The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1317 [1316] The story of the buried woman farming 44

Chapter 1317 [1316] The story of the buried female farming 44 (5100)

Although there are only two sisters in the family with a two or three-year-old furry child, this does not affect their quality of life at all.

No, it's the day of digging Artemisia basilica again. In previous years, the children were young and needed to be looked after by her, but in this season, whoever is free will dig.

But it’s different now. The kids can climb mountains along with them. The little ones have strong hands-on skills and are willing to follow and participate in all housework activities.

"Liu'er, just take her to dig grass."

There is a lot of grass coming out this season, if you can't cut it, you can only dig it. He likes to play with the soil, which is exactly what he wants.

Compared with Liu'er, her hands and feet are more agile, so Liu'er took care of her younger brother. Her eyes were fixed on the surrounding grass looking for green and whitish wormwood.

In the first month, Artemisia annua grows slowly, and in the middle there are long black rhizomes that have been defeated in winter, so it can be seen from a long distance that this is an old root.

But those that do not come from the old roots are grown from the seeds of Artemisia annua. This kind is the best, and it will not be pierced by the rhizome. If you see it, you just need to pull it out.

The rain last year was not bad, so the Artemisia annua trees are still relatively large. This kind of thing is not suitable for planting in space, so the wild ones outside are the best.

On average, the three of them can harvest four to five catties in one day, because the capillary chenilles in the first month are still too young, and if they wait until February, they will be very large, with the most correct color and taste.

There is an old saying that goes, "In February, Artemisia chinensis is cut in March, and it is cut for firewood in April." In fact, the wormwood in the first month is also good, and the taste is stronger, but it is not big enough, but the small ones are picked and cleaned. Finally, mix some flour and steam it in a pan, the taste is super good.

In addition to Yin Chen, there are noodle dishes, Artemisia mimi and shepherd's purse. Shepherd's purse will bloom and grow old in March, and it is best to eat in the first month.

In the lean season, wild vegetables have become their daily must-have food. In the morning, wild vegetables are steamed in a pot, and it is particularly comfortable to eat with porridge.

Now San'er only drinks goat milk by himself, and sometimes he pushes it away and doesn't want to drink it. He will drink it obediently only every time she puts sugar in it.

Although there is no goat smell, he can't stop drinking it twice a day, and he will feel tired, so if he really doesn't want to drink, she won't force it. Squeeze out goat milk and save it to make yogurt, milk, cheese, or Adding it to the pastries you make every day can also play a role.

Now they don't have to worry about eggs, milk and meat at home. Even if they don't go out for half a year, they won't starve to death. This is the benefit of living on the mountain.

Within three or five days, Xiaomang came back in an ox cart, but he was the only one who came back, and his brother, sister-in-law or mother stayed in the county.

After returning the ox cart, he said a few words to his family and hurried up the mountain.

"How is it? Are you done?"

Xiaomang took the dandelion water that Baihe made for him, gulped it down, wiped his mouth casually with his sleeve, and said excitedly.

"Well, it's all done. My brother rented a private house for my mother and sister-in-law in a village closest to the county seat. The house is not small. There are yards at the front and back. The key is that there is a well in the yard. The only thing wrong The only thing is that there are already tofu sellers in the village.”

Bai He said nonchalantly: "Then adopt the second plan, mainly selling bean products, but you can find out clearly, does the other party only sell tofu?"

Xiaomang nodded and said, "I found out, they don't even sell bean curd sticks, they only sell tofu cubes, and they don't know what kind of dried bean curd bean curd skin."

This will not affect the relationship of interests. This is also the point that Bai He talked to her godmother at the beginning, because selling tofu alone can't make a lot of money. It's better to sell tofu derivatives, such as yuba, stinky tofu, and dried tofu. Tofu skin, tofu brain, etc.

Tofu nao is suitable for breakfast. Every day, the godmother sends a big bucket to their breakfast stand, and then makes some dried tofu side dishes, isn't it better than selling tofu?

And if it is delivered to the gate of the city and Xiangzi picks it up, there is no need to enter the city. The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law do not need to enter the city, just set up a stall outside the city.

There is a morning market every morning at the gate of the city, and there are already tofu stalls, so they don't have to join in the fun.

