Chapter 1157 [1156] Taste little lady 50 (5000+)

Therefore, when Shen Qing appeared in front of the door of Bazhen Building in Shen Qing's original appearance, wearing a simple and generous skirt and a playful bun, Chen Feihu, who was standing at the counter and was doing the settlement, was taken aback for a moment, then Blinking her eyes desperately, she shouted excitedly at Chen Feifei in the pastry shop: "Sister, sister, come out quickly, look, look who is back!"

Yu Jingtian happened to come in from the backyard carrying something, saw Shen Qing looking at him with a smile, first shrank his pupils, then put the things in his hands on the table next to him, and rushed towards Shen Qing in three steps at a time.

"Well, you dead girl, you ran out and didn't say a word, now you know you're back?"

Seeing him coming, Shen Qing grabbed his shoulder, and gave him a solid shoulder throw with his backhand.

With a scream, everyone stared at this scene dumbfounded, and the second brother in the shop ran towards Shen Qing in the next moment.

Yu Jingtian who was lying on the ground quickly stretched out his hand to stop him: "Don't, don't move, I'm fine, she's just playing with me,"

When Chen Feihu helped Yu Jingtian up, Chen Feifei ran towards Shen Qing excitedly with his face full of flour, tilted his head, and leaned forward to look him up.

"Girl, is it really you? You're back? The old man and the old lady are looking forward to your return every day!"

Shen Qing turned his head and patted Chen Feifei's shoulder: "Feifei, you are beautiful again!"

Chen Feifei's delicate face was full of shyness: "How come, girl, you are more and more beautiful and charming. This is the first time we have seen you dressed as a woman!"

Shen Qing straightened his chest, "I can't help it, it grows too fast,"

Chen Feifei immediately pursed his lips and laughed, Chen Feihu didn't know why, Yu Jingtian stretched out his paws towards Shen Qing again, but Shen Qing stared back at him with a glance: "If you say hello, just say hello, why are you still moving!"

"You little heartless person, you have been out for two years, two years, why do you think you are so cruel? When you left, you clearly wrote a letter saying that it would take half a year, and the result, Ang? Once you go, you will be two Years, do you know how worried we are? What's even more annoying is that you haven't told us where you have been!"

"I went for a stroll in the Song Kingdom, and it was troublesome for the news to spread. I am such a big man, can I still lose myself? Besides, the return date is uncertain, and it is expected to be half a year. You can't understand the meaning of this word? "

"You, you still have reason, don't you?"

Shen Qing glared at him, took advantage of the opportunity and sat down on the stool next to her, looked up to see the girls staring at her dumbfounded, and couldn't help laughing.

"Why, you haven't figured out who I am, even if you can't recognize my face, can you still not recognize my voice?"

"Shop, shopkeeper? You, why are you a woman?"

"My mother is originally a daughter, but she used to dress up in men's clothing for convenience. That's fine, what should I do?"

Shen Qing waved his hands to the others, letting them disperse on their own, then gave Yu Jing an angel a wink: "Lin Sen is back?"

"Not long after you left, he came back. In the past two years, he went out for half a year and came back for half a year. Have you seen these shops around? He ran them all by himself. Now our half of the street is not the same as before. The price has increased, the price has increased several times, in order to be next to these two shops, Lin Sen paid double the price to buy the shop."

"Where is he now? Not at home?"

"No, I've been away for a while, and I guess I'll be back soon. Did you really go to the Song Kingdom?"

Shen Qing nodded, "Isn't that true, can this be false? I'm just young, and I don't go out to see the outside world. What do you say when I'm stuck at home?"

Shen Qing looked around: "How's the business in the past two years?"

"What's more, it must be incomparable to when you were there. Fortunately, the food in our family is affordable for everyone, and the service attitude is also good. The popularity has stabilized. Even if you were not here last summer, those who buy ice cream People come here every day to scold the street, it's annoying, you still have the nerve to laugh? Where did you get that ice?"

