Chapter 1128 [1127] Taste little lady 21 (4000+)

A few days later, Lin Sen was carried directly to her, and he was poisoned.

"If you don't carry it to the hospital, what's the matter with carrying it to me?"

A teenager aged eighteen or nineteen cried and said, "If it wasn't for saving me, the village master wouldn't have been bitten by a snake. Mr. Shen, you can just show it to the village master. Go, I'll come back to you, so your medical skills must be very good, right?"

Hey, let me go, this person will really wear a hat for her, this is snake venom, snake venom, in later generations need to use serum in a targeted manner according to the appearance of the snake, but this is ancient times, where is there any serum?What's more, they don't know what kind of snake venom they planted, it's really hateful and exasperating!
There is no way, they are all carried to the front, and if they are not cured, they will be rectified. If the delay continues, the Daluo Immortal will not be able to save him.

Shen Qing asked someone to carry him into her room, then lowered the curtain, and let everyone out. She took off his coat first, and then took a look. When she found that the toxin had not invaded her internal organs, she was relieved, and then Fill him with a large amount of spiritual spring water for filtration.

Lingquan water has a certain effect of cleansing the essence and cutting the marrow, but it needs to be taken for a long time to achieve twice the result with half the effort. In this case, it can only slow down the process of incorporation of toxins, and the key is to rely on her to force the poison.

Taking advantage of the fact that the toxins in the blood were not too much, she first used acupuncture to control the blood flow, and then began to force the poison with black magic.

Originally, the quality of this body was poor, and the toxin was halfway through, and she felt dizzy, so she simply stopped.

Because her face was pale and her body was weak, she suppressed the discomfort, and now she pulled out the needles on his body, and then called someone in.

"You help him to your own home first, give him this water, drink it every half an hour, let him excrete more, I need to rest for a while, wait for me to get up and then detoxify the rest of the poison."

Shen Qing drove everyone out of the door, put the bolt on the door, and entered the space to recover her physical strength.

She didn't expect this body to be so weak. It seems that she has neglected physical exercise during this period of time.

At the same time, no one expected that Lin Sen, who had only urinated twice, woke up before Shen Qing. Apart from his slightly pale face, he was in a good mental state. When he woke up, the others were overjoyed He directly called Shen Qing's amazing medical skills, and realized that he was really Lin Sen who was rescued by Shen Qing, and he admired this girl who looked small but was very capable.

He didn't know why he made such arrangements. Thinking about it now, he was still a little scared. If she didn't have this ability, would his life be in the tomb?

During Lin Sen's disappearance, he went to dig a tunnel to rob a tomb. As a result, the owner of the tomb was still a little bit capable, and there were many tricks, and the snake was running around. He accidentally fell on the road. Fortunately, although this snake is venomous, the toxin is very strong. It is not as poisonous as the king cobra, otherwise, before he is sent back, he may have seen King Yama.

In their line of work, they always tied their heads to their waistbands, whether they were robbing tombs or being bandits. They knew that there was danger, but they still had to bite the bullet and rush forward. Who made these two lines more profitable?

You have to ask him, why save so much money?

His answer was of course: "Marry a wife, what else can the money be used for? Of course it is used to marry a wife!"

Speaking of marrying a daughter-in-law, he suddenly became interested in Shen Qing. That little guy is really capable. Lin Sen grew up so big, and he really didn't admire anyone except his father, but Shen Qing can count now. One.

He thought of going to see his savior, but was told that he was resting due to lack of energy and could not be disturbed.

Lin Sen didn't believe in evil, so he knocked on the door, but as expected, no one answered him, so he could only leave angrily, and obediently drank the water she gave her.

"I don't know what kind of water this water is. It's sweet and delicious, so delicious!" It's not like a potion!
Just after drinking this stuff, the color of the urine that comes out is a bit dark, black, and scary!

In the evening, Shen Qing came out of the space, her complexion improved a lot, but she hadn't fully recovered yet.

He came to Lin Sen's place and did a detailed examination for him. He found that after most of the toxin was forced out, his body functions had returned to normal. Can be forced out slowly.

Considering her physical condition, she chose the latter conservative treatment method, giving him enough amount every day, drinking more and expelling more, and within half a month, the residual poison would be almost cleared up.

