The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1005 [1004] Full-time mother counterattack 12

Chapter 1005 [1004] Full-time mother counterattack 12 (four thousand)
Qi Qi tilted her head, with a helpless expression on her face: "After getting married, it takes four years to prepare for pregnancy, conceive, give birth, and give birth. After four years, I thought that I would be happy when I was sent to kindergarten. How could I have thought that I would be abandoned? It would be like this Thoroughly, no, the reality forced me to stand up again. Overtime is common in this line of work, and I have to take care of the children, so I can only find a relatively free job. Woolen cloth,"

"The delivery staff is indeed the most amazing team. It seems that no one should be underestimated. Who would have thought that the great master is hidden among them?"

Li Xingchen was feeling this, but Qi Heng looked at her with admiration.

"It's not easy being a single mother. Leaving this kind of ex-husband may not be a bad thing. Look, aren't you doing a good job now?"

"But I don't intend to make this industry my main business, so I am now admitted to the University of Political Science and Law. In the future, I want to become a divorce lawyer and fight for the legal rights of those poor women. I can't let them be as stupid as me, wasting money in vain. Four years of youth."

Qi Heng looked at her in disbelief: "Wait a minute, your time doesn't seem right, are you 24 this year?"

"I'm 25, not 24. I haven't been to college. I didn't learn this computer at school, I learned it from others,"

Li Xingchen had been curious about this for a long time, so he was a little excited.

"Look, let me just say that everyone has to doubt your level. You say you didn't learn it at school. I don't believe it. As far as your skilled operation is concerned, it's like facing every day. It's not like self-study at all. Yes, stop kidding."

"I studied accounting in technical secondary school, not computer. It was like playing for three years in technical secondary school. I was lucky to meet a computer genius. If you are interested, you can learn it. Maybe I really have this talent, but I agree. I can't bring it up because of others, so let's stop this topic here? Now that the three cobblers have met, should we talk more about the relationship between you? Or, between us?"

Regardless of how easy Qi Qi said, Li Xingchen didn't believe a single word. He wanted to break the casserole and ask the end, but Qi Heng had already signaled him to shut up.

It turned out that Qi Heng was a friend of Li Xingchen's father. Due to family problems, he chose to change jobs. He had a better place to go, but he chose to start a business.

Because he is engaged in technology in the army, he has a fairly good understanding of this industry. With his solid contacts, he has won several big projects.

Li Xingchen's father is still working, he and Qi Heng are comrades-in-arms, this relationship is very strong and unusual, which indirectly shows that Qi Qi has a good vision.

"The company has only been in operation for three years, and there is still a long way to go. Maybe there are still many shortcomings, but I believe that as long as the three of us work together, it will always get better and better. I am now settled in Shanghai, and there are For an outsourcing company, I just earn a middleman’s price difference, and I don’t usually need to watch over there, so I will fly on both sides in the future.”

Don't look at Qi Heng's simple words, but Qi Qi can tell that his company is not an ordinary company. Will the people who can buy a house in Shanghai be ordinary people?He is not a native of Shanghai, and now his parents and children live with him. Although his wife is gone, the old man's house is also inherited by his family. Generally speaking, the conditions are quite good.

In contrast, Qi Qi feels that she is still young and will have opportunities to fight hard in the future, and she looks forward to the future of her and her son more and more.

This time they not only had a simple meal, but also divided the responsibilities of the three people, signed a contract, and a specific division of the rights and interests of the company's articles of association.

Qi Heng accounted for 60%, Li Xingchen accounted for 40%, and they were still legal representatives.

Now everyone gives 5% to Qi Qi, and the three-person business model starts.

In the next few days, Qi Qi took another three and a half days off to go to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau to change some equity rights and interests, and clarified her value in this company.

When there were only two of them alone, Qi Heng told Qi Qi the truth.

"The reason why I invested in this company is actually because of the face of my comrades-in-arms. In the future, when Xingchen grows up, I may concentrate on my own company. There is still a certain development potential here. You should think about it. Of course, you should study law. Well, our company will also need consultation in this area in the future, I think commercial lawyers have more potential for development, and it will not delay your work here."

