The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1047 [1046] Heroine of the Republic of China 20

Chapter 1047 [1046] Heroines of the Republic of China 20 (4000+)

She didn't bother to pay attention to what people said about her behind her back, but she was disgusted by this family today, which affected her mood, so she simply chose to strike out.

But she took this matter to heart, and felt that the people from the old Liu family were deceiving too much!
Caihua also said that the three nieces are not doing well, so how can the family treat them well?

Anyi suddenly smiled strangely, and had a solution.

That night, the female ghost in red appeared again. This time, she put on ferocious smoky makeup and loosened her hair. She first went to scare the mother and child. Jie Jie Jie laughed loudly.

"Want to marry a wife and have a son? It's impossible in this life. If you don't believe me, you can try it. Also, I have been watching by your side. If you dare to treat my daughter badly, I will secretly touch her when you are unprepared. I will take you away."

It's not enough to scare their family, she also ran to Caihua's natal family, and other relatives of Lao Liu's family, and asked them to supervise the family, and whoever dared to treat her three daughters badly, she would curse them from below , who wants to challenge the authenticity of this statement, just try it.

An Yi didn't think this would fool them, so before leaving, she drugged the food of their houses, and then asked Cai Hua to call the three daughters to their house to eat for three days. After three days, wait for everyone They all started vomiting and diarrhea, and when they struggled repeatedly, they believed it, they believed the threat of the female ghost in red that night.

He hastily took the three daughters home without saying anything, and dared not order them anymore.

To be on the safe side, An Yi went to the old woman alone and threatened her.

"If something happens to my daughter, I will let your whole family go down to be buried with her. Remember what I said, I will keep an eye on you all the time!"

This time, the old woman fainted from fright.

Before An Yi left, she went to Liu Fugui's room again, woke him up with fright, and performed a minor operation on him in front of his face, temporarily blocking a certain road.

"You will not be able to give birth for the time being in this life. If you don't believe me, go to the hospital for an examination tomorrow. If a woman gives birth to a son one day, believe me, it will be your cuckold, Jie Jie Jie~~~ When will you behave?" Well, I am satisfied with raising my daughter, and I will naturally give you a chance, if you treat them badly, you will end up cutting off your children and grandchildren!"

In terms of how terrifying women's revenge is, the Liu family is a good example. Because of An Yi's revenge, the old Liu family was dead throughout the winter.

Not only their own family is nervous, but the brothers and sisters of the same family also come to greet and supervise from time to time. As long as they find that they are not good to the three girls, they will be very caring, and even have delicious food, and let the three girls eat there. In the early 50s, it was not easy.

Seeing that An Yi had achieved the effect she wanted, Caihua and the others also felt that this was in line with the old saying, that the law of heaven should be repaid.

As long as the niece is doing well, even if the mother dies, she can rest in peace.

The winter is too long, I seldom go out, if not for the company of little Anran, it would be really boring.

Watching this little guy babbling and looking at you every day, watching you smile, feels like my heart is going to melt.

Little Anran has bushy eyebrows and big eyes. She is very cute and smart. She can understand her instructions and follow her eyes. Basically, she is lying on the kang, and as long as she gets off the kang, her eyes will always follow her. looking at her.

When she was hungry, she danced and waited to drink NN. She could make the three adults smile every day. Undoubtedly, she should be the happiest child in the world. Although her birth was a tragedy, she met three people who loved her. The adoptive mother is also a blessing in disguise.

In the twinkling of an eye, it was the new year. After the founding of New China, the common people gradually felt the taste of the new year. The previous days were full of fear.

The three An Yi sisters made dumplings stuffed with sauerkraut and pork, and dumplings stuffed with mackerel and chives. The former was made together, while the latter was secretly made by myself. After wrapping it up, put it outside to freeze, and then put it directly in the space. When you want to eat, you can order a bowl. Beautiful.

The outside temperature is low in the Northeast, so everyone puts the wrapped dumplings on the rack, freezes them outside, then puts them in containers or cloth bags, hangs them directly under the eaves, and takes them down when eating. up.

In addition to dumplings, there are big buns with pork vermicelli and radish, and sticky bean buns with red bean filling, which are all must-haves for Chinese New Year.

Dried vegetables dried in the summer, in winter, mixed with meat and sauerkraut vermicelli, and then pasted with a few pancakes, it is delicious to eat.

