Chapter 1155 [1154] Taste little lady (5000+)

In September, the autumn is bright and refreshing, and the autumn harvest will be more than a month away. After Yu Jingtian came, she felt that she had found a helper.

First of all, Yu Jingtian knows how to pull noodles and knife-shaved noodles. He didn't learn anything else. His noodle-making skills are quite good. Their restaurant is originally famous for its popularity and quantity.

Although it is not fulfilling to stay in the back kitchen all day, Yu Jingtian feels that it is more comfortable to work with Shen Qing every day.

However, what Shen Qing thought was that without kelp and other seafood as ingredients, their food lost half of its umami taste.

She wanted to go to the beach, she had already inquired about it, if it was by land or water, it would take at least a month and a half, and it might be cold there, but once she left, what would happen to the restaurant's ingredients?Going out of business just after opening?

But based on her longing for the sea, Shen Qing still decided to go, and she couldn't go with others, she had to go alone to make things happen.

So she called the cooks together and conducted a half-month training. After she left, the main food was pasta. For example, you can’t say authentic beef noodles and ramen without beef. Kill as soon as you kill, so I simply changed it to pork ramen, lye hot dry noodles, muddled noodles, flour paste noodles, dumpling wontons, buns, etc. The dessert shop at the door should be operated, and she has enough sauce in the cold storage for three months Materials, ingredients, and enough wheat in the warehouse. When needed, they can grind the flour by themselves.

When Yu Jingtian noticed something was wrong, Shen Qing had left a letter and secretly left Beijing on horseback.

The horse was bought for 100 taels of silver at will, and it is not considered strong. She walked all the way south, and wherever she passed, as long as there were particularly famous ingredients, she would buy them and put them in the space, such as ducks from A, and ducks from B. Donkey meat, wine from C, mutton from D, etc.

If the money in hand is not enough, I use the gold, silver and jewelry from Yuanwai's family to make up for it.

Buying, buying, and buying along the way, the ingredients in the space will accumulate more and more.

Cotton, silk, cloth, pottery pots, porcelain pots, as long as she thinks it is useful and she has the ability to buy it, she will buy it.

After turning from land to water, the horse temporarily freezes into the space. This is the benefit she applied for from Liangtian, and the price is to deduct [-] faith points.

"In the previous few worlds, I forgot to deduct your faith value. This time is just right. Don't you have to temporarily activate the living animal storage when you reach the beach? You are now 120 million faith points, and I will deduct 20 of you at once. Don't you have an opinion?"

If you want to be opportunistic, can you not pay a price?
Asking her opinion, in fact, you know she will agree, right?

Shen Qing snorted: "No objection, as long as you are happy!"

"Just don't make me happy, do you think I'm quite inhuman?"

Shen Qing chuckled: "Unexpectedly, you are quite self-aware. Do you know that many people hate your broken system?"

"They hate it, let them hate it, I want to survive, our system also needs to participate in the competition, one level of exploitation, isn't this just a competition field? They are also experiencing this in society, I can understand, So if scolding me makes them happy, so be it!"

Shen Qing couldn't laugh anymore, and then without saying anything, she happily asked Liang Tian to take away the faith value.

"My appearance value and IQ value have completed the percentage value, does it mean that I will be excellent in the rebirth?"

Shen Qing is still beautiful there, Liang Tian couldn't bear it, and couldn't help laughing at her: "The value of appearance is naturally impeccable, it's IQ, I can only say that you have the ability to travel through the world, which can make you reach an absolute level against the sky, as for Cong Not smart, haven't those of your audience already commented? I'm not going to judge, am I?"


Shen Qing frowned when she thought of the screen full of 'stupid', 'stupid' and 'shabi': "So, you mean, I'm still stupid?"

"Perhaps people scolded the author. After all, you were created by the author. Isn't calling you stupid the same as calling the author stupid?"

Shen Qing's face darkened, and she laughed: "This is really a matter of opinion, but it is acceptable. As soon as any work is published, there will be countless criticisms, even the Nobel Prize winners are not immune, let alone Is it me, a grassroots worker? I understand, as long as they are happy, they can do whatever they want, smart or stupid? People have to integrate into society in their lifetime, how can they not hear the slightest negativity?"

"That...," Shen Qing just started, Liang Tian was unhappy: "You haven't finished yet, have you?"

"No, no, I want to ask you, if I complete all the tasks, will you let me be reborn into the original body, or?"

"Don't think about the original world. After all, how can you be reborn when you lose your physical body? As for whether you will return to the world where you were born or where you were connected with your biological parents, it's hard to say, but what can be guaranteed is that, You can see them, and you can witness their birth, old age, sickness and death, and the rest depends on the results of your own efforts, rebirth is also a matter of fate!"

After the 20 belief points were deducted, Liangtian asked her to try it in the water, "Although this is a river, there are also a lot of river fish below. The function given to you by the system is that as long as you circle it, you can catch it all. You don’t even need to use your hands to grab the space directly, isn’t that awesome?”

Shen Qing was eager to try, she took off her outer shirt and put on only long johns, slipped out of the cabin in the dark, and jumped into the river lightly.

