The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1296 [1295] The story of the buried woman farming 23

Chapter 1296 [1295] The story of the buried female farming 23 (5100)

After a busy day, the whole family put all their energy into one place. Although they didn't earn much, they still had enough to eat and drink, so it was good.

People who are easily satisfied will be overwhelmed with happiness.

Among the people who came to her for treatment, there were men, women, old people and children. She had never met a disrespectful old hooligan before, but the old man who came today did not know which village he came from. She said that he was in pain all over, and she asked him to lie flat on the examination table, and then examined him.

After checking the chest/abdomen/legs and other parts one by one, he said that he had a headache and asked her to show him his eyes and head. When she put her hand on it, he suddenly sat up and grabbed her hand. hand.

"Miraculous doctor, miraculous doctor, show me quickly, my heart is beating so fast, if you don't believe me, feel it?"

Bai He had exhausted her patience a long time ago, now that she heard this, how could there be any reason she didn't understand?
Xiaomang has also seen that this old thing has bad intentions. If the master hadn't stopped him, he would have started it long ago. Now the old rascal came up and grabbed the master's hand. He ran over to block the master without thinking. behind.

"What are you doing? I don't think you're sick at all. You're just looking for trouble. You want to take advantage of my master. Get out of here. We don't welcome old things like you here!"

The old man with pimples all over his face and a breath that could suffocate people was so excited by Xiaomang's words that he even lay down on the consultation table and acted like a rascal.

"Hey, the female doctor bullied me. She touched me from top to bottom. I'm old enough to be her father. How will I meet people in the future? If I don't learn well at a young age, Looking at the white and clean, how can you do such an unspeakable thing, come here, come and see, I was taken advantage of by this female doctor, who will come out and make a decision for me?"

There are three people queuing outside today. Usually, as long as the doctor is male, Xiaomang will go in with her. If it is a female patient who needs to undress, Xiaomang will avoid it. But in the past few months, This was the first time she encountered such a shameless person.

Seeing the situation, Xiaomang was worried that she would not be able to control herself, so she turned around and ran out.

"Grandpa and aunt, go in and have a look, that old hooligan is bullying my master!"

The people outside had heard the commotion inside, and now, after hearing what Xiaomang said, they stood up and walked into the consultation room. It used to be a utility room, but now it has been turned into a pharmacy, and the main room has also become a living room. It's her and Liu'er's bedroom. As long as she sees a doctor, Liu'er will hold San'er and play in the yard.

After Xiaomang finished speaking, she ran up the mountain to find rescuers, while Liu'er ran in worriedly with the child in her arms. If she was called another woman, she might be angry, ashamed and annoyed when she encountered this situation. She didn't know what to do, but Who is the glutinous rice balls? She is an experience traveler who has gone through nineteen lifetimes. With the experience she has accumulated in so many lifetimes, she still can't clean up this old thing?
If there is no way to solve this matter, it is really a waste of so many lives.

The old man was lying on the consultation table and couldn't get down?
Bai He stabbed down with a silver needle casually, and was quick and precise. When the screams sounded like killing a pig, the person also rolled down from the table. Bai He dragged the person out from inside like a dead dog. Although it was very difficult, but when she got angry, her eyes were sharp and she exuded a stubbornness of "If you don't let me have a good time, I won't let you have a good time". After he was dragged from the house to the yard, she kicked him down. The old man stumbled and ate a piece of dog gnawing mud, and fell to the ground in embarrassment.

Bai He patted her hands in disgust, her face under the veil was full of nausea.

"You, from now on, you are not allowed to come here to see a doctor, even if you are about to die of illness, don't come here, even if you are brought here, I will not look at you more, I said you are 50 or [-] years old, right? Look like a dog and ran to my house to disgust me? Are you not sick and you come here to beat me up? What? I look like a bully? Let you go to great lengths to take advantage of me in this way? "

Bai He walked in front of him, and when the old hooligan was still struggling underground, she grabbed his hair, and amidst his screams, she casually grabbed a piece of paper from the ground. After stuffing the soil into his mouth, the man kept yelling "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh", Bai He took his arm and pulled it back forcefully, until the screams of pain echoed throughout the yard.