Anyi's life is even more beautiful, stewed chicken with mushrooms, stewed goose in an iron pot, hey, take turns, eat whatever you want.

In addition, there are seafood she salvaged in the sea, such as crab, octopus, shellfish, kelp, seaweed, abalone, sea cucumber, dragon fish, snapper, etc. These are all stored in the space. When I am at home, I put some chili sauce and miso sauce. Once the seasoning is stewed, the taste will be craving.

Fortunately, she is still active in the space every day, planting vegetables, practicing yoga, and busying with children from time to time, so her Maodong is not considered fat, but the food is good, it is definitely obvious to all, and there is no one in Dingyuan County who looks like it. She made it like this every day.

By the 23rd of the twelfth lunar month, their little sister, An, had been around for nearly three months. Caihua and Qiuxia couldn't help saying that when they saw how the other children in the village were being fed.

"Sister, why don't we give the child some rice oil and noodle soup? I've seen breastfeeding children add it!"

Anyi refused: "Wait until she is four months old, don't worry, our family has milk powder, let her drink pure milk for another month, after four months, add rice cereal or a meal a day Stewed eggs, let's not rush, take your time, or the burden on the stomach will be heavy."

In fact, both Caihua and Qiuxia felt that Anyi took care of their children too delicately. Children of this age are so delicate!

But they didn't feed it by themselves, and An Yi basically paid for the expenses of raising the child, so they didn't seem to have the right to question it.

"Our children are fed really well. Look, they are fat and clean. It's really strange that they are so fat that they don't drown their necks or have red asses."

How did they know that An Ran washes it once a day, because the child is young, and the fertile land makes an exception for her to take the child into the space for washing. After all, the space is kept at a constant temperature of 24 degrees, and even though there is a kang in her room, the temperature is difficult to get up. If a child catches a cold, it doesn't matter, so she begged her grandpa to sue her grandma and that heartless Liangtian begging for a long time.

Because Liangtian broke this rule, she intensified her efforts, throwing her child into the space when she was busy, letting her lie on the grass, absorbing the essence of the sun and moon in the space, fresh aura, and strengthening her resistance.

"Sister, I asked Da Niu, and she said that she can eat enough now,"

The big girl in Caihua's mouth is Zhang Ying's eldest daughter.

"You can eat enough, but it doesn't necessarily mean that the food is good, is that so? I see that the three children are dressed in tatters and dirty clothes. The old lady didn't think she cared about it!"

"No, just eat and wear everything. The eight-year-old girl washes it by herself. How clean can she wash it by herself? Not only does she wash her own, but also the alcoholic old man's. It's really pitiful, but , to be able to live like this, I don’t know how much better it was than when I first started.”

Caihua sighed, "Even when her mother was around, she never had enough to eat like she does now."

It is enough to see how pitiful this girl is when she is not favored. The more they think about it, the more they think it is the wisest thing to do to leave home.

Caihua took pity on her, calling her home from time to time to finish drinking tofu nao and eating a piece of hot tofu. The children were all grateful, and even licked the bowl clean. The two sisters make tofu every day. Nothing good, but in the eyes of others, it is quite a good food.

In order to keep them from disturbing her, An Yi asked them to make bean curd sticks at home. This required watching the fire all the time, so they had to look after their own bean curd sticks most of the time except at noon. Drying, even in the winter, it is cold outside, but in order to find something to do for themselves, they pulled a lot of ropes in the yard to dry, and after they were almost dry, they moved to a room with a heated kang for final drying Work, in general, the effect is good.

Because bean curd sticks can be stored for a long time after drying, even if they are not sold, they can be eaten by themselves.

An Yi thought she had enough space, so she bought these bean curd sticks, which are made of pure natural beans, a good thing.

So use cereals, chicken, duck, goose, or various eggs and cereals to replace them.

"My friends have channels to sell. What do you want? Pork is not easy to prepare, but chicken, duck, geese, eggs, and coarse grains are enough. I don't recommend that you ask for money. The money is worth a lot. Buy a Are you tired of carrying a bunch of money for chickens? You can only buy two chickens or 5 kilograms of rice for [-] yuan. Inflation is so severe that asking for money is useless.”

The two sisters have always felt that An Yi has a good vision, so they finally decided on a number. They don't want chickens or eggs, but whole grains.

Ten catties of soybeans can produce about five or six catties of bean curd sticks, and ten catties of bean curd sticks can yield almost twenty catties of soybeans. Then she will...