"Don't you ask me, because of what poisoning?"

Everyone is curious, right?Why did this girl ignore him even after he was poisoned by the snake?
"My responsibility is to cure your illness, not to randomly inquire about why you became like this, besides, that kid didn't say that you saved him, I can't tell, you are kind. "

"What kind of kindness, I can't avoid it."

Shen Qing hooked her lips, she was really modest, could she avoid it?How is it possible, just be a good person and say what you do, why are you so hypocritical?
"Are you all right?"

"It's okay, but I can't force you to be poisoned for the time being. You have to drink that special water for half a month. After half a month, the color of the urine you take will become normal, so you're basically fine."

"What kind of water is this?"

"I specially brewed a kind of water that can detoxify. It is beneficial to drink more. You can drink this water for conditioning every day except for the staple food."

Lin Sen looked at her sideways for a moment, and took out a very beautiful golden phoenix bracelet from his bosom. The bracelet was exquisitely carved and bright in color, and it was still very heavy in his hand. It could be seen that it was very valuable. She raised her head Look at him: "For me?"

Lin Sen nodded: "I can't repay you for saving my life. This bracelet is all my medical fee. However, it is a funeral object of the owner of the tomb. If you are jealous, I can find a way to replace it for you."

Shen Qing shook her head: "No taboo, the bracelet is very beautiful, okay, I will accept the consultation fee."

Anyway, she doesn't wear these yellow and white things in her hands, and she will realize them sooner or later, so she doesn't care if they are funerary objects or something, but looking at the fineness of the bracelet, she thinks it hasn't been long since the bracelet was buried in the ground!
Huh?No, Lin Sen is very good, how could there be something dug out of the ground?
When she cast her puzzled eyes on him, the latter smiled and said, "What do you want to ask?"

Shen Qing moved her lips: "Did you go to rob a tomb during the ten days you left?"

Lin Sen didn't answer her directly, but instead asked, "Would you dislike this?"

disgusted?It doesn't matter, but if they don't steal, someone will steal sooner or later. This is an industry that relies on technology to make a living. People rely on skills to make a living. What can she be disgusted with?
Seeing that Shen Qing's expression was not disgusted, but inexplicable, Lin Sen heaved a sigh of relief: "Actually, apart from this cottage, I occasionally go out to pick up this kind of work. My ancestors are good at some mechanism skills, whether it's for the living or the dead. All agencies have been involved."

Shen Qing didn't expect him to tell her his secret just like that, thinking of those teams that had names but had never seen anyone.

I couldn't help asking: "There are twenty or thirty people on the list who have been missing, are they in your team?"

Lin Sen nodded: "Well, that's it, but it's not all. Some of them are inquiring about the news outside. Otherwise, my robbery seems too passive, isn't it? Inquire in advance, and there will be a channel to buy the news. Grab one."

In fact, such things have happened from ancient times to the present, and it is nothing rare, but if you want to get your business or reputation out, you naturally have your own unique methods and skills.

She never thought of interfering with him, nor did she think of changing him. After all, the stay here was only temporary. From her point of view, she admired him for being able to feed so many refugees. As for where the money to feed the refugees came from ,unimportant.

After all, you can only take care of one end, right?
If you want to get a name, you have to get it in a proper way, which is indeed a bit embarrassing.

But it's true that there's no need to tell her about it. I didn't expect this guy to be quite talkative. He told her everything he shouldn't have told her, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Thanks to him, now she can earn an average of three taels of silver every day. With this income, it doesn't matter whether she sells vegetables or not.

Although the money is still an IOU, these people can't escape the temple if they run away, and sooner or later they have to pay back what they owe her.

Three taels a day, why not two a month?Even if you ask for leave or quit, you will have to pay seven to eighty taels of silver, which is much more than what she sells vegetables, but what she sells are all craftsmanship, so that they can be self-reliant, independent craftsmanship, no matter how much money they spend , is also worthwhile.

Taking advantage of this time, she has not been idle in planting vegetables in the space. It is time to exchange gold coins for gold coins, upgrades, and storage.

