The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1071 [1070] Heroine of the Republic of China 44

Chapter 1071 [1070] Heroines of the Republic of China 44 (4000+)

Having said that, the captain could still feel the hidden meaning behind An Yi's words in these scenes. To put it bluntly, it was the rumors brought by the Yi family, which caused her a psychological burden.

Since you can't explain it clearly to them, and you can't stop them, then hiding is the best way.

As the saying goes: "If you can't provoke me, can you still hide?"

Thinking about it, she came to their village alone, rescued two more women, and adopted two children. Even if it was him, she might not be able to do it.

The so-called bad reputation is actually out of envy and jealousy. Most of them have no conflict with An Yi, and they don't think there is anything wrong with her. Well, just try to get a bad reputation everywhere.

In fact, such people can be found everywhere. Since Mr. An is hiding out, it's not a bad thing. Out of sight, out of mind!

But the village should pay more attention to it, especially the new Yi family, he doesn't care if they are real martyrs or not, just because of what they did, he is a little impatient with them, this family adds up to more than twenty Mouth people, why eat with only one mouth?
He can't do any job well, he can cheat and play tricks, he can't do it with his butt up, he's too lazy to do it, and he can't compare with Teacher An.

He even wondered if the information on the martyrs cemetery was wrong?
It is obvious that the Yi family's stealth, rape and slyness is contrary to the identity of the martyrs, but they are like the kind of people who pretend to be martyrs and claim benefits in their own words.

When Anyi first came to their village, people from the Military Support Office and the Civil Affairs Bureau of the other county came together. If Teacher An hadn't made some outstanding contributions, would she have received such attention?
The house is also earned by the family itself, so what does this have to do with the status of a martyr?
In the county, there are quite a few people who receive benefits, tax exemptions, and extra subsidies with the four words "glory of martyrs", but I have never heard of anyone who can still build a house?

Teacher An is definitely the first in ten miles and eight villages. After she found out that something was wrong, she decisively gave up the house to them. It was definitely not because of what they called "guilt", but because she was kind. The whole family has no place to live, and she has only one person. If she refuses to let her go, the consequences may be worse than now, because they will keep pestering Teacher An.

With Teacher An's eyesight, how could he fail to see how difficult this family is?
The fact is that they are insatiable, they are not satisfied with their new house, and even the food and vegetables they planted so hard are cheaper for them, but they have never seen these people say a good word, so they go to other people's homes to borrow money. What's the matter?
You can't live in the new house, so you try to occupy the old house?Is there such a thing?
After being rejected, all kinds of arrangements were made, what was hard to hear, and there were still people who came out to agree, who is this?
The captain's three views are upright, and he doesn't like these people, so after finding out that An Yi will not return to the village for many days, he quickly finds the school to do ideological work.

After all, with Teacher An's spirit of selfless dedication, the entire Baijiawan production team couldn't find another one.

For children from families with difficulties, she also tried her best to subsidize her. The teachers and children who worked with her never said anything bad about her.

You said that such a teacher, should their production team cherish it?
If he doesn't pay attention to it, if he is wronged and not taken seriously, he turns around and leaves, where is he going to cry?After all, Mr. An is a public teacher who has passed the entrance examination. The schools in the county are vying for it. He is not willing to leave the village school because he is grateful. If they don't know what to do, what will happen?

"If Teacher An really doesn't want to go back to the village, you can live in the village primary school at night? Isn't there a dormitory too? This way you don't have to run around too early, especially if you have two children with you. Oh, it's not easy, you How come you were so talkative back then and gave up the house?"

The captain was really upset, An Yi hurriedly interrupted him: "I'm fine, I have already transferred the class at the village primary school to the afternoon, if there is any change in the future, I will discuss it with the teachers there, you Don't worry, I will definitely not affect the children's class. It is good to change it to the afternoon. After two classes in the whole afternoon, I can help the children to practice more. You know, most of the children in the first to third grades Practicing in the sand table, very few can afford pencils and notebooks. I will help all third-grade children to supplement the notebooks for pencil-holding practice as soon as possible. The first and second grades are still mainly sand table exercises. If the third grade cannot learn If you hold a pen, it will be too difficult in the fourth and fifth grades."

