The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1177 [1176] 80 ugly girls counterattack 3

Chapter 1177 [1176] Eight Zero Ugly Girl Counterattack 3 (5000+)

It was only then that Wang Ting realized that it was not easy for the original owners and sisters. Honest people would suffer if they had such smart cousins.

But she wasn't afraid, "Grandpa, I didn't steal the money. The money was given by my second aunt. It's only [-] cents. If you buy popcorn, it will be gone."

Old man Wang naturally didn't believe that Wang Ting would steal it, because he put the money in the house at home, how much money did he have, and whether he lost it or not, was he no better than these grandchildren?
However, "Even if your second aunt gave it to you, you can't spend it indiscriminately. How much is left?"

Wang Ting shook her head, "No more, the flowers are over."

The total is only 80 cents, and these two cents are not 90 cents in the [-]s and [-]s, but now they are all in the [-]s.

Mr. Wang didn't look at her, but turned to look at Wang Man: "Where's the money? Give it to Grandpa."

Wang Man is not stupid. My sister has already explained the truth to her clearly. It is earned by her writing essays. Only with money can the two sisters live well and eat popcorn. They have been with grandpa for two or three years. For three meals a day, I have never eaten anything delicious. I eat popcorn with my sister. The popcorn is fragrant and sweet, so delicious.Whatever my sister says, that's what it is.

"No money, I've run out of money, I've run out of popcorn, Grandpa, I really have no money."

"Impossible, Grandpa. The schoolbags of the two of them are bulging. They must contain a lot of things. It must be more than twenty cents."

It was Wang Na who was speaking, two years older than her, and the third sister who was already in the first grade of junior high school (the daughter of the family, Li Xingsan).

Wang Yuan, who filed the complaint, is Wang Na's biological sister, who is two months younger than Wang Ting. They were born in the same year, so they went to the same class.

She is extremely dissatisfied with herself now, these two daughters are not bad looking, although they are not as white as the two sisters, but anyway, they have a good-looking face and not small eyes, so if they are neutralized, their appearance will not be ugly.

Wang Ting felt disgusted by being squeezed by Wang Na and Wang Yuan: "Your relatives gave you pocket money, do you need to report to grandpa?"

"When you bought snacks, did you give them to grandpa? Did you tell grandpa how much your relatives gave?"

"How much does Sanbo and Sanniang give grandpa every year? It's true that we both live and eat at Grandpa's place, but the food belongs to our family, and we don't take advantage of grandparents. My parents give money to grandparents every year, and we are not greedy." Corruption, why the elders haven’t said anything yet, and you juniors are blah blah blah here? Just because we bought food and didn’t give it to you, so you want to accuse us of stealing money?”

"That's right, you were killing chickens at home last week, and you didn't see a bowl for your grandparents. You eat meat, and we haven't even seen minced meat. Did we say anything?"

The two sisters shared the same hatred, and the more they talked, the more angry they became, and the more they talked, the more the three on the opposite side (and Wang Feng, their younger brother) became more anxious.

The old man is so shrewd, he didn't say a word, just watched them bite each other, Wang Na saw that something was wrong, so she grabbed her younger brother.

But the kid was still saying: "Search their house, they have a lot of things, last time I saw a blanket!"

Wang Ting's eyes sank, and she looked sharply at the siblings. No wonder their house keeps throwing things away, and the cooperating thief is here!
Even Aunt Fifth said that she had lost money, and they lived in the same yard, as if she said it deliberately for the two sisters.

Now it seems that the thief is here!
However, she had no evidence, and their words sounded the alarm for her.

Fortunately, all the things that can be hidden at home are put in her space.

In the next step, she plans to put the things in the drawers in the space, and put away all the blankets, towels, and quilts, as long as people can see them.

This family is really wicked.

Seeing that something was wrong, Wang Na, who was in junior high school, dragged her younger siblings and ran away.

Grandpa turned to look at her, his eyes were unclear, and Wang Ting boldly greeted her.

"So, you two are blaming me for not spending money on you?"

Wang Ting is not stupid, no matter how dissatisfied she is in her heart, she can't show it on her face. Once she has any emotions, the old man will only blame her mother.

