Chapter 1118 [1117] Taste little lady 11 (5000+)

Shen Qing originally thought that they had experienced bandits when they came here, and they lost so many people. When they saw them on the way back, they should go as far as possible. Those people's vengeful psychology is so strong that they dug a trap for them in the same area.

In fact, when she saw the stones on the mountain rolling down to block the road, she already realized that something was wrong. While other people were moving the stones, she casually observed the surrounding environment. , found some clues.

She immediately found the head of the escort: "We may be targeted by the same group of bandits. There are traps around here, everyone be careful!"

As soon as the words fell, the sound of piercing arrows whizzed towards them, and the head of the bodyguard changed his expression and shouted at his own people.

"Everyone, don't panic. Hold on tight. It's still that wave of people. They probably want to retaliate against us. Everyone, be vigilant and be careful of the poison on the arrows."

"Listen, people below, as long as you hand over that greasy-faced kid, we can let you go, so that both sides can have zero casualties. If you want to protect that kid, don't blame us for being rude."

Oily noodles?

Shen Qing pointed at herself: "Isn't it? I have oily hair and noodles? What about me?"

When the escorts looked at her one by one, she noticed that in this escort, except for her who had no beard, everyone had a beard, and she was a pure man. On the contrary, she was the one, even though she hadn't applied makeup. , but with this appearance, this figure, and this attire, what a handsome boy!

The head of the bodyguard did not expect that the other party's goal was so clear this time. When he subconsciously looked at Shen Qing, she had a bad feeling in her heart. As expected, the next second, the other party looked at her with extremely sympathetic eyes. Look at her and say.

"Brother, we avoided a big loss because of you last time. It stands to reason that I can't be so disrespectful, but you see, we are already surrounded. In order to reduce certain losses, why don't you go with them?"

Shen Qing looked at him incredulously: "Brother Song, you can't be like this, you also said that last time it was because of me that your people and things were preserved, if you abandon me today, you let your What do those brothers think of you? I don’t know who said that the people in the security bureau are the most loyal, and you are so loyal to me? If I had known this, why would I have made such a fuss and caused myself such a big trouble!”

Song Biaotou had a face full of self-blame, but his tone was full of persistence without hesitation.

"Brother Xiaoqing, there are old and young among us, don't you think you can sacrifice yourself?"

This moral kidnapping really made her angry!

"Are you still finished? If you don't leave, right? If you don't leave, you will shoot to death together. If you let you leave, will you leave?"

Originally, those men felt sorry for Shen Qing, but after weighing the pros and cons, they did not try to persuade them, and acquiesced to the escort's approach.

After hearing the words, Shen Qing sneered, stepped out of the way, and stretched out her hand as a gesture of invitation.

The head of the bodyguard was insulted by this action, but he didn't say anything. He led his own people and quickly escorted the bodyguard car away from the scene.

With the basket on her back, Shen Qing just watched them go away calmly. Although she was a little unwilling to be abandoned like this, she felt that what Song Biaotou said just now was not a big mistake. , the whole family is not hungry by myself, and I have the ability to escape, just throw it away!

"Don't look, they won't come back, how about it? Seeing that I saved someone so easily and left you behind, don't you feel very uncomfortable?"

Suddenly, an unkind male voice sounded behind her, she frowned, and turned around to see a tall young man who appeared here at some time, Shen Qing raised her eyebrows.

"You asked me to stay because you didn't see how much I regretted it afterwards, did you?"

After the man circled around her, he stretched out his finger to pick her chin, she frowned and took a step back.

"Please show some respect!"

The man sneered, "You are not tall, but you have a good temper. Let me ask you, which group did you save last time by yourself?"

Shen Qing never thought of taking the credit for it: "What are you talking about? How can I have such a great ability? He is an escort. Who in this line of work doesn't have a little bit of housekeeping ability? I also It’s just a strike. If your people are not good enough, don’t impose responsibilities on me, what? Are you planning to settle accounts later this year?”

The more the man looked at her, the more he liked her: "You see, it's going to rain today, are you interested in visiting my house?"

Shen Qing looked at him with very incomprehensible eyes: "Are you okay? Your house? Bandit den? Then I went in, can I get out?"

"Whether you can get out or not, it's hard to say, but if you choose to camp in my house, it's also a good choice!"

After co-authoring and talking for a long time, this person wants to recruit her into the village because of her ability?
Shen Qing didn't have that interest: "Support yourself by robbing others? I'm sorry, my three views tell me that this is wrong. If you have something to talk about, let's fight if you have nothing to do. Stop talking nonsense!"

"Hey, you brat, you don't want to eat a toast, you don't want to eat a fine wine, you, our boss personally came down to recruit you, and you still don't agree? Let's see how I deal with you!" The big man on the side was not happy, and stared at He swung his fist, but Shen Qing looked at him without blinking, watching his fist whizzing past the tip of her nose.

