Chapter 1122 [1121] Taste little lady 15 (5000+)

Shen Qing was sitting on the right side of the donkey cart. When she fell backwards, Lin Sen could only grab her by the front out of instinct.

At this moment, Lin Sen was stunned, and it was not that he had never experienced human affairs. He thought that when they were rich, they would go to the flower shop in the county to drink flower wine. The bloody kind
He subconsciously tightened the reins, and after the donkey cart stopped slowly, he looked down at his hands, and then turned his head to look at Shen Qing who was staring at him for a moment.

"You..." Just when Shen Qing thought that she might be exposed like this, who would have thought that what she blurted out was!
"I can't see it, you little dwarf, you are as thin as a stick, but your breasts are not small. I didn't know that, I thought you were a woman!"

Shen Qing blinked, isn't it, this guy is so unresponsive?Did he really think he was a real man?
Shen Qing coughed uncomfortably: "Shut up, and if you say I'm a woman, I'll never end with you!"

After finishing speaking, he urged him to drive away. Lin Sen came back to his senses, turned his head stiffly, and lightly raised his whip: "Drive, let's go!"

Shen Qing was short, and she didn't notice someone's ears covered by her natural curly hair. She was already red and hot, and her gaze was slightly dull.

What kept coming back to his mind was the daily life after meeting Shen Qing, especially the temperature of his hand just now, and what made him unable to control himself for a long time was the big secret that came out of nowhere.

Brother Qing is actually a woman?female?
No wonder how she looks like a bitch, and how she looks a little too delicate.

What did Yu Jingtian say a few days ago? 'You took her captive to be Mrs. Yazhai? '

Mrs. Yazhai!


Oh my god, how slow is he to react, to ignore such important words, it's ridiculous how did he come back?

'What nonsense are you talking about, I'm normal! '

Lin Sen's face turned red at this moment, in order to avoid embarrassment, he could only turn his head away, not daring to look at Shen Qing.

Shen Qing didn't have time to take care of it, she was planning the money, what to buy in a while, and even thinking about how to get rid of this man.

If you look up at this moment, you will definitely be amused by this man who is rough on the outside but pure on the inside.

As a modern woman who has gone through so many lives, she doesn't feel that if she is caught, she will lose her innocence. At most, she didn't react in time to give him a slap. The one with exposed meat is much better.

Especially, he didn't do it on purpose.

The mountain roads in ancient times were not only potholes and uneven, but also very difficult to walk. If you meet another fellow traveler, it will be even more annoying.

This time, they cut down a tree and put it on the road to block their way. She didn't know this group of people, but seeing Lin Sen's appearance, they were very familiar.

After pulling the donkey cart to a stop, he whispered to Shen Qing without looking back: "Run when you find a chance."

Shen Qing frowned, watching Lin Sen folded his arms and leaning on the donkey cart in leisure time, looking at the bandits blocking the way.

"What's the matter? I haven't seen you for a few days, and you dare to block my way? You are in charge, let him get the hell out of here, and I want to ask him what he means!"

These bandits had long complained about Lin Sen. If they were in the village, they wouldn't have to live a life of wandering without a fixed place to live.

So when Lin Sen said that, instead of retreating, the bandits in the circle stared at them one by one.

Shen Qing sat on the donkey cart, staring at these people intently, always feeling that their eyes were murderous.

"Be careful, these people are not good, we are outnumbered, don't force it!"

"Did you hear what I just said? Run when you find the right opportunity, their target is me, not you!"

Lin Sen casually hung one leg on the car, and stood under the car with the other leg, commanding Shen Qing with a calm expression.

"What do you mean? Of course it's your life. If you don't die, how can I go back? Do you know that I'm forced by you now, and I don't even have a decent place to go?"

A sinister and rough voice sounded from behind the two of them. Looking back, a young man with a black blindfold on his left eye came out of the shadows. Standing in front of Lin Sen, his tall body didn't look short at all.

Shen Qing raised her eyebrows: "Hey, you're still quite young, so your village is considered to be taken over by the next generation now? Your father and your uncle are fighting like this, right? It looks like this , she looks pretty good, but she is blind, tsk tsk, what a pity."

Lin Sen looked at Shen Qing speechlessly: "Shut up if you don't want to die, he is not as easy to talk as I am."

Of course she could see it, and the man's hearing is good, he actually heard what she said, and looked at her like a predator ready to go. This kind of person is insidious and treacherous to her. The feeling is like a pervert living in a dark corner, there is no way, he makes her feel too uncomfortable.

"We are surrounded now, I can't even run if I want to."

The second master surrounded him from behind. It seemed that he had been waiting here for a long time. If he knew that Lin Sen was going down the mountain, it would be just the two of them. Could it be that there were traitors in Ruyi Village?
When Shen Qing thought this way, she subconsciously raised her head to look at Lin Sen. Although Lin Sen's expression didn't change in any way, he yelled at the man in a cold voice.