So she shook her head resolutely: "That's the pension money that parents gave to grandparents. It should be. Grandparents also spent money to raise them. When you are old, shouldn't they respect you? We It’s good enough for the two children to eat and drink, what money do they spend? I just think what my third sister said was wrong, and they wronged me and my sister. We didn’t steal any money. It was really the pocket money given by my second aunt. Let's buy some snacks when we catch up with the meeting, if you don't believe me, grandpa, go and look in our house to see if there is anything else."

The old man who Wang Ting said these words is very ironic in his heart. Compared with the children of the third child who just played with their hearts, these two girls are like his fourth child, honest and careless.

So instead of blaming them, he also gave each of them another [-] cents in pocket money.

"Take it, buy a copy pen, save it, tell me what you want to buy in the future, and try to be satisfied as much as possible, if you can't buy it, just don't buy it."

Wang Ting didn't expect that it was a blessing in disguise, and she got [-] cents. She couldn't do it happily, "Grandpa, you are so kind."

Who wouldn’t know how to be so obedient? He took his sister and thanked her in a nice voice, and then went to dinner. The two of them cooked a pot, and the other rolled noodles. Although she was only ten years old, in the countryside, she was so old. The girls can basically do all the housework.

In the evening, grandpa said to drink noodles, so she poured some sweet potato noodles and some white noodles, which were a little harder. After the face was bare and the hands were bare, she went to the field in front of the house to gather a few small cabbages and came back, and pulled them out again. Onion and coriander, simply fry the cabbage at night, after the noodles are boiled, pour the cabbage into the noodle pot, and then pour the salt and vinegar sauce pickled with onion and coriander into the pot, stir and eat, it tastes good .

Because they are getting older, not only can the noodles not be thick, but they also need to be cooked for a longer time, and they have to be stewed for a while after they are out of the pan. In order to take care of their taste, the two of them ate these soft, rotten and easy-to-digest foods every day.

These grandparents have never been taught, and they are all watched and observed every day. Compared with the cousins ​​and siblings who have never done anything for the old man, they are obviously more caring, okay?
The two cents, probably because of what Wang Ting said, the old man's conscience found out, right?
The second aunt knows to give some pocket money, but the grandfather who is in front of her every day doesn't give anything. Doesn't it make sense?
"Grandpa, we both want to boil some water to take a bath at night. Our bodies are too itchy and dirty. Let's go pick up some firewood after dinner."

Although the two of them picked up the firewood, the old man has saved his whole life, and he is still very strict with firewood.

Of course, the matter of bathing must be reported in advance. As for the drinking water in their house, in the era when there was no running water, every household relied on the pressurized well in the yard. , the groundwater was pumped up.

The pressurized well is just under the window of their house, which is very convenient.

"Let's wash it," Grandpa nodded, and went out for a walk with his hands behind his back after dinner, while Grandma walked back and forth in the yard with a cane to digest.

Together with her, my sister cleaned the pots and pans, and then added water to the big iron pot and started to boil.

When taking a shower, close the door of the house and wash it for my younger sister first. In order to save shampoo, I have to wash my hair with soap first, and then pick out a little shampoo and rub it on my head. If there is too much shampoo, I will be afraid that the smell will be too strong. People smell it.

The body was dirty, and one basin of water was not enough, so I used two basins of water to wash my sister clean, without rubbing off any dust, and then asked her to change into clean clothes and sit on the bed.

She even boiled two pots of water by herself, put them in the space, and put both hot and cold water in, so that she didn't have to run back and forth when washing later.

Then he took out his sister's bath water basin by basin and poured it into the ground by the door.

It was getting dark now, and my uncle and aunt's house had just cooked and was eating, and my grandma walked around the street at some point, and no one paid attention to the two of them.

So even though four pots of hot water were boiled, no one said anything.

After cleaning himself up, he changed into clean clothes and looked back at his sister, the little girl had already fallen asleep.

She lifted the dirty water outside, then pumped some water into the space, and by the light of the space, washed the dirty clothes of the two of them with soap.

Then, at night, when people couldn't see the soapy water clearly, they poured the water into the ground at the gate.

At night, the child's clothes were not suitable for hanging outside, so she first put them on the big rocks in the space to control the water. The big rocks were brought in from the river, and they were washed flat by the river water, suitable for storing things.

