Chapter 1137 [1136] Taste little lady 30 (4000+)

Yu Jingtian let out a cold snort in disdain, obviously he was too naive to ask others, and he didn't even bother to ask.

Can you tell the truth if you ask?joke!

They didn't know that the conversation between the two fell into the eyes of others, and they felt inexplicably weird, especially when they saw Shen Qing's pale and somewhat abnormal face, there was an inexplicable strange feeling in their eyes.

When their eyes kept lingering back and forth on these three people, Shen Qing, who was belatedly aware of it, finally felt something was wrong.

Turning around, the strange expressions of everyone made her frown instantly, subconsciously, she turned to look at Yu Jingtian.

"Okay, I'm such a big man, and it's not that I don't have the ability to protect myself. If you want to go, go with me. You don't have to worry about my business."

After saying that, he stood up: "I'm tired, I'll go back to my room to rest first, you guys continue."

"Hey, don't go, I haven't discussed our arrangement with you yet! Besides, they are leaving this afternoon, you,"

"I wish you all the best, I won't come out to see you off, as for you and me, it's not too late to discuss it after I wake up." This place can't stay any longer, otherwise she will be stared at by these people Feeling uncomfortable.

Originally, she was just looking for an excuse to hide in the room, but who would have thought that she would really fall asleep, and when she woke up again, the sky had already darkened.

Yu Jingtian and his party had already left more than two hours ago.

"Where's your village master?"

"The village master waited and waited until you woke up, so he simply went to the back mountain and wandered around, saying that if you woke up, he would look for him in the woods on the other side of the mountain."

After asking her sister-in-laws what she said, Shen Qing walked along the ridge of the farm all the way to the back door, and from the back door walked through the dirt road and walked around the forest to the mountain forest.

The mountains here are not high, only about a hundred meters, but it takes a lot of time to walk from the farm.

"This man, what are you doing running so far? I'm exhausted."

Although after arriving at the cottage, he continued to climb up and down, and his physical fitness was also practiced, but when he was in a hurry, walking quickly still consumed his physical energy.

In particular, although the mountains and forests are not too high, it is not easy to climb them.

There are farms around here, and the mountains and forests are not unoccupied. There are places where fruit trees are enclosed and there are wild places.

Originally, those sister-in-laws were going to bring her here, but it was not appropriate for the female relatives to come with him, so they just came here by themselves.

Feeling here by herself, she was inevitably a little panicked, and then she was unlucky, and bumped into a pair of wild mandarin ducks in the grass nest, huh!
Shen Qing was so embarrassing, neither walking nor retreating, when she didn't know what to do, someone suddenly covered her mouth from behind, and dragged her into the bushes.

At first, Shen Qing reacted a little because of fear, but later she smelled something familiar, she turned her head and stared.

"Woooo." Let go of me.

But seeing Lin Sen had a grass in his mouth, after letting go of him, he simply lay down on the grass nest with his legs crossed.

After Shen Qing resumed her normal breathing, she glanced at the position where he was lying down, obviously she had been lying here for a while, no wonder he was able to tie her up without anyone noticing.

After that, he pointed to the movement in the grass, and said an incoherent sentence.

Shen Qing blushed, "You, rascal!"

Lin Sen was delighted when he saw the red clouds flying up on her cheeks: "Yo, you don't seem to understand anything, and you're actually blushing!"

"You, you brought me here to watch this?"

"Wrong, how did I know that you can sleep like this? I thought I would set off in the afternoon, but what time is it?"

"I'm not a god, how can I control the time when you and them come over? You think highly of me too."

When the two of them talked, they subconsciously lowered their voices, so they didn't disturb the wild mandarin ducks over there.

"Also, I came here much earlier than them. Who would have thought that they would take off their clothes as soon as they came here? It's not appropriate for me to jump out after all the clothes are taken off?"

"Then you have been listening to the corner for a long time here? You, what are you doing?"

Shen Qing was speechless, stood up and wanted to leave, but Lin Sen seemed to have heard something, and suddenly grabbed her arm and pulled her back.

"Let go!" Shen Qing struggled to break free and jumped away from him.

Although the warmth in his arms only existed for a moment, Lin Sen felt that today was not a waste of time, so he hurriedly said before she got angry.