"Guo Lei, don't talk nonsense, if you want to do it, do it together, the problem between us, it's useless to talk about it!"

Going it alone, Guo Lei would definitely not be able to beat Lin Sen. If he could beat Lin Sen, he wouldn't be the one to be swept away.

After being kicked out, he never gave up going back. Fortunately, his people were clever. When they saw Lin Sen driving alone in the direction of the county town, he rushed to report that their temporary lair was nearby. Gather up, this time, no matter what you say, get rid of Lin Sen, the bastard.

It was obvious that Lin Sen was at a disadvantage, but he didn't panic at all. Instead, he looked at him with contempt. This exhausted all the remaining feelings in his heart. He touched his eyes and said yes Lin Sen's hatred can no longer be described in words.

He turned around indifferently, and after making a gesture, all the bandits swung their knives in the same direction.

Lin Sen dragged her behind. The first one who came up kicked away first, then grabbed the arm of the second one, and pushed her hard towards him. When he broke the leg, there was only a click sound under the immense force. The man's arm was broken, and when the pain sounded, he casually grabbed the knife of one of them and threw it at her: "Be smart, don't get hurt by mistake."

After Lin Sen's activities started, he no longer became passive, but rushed towards those people with strides. His strength seemed to be very strong. As long as he didn't kill the people caught by him, he made them break their legs and arms. , Broken or broken, broken foundation, so that they can't get up, even if they hold a knife, so what?
His movements are fast, and his reaction is also fast. Even if he is surrounded, he can still distinguish his position by hearing the sound.

At first no one paid any attention to her, but when he realized that gathering so many people could not deal with him, the one-eyed Mr. Guo Lei gave orders to his people.

"Catch that little boy first."

Xu Shi realized that Lin Sen was protecting her. At first Guo Lei didn't move her because he didn't want to distract his subordinates, but now, seeing that he was about to be defeated, he couldn't take care of anything. Someone slashed at her.

Shen Qing is good at close combat. The big knife in her hand is still a bit heavy for her, which affects her performance. She casually threw the knife on the donkey cart, and then fought these people with her bare hands. She is petite and small, and she is good at instant Moving, the three men in her hands failed to take the slightest advantage, but because of her excessive speed, the tendons in her hands and feet were picked. After these tendons were broken, it was impossible to move, no more Mobility, how can you carry the knife in your hand?

Lin Sen was about to miss her so much, he stared at her side intently, growling at her from time to time.

"You liar, how dare you say you can't?"

Teleportation is an extremely energy-consuming effort, and using black magic will also consume her physical strength too quickly, so she must make a quick decision. More than a dozen people did not see how she shot or what weapon she used. He was lying on the ground and screaming because of a hamstring or hand tendon injury.

More than 30 people fell down in a short while, but at this time, Guo Lei didn't even see any weapons Shen Qing was using.

"Who are you? Why do you want to join forces with Lin Sen? Are you going to be my enemy?"

"There is no filth between me and you. You ordered me to be killed. Then I must not stand and let you kill me. I have to resist, right?"

Facing Guo Lei's questioning, Shen Qing answered confidently, and even glanced at the seven or eight people behind Guo Lei.

"There are only a few standing now, how about it? Do you want to continue, or get down together and crawl home? Let me tell you first, I have grasped the strength of the hamstrings and tendons, and I haven't completely cut them off for you, so if you If the treatment is timely, it may not affect your future life, if this is the case, then you will be like this for the rest of your life."

If you can't use your hands and feet at the same time, how can you survive in the days to come?
So the bandits who were frightened all looked at Guo Lei in unison: "Master, please save us, we don't want to be useless people!"

Guo Lei's nostrils were full of smoke, and he lost again. Why is it always him who loses?
And who is this little boy?

When did Lin Sen have such a number one person by his side?

Seeing Guo Lei's appearance, Lin Sen never thought of killing him.

"For the sake of growing up together, you go, I will let you go, but if you do it again and again, I won't do it again and again. If I meet you for the third time, then I will kill you with my own hands!"

Guo Lei was not reconciled, but Lin Sen moved the big tree away on his own, and directly dragged Shen Qing into the donkey cart. With a whip, no one dared to stop them, and watched them leave.

After Lin Sen left, Guo Zhenzhen walked out of the woods, looked at the direction they were going away, and looked at her own brother with resentment.

"I've said it all, don't fight with him, don't fight with him, why are you disobedient? Dad couldn't beat Uncle Lin back then, do you think you can be better than his son? Mother is confused, how can you beat Uncle Lin? Is he still confused? Now, let’s see how much these people spend to see a doctor and get medicine?”

Even if they are cured, can they follow Guo Lei again?Can you still hold a sword?
Unexpectedly, Guo Lei didn't even look at the people underground.

"Life and death are determined by fate and wealth. I can't protect myself now. You guys, ask for blessings!"

As he said that, he entered the forest without even looking at the people underground.

The uninjured brothers watched Guo Lei leave in disbelief, and tried to kneel down to save others, but were scolded by Guo Lei.