She had to go to school tomorrow, so she woke up after sleeping in the space, measured their height, waist circumference, arms, and leg lengths, and then took the scissors to the drawn line and began to cut them into long johns.

The big ones are made now, and the big ones are seated, and the remaining cloth ends are used to make underwear, and the arrangements are properly arranged.

"It's not easy for me to be both a father and a mother."

Ah, by the way, no wonder my face is dry, I haven't rubbed my face yet, so I quickly took out the clam oil and wiped my sister's face and hands.

I taught her to brush her teeth after taking a shower, and after brushing, she put them in the space so that no one could see them.

In the future, do not brush in the morning, and brush before going to bed at night, so it is not easy to be found.

With their current conditions, it is impossible for them to brush their teeth in the morning and evening.

Rural elementary schools have to go to school for morning reading at seven in the morning, and junior high schools have to go to school at five in the morning, which is very hard.

No matter what, grandparents will get up in the morning to cook for the two of them. Basically, except for dinner, the other two meals are cooked by grandparents. Eat warm meals, but also should be grateful to them.

After school at 11:30 noon, it was almost twelve o'clock when we got home. Grandma would prepare a meal for them when they came back, and they would leave at one o'clock after eating. I was in a hurry, but I never complained.

Wang Ting is a person who knows how to be grateful, so even if her grandparents are a little irritable and she babbles every day, don’t let you eat hot food, don’t let you eat sweet food, eat more vegetables and eat less salty food, she will also say that talking more means living more. several years.

Taking classes in a village primary school, it’s good that there are few people, and the place is big, but what’s wrong with it?

That guy, he wished he could run two miles to go to the toilet, not to mention the distance, the one who was pitted one after another, was always afraid that he would step on the empty space and fall.

It's okay in winter, but in summer, tsk tsk, you can't get in at all.

And there is no hot water in school for you to drink, and you don’t bring it yourself. When you are thirsty, you can squeeze some water out and take a few sips of gourd ladles.

At this time, I don't dislike whoever has drank and who hasn't.

The girls are okay, they dance rubber bands after class, the boys are good guys, they just barely rolled on the playground.

Looking at such a scene, Wang Ting couldn't help sighing: "It's so good to be young!"

After class, she was called to the office by the Chinese teacher, that is, the class teacher, and mysteriously took out a book that elementary school students read from the drawer, and then turned to the page in the corner and handed it to her. She received a book in her hand. Look, suddenly happy.

"Ah, that's not the name of our school. Oh, I still need my name. Wang Ting, Class [-], that's great, Teacher Zhang."

"No, the principal is also happy, and said that during the exercise between classes today, he will praise you and give you a certificate of merit!"

The teacher told her in advance that although the sense of mystery was lost, the award still had a certain weight with grandpa.

"What did Teacher Zhang ask you to do?" As soon as she returned to the classroom, Wang Yuan ran over and asked her.

She glanced at her, and blinked mysteriously, "After math class, you will know it during the big break."

As a result, she not only received the certificate, but also a brand-new set of stationery, iron pencil case, pen, ink, and two plastic leather notebooks.

Wang Yuan couldn't hide her jealous little eyes, because she won the first prize in their county's composition competition, the magazine for the excellent composition of elementary school students, but her composition was placed on the third page, and the name of the school was followed by Can you not be proud of her name, Wang Ting?
After school, I took the journal home to show to my grandfather (it was given by the teacher, saying that she deserved it), and I hugged the certificate and prize tightly.

My granddaughter's composition has been published in magazines like newspapers. Grandpa must be happy. When I was happy at night, I scrambled two eggs for my sister and ate egg noodles. Don't mention how proud I am!
The younger sister fondled the book, wanting one, Wang Ting readily agreed, Wang Man hugged her face, and kissed her hard.

Looking at Wang Man's face, she subconsciously thought of the third sister who was sent away. The family that adopted the third sister had only one son, and they took the younger sister to raise them as twins. The mother knew where it was, but she was embarrassed to recognize it, because She was very kind to her. Back then, she sent away her younger sister in order to have a son. She regretted it in her previous life, but she never thought about asking for it again, because the result was obvious.

The time she passed through in this life can't change anything, but I heard from my mother that the third son and the second sister look very similar.

She didn't know whether her mother received the letter she wrote, but the manuscript sent to the newspaper office was indeed seen in the subsequent newspapers.

