The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1298 [1297] The story of the buried woman farming 25

Chapter 1298 [1297] The story of the buried female farming 25 (5000)

Fortunately, it was dark now. Taking advantage of the darkness, she grabbed a handful of dry leaves, lit them with a torch, and threw them into the yard. Unexpectedly, it was quite powerful. She lit the firewood pile on one side, and she stood at the door and waited. After waiting for about a cup of tea, the people inside seemed to feel the fire, and at this time the fire was already very strong.

But this is a farm, and there is obviously a well in the yard, but the door was not opened. As a last resort, she also set fire outside the door, which forced them to open the door. The strength of the rolling went into the courtyard.

After they extinguished the fire in a panic and the surroundings returned to tranquility, they quietly came out of the space and hid in the dark of the yard.

And the group of people quickly returned to the two places where the fire broke out, analyzing the origin of the fire. Judging from the traces at the scene, they had already determined that someone deliberately set the fire, "So we were discovered?"

Someone was in a hurry and wanted to take them away immediately, but there was no one at the scene except for the traces of burning fire. After hesitating, Bai He was already wearing black clothes, and was constantly flashing in and out in the corner, like a ghost. She was looking for the girls locked up by them. After confirming their location, she glanced at several tall and burly traffickers, and made sure that she was not a match for her small body.

Fortunately, she is currently trying to make various pills, among which is a purple mist, but she needs to wait for the time.

Bai He waited and waited for an unknown number of hours, until the surroundings were completely quiet, she first stunned the two big men guarding the door of Liu Er and the others with misty smoke, and she hid in the space, misty smoke It was placed in front of them. They were half asleep and half awake at this time, and they didn't even notice the smoke drifting towards their nostrils, so they were all put down within 10 minutes.

After pouring out the two vigilantes, the remaining few are even simpler. In order to let them sleep for a while, she also put oral sleep powder into their mouths, and after making sure that everyone in the yard was released After falling down, she didn't rush to rescue anyone, but searched the farmyard inside and out, and found a lot of food, vegetables and meat, as well as two boxes of jewelry hidden in the cellar. Except for the ones that grow in the ground, everything else in this farm was taken over.

Then, with great effort, he carried the six girls onto the carriage in the yard, and drove them to the gate of the city in the carriage.

Afterwards, Baidie was released from the space by her, lingered at her fingertips for a moment, and after receiving her instructions, she waved her wings and left.

Although this carriage is good, but she has no formalities for this horse. If it is inspected, it may be classified as a stolen war horse. She doesn't want to cause this trouble, so she got out of the carriage alone with Liu'er on her back, and hid in a nearby grass nest inside.

But half an hour later, the gate of the city was wide open, and a large number of officers and soldiers were dispatched, followed by a lot of servants. At first glance, they were the family members of these girls. Otherwise, it would be impossible for Cui Xiang and Wei to win them. .

They quickly found the carriage parked on the official road. After checking that the people inside were the lost girls, the family members cheered, and the officers and soldiers were all puzzled. As if seeing a ghost, after returning to the city anxiously, he immediately sent people to the farm to spy on the situation.

Wei Ying and Cui Xiang were also among those people. When they saw that there was no Liu'er in the carriage, they guessed that Bai He might have taken her away.

When those people entered the city, they began to look for Bai Die's shadow, Bai Die was also awesome, and soon led the two of them to find the two sisters who were sleeping soundly in the grass.

Wei Ying looked at the two of them dumbfounded, and at the same time couldn't help but look up at the butterfly that led them over, his eyes were full of curiosity, and when his eyes fell on Bai He in his arms, he felt an indescribable feeling.

They stayed in the woods until dawn, and when the two sisters woke up, Bai He woke up first. Facing the curious eyes of the two brothers, she rubbed her head and asked.

"You rescued us both?"

"You two?" Wei Ying was startled: "You didn't save Liu'er?"

