Chapter 1108 [1107] Taste little lady 1 (4000+)

As soon as she opened her eyes again, Tangyuan's life changed to that of the prisoner who was exiled by ransacking his home.

A group of four, with shackles around their necks, handcuffed hands and feet, wearing white clothes with the word "prison" printed on them, and their hair loose.

At first she thought she was a man, because the teenagers in her group were all men, but when it was convenient in the middle, she was shocked to find that she was actually a girl.

Daughter mixed with men's team?
Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

The host's name is Shen Qing, the only child of the fourth householder of the Shen family, 14 years old this year.

With the discovery of her identity, memories flooded her like a tide...

Shen Qing's grandfather, Shen Boyang, was 13 years old and won the first place in the juren competition. He was prosperous all the way and skyrocketed. He can be called an invincible lucky man with thousands of lucks.

Later, the official residence became the chief assistant of the court, and his power was poured into the court and the public. Even the famous general bribed him, but in the end, didn't he end up in exile?

Shen Boyang has been smart since he was a child, and he has always been called a prodigy, and he has not insulted this title. He won the exam at the age of 13. How old was Fan Jin?How big the contrast is, it can prove how good he is.

Ten years later, at the age of 23, he was selected as a Jinshi, and he naturally entered the officialdom.

From the editor of the Imperial Academy to Zuo Shilang, and then to the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, he successfully became the core of power in the Jin Dynasty.

Just judging from the memory of this period of time, Shen Qing's grandfather is really outstanding, and he is a successful politician who is dedicated to serving the people and upright.

When he saw the poverty and weakness of the Jin Dynasty, and the lofty ideals unique to intellectuals, he couldn't stand idly by.

So, he began to rectify the administration of officials, cleared the land, reformed the taxation, rolled up his sleeves and used the scalpel on the Jin Dynasty.

In just ten years, he filled the treasury of the Kingdom of Jin, and the silver reserves exceeded 1500 million taels, sweeping away the poor and weak status of the Kingdom of Jin.

Completely realized the Daikin Zhongxing.

It is precisely because of his achievements that the Emperor of the Kingdom of Jin praised him: "Mr.'s loyalty goes to Bo Yuntian."

The Empress Dowager was filled with emotion: "Without Mr. Shen, there would be no mother and child."

Officials of the Jin Dynasty commented on him: "Mr. Shen has an inexhaustible talent, and he is the great savior of the Jin Dynasty."

While Shen Boyang carried out reforms vigorously and resolutely, he naturally also held great power, and he became the actual power holder of the Golden Empire.

But the desire brought by power gradually lost this chief minister who was dedicated to serving the people.

As a subject, after the young emperor made a mistake, he actually forced him to promulgate the "Edict of Guilt", which is unique in the history of the Kingdom of Jin.

The incident happened in the seventh year of the new emperor's accession to the throne. The 16-year-old new emperor ordered the court lady to play a new song for him. Unexpectedly, he just met the new court lady. She couldn't play this song, and the little emperor was very angry. Under this, the court lady was punished by intercepting the acting head.

What does it mean to cut hair on behalf of the head?

It is to cut off the hair instead of beheading.

It may not sound like much to modern people, but the ancients paid attention to the fact that the body, hair and skin should not be damaged by parents, and cutting hair can be regarded as a serious crime of unfilial piety.

So Cao Cao cut off his hair in front of the army and replaced him with Ming army discipline.

The allusion of intercepting the head of the generation also came from Cao Cao, and now it has evolved into a punishment for corrupt officials, a ridicule of catching small and zooming in.

After the little emperor punished the court ladies, he was not finished. At the same time, he pulled out all the followers who persuaded him and beat them hard.

The farce spread to the Queen Mother very quickly, and the Queen Mother was very angry on the spot!
In her rage, the queen mother even wanted to abolish this immoral emperor.

As soon as he heard that the queen mother was furious, the little emperor realized that he might have made a mistake. He no longer cared about the emperor's dignity, and hurried to the queen mother to kneel down to plead guilty, and finally returned the queen mother's sentence: "I can Forgive you, but you have to discuss punishment with Mr. Shen Boyang."

The little emperor, who was originally respectful and afraid of Shen Boyang, had no choice but to go to Shen Boyang to receive the punishment due to the Queen Mother's order.

In fact, the little emperor at this time was really scared, angry and helpless. Whenever Shen Boyang was mentioned, he felt his head hurt.

He had to coyly finish talking to Shen Boyang about it, and then made a strong hint, which clearly meant what he meant.

"I'm so old, I'm still the emperor, Mr. Shen, you should save me some face."