"Ten catties of yuba, how about thirty catties of coarse grains, ten catties of potatoes, and ten catties of sweet potatoes?"

This price is definitely a friendly price. The two sisters looked at Anyi gratefully: "Sister, actually you don't have to take care of us."

"Isn't it right to take care of you? Okay, since you have no objections, then it's settled. Do you have any more beans?"

"Yes, yes, a lot of tofu was changed in the period of time ago, and now the village is also changing tofu, and everyone buys it with money, so it can maintain the amount you want."

"Sure, let's do this. If you don't have enough food, I'll prepare it for you, and you can take it away."

"Don't worry, there are still more at home," the two sisters sighed in their hearts. To be able to climb up to a good person like Anyi in this life is really smoke from the ancestral grave in the previous life.

It is also because of her support that the two sisters have hope in their lives. They don't have to think about how much food they eat every day in order to survive this winter. This feeling is really great.

With food as the driving force, the two sisters worked harder, and An Yi's side was not disturbed by the two of them, not to mention how beautiful it was.

From childhood to New Year's Eve, the days were busy and comfortable. On New Year's Eve, the three sisters gathered together to cook some hard dishes.

Because dumplings, steamed buns, bean buns, etc. are all prepared in advance, so order a big plate of dumplings and fry a few meat dishes, and the year will be over.

Stewed chicken with mushrooms, cold skin jelly, braised pork trotters, sliced ​​pork, pot-wrapped pork, butchered vegetables, fried hairtail, and vinegared cabbage.

Here, the two sisters brought over two catties of meat, and the rest were prepared by An Yi. In order to be able to eat until the second day of junior high school, the amount of these eight dishes was prepared according to the appetite of the three of them. She put it in the space, because there are dumplings as the staple food on New Year's Eve, so the dishes only need to go through the motions, don't need too much, just enough to eat.

In order to save fire, if you put it out in one pot, it will be leftovers, but if you put it in the space, it will be freshly prepared dishes.

When they cook by themselves, let them take the baby to their home first.

"It's very smoky here, you can take your children out for a walk, and then just come back to eat at some point."

Qiuxia wanted to stay and help, but Anyi refused: "No, I can do it by myself, but I'm in a hurry when you're here."

After driving people out, she didn't have any scruples on her side, and after an hour or two of tossing, the sumptuous New Year's Eve dinner was ready.

The reason why people in the Northeast like to eat stewed pots is actually fried dishes, which may be cold before the next dish is served.

There is no kang in the main room, and it is rather cold, so she puts the prepared meals directly in the space, and transfers them to the kang table before they come back.

The hairtails she catches in the sea are all big, long, and particularly fat. The taste and texture of the fried fish are also indescribably delicious.

They didn't buy firecrackers, and An Yi wrote the Spring Festival couplets at home. After the 23rd of the twelfth lunar month, she wrote a lot of pairs. As long as she was provided with paper and pens, she would write for others. Pen and ink didn't want to take the paper yet, so he pouted and talked about her.

"Since I wrote it, I can help everyone write it. I live in a village. It's winter. Where do you want us to make red paper for you? The pen and ink are easy to talk about. There are secretaries and accountants. The red paper Paper is not easy to find, unless there is something red at home, who would usually prepare this?"

In An Yi's words, "Shove your nose and face, right? I wrote it for free, but you still want me to prepare a pen, ink, paper and inkstone. Who do you think I am? And what do you think of yourself? Okay, I will remember." Now, let me tell you clearly, I will not write about your family, are you capable? Then find someone who can provide you with free pen, ink, paper and inkstone!"

After An Yi sneered, she continued to bow her head and write, speaking to the onlookers while writing.

"Did you hear what I just said? Those who don't want to prepare pens, inks, papers and inkstones can leave. There is no free lunch in the world. My labor is already free. You prepare your own red paper, and you are so embarrassed to let me take it out? Yours Why is your face so big? Bah, it’s nothing, hurry up, and don’t get in my way here.”

 I'm a bit busy queuing up to do nucleic acid today, so I'm really sorry.And those two chapters are blocked, I have changed it three or four times, and I have to wait for 48 hours each time, don’t change it, that is the chapter I wrote so hard, change it, try to change it every time, Thousands of words have been deleted, but it still doesn’t pass. If you delete it again, it may be finished. It’s so annoying.

  This is a chicken rib, it's a pity to throw it away, it's tasteless to eat, it's annoying!
(End of this chapter)

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