Chapter 1147 [1146] Taste little lady 40 (6000+)

After the early morning, people were in a state of extreme exhaustion, even the energetic eldest son of the Zhao family couldn't hold back and fell asleep.

Shen Qing originally wanted to take this opportunity to find a place where no one was around and go into the space for a while. Suddenly, she found that there were more mice in the house, running around. Besides the mice, there were also some messy bugs. Seeing it, she felt a little numb. It's strange why there are so many of these things all of a sudden.

There seemed to be cries of various birds in the sky, which seemed to be something wrong!
Shen Qing subconsciously looked at the weather forecast stone in the space, it doesn't matter if it doesn't matter, there is actually a countdown on it, only 15 minutes, but she didn't say what kind of warning it is, it's just that there is such a countdown.

As soon as she saw the countdown, she felt flustered. She glanced at the ingredients in the yard, as well as the people up and down in Yuanwai's mansion.

For some unknown reason, she began to put all the ingredients she could see into the space.

Knowing how to shout like that, the people inside would definitely not bully her or scold her, in order to transfer the entire Yuanwai mansion outside the house.

She had to go around the corner, take out the torch from the space, and set a fire in an inconspicuous location.

During the day, she had searched the entire Yuanwai mansion, and knew where to put the food and where to put the vegetables, and she didn't know why she did this, she just felt that these ingredients had to be received in advance, otherwise it would cause certain losses .

When the fire got a little bigger, she immediately slapped on the door: "It's not good, it's on fire, it's on fire, everyone hurry up!"

Of course, she couldn't put this fire in one place, but in many places, so as to cause a certain amount of chaos. Taking advantage of the chaos, she slipped into the cellar, warehouse, grain depot and other places to clean up.

When she ran to the back kitchen covered in dirt, not only was the fire getting bigger and bigger, even people ran out in a panic. There were firefighters, but the fire was out of control. Everything was also gathered up, including the pots and stoves built on the other side of the patio today, as well as the tables, chairs, benches, pots and pans for entertaining guests today.

As long as it is useful to her, she accepts it.

Anyway, in such a chaotic night, there were no lights, and it was impossible to tell who was who by the light of the fire.

She glanced at the countdown in the space, and when there were dozens of seconds left, she called everyone to run out quickly.

As soon as her front foot stepped out of the gate of Yuanwai Mansion, the ground on her back foot began to tremble violently. Shen Qing looked up at the sky in disbelief.

My god, this is an earthquake!

Just now someone scolded which turtle grandson set the fire, but now the big guys are silent, because if it weren't for the fire, they might——

The houses in Yuanwai Mansion are all built with green bricks, and they are considered one of the largest households in the surrounding area. However, when the earthquake hit, more than half of the house collapsed in such a soft way, and the ground shook for a long time. Everyone stood in the open space Holding my head, crying and howling, I was terribly scared.

The house in Yuanwai's Mansion was already on fire, but now it was shaken by the earthquake, and now it is the most severely damaged house in the surrounding area.

The intensity of the earthquake was so strong that even the green brick and tile houses collapsed just like that, so how could the earthquake feel at least six or seven levels?

Yuanwai Mansion is located in the suburbs, and there are no neighbors around. Some of them are farms of Yuanwai Mansion, and there are also farms of several big families.

Because Shen Qing didn't know that the sudden disaster warning was an earthquake, so the number of people who could be notified must be limited, but everyone, look at me and I will look at you, and I am sure that basically everyone who can escape has escaped.

The vibration is not always there, but shakes for a while and stops for a while.

When there is no shock, everyone will look at each other to determine whether there are fewer people. They came out in a hurry, most of them did not wear thick clothes, and Master Zhao was still regretting the ingredients he worked so hard to make.

Little did she know that those ingredients had already quietly lay down in her space.

Not only the ingredients, but also the tables, chairs, benches, pots and pans that can be used have been preserved to the greatest extent.

If they go digging through the ruins at this time, they will definitely see that there is nothing inside, even including the cellar and storeroom keys in Yuanwai's mansion, they have all been smashed in and collected by her. wealth.

Although it was a little immoral to do so, she would not enjoy it alone. It would be better than these things being crushed under the ruins, or burned dry by this fire, right?
Just like that, everyone huddled together, experiencing wave after wave of aftershocks.

When there were no aftershocks, some people wanted to look for clothes in the ruins, but they were stopped by everyone, but after a while, a bigger wave of aftershocks came, and the gate of Yuanwai Mansion collapsed directly, smashing the plaques into pieces. Seeing this, everyone dared not It's near a building.

Among these people, probably only Shen Qing who didn't take off their clothes felt warmer.

