The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1323 [1322] The story of the buried woman farming 50

Chapter 1323 [1322] The story of the buried female farming 50 (5000)

She was in charge of finishing the two houses when they left, so when I came back this time, it was obvious that someone came in to search for things. Her house is fine, and everything that can be collected has been sent to the space. The Wei family There was a lot lost there, including farm tools and leather goods. Although they were old items that had been used for many years, they were worthless. Because they belonged to the Wei family, it was inconvenient for her to take care of the storage space. Patronize.

I really didn't expect that after the last time the Wei family agency hurt people, there would still be people who would dare to go to his house. It makes sense for such an unconscious person to be poor.

In the evening, Bai He sorted out her medicinal materials and acupuncture, and she couldn't go back on what she had promised. She wanted to go to bed early at night and wake up early tomorrow, but it didn't work out. The wife, brother and daughter-in-law came to her house to make a fuss, and if she insisted on revealing the whereabouts of the three of them, the godmother, she would sit at the gate and cry.

Seeing this posture, Bai He was furious, but luckily the door was locked, so she ignored it and went straight into the space to sleep.

This family is also very powerful, howled for two hours, scolded and kicked the door, so rude.

Before dawn the next day, she went up the mountain to Wei's house, cleaned up all the usable things in the house, and stored them all in the space, and completely emptied the houses of the two families.

When the An family scolded yesterday, they said they would go to the government to report her unknown origin. This morning, she gave the village chief ten coppers and issued a certificate of moving out of her household registration. With this certificate, she can directly fall into the Cui family If you go to the household registration, you don't need to look at the faces of An's family.

After finishing it, she said helplessly to the village chief: "An's family troubles me like that. I really can't stay any longer. My medicinal materials and miscellaneous grains are ripe, please collect them and leave them to those who need them!"

When the village chief heard this, he became anxious: "What's the matter, why don't you not go home? They're making trouble with them, why do you bother with them, if you make trouble again today, we'll help you solve it."

Bai He shook his head, "It's not that I'm afraid of them, but that I can't say a word or two clearly about this matter. They think it's me stopping the godmother from contacting the family, but in fact it's because the godfather is not trusted by the godmother. He can pour money into the hands of his nephews, nieces, and old ladies. On the contrary, he doesn't pay attention to the family that he worked so hard to run. Who is willing to hand over the family property to such a person? Neither my godmother nor my younger brother I am willing to tell him, but what reason do I have to tell? I am too lazy to argue with them. I can’t help the person who promised to treat them yesterday. The medicinal materials on the mountain are mature, and whoever sees it is useful can pick it.”

After saying this, she got on the horse and walked away without the slightest nostalgia. The village chief looked at her back, shook his head and sighed.

"Confused, why is this youngest An so confused? Judging from the situation, it is clear that his daughter-in-law is doing business on her own outside, and she insists that she is helping Dr. Bai. If you want to blame it, blame this youngest An for not doing it herself. Compete."

Baihe arrived at Zhuangzi that afternoon, and the speed surprised Weicheng: "Didn't you say that you will stay for a few days and clean up the ground?"

Bai He irritatedly told about An's third son, after Wei Cheng heard it, he also angrily scolded him for being nothing.

"This third son, An, doesn't play with his wife and son, but listens to his stupid old mother's nagging. It's not reconciled to messing up his house!"

Liu'er also complained beside her: "I think they guessed that the godmother might be selling tofu for herself outside. They were jealous, so they wanted to go to the county to see. It's a good thing to share a piece of the pie. It's a fool not to take advantage of it." , as long as the old man An is here, are you still worried that you won't be able to take advantage of it?"

"It's no wonder that the godmother is not willing to go back even in Harvest Autumn. She seems to be full of energy. Look, if they continue to do this, this mother may not go back. Anyway, even if they come to the county, they can't find a place. .”

The stalls in the morning market outside the city are not fixed. If you go early, you can get a good spot, and if you go late, you will get a remote spot.

However, no matter what the location is, as long as it is occupied, it can be placed for a day.

