.

Does she still want to kill Qian Qizhi? Did the lightning strike?

Yun Yitian told the date of that day, down to that time. How can we forget such a vision?

Yuan Shaoxing was struck by lightning for no reason, and he even sent people to spread rumors. Yuan Shaoxing had to be blessed by God and unpopular, so he would be punished by God. It was God's punishment that allowed Huanlang Pass to breathe, and waited for the arrival of the general and the others.

Qingyun swallowed dryly for a few times. Okay, now that she can breathe in the water and collect water into her brain, can she still call the wind and rain, or summon thunder? !

There is no luck left.

Very good, she can summon the Thunderbolt Man!

No wonder after she got off the altar, her legs were weak and her whole body was weak. If she hadn't known to save face, not to save some self-respect in front of millions of people, and only fainted after getting on the bridge, she might have died on the spot. Fainted.

Thanks to Yu Dayu, Wang Xiaoguo, 20230522432540, Xuan Xue, Yu Dayu, 110921115305167, Knife Boy, El_iauKo, HCIO1, Shanlan rx porridge, edible vinegar, HCIo1, the fairy who has no strength and talks less and raises orange cats, Feitian Da, Maple Leaf Mo, wmhjjf, voted for the monthly vote, okay?

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