"Don't be angry, the reason why I let you come here is because there is a kind of delicacy on the mountain, anyway, I can't leave today, just come and play for a while, those two are leaving soon, please wait patiently."

Just wanted to ask, how do you know they're leaving soon?Suddenly, I felt that when I asked this question, there was something I couldn’t say. . .Well, just keep your mouth shut.

Who would have thought that this bastard, Lin Sen, was so out of tune, and looked far away meaningfully.

"I can tell from the sound of that guy whether he is a long-time victorious general!"

Shen Qing looked at the sky speechlessly, and decided not to answer this question that she couldn't answer.

Ever since he knew that Shen Qing had unique ideas about what to eat, he thought of sharing this kind of food with her.

Food in the mountains?

Shen Qing looked at Lin Sen suspiciously: "Fruit?"

Lin Sen shook his head, "Wild hawthorns, wild jujubes, persimmons, and walnuts have all been picked before the frost. Now it's the first month, where will there be any fruits? You think too much."

"Then what kind of food are you talking about?"

Seeing her anxious look, Lin Sen felt a little powerless: "Will you know soon?"

When Shen Qing was about to speak, his ears moved, and when he heard something, he immediately made a gesture of silence, and subconsciously lowered her head, the two of them hid in the dry grass in winter,

"Where did the wild mandarin ducks come from?"

"It's not from our Zhuangzi, maybe it's from other Zhuangzi? It's okay, they've gone far away, let's go, I'll take you to eat delicious food!"

With that said, she naturally took Shen Qing's hand, and subconsciously rubbed it twice, and was startled by the softness of her little hand.

I couldn't help but wonder: "You don't work less usually, why are your hands so soft and delicate? It feels so comfortable to the touch!"

Shen Qing came to her senses belatedly, and immediately pulled her hand out of his warm palm, with a bit of displeasure on her face.

"You are sick, why are you holding my hand? You still touch it, you, don't you know how abnormal this behavior is?"

Lin Sen gave her a meaningful look, "Okay, I'm perverted, I'm sick, didn't you just touch it? What's the big deal, bitches, don't you think I overreacted?"

"I," Shen Qing was furious, but she couldn't speak anymore, she couldn't tell him directly, she was a woman, right?

Grinding his back molars, he warned him: "Don't pull my hand, don't hug me, don't drag me, stay away from me, talk about something, don't touch me, do you hear me clearly?"

Lin Sen was speechless. Seeing that she was simply one or two meters away from him, he had no choice but to walk ahead and lead the way.

To be honest, after sleeping, I was really hungry. I was thinking about going to Fucheng before dark, but he didn't leave.

What good food can there be on this hillside?

If it's not fruit, what is it?
As Shen Qing walked up the mountain, she observed the surrounding animals and plants. She saw thatch roots, shepherd's purse, white wormwood and other wild vegetables. These are the best wild vegetables eaten during the first month. And it's not too small, almost instinctively, prompting her to bend down and pinch it off when she sees it.

"Why are you pinching that? There are many in the mountain. If you like it, Gaiming will take you to dig it in a day."

"This is shepherd's purse, and this is Yinchen, also called Baihao. It's delicious when steamed. Anyway, I'm not leaving today. I'm here again. Why wait for it to be changed? I'll make some now, tonight Let’s steam it and it’s not good to eat. Artemisia in the first month tastes the best, don’t be dazed, help me dig more, this thing is not easy to choose and wash, let’s get as much as we can before dark.”

Lin Sen didn't expect this guy to be attracted by wild vegetables in the mountains.

"I dug a trap on the mountain, don't you want to go and see if you caught anything?"

It turns out that the delicious food in this guy's mouth refers to wild game?
She looked around, looking at this not very high mountain, a little strange.

"What game can there be in this mountain forest? Besides, doesn't this mountain have an owner?"

"So what if there is an owner? After all, the places that can be confined are limited. The nearby common people want to come here to collect some firewood and dig some wild vegetables, but no one stops them. There are many pheasants and hares in this mountain. I just brought them here today. You take your chances!"

When Shen Qing heard this, she was even more unwilling to give up the large field of wild vegetables in front of her.

"Is there any other delicious food for me, isn't it pheasant and hare? It's not like I haven't eaten it before. You should go and see if there is any. I think I can dig more wild vegetables to make up a meal!"