"As for where I live, it doesn't matter. There is nothing dirty about me and the Yi family. I don't like them and I show it on the surface. I don't get involved with them too much, and I never hide it. I have already given up the house. , No matter what the reason is, they are pretty good at talking about it, and no one listens to my explanation, so I don’t explain it at all, and I can do whatever they say, anyway, I have a clear conscience. But they don’t want to take it anymore The old house of our three sisters, if not, don’t blame me for being rude to them, as you know, I’m going crazy, but no one can stop me.”

The captain has naturally seen this before. If you want to talk about An Yi's personality, she is really not easy to mess with. She usually doesn't look like a mountain, but if she really touches the bottom line of others, it's not easy for anyone to say, and her He was very strong, and when he thought of what they said that night that Anyi had picked up two women from the Liu family and the Li family at the same time, he felt his brow start to sweat.

"Don't worry, I will hold a member meeting when I go back, and I will talk about this issue well. The Yi family just came here, and they don't know how to behave well. Every day, the east and the west are short-lived, and they don't work well. Just watch, sooner or later, these people will have to deal with it." Killed by myself."

After seeing off the team leader, Anyi rode her bicycle home neatly, but she was stopped by Deng Jianjun's grandma who was in her class just after she had gone far.

She thought what was the matter, and hurriedly asked, "Grandma Jianjun, is there anything wrong with you?"

This Deng Jianjun is not from their village, but from Dengjiatun. Unlike other people who have a hunchbacked old man, this old man is very tall and has a height of 1.7 meters. He is not stooped. His voice is also loud.

"Mr. An, we told Jianjun home that he also wanted homework books and pencils. He didn't have them last semester, and this semester just started. How about you think this is okay? I'll pick one for you. Do you see if there are enough wild vegetables in the basket? If not, I will pick them when I go back, and you will give my family Jianjun a book and a pen, so that he will not be annoyed to death when he goes home every day."

Anyi: "...." It wasn't issued by the school, but she took it out of her own pocket, okay?How many months does this old lady mean?

"No, I can't accept this. What about school supplies such as homework books, pencils, and erasers? If Jianjun didn't tell you clearly, it doesn't matter if I say it again. These are all bought with my salary. The school does not have them. For these subsidies, each class has a rule for each class. From the first day I taught them, I told them that as long as they pass the assessment, there will be prizes, so the children's desire to learn is very strong. They all strive to be the pacesetters.”

"Jianjun didn't get it last semester, but it doesn't mean he won't get it this semester. He has made great progress. You should encourage him and try to let him get these prizes as soon as possible. If he wants it now, then grandma, you can take it with you." He went to the supply and marketing cooperative in the town to have a look, and he should be able to buy everything for a dime..."

"No, what do you mean? If you don't give it, don't you? If you don't give it to you, just say it, what are you doing with so much nonsense? You think I care about those things? I don't want to let him go to this school, flower Don’t talk about the money, you’re still tossing and tossing every day, ah, now you’re not even willing to give me a notebook, and let us go to the town to buy it? Then you don’t need money to buy a notebook? A dime is not money in your eyes, is it? Opening your mouth is a dime, why don't you grab it?"

Anyi: "...." Well, she has seen what it means to be a scholar who meets a soldier.

"Since you don't buy it, then don't buy it, let Jianjun perform well, and when I meet my requirements, I will naturally reward him. But in this way..., forget it, I have food at home , you should take these dishes back to your children, sorry, I have something else to do, I will have a good talk with my children when we meet tomorrow, don’t worry, I will treat every classmate fairly.”

An Yi thought she had made it very clear, but she had just gotten on the bike and hadn't pedaled forward yet. The old lady pulled her back and pulled her back hard.

"Don't go, you have to speak clearly before you leave, what's the matter, you dislike my wild vegetables, is it bad? If it's not good, you let my children eat it? Do you really dare to ask for it if I give you vegetables? I think it's worth it You just prepared it for you, and you refuse it when you come up, okay, you don’t want it, it’s fine, but if you don’t show me the book today, I won’t let my dog ​​go to school tomorrow! Do you believe it or not?”