Unexpectedly, after Shen Boyang heard about the little emperor, he disregarded the unspoken rules of "beating the dog to bully the master", first sent the eunuchs around him to the army, dismissed the servants, and then published an article "Ciography is wrong" in the name of the little emperor The edict of sin against oneself actually did not save him any face.

In this way, even if the seeds of hatred are planted in the little emperor's heart, it can be seen from this that Shen Boyang is too confident when dealing with some things, and does not care about other people's thoughts at all, especially the little emperor is now It's too big, even if it's really wrong, it's the emperor, not you, a courtier, who can accuse and abuse at will, what are you digging a hole for yourself?
Shen Boyang is a pillar of talent and the little emperor's teacher, but the little emperor hated him so much that after Shen Boyang's death, he not only ransacked the Shen family's house and exiled him, but also sent the country that Shen Boyang managed to bring down. , also destroyed together.

Summing up from Shen Qing's memory, Tang Yuan felt that Shen Boyang's unlucky luck was due to being the little emperor's teacher.

Shen Boyang, who is serious by nature, still showed no pretense towards the little emperor, a special student, and he was more ruthless in controlling him than Ming Muzong, which caused the little emperor in childhood to have a psychological shadow on him early in the morning, and finally after his death There was a big explosion.

The little emperor was most worried about it, and what he cared about most was that when he was nine years old, when he was reading "The Analects of Confucius" during a banquet, he misread the word "Bo" in "Se Bo Ru Ye" as "back" by mistake. When Shen Boyang heard it, he immediately yelled like a parent who lost patience after doing homework with his child for several hours: "This word reads Bo", which scared the childhood emperor into a panic.

It would be fine if he was only strict in class, but the little emperor still couldn't get rid of his terrifying shadow after class.

When he was a child, the emperor was naughty and active, exuding a child's playful nature, but the little emperor's mother, the empress dowager, was a "tiger mother" who taught her children sternly.

As long as the queen mother sees that he is playful or makes the slightest mistake, she will definitely call him to participate in the "event" that he can't kneel down. After the event, he will not forget to say a classic line: "I have to tell you about this." The teacher, Mr. Shen Boyang!"

After coming and going, the little emperor heard the three words Shen Boyang, which almost formed a conditioned reflex, and involuntarily associated the name with the atmosphere of terror.

Shen Boyang, on the other hand, wholeheartedly wanted to "bring out excellent apprentices from strict teachers", and wanted to cultivate an eternal emperor through strict discipline, and he didn't realize the boundary between him and the little emperor at all.

If Shen Bo and Yang Quan knew about it, I'm afraid he would cry bitterly in Jiuquan, right?
As smart as Shen Boyang, he may have known that this was a doomed situation when he was determined to reform, but he did it to save the country and make it strong, even though he died nine times without regret.

If it's a pity, maybe Shen Boyang thought of the whole plot, but he didn't expect that the ultimate director of this liquidation drama would be his most beloved student.

Because not long after his death, the emperor launched a thunderous liquidation against Shen Boyang and even the Shen family behind him, exploiting and even squeezing.

It's a pity that the founder of the Dajin reform ended up cutting off his palace ranks and confiscating his family records.

After looking back on Grandpa Shen Qing's life, Tangyuan also felt the host's despair for the future.

Grandpa Shen Qing had four sons, two legitimate sons and two concubine sons.

Although Shen Qing's father is the youngest son, but this bastard is idle and idle. Shen Boyang has long been disappointed in him and kicked him out of the mansion early in the morning, wanting him to fend for himself, but his fate is good. A very capable daughter-in-law, this daughter-in-law is also from a family of martial arts, she obviously gave birth to a daughter, but she has raised her daughter like a son since she was a child.

As a result, outsiders thought that Shen Qing was Shen Boyang's youngest 'son'.

After ransacking the house, there were three to four hundred people in the Shen family. Shen Boyang's four sons were beheaded, and his grandsons and nine clans were exiled for thousands of miles to the bitter cold frontier.

The female family members selected good-looking women and became official prostitutes, and the rest were treated as slaves and given to the dignitaries of the newly opened mansion.

After Shen Qing's father was beheaded, his mother directly hanged herself. Shen Qing had no time to do anything, so she was handcuffed. So far, she has walked a hundred miles away from the capital, and there are hundreds of clansmen passing by. In the barren land, clearing up wasteland and afforestation, living freely, although it is hard, but as long as you are down-to-earth and capable, you can still have hope of survival.