"If you don't follow now, don't follow in the future."

"No, brother, don't go, send us to the hospital anyway, you leave us here like this, are you planning to let us climb to the county seat? Without horses, we are bleeding all the time, we will die!"

The uninjured bandit raised his head silently, looked at Guo Lei, and then at the person lying on the ground crying, after all, he still committed a crime of compassion.

"You wait, we will go back and find a donkey cart to pull you over."

As soon as these people let go of them, "Then you have to come back quickly, we can't hold on anymore, it hurts too much,"

After seven or eight people disappeared into the woods, among these people, only those with injured arms or ankles barely supported themselves to stand up and sneered at the direction Guo Lei left.

"Have you seen the end of us working hard for their Guo family? There is only one person next to the head of the family, and they all know how to protect each other. How about us?"

"So many people were injured because of him, and he can leave us alone, brothers, do you think they will come back to save us?"

"If we wait here until dark, what is waiting for us, I believe you don't need to say more, you know it?"


On the other side, Lin Sen, who got rid of Guo Lei's encirclement, was talking to Shen Qing about the past and present in their village.

"I am the second generation of the Spring Breeze Ruyi Village. My father and his four brothers fled here. There was no other way to start the business of robbing houses. Of course, my father's purpose is to only rob the rich and not hurt people's lives. However, as more and more people followed them, ordinary robbery could no longer support the lives of so many people, and differences occurred among them."

"My father is the eldest, and Guo Lei's father is the second. What my father advocates is that we can't just rely on robbery to survive, we have to farm to support ourselves. Robbery can only be a sideline job, not the main job. We ordinary people still have to rely on food to survive. , and if possible, after you find a way to make money, you should stop doing this business. It was helpless to be forced to go up the mountain. Now that you have this paradise, why can't you live in peace?"

"The second masters are unwilling, saying that they are used to the life of licking blood on the tip of the knife. Although this kind of life is not stable, but the money comes quickly, and the brothers can eat and drink well, and they can also marry wives and have babies. Not only can they not Throw it away and grow our organization."

"The third and fourth family members are younger than them, and they prefer to settle down rather than live a life of ups and downs, because they find that even if life is a little poorer and harder, as long as the family members are safe, they will feel at ease more than anything else. No one Those who supported the second leader would make trouble, and would not obey my father's discipline, often sneaking out with others, and was beheaded by the officials later."

"Merchants and the like have suffered once, how can they suffer again and again? They have plenty of ways to punish them. The second master is too dark, and he doesn't let them stay at all. How can they not retaliate? Unite with the local officials and punish them. That group of people was confiscated. He was in prison at the time. In order to survive, he sold all of us. We lost many brothers and sisters that time. The third and fourth leaders were all in that siege to save me. Dad, there are more people, dead."

"My father led people to the place where he lives now by accident. After everyone woke up, he wanted to drive away the family members of the second head. His wife, son and daughter, a family of three, all of them were driven away. It was Guo Lei's mother who was kneeling Weeping bitterly in front of my father, I reluctantly let them stay."

"For so many years, if my father hadn't helped take care of their family, how could Guo Lei have grown up at the age of seven or eight? Even his martial arts were taught by my father, but what happened? Like his father, he was uneasy about the status quo, and even tried to murder my father under the instigation of his mother. After being discovered by the people in the village, he still refused to repent, bit people, and even said that Guo Lei was my father's son. In other words, my father was so angry that he vomited blood, became the root cause of the disease, and passed away in a few years. That old woman is the most disgusting woman I have ever seen when I grow up!"


Lin Sen didn't start from the beginning, he just said what came to mind, and his hatred for Guo's mother could be tasted between the lines.

"Then where is she now?"

"It's dead, it's been a few years since she died, it's because of her last wish that Guo Lei and I competed for the head of the family, she angered my father to death, indirectly killed my mother, and even urged Guo Lei to fight with me, He didn't even hesitate to poison me, if it wasn't for Guo Zhenzhen or Guo Lei's sister knocking down that glass of wine, I'm afraid I would have died long ago."

"Because of Guo Zhenzhen's actions, it is said that Guo's mother beat her hard, which is retribution. She hated her daughter for not living up to her expectations. She was so angry that she just fell to the ground and died. Hehe, don't you think so? retribution?"

"After the old woman died, Guo Lei and I broke up completely. His eyes were also pierced by me during the competition. Because of this, he completely broke with me. Now I am not the only one who opposes them entering the village. It is because the whole village is unwilling to have anything to do with this family. Even the woman from the Guo family was buried, but she was not buried in the back mountain. She was carried away together with Guo Lei's father's coffin. People in the village said Now, this family is a scourge, absolutely not allowed to stay, if you stay here, you will seek your own death, now, it seems that all the words have been fulfilled."

 The three-month membership subscription is free, and it is estimated that the normal subscription will resume in the next few days. I hope all readers will know.

(End of this chapter)

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