Although this stinky tofu is delicious, the taste is too much for people to accept.

So she taught her godmother to make stewed vegetables, but the stewed vegetables are not vegetables, but soy products. Of course, big bone soup is the best. How can it be done without broth?

Prepare a large pot of stewed ingredients, deep-fry the sliced ​​tofu that you have worked so hard, put it into the stewed pot for cooking and soaking, and wait for the tofu to taste thoroughly, take it out, and serve it with shallots, coriander, peppers, garlic, etc. The seasoning is so mixed, but it is not worse than meat at all, it is really super delicious.

If there is a biscuit seller next to you, put it in the biscuits, the taste is really nostalgic!

The godmother doesn't know how to make hanging stove sesame seed cakes, she can, she can't fry Sanzi, she can also, if the business needs to be merged step by step, you can't greed too much at once.

Although she taught her, and the godmother also learned it, but how to set up this stall, they still have to figure it out by themselves.

"How much is the monthly rent?"

"Thirty coppers a year."

It's not expensive, and she thinks it's a good deal, but just hearing the price, she can imagine the house: "It's broken?"

"Well, he is an extinct accountant in the village. One of the houses collapsed in the year Dilong turned over, and the outer wall is also in danger in the past two years,"

Bai He was speechless: "Then what are you renting this house for? Why don't we just buy a place and build it ourselves! I said before that thirty cents is cheap, but from what you've said, it's too expensive."

"The east wing collapsed, and the three main rooms are still in good condition. My brother saw that the house is really big, and it doesn't affect the people who live in it. There are cellars and wells in the key yard, and it's close to the county seat. My brother said to live in it first." one year,"

Bai He frowned, "They won't sell that house?"

Buying a farm outside the city will not be possible for a while, but you can consider buying a house in these villages. Now that you live here, you must renovate and renovate it. Don’t let them renovate it. The village will take it back If you raise the price later, you might as well buy it yourself!

"Sell it, everyone has lost all their households, and now they have fallen into the village. The village head, Lion, asked for five taels of silver."

One tael of silver is Yiguan, that is, one thousand copper plates, ten thousand qian, and five taels is five thousand copper plates.

Bai He is rich and powerful: "Not willing?"

"The key point is that if the house is renovated, it will cost one or two taels of silver, and it will cost almost seven taels of silver. My brother said that it is not worthwhile to spend money before making money, so I decided to scrape together for a year."

"Hmph, he's living a life, and he doesn't think about whether it's okay for two women to live in such a dangerous house? While he's at home, let him find someone to completely renovate the house from the inside to the outside, and settle down. Well, this is twelve Yinzi, you go to the city early tomorrow morning to take care of this matter, and the house falls to Xiangzi, who has a household registration in the county, and ordinary country people dare not underestimate him."

Houses in the Ming Dynasty were not cheap. In a good place like the capital, it would cost several hundred taels of silver to buy an ordinary private house, but here the sky is high and the emperor is far away, so it is not a good place. The county seat is close, and because the house is dilapidated and uninhabitable, it is still so cheap, but it should be ten taels of silver to exchange for other intact houses in their village.

It's not like their mountains, where they can build wherever they want!

She also has ideas about this house. Sooner or later, she will live separately from Xiangzi and the others. Now she will buy it and lend it to the godmother and the others. In the future, when Xiangzi gets married, there is no need to prepare a house for him. There is one in the city and one in the countryside. In the meantime, this condition is not bad.

Bai He's extravagant spending directly stunned Xiao Mang: "Sister, why don't we treat money like money?"

Bai He smiled and nodded his head: "What nonsense are you talking about? Xiangzi lives in a shantytown house in the county seat. The house is not to mention small and dilapidated. Although it is enough to live in and can be renovated, how can there be Living in the countryside is comfortable. Although there is no land, didn’t you say that? There are yards in the front and back, a well, and a house facing the street, right? This location sounds good to me, just go ahead and buy it. It will be better in the future For Xiangzi to marry a wife."

Xiangzi was brought home by her, and he worked hard to make money, so it was only right for him to be given this house.