Their noodle stall stopped, and the godmother and sister-in-law Guang separated, one set up a stall in the city and the other set up a stall outside the city.

To prevent the food from spoiling, they only bring enough to sell until they run out.

The mother-in-law set up a stall in the city to sell tofu nao, old tofu, dried tofu skin, bean tendon and yuba. The sister-in-law Guang sold marinated soy products outside the city. Every day, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law can earn dozens of copper coins, although it is hard work , but it is much faster than planing food in the field, and there is no need to be so useless at home, so after the arrogance comes out, the godmother is not willing to go back.

After Xiaomang came to help, he made tofu at home, because some people in the village would come to order tofu, and he would make a hundred catties of tofu every day. After finishing, he would go to the two women to see if he needed more. If so, help them close the stall.

Seeing the vegetables, melons and fruits growing inside and outside the house in Tangjia Village, it is clearly his own home from now on, who wants to think about home affairs?
Every evening, Xiaomang would come over to confirm the amount of tofu to be ordered for the next day. When he came over this day, he was surprised to see Baihe.

"Sister, you came back so soon? I thought you would stay for a few more days!"

"Huh, what's more, my sister was almost cleaned up by your family."

Liu'er angrily mocked Xiaomang who had just entered the door. Xiaomang was worthy of being the son of An Laosan, and she immediately understood the reason.

"Is my father looking for trouble for you?"

Bai He sighed: "It's not a solution for you to keep hiding like this. If they really have the heart, they might gather their whole family and go to the city to find you. It will be more troublesome then. Your father is an uninitiated person. He will discuss it with your grandma. , that old lady, full of bad water, didn't want to make it easier for you godmothers. In the end, I'm afraid it will be more difficult to end. I always feel that their eyes are red this time, and they can scold me outside my room door Two hours, how long has this anger been stored?"

Xiaomang came out of Zhuangzi, and immediately went to the city to find his old lady. He is now considered a related household in Zhuangzi. Because he goes to the city frequently every day, he only needs to pay once. Of course, the advantage is that from time to time, there will be endless Give them some cold dishes, maintain this relationship, sometimes people are in a good mood, and there is no need to enter the city.

That night, Mrs. An came to the farm with her eldest daughter-in-law and youngest son, and told Bai He a reasonable decision.

"I plan to go home and leave him tomorrow. I don't want anything, just take the child and leave that house. I have served that old guy for most of my life. For the rest of my life, I want to live my own life and don't want to be dominated by their family." It's too difficult to live life!"

But Bai He felt: "I'm afraid it's not so easy to leave. It's not easy to pass the test of his grandma alone. Then he is a rascal. He can say all kinds of dirty words. You can't get angry with her. If someone gets angry It’s over, we’ll be wronged for the rest of our lives!”

"Then what if he finds it!"

"He will definitely come. If he does, the family members will know about it sooner or later. But the old lady can't come. How can she handle such a long journey?"

The godmother laughed immediately: "That's because you don't know her well, you really have to take advantage of it, they run faster than rabbits!"

Well, it's turned into brown sugar?

"Although you can't provoke them, you can hide them. It just so happens that the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau needs two cooks and godmothers. You and your sister-in-law should work in the Escort Bureau. You will be given [-] copper coins a month. Although it is not as much as you are now, but The work is light, there are several people on the stove, you go and do it first, and let's talk after this period, "

When she went to the pharmacy to sell her own pills and powders recently, she met Lu Escort of the Escort. After he knew that he was a doctor and was good at seeing trauma, he wanted her to treat those wounded in the Escort. Not only did she show them, but she also used the medicine she brought with her. She didn't expect the effect to be surprisingly good.

She thought it was just a friendly help, because for Wei Ying's sake, he didn't even confiscate the money for the consultation and medicine that time. Unexpectedly, a few days later, they found Zhuangzi and wanted to hire her as the exclusive doctor of their escort agency Well, Baihe is naturally [-]% happy, and it's very worry-free to settle the bill once for a visit.