The more she behaved like this, the more men became interested in her, and even thought she was a plastic talent. When the big man tried to raise his fist again to teach her a lesson, he pulled him behind him.

"I don't care if you hurt my people, but you have to join us,"

"No, if I don't join, you can also argue with me. I think since you are a gangster, you must have the backbone of a gangster. It's boring for us to waste half a day here, right?"

After Shen Qing's voice fell, those younger brothers began clamoring to teach her a lesson, this wild brat who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, but Shen Qing glanced over, and when those guys were frightened, she didn't know when there were a lot more in her hands. A stone bounced towards their legs. Although she had no internal strength, she had spells. The stones added with spells implied power, and they all knelt down and howled in pain.

This series of actions was not only done in one go, but also made people unable to see the flaws. The young man watched from the side, liked it more and more, and said bluntly.

"I really like you more and more. You are so capable. You really don't want to join us? In fact, I think you can follow me up the mountain to have a look. We are not that bad. The one who went down the mountain that day was his own fault. Even if we are bandits, not everyone robs everyone. They are the people in charge of the second family. They are tyrannical. You have punished them this time, and you have provoked people from the government. These people have long been scared. Come out again, and I actually want to see how powerful that very powerful young man is in their mouths, so I am waiting for you here, you see, I didn’t hurt them from the beginning to the end, didn’t I?”

The man looked innocent and looked at her with anticipation in his eyes.

Shen Qing didn't expect such a reversal, and she was a little nauseous for a while.

"It seems that your village is not small, and there is actually a second head? If this is a small village, you are not qualified to make a distribution, right?"

"Hey, just kidding, it's not too small, but it's not too big either. It just fed a lot of homeless people. You know, a few years ago there was a famine, but many people died. My father is a big man." Good man, many old and weak women and children have been rescued. We can’t feed so many people by farming the land in our daily life. Naturally, we have to find another way. Our robbing is robbing, but not everyone robs. Folk bodyguards like you Team, we don’t even look at it, we stare at those if we want to.”

"Ahem, boss, you've talked a little too much, right? This kid hasn't agreed to join us yet, so he's not counted as one of us."

You are so short-sighted, you talk about everything?

Looking at the dissatisfied expression on the younger brother's face, it seems that he still hates iron for steel?

That scene suddenly made Shen Qing feel a little ridiculous. Although this guy might steal or steal, she was a grand thieves, but she had her own life plan, how could she really join them?But this kid has brought so many people here, if she really fights with them, she may not be able to gain anything, she might as well follow her first, wait until night, and then find a way to slip away!

Thinking of this, he pretended to agree: "Okay, since the head of the family is so enthusiastic, if I don't go, am I sorry that you condescend to wait for me for so long? Then please, the head of the family? "

Shen Qing suddenly agreed, and immediately aroused the satisfaction of the head of the family nodding: "This little brother, what's your name?"

"You can just call me Xiaoqing, where are you going?"

"Come here, brother Xiaoqing, go this way. This noon, I have to give you a whole table no matter what. Let's have a drink and ask each other for advice."

The man wanted to pull her, but Shen Qing mercilessly pushed her away: "Just go, don't move, you just lead the way."

"Okay, okay, you little brother, you are really unreasonable."

He muttered in his mouth, calling his own people to lead the way, but he watched his men winking desperately, and then stopped and waited for them to come over.

After Shen Qing was about five or six meters away from them, the head of the family withdrew the hippie smile on his face, and his eyes looked abnormally cold.

"what's up?"

"Boss, as you expected, the head of the bodyguard sent someone to follow him."

"Hmph, I promised so happily, how can I not be a bit tricky? Besides, I can see that the person is not a perfidy. Try to get rid of it, and if you can't get rid of it, you will just be knocked out. I'm not someone in my territory. They can all be touched.”

"Okay, it's just..., that kid."

The man's eyes were fixed: "What? When will it be your turn to dictate my affairs? What should you do? Get out!"

After his subordinates ran away in despair, he returned to his smiling face and chased after Shen Qing. The younger brothers behind him lowered their heads and shook their heads when they saw the face of the master, but they also realized that the boy was real. He was spotted by the big boss!

They Spring Breeze Ruyi Village, it seems that they will recruit a new talent recently!

Whenever the face of the head of the family shows this kind of expression that is sure to win, they know that this thing can be done!
Of course, Shen Qing didn't know everything behind this.

I thought she could memorize the route up the mountain, but when she reached the foot of the mountain, someone covered her head.

It doesn't matter if you cover your head, she can still remember the route, and even use spells to make marks on the trees she passed by without anyone noticing. With this, her way down the mountain can be guaranteed.

The road up the mountain was not smooth, the potholes were uneven and it was not easy to walk, and the original owner’s physical fitness was not good enough, and he had to pant for half a day after walking for half an hour.