The river water was icy cold, and for a moment she wanted to scold her mother, thinking that in the dark night, she couldn't see anything in the cold river water.

However, the system humanizedly marked all the ingredients with bright light, so that she can see where the ingredients are when she enters the water. She just needs to draw a circle in the void with her hand, and then flick her finger, the circle will automatically expand. She flew in the direction she wanted, and then it was like a magic spell, the circle shrank and narrowed, and finally the silver light disappeared, and there were a lot of fish in the space.

"You can choose the size, throw the small ones into the river, and keep the big ones as ingredients in the future."

Alright, if you go down this net, you still have a hundred catties to say the least, go up quickly, or you may not be able to catch up with the speed of the boat if it is later. "

Shen Qing leaned out of the river and took a look. Sure enough, the boat was already a hundred or ten meters away from her. After just a short while, the distance was widened. She quickly got into the water and swam forward. At this time, she realized it later. I just dived and forgot to warm up.

If there is no space to protect at any time, danger can really be everywhere!
I jumped onto the boat directly with black magic. After all, it’s not a demon world, so I can’t hold on for too long. Needless to say, flying is a dream. Occasional bounces can still be done. After all, her body in the demon world has A certain amount of bounce.

The angle at which she boarded the ship was carefully selected, and she would never let the crew see it. If she found someone, she would enter the space as soon as possible.

When she sneaked into her cabin and entered the space to change clothes, she felt that her body was freezing enough. Although it was mid-to-late September, the coldness of the river water was unimaginable.

After the space warmed up, she was reluctant to come out. Although she didn't get seasick, how could she be comfortable in the space while sleeping on the boat?
Her cabin was a small separate room, and the travel expenses plus board and lodging cost about one tael of silver. It didn't go directly to the destination she wanted to go, and she had to go by land halfway, which could only be regarded as part of the journey.

After entering the space, she began to look at the harvest of her net just now, because the fish was caught in the upper layer of the river, so the river fish that seemed to be hidden in the mud could not be caught, the common ones were crucian carp, carp, Wuchang fish, Huanggeya Anchovies, anchovies and other fish are also mixed with a lot of river shrimps, such as river crabs, river mussels, snails and other river fish are not available, because most of them are at the bottom of the river, and her net is not in place.

She picked the small ones into the basin, opened the window, and threw them directly into the river, and kept the big ones for future food.

Filter out the small ones, and about seventy or eighty catties are left.

After tidying up the fish, harvested level 13 peaches and sugar cane, and planted level [-] oranges and sweet potatoes.

After working hard for so long, I have only reached level [-]. When I reach level [-], I can plant winter jasmine, hazelnuts, loofah and grapes.

Because of such a cheat, every night, she has to go down to fish it once. The cheat is good, but it can only be used once a day, if it is too much, it will not work.

But even once, there are hundreds of catties, and even if you throw away the small ones, you still have eight or ninety catties. After walking on the river for half a month, you have saved two thousand catties.

The river water in this era is not polluted, and there are no people with bad conscience pumping sand, so the ecological environment is very good, and there are many fish, shrimps and crabs. At the beginning, I didn’t master the skills well. When the circle was drawn down, the harvest increased significantly. The largest net reached three to four hundred catties. This is really the food that God gave her for free!
All the fresh fish she picked weighed two to three catties, and all the ones under one catty were released.

At first it was just fish and shrimp, but later there were more river crabs, river mussels, snails, and various shellfish.

In mid-October, she changed from water to land. At the end of October, she took the water and arrived at the nearby coast in mid-November.

Seeing the azure blue sea, she was so excited that she was about to cry. Who made the transportation in ancient times so underdeveloped? If she hadn’t had enough money to be willing to take all kinds of transportation, she might not be able to catch up with the heavy snow. Come.

The coast of the Kingdom of Jin is located in the southeast direction, and it is not purely south, so even if it is close to the coast, it is very cold.

Fortunately, it has not snowed yet, otherwise it would be impossible to reach the beach in mid-November.

She bought a small boat for 150 taels, and went out to sea by herself. The purpose is to find a small island with few people as her seclusion for a while, just like the fisherman in her life, living by the sea until the spring of next year. It won't be too late for her to go back after she has collected enough ingredients for the next few years.

There are so many river fish in the river, the traffic is not developed, and the fishery is not developed, let alone the sea seafood.

It was just that the sea surface was too cold this season, and she was shivering from the cold, but after seeing the oysters and turtle feet all over the reef, she didn't feel that the cold wind was a big deal.

The sea is boundless, and it is really hard to find a suitable island. Her plan is to fish in the sea at night, and rely on her own skills to cook salt, dig oysters, turtle feet, and clams during the day. When the tide rises and ebbs, pick up delicacies on the river bank.

What is different from Yu Niang's life is that in this life, she has this ability again, so it is much simpler. After spending two days, she found a small uninhabited island, and immediately went around the island. When I found the coconut tree, I realized later that this is not the south, and the southeast direction is extremely cold. How could there be coconut trees?

Shen Qing, who had some regrets, did not stop, but after a short stay on the uninhabited island, she followed the direction of the sea all the way south.