Bai He was even more confused when he heard this: "Don't look at me like that, it's not me, how could I have that ability? I don't even know how I was kidnapped."

Wei Ying was surprised: "Even you were kidnapped?"

"Yeah, when I was in the city, I was dazzled by someone covering my mouth, why are we here!"

Seeing that her expression didn't look like a fake, Wei Ying explained the cause and effect.

"We saw your butterflies chasing all the way to the gate of the city. Later, we saw that the officers and soldiers were going out to find someone at the gate, so we followed up together. Who would have thought that you two would not be among them, so I wondered if you would bring them Liu'er hid, it was Baidie who brought us here, you butterfly has become a spirit!"

Bai He hammered his heavy head, and shook his head: "I really don't know anything, and I don't know which kind-hearted person saved us, but this time it's really dangerous, almost, almost the two of us won't see each other. It's your turn, don't disturb Liu'er when she wakes up, tell her slowly, don't scare the child."

Wei Ying couldn't help knocking her on the head, his eyes were full of disapproval.

"She's a child, so you're not? Didn't you tell you to stay still? I won't be able to find you when I look back,"

Xiangzi was also scared at the side: "My brother Wei was so scared that his face turned pale, sister, he is very worried about you."

Bai He's scalp was a little numb from Wei Ying's stare: "Didn't I see a carriage running out next door, am I curious? Then I was stunned by someone. I didn't expect that the closed door could be opened again. From the back It restrained me, and I was scared to death, this city is too unsafe, let's go back quickly!"

I went back, so that I can count how many treasures are in those two big boxes.

At this time, Bai He didn't know that her two boxes of treasures had already been taken away by some shameless system.

When they returned to their home in the city, rested and recuperated, and she took the opportunity to enter the space to find the treasure, she realized that she had been taken away by the system again.

This completely angered Bai He: "No? Why? I got this, why did you confiscate it?"

"Of course the ill-gotten gains will be confiscated! Besides, you don't have enough space and territory. I kindly gave you permission to let you in. Look at the thousands of catties of grain, two pigs, dozens of catties Salt and thousands of catties of vegetables are not in vain, are you? As for those two boxes of treasures..."

"Let me take a look, I don't know what's inside yet!"

"Forget it. It's better not to look at it. It's even more disturbing to look at it. I will keep these two boxes of treasures and the previous boxes for you. How to deal with them in the future will be discussed later."

"You can pull it down, I don't know you yet, and you won't be ignorant of these things in a few years? You have a system, and what you want is merit points. What do you want this precious gold, silver and jewelry for?"

Liangtian Guanmai pretended to be dead, and kept silent. The angry Baihe couldn't find a chance to beat him.

But fortunately, there is food for comfort, especially the salt, and several large tanks of pickled eggs. This farm does not look good, and it is quite rich.

If it wasn't for the fact that the chickens they raised were alive, she wouldn't be able to transfer to the space, and she might not even let go of the chicken coop.

She has always hated human traffickers. This time, she didn't kill them, but took away their things, which might be enough for them to drink a pot.

This time the county was unfavorable, and almost had a big accident. After eating breakfast, they hurriedly drove away. Fortunately, they had already purchased all the things they needed during the few days they were here, so when they left, they returned with a full load .

After what happened that night, Liu'er became more dependent on her and became more silent, probably because she was frightened. Although no one blamed her, she already believed that there were too many bad people in the city, and she still felt that Dashan It is safe in the mountains, and the mountains are more suitable for you.

"Sister, I will never come out again."

Bai He didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Silly girl, you will regret saying that in the future. You are only so old, and you will grow up in the future. My sister still expects you to marry a good man in the future!"

"I don't want to marry, I will stay by your side."

Bai He shook her head, and didn't try to persuade her anymore. She was just a shadow for a while, and she might yearn for the prosperity of the city in the future. After all, the little girls in their village were proud to be maids and concubines in the city. Woolen cloth!