An Yi patiently listened to these words, her brows were already furrowed, she really admired this old lady, really, why does she feel so good about herself?


"If your child doesn't go to school anymore, just talk to the dean tomorrow. I'm only in charge of teaching, and I don't care about the rest. Now these stationery are not yours. I bought them with my own money. Listen clearly. I, myself, bought it! I have the right to control them, and I will give them to whoever behaves well, not that I will give it to whoever you ask me to, you are not mine, I can’t listen to you, Well, that's it, do what you like, don't stop my car, or don't blame me for being rude!"

This time, An Yi kicked her pedals hard, and the old lady rushed forward a few steps under her strong force, and fell to the ground with a slap. An Yi glanced back, wondering if she was okay At that time, the old lady had already opened her mouth and began to scold. When she saw the situation, she sneered, got on the bike and left.

It's okay, I know how to swear, it's okay to specify.

Since ancient times, learning has been an extremely money-consuming process. The ancient imperial examinations cost money and money. Ordinary families simply cannot afford expensive tuition fees, pens, inks, papers and inkstones, and travel to Beijing for exams. So you see, Anyone who can read and write must have certain conditions at home.

From the Republic of China to the present, anyone who pays attention to the cultivation of children has certain conditions at home, because the more you go to school, the more you spend.

Most of the children accepted in the first, second and third grades come here to learn a few words, and they can do addition and subtraction. Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, those who graduated from junior high school, or went to a technical secondary school, will have a certain advantage when applying for jobs in the city. Those who graduated from high school will be directly assigned jobs, let alone graduates from college. Competing for the necessary technical talents.

Therefore, there are many parents who are reluctant to buy notebooks and pencils for their children. If they want their children to study, they will naturally buy them. If they only want him to learn a few words, they will snap their fingers. Those who have calculated their own accounts may not even plan to buy notebooks and pencils.

Hearing that she can get it here for free, she must be very happy, especially when she sees that everyone around her has it, but she doesn't have it, she will probably be impatient.

But it's really rare to find her directly like this, scolding her and asking for it at the same time.

Originally, she was selfless, but now she is being scolded for being a good person and doing good deeds, can she feel comfortable?
I'm suffocated to death.

The words of the old lady of the Deng family affected her mood all the way, and she even looked at how to solve this matter tomorrow.

It is impossible to change the rules for one person. Besides, Deng Jianjun is a mischievous type in class every day. If you give him a notebook, he might even play with folding paper airplanes. You can’t open your mind, you have to think about it suitable solution.

As soon as she turned into the alley of their house, she saw a middle-aged man holding a whip at the door of the house at the entrance of the alley. Although she had moved here for a few days, she didn't know much about the people around her. Seeing that there were many bloodstains on the child's body, Anyi frowned, and stood still pushing the bicycle.

"Dad, stop hitting Dad, I beg you, stop hitting, I really didn't steal it, this is the gold ring my mother left me, not the woman surnamed Cao,"

"You fart, what do you. Mom have? How can I not know? Her family is so poor that she will have a gold ring? This is your Auntie Cao. Take out the ring quickly. It is a dowry given to her by her mother. You decide What? You don’t think it’s embarrassing enough, do you? Hurry up and return the ring to Aunt Cao.”

The middle-aged man has a square face and is as thin as a stick. There is a scar at the corner of his left eye. He keeps begging for mercy, like a child who calls him 'Dad', for a ring, it's fine if there is no warmth in his eyes, and he even treats his son like an enemy, there is a tendency that if you don't hand over the ring, I will I'll beat you to death!

 Today, the content of more than a dozen chapters was suddenly withdrawn in the backstage, all of which are from the previous chapters. This time, I am afraid that I will delete a lot of content in the 60s and [-]s. I feel that I can’t write anything. Oh, worry, I will still write ancient essays for the next article Well, it's too annoying.

(End of this chapter)

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