"Thank you, Big Brother Qi. I will seriously consider this. After all, I am only a freshman this year, so I still have time to think about it. Li Xingchen is indeed very capable. I remember that your son is also a computer student, right?"

"Well, under my influence, he is a graduate student at Fudan University, and he will come to the company to help me in the future. In Beijing, I can only be the leader. Work hard, and I can transfer my equity to you in the future. I think you have the potential .”

Qi Qi took it lightly, she was not able to think about things that were too long-term, now it was pretty good for her to have a [-]% profit, and in the future she would be considered a senior white-collar worker with an annual salary.

Set aside part of the time every month to come over for maintenance. With the order volume of their company and the drive of a dozen young people, the annual salary can reach 20 no matter what?Although it is not as valuable as the few words she wrote, it proves that she has a formal job, a formal labor contract, and the five social insurances and one housing fund have been paid for by someone!

For her, the work here is not difficult and very easy, so it is a fool's behavior to have money and not make money, but it also means that her work as a delivery worker is probably going to die.

Because in other times, I may have to go to the company to ask if I have nothing to do. The company has no formal division of departments. There are two young girls at the front desk, and there are no financial or clerks in the office. Those are whoever has time to run.

After Qi Qi officially entered the job, she posted the recruitment information on the Internet, which can be saved in other places, but absolutely not in this aspect.

Qi Heng and Li Xingchen have no objection to this, let her figure it out and choose according to what she sees, but the person she is looking for is required to be able to endure hardships and stand hard work. As for the salary, it is also rewarded according to the project. Salary, that is only enough for food and clothing, the key is to be able to bear the suffering of overtime on the project in order to get a high salary.

After all, Qi Qi has also been a boss, so in terms of people, she still has a certain level. After more than a week of selection, the clerk and part-time front desk, the cashier, and the accountant are all in place. They are all female students who have just graduated. He doesn't have much experience, and his appearance is quite satisfactory, so he won't cause any trouble to other people in this company.

After that, Qi Qi not only took care of the company's network security, but also trained these girls part-time, and then the company's colleagues were surprised again.

"You even know about accounting?"

Qi Qi explained with a smile: "I originally studied finance!"

When I was the boss before, I had a certain level of auditing, otherwise how could I understand the report?
If the boss wants to control the people below, he must be well-informed by those people, so that he can't be fooled at will.

The students soon found that Qi Qi was busier, and she couldn't find anyone after class, and she rarely participated in some school activities.

Because there is a child as a shield, the school did not put too much pressure on her.

But she became a small Internet celebrity, and she was stabbed to the school for selling tens of thousands of yuan for a piece of calligraphy. The school even asked her to confirm it.

Qi Qi's rhetoric is the same as that of her own parents. It's a spliced ​​way of carrying goods, not written by her. Everyone has seen her handwriting, and it can't reach that level at all. If she writes so well, And as for the divorce?
However, she also said bluntly: "Since some people raised doubts, the school also has its own difficulties. How about this, I will pay the normal price for the kindergarten tuition next year, and I will not live in the postgraduate dormitory. Is this okay?"

"Student Qi Qi, the school doesn't mean that, it's just that he has procedures for some things, so he has to ask."

"I understand, I understand, it doesn't matter, I have almost recovered, and I also found a part-time job outside the school, which can basically take care of the daily expenses of me and my children, thank the school for understanding and helping me Taking care, in the future, except that I will not be able to participate in school activities and club activities after class, I can guarantee that I will do a good job in other aspects. Taking care of the needy groups, my status as a half-net celebrity is really not enough. It fits so well."

Lying doesn't mean cheating, but I just don't want to be too high-profile. In fact, if the school doesn't come to her, she might go to the school.

In her current situation, it is indeed not suitable for her to take advantage of the school, because these are all troublesome things that will be dug out in the future. The part of the tuition fee that the kindergarten takes advantage of will be supplemented.

Busyness will always make time pass quickly, and it will soon be mid-January 2023, entering the final exam stage, and will soon have a holiday.

Fortunately, her son's winter vacation is after her, so that she can review with peace of mind.

