Chapter 1124 [1123] Taste little lady 17 (2000+)

Lin Sen looked at this scene in amazement, "What kind of grass is that, let me see it, it's really beautiful, green and green."

"Oh, this one, I picked it up on the side of the road just now, doesn't it look bright and beautiful?"

Passing it to Lin Sen casually, Lin Sen put it in his hand and looked at it for a while, "No, I've never seen this grass before, where did you pick it up?"

"It's on the side of the road, I forgot where it is, is there any difference?"

"I've never seen such delicate grass when I grow up. Hey, it won't be poisonous. Don't feed my donkey to death,"

The corner of Shen Qing's mouth twitched, "Okay, stop talking nonsense, hurry up, I'm going to feed your donkey to death, why don't I buy you another one?"

While the two of them were arguing, they left the city. On the way, Lin Sen found out that she was planning to grow rice.

"Growing rice is tiring? Are you sure you want to do this? How many people do you need to carry water?"

"We can make a simple waterwheel first and transfer the water there. Such a good place is next to the canal. It would be a pity not to grow rice. Moreover, ducks can be raised while rice is grown. , raising rice flower fish, "

"Tossing, our place is not the main rice producing area at all, we can only grow some miscellaneous grains and wheat,"

Shen Qing didn't take it seriously: "How do you know you can't grow it if you don't try it?" The main producing area of ​​wheat also grows rice!
Lin Sen has never been very concerned about the growth of crops. Instead of showing off physical work, he prefers to choose some extremely challenging activities.

Such as robbery!

Haha, of course, this can only be done after investigating the other party's background. Not all passing businessmen are robbed.

If everyone grabs it, what's the difference with Guo Lei's faction?

They have been entrenched here for many years, and they often deal with the government, bodyguard bureaus, businessmen, and officials. The reason why they have been unable to attack is because of the secret passages of agencies all over the mountains and plains.

When Shen Qing walked down the mountain with him, some seemingly careless actions were actually avoiding various traps.

If she went down the mountain alone, it was hard to say whether she would survive.

Guo Lei just lost in the secret channels of these agencies.

Because Lin Sen's father was from a well-known government family, the Lin family.

The reason why the Lin family fell to this point was also because of their different political stances. Lin Sen's father was the only survivor of the family. He was able to survive that year thanks to the escape route left by his ancestors.

Of course, Shen Qing didn't know about this, and it was impossible for Lin Sen to explain it to her.

She didn't ask why those officers and soldiers didn't lay down the Spring Breeze Ruyi Village all these years.

She knew very well that she would never inquire about things that she should not inquire about.

Naturally, Lin Sen is not ignorant. Apart from robbing, he will also study various mechanisms and techniques left by his father, and even go out to rob graves at a fixed time.

In fact, Chunfeng Ruyi Village is much richer than Shen Qing imagined.

From Lin Sen's point of view, men should travel around, and those who are not in good health, or those who must have a man at home, are forced to farm.

In fact, Shen Qing didn't know how many people there were in Ruyi Village, because not all of them stayed in the village, and there were many people who went out to inquire about the news, not to mention that they also had a team of people who went out to do private work outside (reform agency ), these people are all apprentices taught by Lin Tang, they have a high status in the village, and naturally they earn a lot of money.

If the Spring Breeze Ruyi Village is a cottage, purely to feed the victims and store food, then in the capital and other places, some of the remaining forces of the Lin family are accumulating strength. If the Guo family knew this back then, they would not have ended up like that .

Shen Qing doesn't know, it doesn't mean she is stupid, Lin Sen looks stupid on the surface, he seems to be ignorant of the world, but in his heart, he is clearer than anyone else, this is probably the so-called great wisdom and stupidity?

As a result, when they were walking halfway, they were speechless when they saw the bandits stabbed by Shen Qing.

"Just leave people here like this? Hey, you Guo Lei or something, aren't you afraid that your actions will chill these people's hearts?"

Shen Qing was confident in her attack, these people would not be able to practice martial arts at most after their tendons were severed, but they would be fine for daily work.

Since following bad guys to do bad things, how can we let them practice martial arts again?Picking off a tendon is the greatest punishment.

But the result?

Guo Lei's actions really left the two of them dumbfounded, "Then what about these people?"

There were a dozen or so people lying on the ground, three or five were unconscious due to excessive blood loss, and the rest of their consciousness was also a little weak. In addition, it was getting dark, and they knew that the master was their last hope. Weeping bitterly, she kowtowed to them begging for mercy, saving lives, and her desire to survive was so strong that even Shen Qing couldn't bear it when she saw it.
But Lin Sen, who was sitting on the donkey cart as a fool, was very disgusted with this practice, and didn't even intend to take them in.

"Are you going? If you don't, I'm going."

Shen Qing turned around in surprise: "Are we leaving just like that?"

"What if I don't leave? Stay and carry them? Then send them to the hospital? These are all Guo Lei's people, so it's none of my business?"

Lin Sen made it clear that he didn't intend to take care of it. Seeing that his expression didn't look like he was joking, Shen Qing hesitated for a while, and finally got into the donkey cart.

These people saw that Lin Sen didn't save him, so they just left?

They were extremely annoyed and began to yell. Lin Sen hadn't gone far, so she heard it clearly. Shen Qing turned to look at those people, and suddenly felt that they deserved what happened today.

"You don't think I'm cruel now, do you? Do you know who these people are? Just let me save you?"

"The people who follow Guo Lei are all people who have problems with the three outlooks. They are lazy, enjoy what they get, and are selfish. Bringing this kind of thing back to the village will only cause trouble for our people, not to mention that the muscles of the hands and feet are already dead. The broken people are gone, and I have to spend money to see a doctor for them, and find someone to take care of them, what do you think I am trying to do?"

Shen Qing choked, "I'm sorry, I didn't think carefully,"

"I can't blame you for this. I can only say that Guo Lei abandoned them after comprehensive consideration. He just wanted me to take over the offer, but am I that stupid? Everyone is like a master. I have worked hard. If you drag it back, you may not be able to settle well, listen to what they scolded just now, hey, you really deserved to end up today, it is not worthy of pity at all!"

Therefore, the sentence that a poor person must have something to hate really comes from real life!
Shen Qing fell silent, and Lin Sen didn't speak any more. They were relatively speechless, and they drove the donkey cart slowly on the rugged mountain road. They suddenly didn't know their whereabouts. Those who had been hidden in the dark immediately It was reported to Guo Lei who was hiding on this mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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