After they knew that she was living in Zhuangzi now, and there were more sturdy peasant families, they wanted to ask her to find two cooks, and they even called for a cook who could make tofu, because the host likes to eat tofu , I also think that tofu is cheaper than meat, so the bodyguards need to eat tofu often.

Looking at it now, isn't this tailor-made for mother-in-law and daughter-in-law?Because they have to make midnight snacks from time to time, they not only manage food but also live in it.

Take care of food and housing, [-] Wen a month for the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, that is [-] Wen, and you can save [-] Wen a month, which is much less than making tofu, but don’t worry, it’s not necessary Showing up in public, and it is difficult for the security family to find the city recently, Mrs. An discussed with her daughter-in-law, and immediately dismissed the plan to go back to the mountains to reconcile, and decided to go to the escort agency first to avoid this period of time.

"Then you don't have to worry about Xiaomang, let him come to me and work while studying, and I will pay him,"

There is a lot of work in this village, and Xiaomang has been with her for so long, how could she treat him badly?
"This time, let me see how the old guy will find us!"

This time I really couldn't find them, one or two couldn't come out in the escort agency, and the other was busy in the village from early morning to outside, and she had to arrange for others as much as possible, this time the An family couldn't find them.

What Bai He didn't know was how wise her arrangement was, because after Bai He left, the third son of An and the eldest son of the An family also borrowed the village chief's ox cart to catch up from behind. The speed was relatively slow, and he was reluctant to feed the cows grass in the middle. The cows couldn't move, so they had to rest in the woods by the roadside for one night.

And early the next morning, Bai He took the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law to the Escort Bureau. Mrs. An had been cooking for more than ten years, and she learned a few tricks from Bai He, so it was a bit of a problem for her to work on the stove. Not at all, and her daughter-in-law was a quick, capable and powerful woman at first glance, and their bodyguard bureaus rarely saw such people, so they only met once, and immediately settled down. After all, it was introduced by Bai He, and they all believed it.

After Bai He delivered the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, they went straight to the kitchen to do some work. After Bai He changed the medicines for the wounded in the Escort, they jumped into the carriage.

The carriage was driven by Xiaomang. He didn't enter the yard, but sent the quail eggs and eggs saved in the village to the kitchen of the Escort. The market is synchronized, and the escort agency does not take advantage of them, but she has to count this favor.

Fortunately, her medicine is effective, the wound heals quickly, and she looks better than other doctors. The contrast is obvious, and she is Wei Ying's wife, so the escort is willing to sell this face to them.

Xiaomang didn't say hello to his mother-in-law, it was what they agreed in advance, so they pretended they didn't know each other. When Baihe came out, Xiaomang had been waiting for a long time.

When the carriage was leaving the city, Bai He inadvertently raised the curtain of the carriage, her eyes widened suddenly, and she hurriedly said to Xiaomang outside.

"Hurry up, lower the brim of your hat a little bit, I saw your father and your two uncles, and they have really entered the city, don't talk, hurry up!"

After leaving the city gate, Bai He directed Xiao Mang to quickly hide into the crowd, relying on his familiarity with this side, he quickly turned to the small road.

Looking back, they were still standing in place observing everywhere, and she couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

"It's really a blessing. If the godmother and your sister-in-law are setting up a stall here today, I'm afraid they will be caught right away."

However, Xiaomang's focus is: "He is really embarrassing. He didn't dare to come, and even asked his uncle to come with him. He is as useless as ever!"

"He will always show the image of the head of his family in front of us all day long. In front of outsiders, he will always be the image of a good old man. He has a swollen face and pretends to be a fat man. I am afraid that people will look down on him. What do you think he is? What an idea, it's really good enough, no wonder my mother looks down on him, and I'm also full of resentment towards him!"

Bai He advised him: "No matter what, your mother and your sister-in-law have settled down. Go back later and ask Xiangzi to send them a letter. Don't rush home these few days. In case they are patient, It’s not worth it when it happens, but I can see that they are reluctant to part with the three pennies to enter the city, and if they really want to go in, it’s probably your father who took advantage of it and paid for it.”