The good land in the space has been upgraded to level six. The vegetables that can be grown now include radishes, cabbage, garlic, wheat, rice, corn, potatoes, small rapeseed, lettuce, eggplant, tomato and many other varieties. Among them, tomatoes are the rarest ones. What she stores now are tomatoes, because tomatoes can be cooked There are too many delicacies.

Unfortunately, there are no tomatoes in this world, and I don’t know where to look for them, which makes her dare not put them in cooking. If she gets hungry, she can make a pot of tomato stewed noodles in the space, or fry some French fries , Dip yourself in ketchup and eat.

After one month of class, there will be tests and experimental classes, such as literacy and arithmetic, and a test will be conducted to see the level of learning.

If it is technical, then assign a homework and let them complete it independently.

Then give guidance based on the finished products they handed in, and then leave a few more targeted guidance lessons. Of course, these exercises-based courses are free of charge. Only when new things are taught, can they be regarded as real classes.

To make tofu, you can’t grasp the amount of gypsum (brine), how much water to add, and how much to squeeze. These all need to be summed up in practice. If you can’t learn it in one month, it will take two months. Learned, when to make good tofu, can be counted as a teacher.

During this period, all the beans I contacted here were provided by her, including all the things about making tofu. If they caused waste, she would make up for it and give everyone an extra meal at noon. Try to be zero waste.

There are six students in one class, and she pays 120 Wen, which actually includes the raw materials. She provides these, which makes these students more psychologically balanced, otherwise they must scold her behind their backs.

The spinning machine and cotton for spinning are also provided by her. Even the embroidery threads are cheap products that she bought in advance. After the embroidery is done, there is still time to do it with a good needle and thread.

Such an all-round young man, although he is not yet 15 years old, seems to be a bit of a mother, but due to his ability, many girls are attracted to her, and they try their best to find people in the village to help matchmaking, which can make Yu Jingtian and the others Laughed badly.

They all wanted to see a joke, and wanted to see how Shen Qing would end up.

They thought that she would take this opportunity to announce her identity, but Shen Qing was not overwhelmed by the difficulties in front of her, and she politely and implicitly rejected those girls' families. Her reason was that she was young and her parents needed to order her marriage. The parents haven't found it yet, so I won't consider it for the time being.

When Shen Qing came, she said that she was also separated from her family while fleeing famine, so her parents didn't find this reason, so she was able to stand up.

I thought that such a life would be easy and comfortable, and I should be able to live on forever, but I didn’t expect that the border of the imperial court was in chaos, the war continued, and the inland side was forced to recruit soldiers everywhere, and four or five people from their village were forcibly taken away. , if I hadn't had the ability to run back, I'm afraid I would have been taken away long ago.

"The people in those villages are very unlucky. From the age of ten to forty-five, they are all taken away by you and become young men."

"This famine has seriously hurt the vitality of the common people. Now if you want to take away the pillars of the family and the future, what's the point? The common people are making trouble everywhere, but those people hold swords, who can fight? It's up to you, play like this Go down, sooner or later you will die."

"This emperor is not good, his mind is too small. When the Shen family was in power, they were brave and resourceful, and they knew how to use talents. Apart from being small-minded, this emperor couldn't see anything else. Old Shen looked down on him, and he had to support him. He, but he didn't live up to it, and in the end he took the Shen family's life in turn, he really asked for his own death."

After hearing what his subordinates said, Lin Sen immediately stopped him: "Don't talk nonsense, the Shen family has made great achievements, this is the biggest mistake in the first place, now that the Shen family is destroyed, although the glory of the Jin Dynasty is no longer there, the emperor alone has the final say on the whole court. , unlike before, everything was controlled by the Shen family. He was clearly the emperor, but in the end he seemed to be working with the Shen family. Wouldn’t he be annoyed by which emperor you changed? Don’t you hate it? Even if the Kingdom of Jin is over. , he will not regret destroying the nine clans of the Shen family!"

Obviously the two were talking about their own family, but there was no emotion on Shen Qing's face. No matter what happened to the Shen family, they had already got what they deserved. She was no longer Shen Qing, and naturally, she would not care about it. In the future of the Shen family, revenge is even more nonsense. On the contrary, now that wars continue and the matter of barbaric conscription, it is better to be careful!
 I have caught a cold these days, and the weather has dropped suddenly. Everyone should protect themselves!
(End of this chapter)

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