"Where did you get it? No, no, I made it myself. I can make as much as I want. In this way, you will learn from me this summer and you will know the tricks. That's all right, I won't talk to you anymore." , I have to go home to see my grandparents, what's the matter, let's talk about it when you go home at night."

Where there are grandparents, it is naturally Zhuangzi, Yu Jingtian looked at her reluctantly, "Come back this time, why don't you leave?"

Shen Qing thought for a while, "In two or three years, he probably won't travel far."

Yu Jingtian heaved a sigh of relief, "Then trust you once, Xiaolong, come here, you drive the car and send our eldest girl to Zhuangzi."

Although in the past two years, the people in the shop were all bought by her, and so was Xiaolong, but Xiaolong is not small, he is two years older than Shen Qing, and now he is the cold dish chef in the back kitchen.

Seeing her daughter dressed up, she felt a little embarrassed: "Big girl, let's go to the backyard for a ride."

Shen Qing waved to Yu Jingtian, then went to the backyard, and was surprised to see the brand new carriage in the yard.

Xiaolong scratched the back of his head: "Young Master Yu said that the carriage is comfortable, and occasionally he will take the old man and the old lady out to go shopping and sunbathe for temple fairs."

Shen Qing raised his eyebrows in surprise, Xiaolong continued: "You and Master Lin are not at home, Young Master Yu said that he has to take good care of the old man, lest you come back to settle accounts with him."

The corner of Shen Qing's lips twitched, and he snorted coldly: "He will be a good person," but he didn't say anything, and got into the carriage.

Thinking of the horses in my own space, I have to find a place to let them out when I have time.

There are also the two little wolves that were fixed when they came here before, but they can be raised in the Zhuangzi, and when they are mature, they can look after the house.

It looks a bit like a husky, and there are wolves guarding the house, who would dare to steal things from their garden?

It was discovered this time when she was tidying up the space. Before she could still remember, she had to put it in place quickly, or she would forget it in the corner again.

When she returned to the farm she had been away for a long time in women's clothing, although the old lady's eyesight was not very good, she vaguely felt that her daughter was walking towards her. The one who hugged her and cried at the beginning was so miserable that even the old man I couldn't help but turn around and wipe away tears.

It took a long time to calm down. After recognizing her, he clapped her hands and kept saying, "It's good to be back, it's good to be back."

"In the past two years since you left, we returned the house to the Zhao family. When they came home and saw the note on the table, they came to visit us. They took this opportunity to sell the house directly. Since then, they have rarely returned to Beijing. , but... your uncle and the others have also returned."

Shen Qing raised his eyebrows: "Come to see your elders?"

The old man shook his head, "It was your Uncle Zhao who said it. How could they come to find us? The two of us don't go outside the door, and they have nowhere to look for them. Your Uncle Zhao said that they lived in the house we rented before. Nearby, I make a living by doing bookkeeping for other people and washing clothes. Our children and grandchildren have their own blessings. We, the old couple, don’t plan to go back to hinder their eyes. Now that we have food, drink and people serving here, I can’t think of going back to them. Are they pointing at my nose and scolding old people?"

Shen Qing patted the old man's shoulder comfortingly: "Grandpa is right to think so, you see you have two more grandchildren now, don't you? I think Lin Sen and Yu Jingtian treat you well?"

The old man couldn't help but stare at her: "Are you so embarrassed to say? He left without saying hello. In the past two years, thanks to the fact that he came over from time to time to entertain us, Lin Sen is busy, and Xiao Yu is sincere. , work for five days and rest for two days, nothing can be shaken, during the rest, take us to sit by the pond in front, go fishing, take a walk, more filial than you!"

Shen Qing chuckled, "That guy is a child who hasn't grown up, but don't worry, I will repay them well. I have to go out and get back the things I brought back. After half an hour, wait for me! "

Xiaolong had already rushed back to work, Shen Qing walked out the door slowly, then entered the space where no one was around, put the gifts prepared for the old couple and Lin Senyu Jingtian on the horse, in order to be able to carry more There are many, and two baskets are specially made.