Shen Qing noticed that Yuan Wai's grandfather in Yuan Wai's mansion, as well as his family's old man and old lady were all recited.

After checking the people, it was confirmed that no one stayed at home, so he said happily.

"It is the greatest blessing that there are no casualties. Don't be afraid. When the sun rises, we will go to a nearby farm to take shelter for a while. Everything will pass. As long as the earth dragon doesn't turn over again, we will find a way to go back and find some warm clothes to wear. superior."

He looked at the old man with some regrets: "Father, I'm afraid your birthday will not be successful. The reason why our family is so lucky is really thanks to the fire. Although the house was destroyed, as long as there are people, we You can make a comeback, father, don’t think this is a bad thing, you should feel lucky, thankful that this fire helped our family escape!”

It's not just them who think so, there is no one in Yuanwai's mansion who is not grateful for the fire.

Although the fire came out of nowhere, no one would deny that if it wasn't for the fire, I wouldn't know what I would be like now!

At that time, Shen Qing was also worried about Lin Sen in Fucheng, Yu Jingtian who was lying in a tomb, and so many people in Ruyi Village.

Before dawn, the sky suddenly changed, and there were sporadic light snowfalls. It was really rainy all night.

Master Zhao looked at her apologetically: "Xiaoqing, I really didn't expect such a thing to happen. Go to the city early tomorrow morning to see how your brother is doing. When we have a chance to meet again, uncle will do it for you again." It's delicious, this time, it's really unexpected, natural disasters, can't stop it!"

Shen Qing quickly shook her head, "Uncle, you don't need to tell me these things, it's not your fault, it's a great blessing that we survived, and there will be chances in the future."

Because of the cold weather, everyone felt their teeth were chattering when they talked. Shen Qing was better, but she was not generous enough to take off her coat and wear it for the old and weak women and children. Instead, she secretly gave it to women with children. Stuffed some pea yellow she made.

People from these rich families would disdain to eat this kind of food, but children are no better than adults. In such a cold day and unable to sleep, they naturally want food to comfort them.

It was finally dawn, but the tremors still came from time to time. The houses in the farm were basically adobe houses or thatched houses. Although they were damaged, they could be erected temporarily without hurting people. Take a short rest in a place that is sheltered from wind and snow. The most important thing is that there is food in the farm. No matter what, you have to drink a bowl of hot porridge first, right?
But those who cared about their families didn't care about eating, and ran home in a hurry.

Shen Qing saw that all the people in the outer mansion had been settled, and she also bid farewell.

As for the things in the space, it’s not that they don’t return them, but that there is no way to return them. Otherwise, they can’t explain the origin. Fortunately, there will be more people in need of help in this disaster. She took the things from Yuanwai’s mansion and went out to do good deeds. It can be regarded as a meritorious deed for their old man. This should be the best birthday present, right?
The food obtained from Yuanwai's mansion is at least a few thousand catties, vegetables, fruits, dried goods and meat are also more than a thousand catties, plus the boxes of gold, silver and jewelry, the value can be tens of thousands of taels, although the old man lost money on his birthday this time It's too big, but she didn't send out a copy, so she would read it silently.

"I wish Mr. Zhao a long life." No amount of money and food can exchange the lives of their family, can they?

She saved their family's life, and it's not too much to take some favors, is it?
After Shen Qing comforted herself in this way, she walked towards Fucheng on foot. After this night of disaster, you can see the ruins after the earthquake everywhere, and there are constant people coming and going crying and crying for help.

The snow was still falling, and people hurried to the direction they cared about.

Shen Qing didn't drink porridge in Zhuangzi. When she was hungry on the road, she ate steamed buns in the space. When she saw children on the roadside, she would give them food generously. .

As she walked, the snow fell harder and harder. She walked to the place where she was carrying people, took out a cloak from the space, the kind with a hat, wrapped it tightly around her body, and looked around from time to time. people.

Who would have thought that before she had walked for an hour, she saw the familiar figure riding a horse not far ahead, her heart tightened, and she hurried to run.

When the man saw her, his serious and tense face finally relaxed: "That's great, young brother, you're fine!"

Shen Qing sprinted for a few steps, stretched out her hand and was pulled by him, and then moved neatly onto Xiaofeng's back.

"Brother Lin, that's great, you're fine!"

"I was worried about you, so I rushed over here in a hurry. Fortunately, you told me which direction to go yesterday. Otherwise, I'm still a headless chicken. I don't know where to find you!"

As soon as she got on the horse, Shen Qing embraced Lin Sen's waist. When Lin Sen was hugged by the person behind him, the feeling of regaining his lost power filled him with strength, and then he couldn't help but look back at her: "Shall we go to Beijing?"