"Your physical strength doesn't seem to be faking. It doesn't seem to coordinate with your skill. How can you be so good in skill, but your physical strength can't keep up?"

Shen Qing under the hijab rolled her eyes, nonsense, my old lady has traveled through so many lives, it is not enough to have memories, some people even have memories, but if the original owner is not smart enough, they will still get stuck when doing the questions!Can't write articles, or can't write, because memory can't represent IQ.

Just like the problem of skills, the host who passed through is poor in physical fitness, so she has to practice the day after tomorrow to improve it. Memories alone cannot dominate the limbs for a long time.

But unfortunately, these questions have nothing to do with them, so they can only reply dryly.

"Nonsense, your home is on the mountain, and you don't get tired from climbing every day. Who the hell goes up the mountain every day to go home?"

Having said that, the head of the family still felt that something was wrong, but Shen Qing didn't bother to talk about it, and she was distracted to release her strength to make a mark, otherwise her physical strength would be exhausted so quickly?
Sure enough, it's not without reason that she can't do two things at once. Look, she's tired!

After going up the mountain and then going down the mountain, after passing through the forest full of stones, it seems that we have reached the plains.

When the hijab on her head was removed and she saw the scene in front of her, she felt as if she was in a paradise.

It is true that there are mountains behind, but there is a plain in front of you. The so-called bandit den does not exist at all. There are rows of cave dwellings under the mound in the distance. All kinds of crops are planted, this is a harmonious picture of a family deep in the mountains!

Not only living in cave dwellings, but also thatched huts. The wheat seedlings in the field have gradually turned grass green, and there is a happy atmosphere everywhere. It is basically separated from the disputes of the outside world.
As soon as they came back, they were surrounded by children running over, and the man even held them up high, making the children let out a pleasant laugh of healing.

To be honest, for a moment, she was healed by this atmosphere.

When the man came over, she couldn't help asking: "The second in charge...?" Could he also live here?

The man shook his head, "It's already separated, this is my territory now, anyone who disobeys will have to be kicked out, they have already started a new life, but those people still come back every day to rob, the next step I have to get some outside the mountain Organs, to guard against those bastards! Tui! All the softies, they thought they were capable, but they failed to achieve anything. They had long said that they should do some farm work honestly. Even if the business outside is not good, they would not starve themselves. As a result, I have to sit back and enjoy the benefits, and in the end, I don’t even want to talk about them,”

Shen Qing twitched her mouth and observed the area attentively. She really felt that he was managing it with all his heart. Looking at these well-organized fertile fields and well-located houses, she had to praise them: "I'm very surprised." , you did a good job!"

"then you……,"

Before he could say anything, Shen Qing refused.

"As you said, you have a lot of people to feed, I saw it, but I also have people to feed, a lot of beggars are taken in by me, all poor children left over from the famine years, if I come here , what should they do?"

"That's not easy? Why don't you bring them here together? The most important thing we don't need here is children. Bring them here and raise them together, so you don't have to worry about the future?"

It sounds like this, but she doesn't want these children to be bandits!

"Don't worry, the children don't know what we do, and we don't intend to be bandits for the rest of our lives. We hunt, work as carpenters, and occasionally go to the city to find some odd jobs."

The head of the family was desperately trying to clean himself up, but the younger brother next to him muttered something.

"That's right, you have to trust us. After all, robbing this business doesn't happen every day. When we meet the kind-hearted master of our family, we will leave some for others. It is not much at all, and we will leave some for others." Son, then it would be better not to rob, you said if someone bites back, what can you do?"

With a sound of 'puchi', Shen Qing couldn't hold back, laughed out loud, and looked at the man by the way.

"I can't see it, ha, you are kind?"

People don't listen to this, and said bluntly: "Your hand throws hidden weapons through the air, can you teach me? Also, I heard that night that your speed is very impressive, and you can come to your side almost instantly. Your footwork is amazing, can you teach me this too? Don't worry, I won't learn it in vain, can I ask you to be my teacher? You can be the military advisor of our Spring Breeze Ruyi Village, "

Shen Qing was a little embarrassed: "You really think highly of me, how can I teleport?"

"That's right, it's teleportation, and you still say you don't know how to do it. Look how good your name is, it's teleportation, it's amazing!"

Of course it's powerful, wouldn't the teleportation with black magic be powerful?But how can this teach you?To learn this, you must first know the sorcery, and you are not a demon!

"Is my sincerity not enough? If you think it is not enough, then I will pay your tuition?"

Shen Qing exhausted her patience: "Why can't you understand? It's not that I don't teach you, it's that I don't know how to do it at all. You also know that it was said by your second boss. Can you believe what he said? You see I've been here too, or would you send me down? I have to go home to take care of those little beggars!"

(End of this chapter)

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