It's ridiculous to say that it's not good for a girl from a mountain family to find a mountain man to marry. Although life is hard, at least one husband and one wife will last forever, but ever since someone became a servant girl and concubine, I feel that Women are envious of the beauty of wearing gold and silver, and they try their best to get their daughters to sign the contract of marriage. I really don't know what to think.

It's true that the hair is long and the knowledge is short, but they don't know that this is not glory, but the ignorance and ignorance under the feudal dross.

Bai He tried to persuade her with good words, but what she got was their disdain and supercilious eyes. She also said that she was jealous, which is really ridiculous. She is jealous, why is she jealous of them?
Forget it, it's meaningless not to argue with ignorant and ignorant people.

When they returned to the village, it was already dark. They had driven for a day. The way to let the donkey rest in the middle was to walk a section of the difficult mountain road on foot. After feeding it, they went straight on the road. By then, it was midnight.

Where they walked would cause dogs to bark, but fortunately, everything went home smoothly. They pulled the donkey, unloaded things, cooked, and worked for about an hour before falling asleep. Before that, they did not bother the Acropolis. So San'er didn't know they were going home. Wei Ying and Xiangzi went back, but they climbed over the wall to get in, because the door was locked by the father.

Bai He looked at the supplies in the storage cabinet in the space, and felt sorry for the gold coins. In addition, she didn't sell anything when she went to the city this time, because she didn't store any supplies these days, and she just wanted to sell the gold coins quickly. Click to upgrade, and the materials in the cellar were also bought by Xiangzi and Wei Ying, and she didn't take out any money.

But she sneakily took the pickled eggs, said they were pickled eggs, but in fact they were too much to eat. Soak them in white wine and bury them in the salt. That's why she said that there are both salt and eggs. I didn't expect these people to have good brains Yes, at least she opened a salted egg and found that the salted egg was not bad, the yolk was still oily, and the saltiness was just right.

There were five big vats, and she didn't know how many eggs there were, so she didn't dare to put them all in the cellar, and only took out twenty or thirty eggs, waiting for everyone to try something new in the next few days.

This farm has at least one or twenty acres of land, so the warehouse stores thousands of catties of vegetables and thousands of catties of grain. The types of grain are also very diverse, such as soybeans, wheat, rice, millet, sorghum, and buckwheat. Vegetables include cabbage and radishes. , lotus root, mustard greens, scallions, garlic, and various dried vegetables, it can be seen that this place is a stronghold, and people often come to stop, otherwise there would not be so many supplies.

By the way, she also bought hundreds of catties of lard, which should have been refined just a few years ago.

Even though the two boxes of treasures were spoiled by fertile land, at least there were still so much food, vegetables, and meat, and she was still very satisfied.

Because of these ingredients, she doesn't need to make any effort in her space, and Qing waits to sell the mall to save gold coins and experience points.

The so-called experience value is the experience value commission given each harvest. The more expensive the vegetable, the higher the experience value.

This time when they went to the city, they bought a lot of cloth, more than a hundred catties, and the price was cheap. They only spent [-] Wen in total.

After bringing these cloth heads home, she asked Liu Er to take out the grass seeds and chaff that she had accumulated in autumn and winter, cut them out, put grass seeds into the cloth that was mended according to the pattern, and sew them together, and then she looked cute. A variety of cartoon characters were born. Although these cartoon characters do not have the colors and fluff they should have, the effects of the printed cloth are also unique.

"Sister, isn't this too cute? It's so beautiful, so this is the beautiful doll you mentioned?"

Grass seeds are placed on the heads of these dolls. The heads of individual dolls are made of relatively light and breathable fabrics. If the dolls are soaked in water, they can grow hair, which is the more popular grass dolls in later generations.

Bai He had a lot of ideas, Xiangzi thought it was very good after reading it.

"There are still lamps on the fifteenth day. If we sell them in the county town, they will definitely fetch a good price."