Shen Qing was taken aback: "Go to the capital? Why do you suddenly think of going to the capital?"

"I want to visit my father's former friends and see if I can contribute to my future journey,"

"But in this situation, shouldn't we go back to the stockade to have a look?"

Lin Sen didn't seem worried at all: "The children and grandchildren still have their own blessings. I have already helped everything I can. From now on, I just want to live my own life. If I don't go back to their life, I will live it as usual. Besides, if I go to build this line, won't they be the ones who will benefit in the future?"

Shen Qing doesn't care. As for those brothers and sisters, she actually thinks the same as Lin Sen. She has already helped everything she can. Long turned around and didn't know what was going on in the village, but Lin Sen had already sent a letter back, and I believe news would come out soon.

Thinking of this, she responded neatly: "Then how long will it take us to enter Beijing?"

"On such a day, in such a situation, it will take 20 days, right?"

What Lin Sen was talking about was the external factors affecting Earth Dragon's turnaround. If it was a normal itinerary, it would definitely be fast. Under such circumstances, he might not even be able to stay in an inn.

Shen Qing turned her head to look at the luggage on the horse's back. It seemed that Lin Sen had come prepared to pick her up.

Guessing that he found her, he went directly to Beijing. Did he expect that he would follow him?
"You still brought a pot?"

"It's not just the pot. I also brought a tent this time. Even if we sleep in the wild, we don't have to worry about freezing."

When she heard the sound of pots and bowls colliding, Shen Qing thought she had heard it wrong, but she really did when she touched it carefully. No wonder the luggage rack looked so solid.

"Xiaofeng has suffered this time, how tired he is with so many things on his back!"

"Let's walk slowly, take a rest after running for two hours, it is my brother, I promise not to make it tired."

Shen Qing is glad that she carried a bag to cover up taking things from the space. In this way, when she is resting, she conjures something from it, so it shouldn't arouse his suspicion, okay?

However, if she met some disaster victims on the road, she would throw some food or food to them while Lin Sen was not paying attention.

Naturally, some victims knelt down to give thanks.

It seems that she has to take advantage of tonight's rest to make more cloth bags in the space, so that the food can be distributed outside.

"Is the Fucheng seriously damaged?"

Lin Sen nodded: "I'm still quick to react, and those who react slowly are pushed down,"

With Lin Sen's skill, he can naturally dodge it.

"I don't know what will happen in the capital? Isn't that Nanyang Prince's son also going to Beijing?"

"Well, this trip is to take back the emperor's rights,"

"This son is also bold. He just came here in such a grand manner. There don't seem to be many people around him. Isn't he worried that he will be assassinated by the Emperor of Jin?"

Lin Sen couldn't help laughing after hearing this: "Don't you know that this son looks harmless on the outside, but in fact he is an out-and-out killing god?"

Shen Qing subconsciously thought of Yu Jingtian's handsome and innocuous face.

"You mean, the future situation of the Kingdom of Jin is worrying?"

"The king of Nanyang and the emperor of the Song Dynasty are twins. They have one civil and one martial arts. Because the king of Nanyang is very happy, he is not determined and stable enough, so the first emperor passed the throne to his elder brother, and the younger brother who is a general will assist him. The king of Nanyang I didn't have such big ambitions at first, but you know, when the emperor has been in power for a long time, he will become more and more suspicious, especially when the king of Nanyang has accumulated illustrious military exploits and is deeply loved by the people, he feels even more uncomfortable. After giving birth to dragon and phoenix twins, he made a decree with a single thought, that in the future, whenever twins are born, only one will be kept."

This edict is aimed at the entire royal family.

King Nanyang immediately understood the metaphor of the emperor. It turned out that he sincerely assisted, but what he got in return was infinite suspicion.

Gradually, some thoughts that should not have arisen in his heart, things that he had never thought about before, after the birth of his twins, and after he was forced not to send one away, gradually changed.

When Shen Qing heard this, she fell in love with Lin Sen's admiration.

"You can. You didn't know these secrets of the royal family last time. It's only been a few days, but you can find out clearly? If you say this, Yu Jingtian is likely to be the one who was sent away?"

Lin Sen nodded, "That's my guess too. Judging from his usual behavior, he should be aware of his background. I guess if he knows that the Kingdom of Jin has changed hands, it will be controlled by his own father and brother. He went to the capital. In fact, if his line can reach Mingdao, it may be of great benefit to us in the future."

Shen Qing frowned: "You want to use his back to achieve your goal?"