As soon as Xiaomang heard that it was for Xiangzi to marry a wife, she immediately understood that they are only staying here temporarily. If the business can start in the future, they can move nearby. Even if there is a suitable one, they will also buy one.

"Well, I will go to the county again tomorrow and arrange this matter as soon as possible."

"Well, remember to ask Xiangzi to make a kang, maybe I will live there in winter, anyway, he can't live here now."

If Zhuangzi's injustice cannot be realized this year, she plans to live in this house in winter, so as not to delay their business during the Chinese New Year.

When Xiaomang went down the mountain, he brought ten eggs, "Give this to the village chief, and it won't be difficult for you to borrow again."

Xiaomang is doing things for her this time, and she must take care of everything.

When Xiao Mang left, Liu'er looked at Bai He with a moved face: "Sister, aren't you too kind to us?" She even bought a house.

"What are you thinking about? You said it was for your brother, but it is actually yours and your brother's. The house in the country is big, with an east wing and a west wing. In the future, the two of them will live in the same yard. When you occasionally go back to your mother's house to visit your relatives, you will always be there." There is a place. The two brothers happen to have two houses, and they don’t fight or grab. Your brother earns money every day, which is what he deserves. San’er is still young. Maybe our family will even buy Zhuangzi in the future. It's better if you cross it, and you, sister won't lose you, and will find you a good family, and definitely won't let our Liu'er suffer."

"What about you, sister, you don't live with us?"

"Silly girl, this tree has a big fork, and people are the same. Sooner or later, we will have to separate. Your brother married a wife, and you married someone. The third son is young and has to go to school in the future. I will also marry. There will be less and less days of getting tired of being together like this every day, but you will always be my younger brothers and sisters, and this will not change in any way. It’s just that when you were young, you were brothers and sisters, and when you grow up, you will become a family. After that, maybe it can only be a natural movement between relatives."

No matter how good the relationship is, after finding the other half in the future, they will work for the benefit of their own little family. This is beyond doubt, including herself.

Taking advantage of being selfless for a while now, I will do everything that needs to be done. I am worthy of the three brothers and sisters, and it is not in vain for their mother to hold her to entrust her before she died.

Xiaomang went there for a long time this time, five full days, and there were two rains in the middle, so he rushed back despite the light rain.

After returning home, he reported the progress of the incident to Bai He.

"The house has been transferred, but Brother Wei found someone and bought it for three taels of silver. The saved money can be used to renovate the house. If it can be demolished and rebuilt, it will be rebuilt, because the house site of this house is relatively wide. Ordinary houses are only 15 meters to 20 meters wide, but this house is 30 meters wide and more than 40 meters long, which is almost 50 meters.”

Bai He was surprised: "Why is it so big?"

"This is the location of two homesteads. This family only built one house. It was originally planned to build one in the front and back yards, but I don't know why it was not built. In fact, the house itself is worthless, but the location is valuable. Everyone in the village said five taels of silver was not too much. I didn’t expect Brother Wei to know their village chief. There is no one in this network. Not to mention saving two taels of silver, Xiangzi is still eligible to trade in their village land."

"Hey, that's nice, it's really not bad, then why are they planning to renovate the house?"

"On the original foundation, if it can be renovated, it can be renovated, if it is really worthless, it will be demolished, and the fence will be built taller. My brother Wei said that such a large yard can be used to grow vegetables and trees to feed chickens, ducks, geese and pigs. He also said that you will definitely like it, so three main rooms, two east wing rooms, and two west wing rooms will be built, and a stove room will be built next to the east wing room, and a hut, pigsty, and donkey shed will be built in the backyard. Be sure to follow the style you like."

Bai He raised his eyebrows: "No wonder you said you need to use the saved money to renovate. It's the same as overturning a heavy building. There are many houses and you have to do carpentry work. The amount of work is not small, no Maybe Uncle Wei has to go back to work, so he still has to find a carpenter?"

"No, in order to move in as soon as possible, Brother Wei has been busy looking for craftsmen and carpenters these days. It's too soon. My elder brother is at home now, and Brother Wei has not left yet. If there are many people in the remaining half a month You can get up. My brother also asked you if you want to go and have a look. "

Bai He directly shook his head and refused: "They can just look at it and do it. I don't want to go. Why should I go? After they build it, I'll live there for a while. Now that there are many good things in the mountains, I But I can’t take care of it, it just so happens that you have left behind a lot of homework, tomorrow I will go up the mountain by myself, you two can take your children to practice calligraphy at home!"