"These mixed with grass seeds, you have to wait until spring to sell, otherwise, if the temperature is not enough, the dolls will not germinate. As for these, you can sell them on the lamps. You are quick, hurry up and make more. I'll cut it out according to the pattern."

It's a pity that there is no fluff, and there is no way to pluck the fur, otherwise the shape of these dolls will be more cute.

Because there is nothing to do after the Chinese New Year, and there was a lot of rain in the mountains a few years ago, so the shepherd's purse and white wormwood all over the mountains and plains came out. Although the shepherd's purse is not big, it is tender enough. After eating the white wormwood in the first month, Baihe mobilized everyone except Liu Er, including her apprentice Xiaomang, to follow her to search for white wormwood all over the mountains and plains every day.

Shepherd's purse is still small and can grow longer. Although Artemisia argyi is not big, it only has medicinal properties in the first month. After this time period, it is an ordinary weed and has no use.

Artemisia annua is particularly hard to choose when collecting home, because there are too many dirty things mixed in, and it needs to be cleaned little by little. The water will be greener and fresher.

The reason why Bai He loves the unique fragrance of Artemisia baicalensis is also because in the nineteenth lives before her, she had to struggle with Artemisia baicalensis for some time in each life.

As long as she has this opportunity, she will never miss Baihao. Whether it is steamed or soaked in water, it is a rare and good product.

When she went up the mountain, she left the kid with Liu Er, who took care of Yu Sheng while doing handwork.

Because wormwood has the highest value in this month, Bai He didn't hesitate to call the Acropolis up the mountain, and everyone went out early and returned late every day to collect it.

Of course, her return to everyone is also very high, fish with different patterns, super soft and rotten braised pork, steamed pork with rice noodles, pork with dried plums, let the whole family have enough meat addiction before the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. Even fried dough sticks, vegetable boxes, and meatballs are fried every now and then. Even the people at the bottom of the mountain have said that the living conditions of their two families are too good. You can smell the fragrance of flowers floating all over the mountains and plains at the bottom of the mountain.

Because something happened to Liu Er and Bai He when they entered the city on the fifth day of the lunar new year, so on the day of the [-]th, only Xiangzi and Wei Ying entered the city. Wei Ying may not be back after entering the city for the time being, and has to work in a fur shop Go, when Xiangzi left, he brought the pastry with him.

After going to the city this time, after selling these puppets and cakes, he will buy another milk sheep, and then set up camp in the city, and go back to the mountains with Wei Ying every now and then. It's over, and it's time to come out and find a job.

The relationship between him and Bai He is so unhurried. Although the father is anxious, the relationship between the two families is getting closer and closer, and this Bai girl is still guarding the two families, and she is busy with her every day. My son, Xiangzi and Wei Ying's house in the city, although it's a bit dilapidated, doesn't need to find another place to live, and it saves a lot of money invisibly.

People in their mountains are like this. When the farming is busy, they are busy with the work in the field. When they are not busy, they go to the town or county to do odd jobs to earn some money and support the family.

The few lands they opened up wasteland years ago were sprinkled with farmyard manure by Baihe. Farmyard manure is the sewage retting of people, animals, and wet garbage disposed of on weekdays. These are the nutrients needed for farming. , the place will be almost retting after the next year.

As long as he is free, Baihe will go into the mountain to level the ground, make the fence more solid, and then continue to go into the mountain with Liuer to collect white wormwood. If the father is busy, the two sisters will go into the mountain together with Saner on their backs. , if the father is not busy, he will leave the third child to the care of the father. Although the two families have not really merged into one family, there is no essential difference between them and a family now.

When the two young men are not at home, Bai He will take care of the elderly and children more when he cooks. The fish is first fried and then stewed, and he drinks fish soup noodles. Now that there is space, there is no problem for these fish to eat until the spring blossoms. If it is not for the long distance and inconvenient to carry, both Xiangzi and Wei Ying would like to salvage them and sell them in the city. After all, the fish in the lake are long It's really big enough!

(End of this chapter)

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