Bai He took the opportunity to look back, and the patients behind were stunned. Obviously, they didn't expect the gentle and pleasant Doctor Bai to have such a fierce scene.

"Has anyone told you that you would rather offend a villain than a doctor? Do you think this girl is a vegetarian? Dare to see a doctor in your own home? Don't dare to say anything after being bullied? Then you are wrong, only It is difficult to raise a woman and a villain, I am a woman, a villain, and a doctor, so if you provoke me, you must pay a certain price!"

Immediately afterwards, there was a more terrifying scream, and when the old thing on the ground was rolling around clutching its removed arm, Xiaomang and Wei Yingfang ran back panting, and Wei Ying helped his father to choose a car in the mountains. Wood, fortunately not too far away, Xiaomang ran back as soon as he yelled, but he didn't expect to see such a brutal scene when he entered the door.

The old guy was thrown out of their house by Wei Ying in the end, and Bai He asked him where he was after he left.

Then he said something to the others with a blank face.

"Please, when you go home, pass a message to the men, women and children in their village. From now on, I will not treat any men in their village. If you want to break this rule, it depends on how their village helps me get revenge This man, of course, murder and arson is illegal, we can't do it, but maybe we can try other methods, if the result is satisfactory to me, I will naturally retract this sentence, I, Baihe, am a person who must take revenge, although Kind but not stupid, for this kind of thing, I will not kill him, but I will make his life worse than death!"

Her words were resounding, well-founded, and a little arrogant. Seeing this situation, the remaining three patients had scolded that old thing countless times. Fortunately, Bai He didn't take it out on them. Be patient and see the sickness for these few people.

"I won't see a doctor in the afternoon, please help pass a message when I go back. I am not in the mood to open the door to welcome guests these days. If you have an emergency or feel uncomfortable, please go to another doctor. Here Thank you behind closed doors for the time being, thank you."

After sending the three patients away, Wei Ying walked around to her, staring at her with admiring eyes for a moment, and she frowned when he looked directly at her.

"Why, what am I doing wrong? You want to persuade me?"

"What do you advise? You have been bullied to the top. If I hadn't seen him running around with his tail between his legs, I would have gone up and punched him a few more times. You can do it. That's what you should do. Let people Now that everyone has seen how powerful you are, no one dares to bully you, but, are you too anxious, and even forgot to pull out the needle?"

When Wei Ying handed her the three needles she just stabbed into the old hooligan's body, Bai He suddenly remembered.

"Oh, it's a good thing you picked it up, otherwise it wouldn't be a complete set. This needle is very expensive, but I have to find a way to sterilize it. It's so disgusting, Ma De, it really affects my mood for a day. How could there be Such a disgusting person? What do you think he thinks? Don't you feel stupid? "

From Bai He's point of view, this was clearly suicidal harassment, sent to her door to be beaten up by her.

"Maybe seeing you are so beautiful, you did it when your brain got hot? Maybe it's because you really feel uncomfortable that you came to see a doctor. I didn't expect such a big commotion!"

Under the persuasion of her family, this matter was quickly thrown out of Bai He's mind, because the Chinese New Year was coming soon, and she was not in the mood to deal with it.

But within a few days, a patient said that the old man had died, and Bai He turned around in surprise: "Dead? How did he die?"

"The old problem happened again. This time, he bullied his newlywed daughter-in-law when he was going up the mountain. Fortunately, the man was nearby. When the two were fighting on the mountain, the back of his head hit a rock and he died!"

When Bai He heard this, she breathed a sigh of relief. She thought it was because she struck too hard last time, but it seemed that it was still light. It's only been a few days, and the old problem has happened again, it's time!
It was also from here that she learned that the rotten man was an old bachelor who was sneaking around and doing nothing good in the village. This time, he committed suicide, not only did no one complain about him, even the government did not ask for it. , The village took a few people and buried him on the mountain, and it was over.