Food was the most common thing she bought along the way, but the food was already spoiled when she brought it back, so she could only choose silk, satin and fur, health-preserving herbs, and pearls and jade as gifts.

The two baskets were filled to the brim, and the old couple had experienced the ups and downs in life, and they had long since disregarded these extraneous possessions, so they symbolically chose two good quality tonics, and returned the rest to Shen Qing .

"Let the two of them choose, we are old and don't need these good things."

Having said that, Shen Qing still sent all the medicinal materials and supplements to the room of the second elder, and asked the maid to lock them in their boxes.

As for Lin Sen and Yu Jingtian, all the silk, satin and fur were given to them.

This pearl and jade belonged to her, and no one wanted to take advantage of her, especially the pearls, which were available in various colors, but they were all obtained by her in the past two years.

They also brought back some dried seafood. Shen Qing boiled a large pot of seafood soup at home that night, with plenty of ingredients, cold sargassum, cold kelp shreds, wakame stewed tofu...

"My eldest granddaughter cooks delicious food, and this soup is really fresh. Have you really gone to the beach? I heard that the sea is blue, is it true?"

While drinking the soup, the old man showed yearning expression, Shen Qing couldn't bear it: "Grandpa, if you want to go, we can go now!"

"You child, how can you say that the wind is the rain? Can the seaside be the place to go? It's so far away, why don't you give me this old bone to toss and fall apart?"

The old lady also shook her head: "I am not going anywhere, just stay here, and when you are old, you will bury me in your village. I will protect you two for the rest of your life. When you are free, I will take you Mother’s grave should be moved to this village, right?”

Shen Qing also had this intention long ago: "Okay, grandpa and grandma, when I am free, I will find someone to dig up the grave."

Yu Jingtian didn't come back until dark. When he saw the seafood soup made by Shen Qing, his eyes were straightened: "You are heartless, you don't know how to make delicious ones. Wait for me. The mouth has faded out of the bird, and I can’t eat your food, and I feel that everything tastes the same.”

Shen Qing stared at him speechlessly: "That's an exaggeration, the skills of my apprentices are not good? I taught them one by one."

"Nonsense, can what you make taste the same as what they make? Even if you teach it, the taste is very different. Regardless of the order of putting the things in the same way, the taste is completely..."

Yu Jingtian didn't seem to know how to describe that feeling, anyway, he just shook his head, while Shen Qing curled his lips, but at the same time felt that this kid had a keen sense of taste.

Because all the things she makes use ingredients produced by the space, and the taste is not only inferior, it is not a thing of the same world at all.

While eating, Yu Jingtian suddenly thought of something, "Ah, by the way, didn't you give Lin Sen a picture album and asked him to find seeds for you?"

Shen Qing's eyes lit up: "Did you find anything?"

"That's right, it's the sweet potato you mentioned. This kid secretly brought back two from the feudal kingdom. The people there eat this as a staple food, but the inspection is very strict and they are not allowed to bring it. He has no choice but to be stunned." It was by removing the leaves and wrapping the vines around the baskets that I managed to get it back.”

"At first I thought I wouldn't be able to live, but the two vines are growing well, they are green and pretty, and it's getting dark now, I'll take you to see them tomorrow morning."

"Are there any other varieties?"

other varieties?

Yu Jingtian was stunned for a moment, "No, the rest are just seasonings, what you said about bay leaves, cinnamon, etc., but I brought back some, but I don't know if it's what you're looking for, so I piled them up in the warehouse for you , you have to be sure, let’s find a way to get the tree back and plant it.”

With sweet potatoes, potatoes, tomatoes and other ingredients, it seems that this autumn is destined to be a bumper year!

Shen Qing was very excited, and without waiting for tomorrow, after dinner at night, she went to the ground with a torch, and even entered the warehouse. After careful comparison and smelling, she was very sure that these seasonings were what she needed.

"I don't know where Lin Sen is now. You can ask the clerk in their store tomorrow and find a way to contact him. This is the secret recipe of our restaurant in the future. We must buy more."

As expected, the coloring book she worked so hard to draw came in handy at a critical moment.