After several months of hard work, her Douyin fans have exceeded 120 million, and she began to bring goods after the year, and she was still selling words a year ago.

In the past few months, the total income from selling words, live broadcasting, traffic blessing, rewards, embroidery, company bonuses, etc. has reached 40.

The money from previous financial management is also taken out together, and when the year-end dividend is 10 yuan (the first year is not based on the profit, after all, it is only a few months), once the account is received, and 50 yuan is collected, she will invest in the stock market , Start stock trading.

Qi Qi feels that she can make money, so she can take the risk of losing or earning the 50 yuan. Instead of putting the money in the bank to earn interest, it is better to invest in the stock market and fight for it. What if she gets lucky? ?
The 50 is scheduled to go, which means that her hand will return to zero. Fortunately, the end of the year is approaching. During the Chinese New Year, many people clean up and decorate their homes. , Embroider a few more paintings to earn pocket money.

On January 1th, the school announced a holiday after the exam. While other students were still grabbing tickets on the app, she returned to her small apartment with her son, who was also on holiday, relaxed.

The company will have a holiday on the 25th of the twelfth lunar month, and in less than a week, the time that belongs to the mother and son will come.

And this one week is enough for her to mail and pay back. After a rough calculation, there will be at least [-] yuan in the account.

In the past few months, the family has called her repeatedly, but she refused to answer them all. She didn't say anything on WeChat, but only asked her to answer the phone. Since there was nothing important, she didn't bother to answer it.

She didn't say to send money to them, she just waited for her [-] yuan to arrive in the account, and then sent them the living expenses for next year, in exchange for a period of comfort.

During the school holidays, she took Wenhan to the company to help out. The closer the year was to the end, the busier the company was. I have to say that the girls she picked did a good job, young and energetic. After they came, the company Finally, it looks like a company. Unlike before when she came in, there was a strong smell of smoke. Now it is stipulated that smoking is prohibited in the office. If I feel that I need to refresh myself, I make them tea and coffee. In short, if I want to smoke, I go to the corridor. Indoor bans are all for health considerations in public areas.

Wen Han has already passed his fourth birthday. Regardless of his young age, he is a small expert in the company. He serves tea and water, cleans up, and does a decent job.

He can call everyone in the company by name, the little brothers and sisters are so embarrassing to everyone, but when it is Li Xingchen's turn, he is changed to uncle, which makes him very depressed.

"Xiaohan, be good, don't call me uncle, even if you don't call me little brother, big brother is fine?"

"No, you're four years older than my mother. I didn't call you uncle because you're not married."

Li Xingchen had a black face, and Qi Qi laughed beside him, "I didn't teach this, it was you who made an oolong at the beginning and insisted on calling me Seventh Sister, now it's all right, can't you change it?"

"You have the nerve to say it? After taking advantage of me for so long, you can actually hold your breath. I admire you."

"You call me sister, it means that I am old-fashioned, since my face can be called sister, why can't I hold my breath?"

Li Xingchen waved his hands shyly: "Okay, okay, can't I be wrong? I have to declare, I don't think you are old, it's because you have the temperament of being a sister."

Qi Qi curled her lips: "Stop talking nonsense, it's going to be a holiday soon, and our duty schedule is out?"

Li Xingchen frowned: "I didn't intend to let you come. You finally took a vacation and didn't take the children out to play? I'm alone. It doesn't matter where I am. I just come on duty by myself."

"Aren't you going home? In this way, I will be on duty from the [-]th to the third day of junior high school, and you will be on duty for the rest. In fact, there is nothing to do these days. I can just come to the company for a walk. Although you don't have a small family, you can Everyone, let’s go home and see our parents, my child and I plan to go out after the sixth day, and when everyone is at work, we will go out for a walk, so it will not be crowded.”

Because everyone communicates by computer, the so-called duty is to see if the company has any documents that need to be sent, to clean up, and to feed the fish. Li Xingchen sees her insistence, so he agrees. It's up to you.

Qi Qi is divorced and has a child with her. The chance of going home for the New Year is probably lower than him, so he doesn't even have to ask.

(End of this chapter)

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