Since there were no patients from other villages to bother her, she has more free time now, and she doesn't have the feeling of being bound and unable to get out of her body.

Now that the medicines are used, the main kinds of medicines can be expensive ones, such as ginseng, ganoderma lucidum, cordyceps sinensis, snow lotus, and fleece-flower root have become her first choice.

However, medicines from animals such as deer antler, seahorse, bird's nest, pangolin and various poisonous snakes, etc., are not available to her.

The space only exists in the plant department, and the animal department has to find ways to obtain it from the outside world. She plans to start raising snakes after she has a farm in the future.

A snake is full of treasures, and the venom in its fangs is more suitable for many prescriptions, and the pills she refines also require a lot of venom.

Venom medicine is not just poison, and fighting poison with poison is also suitable for some critically ill patients.

Therefore, things like the five poisons are quite commonly used in the history of medication.

She doesn't want to take the medical examination for the time being. I believe no one has more experience than her in breeding poisonous snakes. Simply relying on selling medicine is also a good way to make a fortune. What's more, she is not alone in the family to make money. Weiying, Xiangzi, and Liuer are all working hard. After owning a farm, their family can still sell vegetables and grow food. In the future, it is still feasible to be a landowner without becoming a wealthy household.

At the end of the first lunar month, Guangzi went home and left on horseback. During this time, they all lived in the newly bought mud houses. Because some rooms were still in good condition and could accommodate people, they saved the plan to rent another house.

The bedding and the like were all pulled by the photons. Of course, such a toss would be exposed.

They also thought of an excuse for this, and they said they were going to help Bai He set up a stall, and let their godfather and Xiao Mang stay at home and tend the few acres of land.

Xiangzi and Weicheng are taking care of the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law outside, so everyone is relieved.

The godfather thought it was too sudden, and didn't ask any questions at first, and complained a few words about her dissatisfaction.

Bai He had no choice but to apologize in soft words, anyway, send the person away first.

Brother Xiaoguang has also returned to the army now, and Wei Ying has also sent a message back, and he will leave soon.

The house has been completely repaired, and now only the carpenters are left to work. The walls of the house, the beam roof, the thatched hut in the backyard, the pigsty, the donkey shed, and the sheep shed, the chicken coop, the duck, geese, and quail coop in the front yard, and the stove are all set up. , Even the well at home was salvaged and cleaned, and the shaft was repaired, and the weeds and unstable bricks around the well were rebuilt.

The walls inside the house are made of clay. There were no newspapers in this era, and the windows were bought with window paper. After the walls are dry, you can use cloth or window paper to smear the walls to make it look clean.

"Sister, my brother Wei is leaving, why don't you go see him off?"

"I'm also thinking about it. Even if I'm gone, what should we do with this sheep?"

"How about putting it in the godfather's place first?"

Bai He shook her head without even thinking, "Forget it, I'd rather take it with me and raise it for him. If I get caught, killed and eaten, he won't even know about it. My godmother doesn't even believe him. It's only strange if he believes in him." ?” Especially since there are so many poultry and livestock at home!
In the end, Bai He decided to borrow an ox cart by himself and rush into the city, leaving Xiaomang to stay at home. Compared with godfather, Xiaomang is more reliable.

"Sister, why don't you let Xiaomang go with you, and San'er and I are at home?"

"How can that work? That's even more unsafe. Are you worried that I won't be able to drive a bullock cart? Don't worry, why doesn't your sister know how? You're going to go with us."

In the end, Bai He took five eggs and ten quail eggs to the village chief's house, and successfully obtained the right to use the oxcart tomorrow. In fact, he could borrow it even if he didn't take eggs, but Bai He was not used to taking advantage of others.

After leaving the village chief's house, she abducted her to Xiaomang's house again, and told him about it. Xiaomang fully agreed, and when she returned home, Baihe would start packing the things she was going to bring when she left tomorrow morning.

(End of this chapter)

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