For cooks, seasoning is the finishing touch to their ingredients. Without the flavor enhancement of these seasonings, the taste of the ingredients will be greatly reduced. However, the most high-end ingredients often use the simplest cooking method.

Although their cooking is not heavy on oil, salt and seasoning, you have to admit that without seasoning, no matter how good the cook is, it is just a decoration. Oil and salt alone cannot nourish such delicious ingredients.

Because of the discovery of sweet potato vines, Shen Qing was very excited and couldn't sleep well all night.

At the same time, she was still thinking, what method can be used to take out those fresh seafood with fair reasons?
Not in the north of the coastal cities, how can the seafood feast be made so that the people here can accept their fishy smell more logically?
Also, maybe, Lin Sen's business can borrow the inexhaustible ice to do seafood delivery business in the future.

To be able to afford so much ice and to master the use of saltpeter, it is natural to use them to the end.


Early the next morning, Shen Qingwai came back from a run and brought back a sea fish. She didn't tell others that it was a sea fish. Anyway, in the dynasty when river seafood was not very accepted by people, they couldn't tell whether it was from the river or the sea.

Carrying the fish home, after killing it, throwing the fish head and body into the big pot, then adding ginger and green onion, boiling it on high heat until the soup is milky white, sifting out the fish bones with a sieve, and then After careful filtering, add rice and start porridge. During the cooking process, add scallop meat, wakame, crab roe, and diced carrots, so that the boiled seafood porridge exudes a human color.

When the porridge was first boiled, it still had a fresh fishy smell. As time went on, the fishy smell gradually faded, and the smell of the sea became stronger and stronger. When the porridge boiled until it became sticky, Shen Qing filled a bowl for each of the old couple and Yu Jingtian, and filled a small basin, and let everyone share the rest.

Yu Jingtian was a little resistant at first, Shen Qing ignored him, and directly asked his grandparents to try boldly.

"This is seafood porridge. It tastes super delicious. It's always delicious. You'll know it once you taste it."

The water and rice used to boil seafood porridge are the most common, but after adding authentic seafood, the taste is really eye-catching.

While Yu Jingtian was pushing mouthfuls one by one, Shen Qing suggested next to him.

"What do you think, how about adding this seafood porridge to the special porridge for breakfast in our shop?"

Yu Jingtian just nodded, then shook his head again: "No way, the cost is too high, how many people can afford it!"

"No, I'll sell it for five cents a bowl, and I won't pay for it."

How can it be compensated? The fish is free, and there is a lot of seafood, so you can have as much as you want.

Yu Jingtian twitched the corners of his mouth, "Sister, five Wen a bowl is not expensive, I sell ramen noodles for only three Wen a bowl."

"Then I'm seafood, with such a lot of ingredients, it's a good deal for five cents!"

"From what you mean, you still have a lot of seafood?"

Shen Qing nodded, "The Escort Bureau I was looking for escorted them all the way, and they can pick up the goods every once in a while, but they are all dry goods, such as fish, shrimp and crabs, and you have to buy seafood, so you don't have to worry about them, let's Try to sell it first, let everyone try it for two yuan a bowl, and if it becomes popular, then increase the price."

Of course, the ingredients added at the beginning must not be too rich, otherwise there will be no room to increase the price later.

"Does our family sell breakfast now?"

Yu Jingtian nodded, "Sell them, tofu brains, deep-fried dough sticks, vegetable corners, buns, etc. Chen Feihu's main business is breakfast. It seems that he has set up a stall with you for a while, and it's not in vain. This kid has done something It looks good!"

"I said a long time ago that this kid has that talent. When I came back, it was very sneaky to see him settle accounts!"

It's okay if she didn't mention it, but when he mentioned this, Yu Jingtian asked him anxiously: "The boy said that he can calculate quickly because of the nine-nine multiplication table you taught. What is that? Why haven't I heard of it? I Let him teach, but he doesn't teach anyone, and even said that if he wants to learn, let me find you, it's too much!"

(End of this chapter)

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