"Hehe, you are not mean, you still look down on pheasants and hares?"

"I've eaten both wild boar and wolf meat. What pheasant and hare do you think I will be rare? I can hunt those things myself. What's so rare?"

It's not that Shen Qing doesn't know how to hunt by herself, it's just whether she has the time and whether she wants to, so she doesn't care about this kind of wild game that often appears. Picking interest.

It's not how delicious the wormwood is, or how good it is as a medicinal material, it's just the process of digging that makes her feel more cured.

Regarding Shen Qing's brain circuit, Lin Sen couldn't figure it out, so he didn't bother to think about it. Seeing that she ignored him, he went up the mountain a little annoyed.

In the end, I was very disappointed, what kind of pheasant and hare, I didn't even find a shadow, and it was a pity that I didn't follow, otherwise I would definitely be ridiculed.

Although he didn't catch any traps he dug, there are a lot of game in this mountain forest. Look, just when he was disappointed, he saw a flash of flowers in front of him, and a big colorful pheasant seemed to be provocative in front of him. flew over, and got into the forest in front at an extremely fast speed.

Lin Sen's eyes lit up, and he shouted behind him: "Young brother, come quickly, there's a pheasant, such a big pheasant!"

As soon as the words fell, before Shen Qing could react, she quickly chased after her.

Shen Qing was concentrating on picking her own wild vegetables. She heard Lin Sen's call, but she didn't stop her hands.

"If you have it, you can do it. With your skill, you don't need me to help you. I still have my work to do!"

This was her response to Lin Sen, even if he couldn't hear her, she didn't care.

When she came here, she didn't bring anything, but when she was digging, she saved up a lot, and she didn't worry if she couldn't take it with her. Anyway, she could get as much as she had space.

While digging, she lowered her head to look for the greenery in winter.

Capsicum chinensis is green and grows above the roots of thorny and dry branches. Shepherd's purse is red and green in this season. If it grows near the water, the color may turn green. Other places are not pure green, but hair spots. Red, this kind of taste is better.

The wild vegetables were all in one piece, and while she was searching, she changed places to dig, and the sky dimmed unknowingly.

Only at this time did she realize that Lin Sen's trip had taken too long?

Shen Qing called subconsciously: "Lin Sen?"

However, the only thing that was quiet was the chirping of birds. Her heart tightened, she stood up straight, and listened carefully for a while.

This time, apart from the chirping of birds, there were also the slight sounds of the wind and other small animals. Other than that, it was eerily quiet.

She yelled a few more times in disbelief, but there was still no response from Lin Sen. Could it be that he walked away?
Shen Qing immediately put all those wild vegetables into the space, and then moved up quickly, calling Lin Sen's name as she walked.

As they walked, they came to the place where Lin Sen dug the trap, but there were no traces other than his footprints.

She had no choice but to bite the bullet and walk deep into the woods. Although she was also worried whether this guy was deliberately scaring her, she was also afraid that if something happened to him, she could only find it from the faint traces in the woods. , to search for his taste.

Ever since Shen Qing mastered the sorcery, her sense of smell will be enhanced in the magic technique, and her sense of smell will be activated when she can't find it with her eyes.

After all, Lin Sen was still here just now, so his aura was easy to find.

So when she used the technique to find it by following the smell, she was surprised by the complex terrain here.

Because she didn't expect that in such an ordinary-looking forest, she could find a cave by turning around like a formation.

The entrance of the weird cave was dark, the sky was already dim, and the surrounding visibility was less than five meters. If it wasn't for the black magic that improved her night vision ability, she would not have dared to enter this cave.

Standing at the entrance of the cave, she hesitated whether to go in or not. After all, it was already dark and she didn't know what was going on inside. Wouldn't it be dangerous if there was something unclean?
But judging from the signs of the smell, Lin Sen did go in. Isn't this guy too curious?
It's so dark, how did he get in there?Could it be that he also brought a fire bag?

Ah, yes, Huozhezi, Shen Qing hesitated for a while, found the Huozhezi and the torch from the space, after lighting the torch, holding the torch, carefully, with a bit of caution and anxiety, walked towards the potholes step by step, A cave full of strange rocks...

(End of this chapter)

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