If there is a big storm, people even take a boat to hide in the space, and wait for the storm to pass, the rain to clear up, and then float again.

Every day when she goes to the sea, when she encounters an island or a reef, she goes up to see if there are any good things such as oysters and seaweed.

If there are some, they will squat there and dig and scrape for a whole day, and they will not transfer to the space until they are hungry or it is dark.

That sense of compulsion made her reluctant to leave whenever she saw a reef full of supplies, staying for a few days until she had dug all the supplies into the space before giving up.

In this era, because of the danger of going to sea, the fishermen in the fishing village dare not come to the deep sea. The shallow sea area alone is enough for them to survive, so no one picks the delicacies on these reefs, which is convenient for her. .

Even though her fingers were turning purple from the cold, she still insisted on squatting on the reef in the blustery sea wind, sticking out her buttocks, scraping and prying hard.

She didn't let go of the uninhabited island. Sea urchins, crabs, razor clams, conger eels and other fresh goods that appeared after the tide ebbed were dazzling, and she couldn't spare any extra hands to catch them. The sea water rolled into the sea.

The sea breeze carries the unique fishy smell of the sea. I thought that in the paradise of the ocean, I might not get tired of eating seafood every day, but in fact, I eat vegetables every day, and I feel uncomfortable when I see seafood. Do you think this is done?
After entering the sea, there are really many good goods caught.

Not to mention the things in the sea, just the sea rainbows and oysters hidden on the reef, the oysters, conch, sea cucumbers and abalones in the crevices of coral reefs on the beach after low tide, she has already picked them up with soft hands and calloused her hands up.

The most delicious yellow croakers in the sea are all big ones, and she dislikes all the small ones and throws them away. This yellow croaker is delicious no matter how you make it. She doesn't want it anymore.

All kinds of Spanish mackerel, black and ugly opium fish, piranha-like piranha, round turbot, grouper with many varieties and suitable for all kinds of eating methods, deep sea fish Knifefish, in addition to bass, redfish, pike, pomfret, stickfish, etc., as well as more expensive cod and snapper, there are so many varieties that it is impossible to distinguish them at all. Fortunately, the system can help identify them, otherwise there will be It's not only about whether it's harmful, but if you just take it back, it will eat people to death.

In addition to fish, there are all kinds of crabs, such as flying crabs, chijiahong, etc., as well as bamboo shrimps, base shrimps, prawns, freshwater shrimps, shrimp crawlers, mole cricket shrimps, shellfish such as red shells and scallops , clams, clams, oysters, sea rainbows, scallops, razor clams, snails...

Just seeing these varieties, countless ways to make seafood dishes emerged in her mind.

Fishing a few hundred catties in the river is not enough, but a net in the sea is a thousand catties, especially if she encounters a school of fish, if she has a quick eye and a quick hand, she can catch it in one net, tsk tsk, it's amazing!
She also likes to eat octopus, octopus, and squid, so she will also search for various coral reefs in the sea. Species, such as hermit crabs, abalone, sea cucumbers, octopuses, etc., never have an empty net anyway.

There are a lot of whitebait in the sea. These small whitebait are only this big, and they are very good for making soup, so she didn't let them go.

Such as kelp, wakame, sargassum and other vegetable ingredients from the sea, of course she can't miss it. Others use kelp to cut. If she encounters a group of kelp, if she nets it, it will be a thousand catties. The kelp is super It grows in the sea like a towering plant in the Amazon. Some kelp is thick and thick. This kind of kelp is not delicious, so she cuts all the kelp that grows on it, and the thinner ones are still kelp.

Jellyfish like jelly are also in groups. This is the best way to catch them. If you catch them, they can reach tens of thousands of catties.

As long as it is salvaged, it will take a long time to clean up in space, because the places where these jellyfish can be eaten are limited, so she will process the useless ones in advance and throw them back into the sea.

Gloves must be worn when handling jellyfish, otherwise it is easily paralyzed and has a slight toxin.

There are quite a few deadly poisons hidden in the sea, and she filters and reminds them through the system, so what she can take away is seafood without any problems.

Day after day, at sea and below, in the reefs and coral groves, on the coast, it seems that she can be found everywhere, and there are traces of her labor everywhere. Even boiling sea salt every day has become her indispensable work.

When the seafood piled up in the space increases by tons, the taste is also a bit smoky.

But fortunately, the environment she lives in is getting warmer and warmer. Going south all the way, the distance from the north is getting farther and farther away. The variety of seafood has also changed. In addition to the warm south, more varieties of seafood are bred. In addition, there are too many supplies on the island.

She worked day after day at sea, and she had long forgotten the time. When she saw the lush vegetation on the island, she realized that such a long time had passed unknowingly. What shocked her even more was that she was on an island. Potatoes were found.

Hahaha, when she dug out the potatoes in the soil, she was so excited that she almost fainted.

Although she didn't know what eve it was, she, who discovered the potatoes, left the sea and went to harvest the potatoes that had germinated and grown new potatoes in the soil...

 There will be updates in the afternoon.

(End of this chapter)

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