"Is there even a need to think about it? My uncle and the others won't even pay a dime for the expenses of coming to the city this time."

It's been like this for many years, let alone An Laosan himself, even Xiaomang is used to it.

After the two returned to Zhuangzi, it happened that Xiangzi was about to go out, Bai He told him about it, and Xiangzi went to deal with it right away.

When Xiangzi came back at night, he threw a money bag directly to Xiaomang. Xiaomang took the money bag and looked at it, feeling a little familiar.

"Isn't this... my father's? You, how did you get it?"

Xiangzi had a smirk on his face: "I stole it from the little beggars. They have no money, so they will leave naturally. By the way, I will let your father see it. Once he has no money, will his brothers be happy?" Whether he can get enough to eat."

Xiangzi opened the money bag and saw that there were only a dozen or so copper coins, which was pitifully small, but it was the amount he could get, because his mother never gave him any money since she made money, and all the money he earned was filial to his old mother Well, these few copper coins may also be the money he has saved for a long time.

It's sad to think about it carefully. A person who has lived most of his life has been paying for others. When will he figure out who is his relative?
When it comes to matters, don't they have to rely on the two brothers?He is sick and in pain, can he still count on the family members to take care of him?Dream it!

Although the money bag was fixed, Xiaomang was not happy at all, because he felt that the old man was so pitiful that he was speechless.

I went back the next day, and the three An family brothers were no longer there. They hadn't seen anyone all day, and they didn't know if they had gone back.

About half a month passed like this, and Bai He received a letter from Wei Ying, saying that he had already started his return journey, and the trip went smoothly.

Because Wei Ying's address was not fixed, she could only receive his letters, but could not reply.

Fortunately, everything in Zhuangzi is now on the right track, the chaos in the early stage, either here or there, has greatly reduced the number of problems.

Some of the vegetables they grow in the village are sold in donkey carts into the city, some are sent to the Escort, and some are sent to the homes of some related households through the relationship of the Escort. Of course, the supply and demand of these people is far from theirs. output.

So Xiangzi would take three or four people and drive to Fucheng in a carriage. It would take about half a day from the county town to Fucheng.

After the vegetables are picked, water will be sprinkled on the road to keep them fresh. Although it is not easy to sell, but fortunately, there are more donkey carts and horse-drawn carts in their village, and there are enough staff to support them.

Selling vegetables is not easy, especially there are rural people around Fucheng. When the supply exceeds demand, the price will drop. Now there are no off-season vegetables, and a catty of vegetables may not be sold for a penny. There are all kinds of dishes, and they are constantly picking and choosing. In the end, maybe a cart of vegetables can be sold for a dozen or twenty yuan before returning.

After thinking about it, Baihe decided not to grow so many vegetables next year, but to plant medicinal materials instead. The ten acres of vegetables is enough to make pickles and winter vegetables in the village.

"Don't sell it. Such a good dish can't be sold at a high price. It's better to make it into prunes!"

There are a lot of green vegetables, a large piece of green, which is very rare, but the price of delivery is irritating. It is not enough for her daily labor costs. She simply harvests these vegetables, steams them three times and suns them into dried plums. , In winter, you can eat dried plums and vegetables.

Summer is the season when green vegetables are flooding, not only green vegetables, but also seasonal vegetables such as peppers, eggplants, beans, cucumbers, etc. are also growing well.

Fortunately, many vegetables can be dried and preserved in the sun, and salting requires a large amount of salt. Fortunately, there are many people in the village now, so they are allowed to buy more.

However, when the days were getting closer and closer to the direction she yearned for, when she was walking on the street one day, she was grabbed by the wrist by a beautiful woman who was slightly older than her: "Qingzhu? Is it you, Qingzhu? Oh my god, how is this possible, you weren’t, weren’t you buried with you?”

She said the word "buried with you" very quietly, but the sensitive Bai He still heard it. God knows how terrified she was when she heard these two words?
(End of this chapter)

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