The newlyweds were not punished in any way. It was a legitimate resistance to protect their wives from harm. What is wrong with this?
However, through this incident, it also sounded the alarm to some people with bad intentions. If you do more unrighteousness, you will kill yourself.

The Lunar New Year is coming, and the meat at home has already been fully prepared. In addition to pork, there are also fish that Wei Ying and Xiangzi went to the lake on the mountain to salvage. This time they went up the mountain and caught a lot of nets. The place where she was buried is relatively far away, which is the boundary of the Qinglong Mountain where she was buried before. If Wei Ying hadn't been for his strong physical fitness, martial arts skills, and experienced hunter, he might not be within the jurisdiction of the imperial court.

It is said that after the previous tomb was destroyed, the tomb of the prince was moved away, and the tomb of the prince was indeed not excavated in the mountain in history. It seems that after this incident, it is bound to be reburied.

But since this Qinglong Mountain is controlled by the royal family, it is not guaranteed that it will be used by other people as the royal mausoleum in the future. If you climb up from the bottom, you will not be able to go up, unless you go around Qinggang Mountain. If there are no locals to guide the way, you will not even be able to touch the path, let alone pass it. The mountain is dangerous, and the terrain after the earth dragon turned over is even more dangerous. If you are not careful, you will fall into the abyss Therefore, there are not many people who dare to take risks.

Naturally, there are much more prey resources and medicinal herb resources on the Qinglong Mountain than on the Qinggang Mountain, and even Bai He, the buried palace lady, is eager to try.

Since Wei Ying and the others discovered that the fish in the lake on the other side of Qinglong Mountain were big and plentiful, they did not hesitate to run across the mountains to catch fish, so their family's fish had accumulated two to three hundred catties.

This is also knowing that she can handle these fish and keep them fresh to the greatest extent, and it is also cold, so the two brothers boldly went home to toss.

After having fish, she prepared the essential parts of fish balls, fish noodles, and fish steaks. She ate half of them, and secretly transferred the rest to the space to save, so that she could make supplementary food for San'er in the future.

Fish bones and fish heads are made of fish heads with chopped peppers and pasted pancakes. Sometimes five or six large fish heads can be stewed in one pot, and each person can get one. Just the vermicelli, tofu, fish balls, and cabbage that she leaked Waiting for the ingredients, the browned pancakes are bitten down, mixed with the meat in the fish head pot, it is really fresh and refreshing, and the whole body is sweating and hot after eating.

With pork and fish, it doesn't matter whether the chickens or rabbits at home are killed or not. The key is that there are too many fish to eat.

Pickled fish, smoked fish, and cured fish are all you can think of, and because of the flood of fish, the family also followed her to eat spicy grilled fish, chopped pepper fish head, pickled fish, sweet and sour fish, braised fish, etc. Wait.

"Sister, if you didn't make it, we didn't know that there are so many ways to eat fish. We used to think that this thing has a lot of thorns and fishy smell. Why can the taste of these fish be so ever-changing after passing through your hands? , even Cido can bear it."

"To make fish is a waste of oil. If there is too much oil and ingredients, there will naturally be more ingredients to remove the fishy smell. If you use multiple methods, its own fishy smell will be covered up. In fact, it is not because I am so great, but because I am willing to do it." Put things down, go down the mountain and see, whoever eats a fish is willing to be so bad, but if there is an elder in the family, I will be scolded to death!"

This is the truth, and no one can refute it, but my sister's fish is delicious, so they have more motivation to go fishing.

When Baihe was making fish, it was discovered that fermented soya bean is indispensable, so it was fermented with soybeans in the space, and after it matured, fermented soya bean fish was made.

Tempeh can be made from black beans or soybeans. Yellow soybeans are fermented from soybeans, and black soybeans are fermented from black beans.

However, she doesn't have the permission to grow black beans yet, and she has to wait until level 19 to unlock it.

Because of the difference in processing technology, tempeh is also divided into dry tempeh and wet tempeh. The wet tempeh in my country is the ancestor of Japanese natto.