But if you are unlucky, because of lack of energy, or illness along the way, many people will die on the road. After all, it takes a year and a half to walk from the capital to the frontier, crossing mountains and ridges, and even encounter poisonous snakes and beasts on the way. It's all commonplace.

Of course, there is another place to go when you get to the place, and that is to be conscripted and guard the frontier.

No matter which one it is, it seems that being a man is much safer than being a woman. At least he looks weak now, but these officials did not do anything to him. But at least you can keep your innocence, unlike some exiled female relatives, most of them committed suicide after their innocence was destroyed.

Shen Qing, who had just been passed over, had no feelings for the host's parents at all, so naturally he would not be sad, but looking at their clansmen, which one is not downcast, with a dead gray face?They couldn't even see the light in their eyes, only the despair of the future, and the fear and anxiety when they saw the yamen servants coming.

After thinking about the fact that the Shen family is a civil official, naturally it is not comparable to the martial arts family. All of them are sour talents at first glance. Even the 14-year-old Shen Qing, under the encouragement of the tiger mother, passed the exam as a scholar, but now , everything is a thing of the past, don't mention it.

Everyone knows that exile is a very ancient punishment, which existed in the pre-Qin period. In ancient times, exile was a very serious crime, second only to the death penalty.

She thought, the reason why the emperor of the Kingdom of Jin can still leave some blood to the Shen family is probably because of the value created by Shen Boyang. He can't do it if he doesn't. , It has also been recorded in the history books that if he comes to the Tu Jiu Clan, he will be infamous again, and this is the Shen Clan that has the potential to be exiled.

Just the journey from the capital city to the bitterly cold place is not enough for these disciples and grandchildren who are used to rich clothes and fine food to lose weight.

This move is really ruthless, especially the treatment of female family members, which shows the tragic ending of women under the feudal system.

Shen Qing, who hadn't suffered this kind of pain for a long time, looked at the big blisters on his hands and feet, and the heavy shackles hanging around his neck, the heavy fetters and handshakes, and he didn't say anything when he weighed them. It seems to weigh more than ten catties. This is to torture people to death!

This is a country that did not exist in history, so naturally I don't know what it is like to be exiled.

But as far as he knew, the places where prisoners were exiled in ancient times were very far away and the miasma was very heavy. Generally, the south was exiled to the north, and the north was exiled to the south, in order to aggravate their discomfort with the climate.

If it’s just a bad environment, it’s fine, and there will be tigers and beasts. If your life is not good, you get caught, or you can’t run, and you die, no one will pity you, just as if you died halfway. After all, the yamen servants only care about escorting you, regardless of your life or death.

The Kingdom of Jin is located in the north, so according to the law, she may be exiled to the south?

If she was exiled to the Lingnan area like Han Yu and was frightened by raw oysters, she would be secretly happy in her dreams.

Fortunately, she has the space, and she was lucky enough to use one hundred thousand faith points to exchange it to Lingtian, which is easy to handle. At least this way, she should not have to worry about food and drink, but these four people are connected. However, the shackles restrict all his actions. The only way is to sleep at night and see if he can break free.

They set off in early April, wearing only a thin white prison uniform. If they walked for a year or so, wouldn't they freeze to death on the road in winter?
But the exiles in ancient times, no one was willing to escape. If they escape first, they will become criminals for the rest of their lives, living a miserable life of hiding in Tibet.

Secondly, prisoners like them, if the crown prince comes to the world, the new emperor ascends the throne, or there is a severe drought or flood, they will amnesty the world. As long as the world is amnesty, their charges will be exonerated, but if you are an escaped prisoner, There is no such treatment, so, for prisoners who want to understand this, no one will think about escaping.

If it is really going south, even in winter, it should not suffer too much.

Shen Qing was completely confused about the future, and his companions also seemed to be inexperienced in the world, so they would definitely not be able to find out if they asked, so they could only walk around and see.

Shen Qing had just digested the memories carried by the host, when he heard the yamen servant shouting there.

"Get up, get up, get ready to go."

Let's see who moves slower, going up is just a whip, Shen Qing doesn't feel it when resting his feet, but when he stands up, he feels that his legs are filled with lead, making it difficult to move an inch, taking a step, the blisters on the soles of his feet hurt her porcelain teeth, and the other three The personal situation is not much better, but they seem to be scared of being beaten. When they see the yamen servants coming, they grit their teeth and stand up and line up. Shen Qing's position is the far left. Being whipped, seeing the bloody welts on the backs of those prisoners, when she looked up at the sun, she felt that the future was dark...

——Note: The prototype of Shen Boyang is Zhang Juzheng, the chief assistant of the Ming Dynasty, and the information is not original
(End of this chapter)

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