Lin Sen chuckled, "What? Are you feeling uncomfortable? Don't worry, I just thought about it that way, but I didn't really think about taking advantage of him. After all, it's his family's business. If The king of Nanyang doesn't recognize him, and maybe he will be killed. I'm not that stupid. I'm standing with him at this time. Including you too. Don't contact him for now. Before the situation is unclear, he is considered a Dangerous."

"You said that you came to Beijing to meet your father's old friend and make friends. Could it be that your father also left from the capital?"

Lin Sen sensed something was wrong: "Also?"

Shen Qing was taken aback, and suddenly thought of her identity, she grabbed Lin Sen's arm.

"I, I suddenly forgot one thing. I can't go to Beijing with you. In this way, you put me down and go by yourself. I still don't want to go."

She is now a man, and the capital city is the base camp of their Shen family. Even if it is destroyed, how can the remaining forces of the past be completely destroyed?Sooner or later someone will recognize her, unless she changes gender.

By the way, sex.

She couldn't help but look down at the clothes on her body. To be honest, it's really convenient to look like a man in men's clothes. She doesn't want to change into women's clothes, but if she has to go to Beijing, she must change her gender, otherwise it will be too easy to be recognized as a woman. Out.

Even if her father was a playboy back then, even if she didn't show her face often, who can guarantee that she won't be recognized at a glance?
Even though the Kingdom of Jin is about to end, she still doesn't want to live a life where everyone shouts and beats her. Now that she can live such a free life, isn't the sky high and the emperor far away?
Lin Sen frowned instinctively when he heard Shen Qing's words, and unconsciously tightened the reins and stopped.

He turned back to look at Shen Qing's face, and when he saw that small face, he became a little terrified, his eyes flickered slightly, after thinking for a while, he asked straightforwardly.

"You are also from the capital? What are you afraid of? Is there something in the capital that you are afraid of, and you suddenly remembered it, so you dare not go?"

Shen Qing raised her eyes and glanced at him quickly, turned over and was about to get off the horse, but Lin Sen grabbed her wrist.

"Young brother, let me tell you the truth. My father used to be a bodyguard in the inner city. Because of political reasons, he had to escape and retired to Dingyuan County. After all these years, if Jin Kingdom was not about to end soon, I would also Don’t dare to enter Beijing so rashly, do you hear me clearly? Jin Guo is about to end, and all the grievances and grievances from the past will soon disappear, what are you worried about?”

Shen Qing was surprised: "Ouchi guard?"

Lin Sen's face became ugly: "He is still a first-class expert around the late emperor. All the secret passages in the inner courtyard of the palace are like walking on the ground to my father. Including me, I have a clear map in my mind. Just because he knew too much, my brother rebelled and killed him. Fortunately, he stayed behind and was able to escape from the palace with my uncles. I can't tell you too much, I just want to say, The golden kingdom is exhausted, and it's time to understand the grievances and grievances of the past. You have my protection, so what are you worried about?"

Shen Qing stared at Lin Sen involuntarily, as if she wanted to see the truth of his words from his eyes.

He is a man worthy of his trust.

Although his gaze was bottomless, he was confident and calm enough. He did not deceive her, nor did he have any reason to deceive her.

It is undeniable that his phrase 'Jin Guo's life is exhausted' pleased her.

Although the Shen family has been destroyed, it is the handiwork of the Emperor of the Kingdom of Jin. Although he did not have the task of avenging the Shen family in this life, after he destroyed the foundation of the Shen family, the destruction of the Kingdom of Jin followed. Dare to say there is no connection?

Although in her memory, there is not much about the Shen family, but no one has the right to deny the contribution the Shen family has made to the entire Kingdom of Jin.

These literary people, relying on their own wisdom, gathered a large number of people who were willing to work for them.

The so-called prospers all prosper, one loses all loses.

No matter how dissatisfied your emperor is with the Shen family, you can't cut it across the board. After a year and a half of killing and killing each other, the court of Jin Kingdom underwent a major change. After replacing it with your own people, the court is getting better and better, that means What you, the emperor, is doing is right, but now, not only is it going downhill, but there is even a crisis of genocide. As an emperor, shouldn't you review yourself carefully?
Shen Qing pursed her lips, thinking of Yuanshen's parents, even if she didn't kiss her again, it seemed that she should pay homage to her.

They didn't know who collected the body back then, because he was chained and taken into a cell without seeing him for the last time.

As Shen Qing's face became more and more ugly, Lin Sen became more and more uneasy. After a quarter of an hour, Shen Qing finally figured it out by herself and raised her head.

"You're right, Jin Guo's power is exhausted, they can't take care of themselves, so they don't have the time to settle accounts with me. If that's the case, I'll trouble my brother to protect me a little bit."

(End of this chapter)

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