As the Spring Festival approaches, tofu needs to be made. The big mill at home is very busy these days. She also secretly transfers the corn to grind it into corn grits and cornmeal, and feeds chicken or quail the thicker parts. Now their home is in good condition. Oh, and she doesn't like to eat too thick grain bran, so she simply let them play their best value.

Now the chickens are raised by her, and they can get two or three, or three or four eggs every day. There are also five or six quail eggs. Improve the food.

The bean dregs after grinding tofu are not willing to feed chickens and ducks, but add seasoning or vermicelli, coriander, and chives to make bean dregs balls for eating.

The crispy and crispy meatballs are also particularly rough to bite. I am very hungry. Sometimes I don’t cook at night, I eat meatballs and drink vegetable soup, which is very satisfying.

In addition to preparing these things, there are also essential spring ingredients such as glutinous rice cakes, cabbage tofu vermicelli buns, spicy tofu buns, sauce meat buns, and bean stuffing buns.

Once the pork is boiled, it can be made into braised pork or white meat with garlic paste.

A large sheet of pigskin is washed in water, cleaned up, and boiled into pigskin jelly. It is an indispensable cold dish on the table in spring.

There is also lotus root, the lotus root produced in the space is really big and beautiful, osmanthus glutinous rice root, fried lotus clip, lotus root rib soup, cold lotus root, with lotus root, there are several more fresh dishes.

The garlic sprouts in the vegetable field are not too big, and they will grow wildly after the New Year, but before the year, you can use these small garlic sprouts to fry meat or scramble eggs.

Look, with just such a casual toss, their New Year's food is several grades higher than other people's.

Weiying and Xiangzi bought some lotus roots in the county, but the quantity was not much, but she secretly added more lotus roots from the space. They don't cook, and they can't tell the difference, as long as they know that they bought the lotus roots Just come back.

In ancient times, beef was not available, and even mutton was very rare. Their family had pork and fish, but they didn't buy anything else. Of course, they couldn't buy it either.

The pork ribs add up to about ten catties, and they are mainly used for stewing soup, because the pork ribs and lotus root soup she stewed is a must, fresh and delicious. This local pork tastes much better than those instant pigs of later generations.

The spring water in the space is poured into the water tank next to it when watering, and slowly accumulated. She likes to use this water when boiling water to make soup on weekdays. The water picked up by a man from the bottom of the mountain and from the top of the mountain includes stream water and mountain spring water.

Wei Ying said that next year, he will find a way to use bamboo to make a drainage pipe to divert the spring water from the mountain to the foot of the mountain for the use of the two of them. However, because more bamboo is consumed, he plans to wait until the beginning of spring next year.

Mountain spring water flows slowly, even if it is drained, it will not let them catch it, and the state of slowly controlling the water is a process of sedimentation, so it is no problem to drink mountain spring water directly, whether it is mountain, river, lake or stream water , The quality of this water is better than the water quality of later generations. Everyone here drinks raw water directly, and few people will follow her to drink hot water.

She has no choice but to develop a habit. She always feels that drinking unboiled water will make her stomach hurt. I won’t say anything about it. Liu’er and San’er have already formed the habit of her, especially San’er’s three meals a day. , that was all carefully taken care of by her.

The brown sugar cubes she made, honey citron tea, space herb roasted tea, wild wolfberry, and white wormwood dandelion after drying are all her daily tea sources.

Baihe just had her period in the twelfth lunar month of this year. When she first came, she had a lot of food, and her stomach was extremely uncomfortable. Fortunately, she had prepared sanitary napkins for her menstrual period in advance, because she couldn't grow cotton at any time. Use it at any time, after all, the space needs to be upgraded to plant herbs, so she bought a lot of cloth heads, added plant ash to make physiological cotton pads for use, threw away the contents after use, washed them with soap, added plant ash, Prepare an unused pot separately for disinfection, and then expose it to the sun. In this way, the usage rate of fabric and cotton can be greatly saved.

(End of this chapter)

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