She is now in the countryside, and she has access to too few paper media, so she chooses to submit articles to provincial newspapers.

The second time I got 46 yuan for five manuscripts, plus the remaining 20 yuan before, it was 66 yuan.

The dime that grandpa gave, she gave to her younger sister as pocket money.

When the next meeting came, she did not bring her younger sister and asked her to help her grandparents cook at home. She went to buy cotton, outer cotton cloth, and lining by herself. Because cotton cost one yuan a catty, she bought thirty catties. , The cloth also cost ten yuan, and the torn cloths are all beautiful floral cloths, and the patterned cotton cloths worn by men are also required.

Padded jackets worn outside are not very popular these days. She plans to make padded jackets worn inside. She spends 40 yuan at a time, and only 26 yuan is left. It can really be made!

As for the buttons and so on, they are all given away by others, and they don't ask for money, because they buy a lot.

When buying cotton, she had to be interrogated for a long time. She was a little girl, and she was afraid that she would cause trouble later.

There are a lot of cotton quilts at home, they are my mother's dowry, and they are all new flowers, but I am not willing to take them out to make cotton clothes.

This cotton is going to be made for my younger sister and her. I estimate that ten catties will be enough for the two of them. I will save the rest of the cotton. I will look back at how my grandparents’ cotton padded clothes are. Is it warm enough? She will think about it if it is not enough. Find a way to make a suit for them.

She also thought about the source of the cotton coat, and said that it was brought by her grandma.

The National Day holiday coincides with the Mid-Autumn Festival. She took her younger sister, bought snacks and eggs, and went to see her grandparents. Here, they call grandpa grandpa and grandma grandma. Because her world is called grandma, it is easy. confusion.

Although the grandfather and mother-in-law are old, they have always lived and cooked by themselves, and have not partnered with the uncle and the others. Although they live in the same yard, they do not interfere with each other.

The uncle's family, hehe, that is the most trashy family she found from the original owner's memory, so I don't bother to say it.

But the mother always taught them that the children should not care about the affairs between adults, and that they should say hello or say hello when they meet.

So every time she goes, because she has to go to the yard of her uncle's house, she greets her symbolically when she meets her.

Then I sat down with my grandfather and my mother-in-law and talked for a while. My mother-in-law refused to take the things they brought over, and asked them to take them back.

After entering the house, the old lady kept digging through the delicious food from the mahogany box that she married as a dowry, filling their pockets and even their hands. I came back to buy it for the first time, especially the second aunt, who was close, and came to visit my parents every three days, and took things every time.

But after the old lady was 70 years old, her mother took care of her a lot, because the second aunt had a business and was very busy.

The old couple lived a long life, the old lady passed away at the age of 96, and the old man just survived a hundred years old.

She doesn't know the secret of longevity, but everything that can be cooked in a pot is cooked in a pot.

Boil porridge, boil radish, sweet potato, ginger and carrot. Anyway, she knows that there are many varieties. The old couple have bad teeth, so they cook until they are soft and rotten. You can smell it.

At noon, my mother-in-law cut leeks, scrambled eggs, and made dumplings for them.

Wang Ting was rolling out skins to make dumplings, and she was very agile, which surprised my mother-in-law.

"I haven't seen you for a few days. My Tingting is getting more and more capable. During the Chinese New Year, I can fight with my mother!"

Wang Ting was embarrassed by the words. In fact, she wanted to buy meat when she came, but she was afraid that her mother would say that her hands were too loose. After all, in this day and age, meat can only be eaten during the holidays, and my mother rarely buys it at home. , After thinking twice, I bought eggs.

Because there were a lot of mooncakes for the Mid-Autumn Festival, she didn't buy them. She only bought eggs and snacks, which cost about four yuan and left 22 yuan.

 Chapter 1 of this story needs to wait for 48 hours to be revised, and I guess I can watch it tomorrow night.

  Although this is 1990, the living conditions in the countryside are still in the 80s, far from the rapid development of the cities.

  There are also large economic differences between towns, towns and villages in each province, city, county, town, and village. Even in 2020, meat and eggs will not be available in remote mountainous areas, and even tofu can be called a good thing, so please don’t pick words on this.

  The differences between regions are huge.

(End of this chapter)

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