The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1331 [1330] The story of the buried woman farming 58

Chapter 1331 [1330] The story of the buried female farming 58 (5000)

Then again, it's been two or three months since we got married, and the married life is quite frequent, so why hasn't there been any movement yet?
When this month's period came as scheduled, Bai He hadn't realized that it was impossible for her to have children in her life.

After getting rid of their so-called biological parents, their travel speed slowed down again, from winter to spring, from bare trees to spring buds, the spring symbolizing hope came quietly.

One day after Qingming, they picked mushrooms and wild vegetables in the wild, hunted hares and pheasants, and stewed delicious pheasant soup. It was fine at first, but suddenly my sister-in-law felt nauseous, and she vomited sour when she lay down on the roots of the tree. Shui, seeing the situation, Bai He quickly grabbed her wrist and felt her pulse.

After careful examination for about fifteen minutes, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: "Sister-in-law Guang, congratulations, you are pregnant, and it has been more than a month."

When the couple heard this, they immediately beamed with joy: "Really?"

Bai He couldn't help laughing: "My medical skills can still be bad? Don't worry, but..., now that I'm pregnant, I think our itinerary should be slowed down or changed,"

"Why are you so delicate? I'm in good health. Sister, you don't have to think about me. It's fine. Sister-in-law, I can still work even though I'm pregnant,"

Before Bai He could speak, Guangzi tapped her on the forehead: "What are you talking about, are you listening to my sister or you?"

"Yes, sister-in-law, the first three months are more important. You have to sit the fetus firmly to withstand the pain of bumps. You have nothing to do now. When the pregnancy reaction comes out, I'm afraid you won't say that. In this way, let's find someone Mountain, see if there is a place that can shelter from the wind and rain, and stay temporarily..."

The men are hunters and have been soldiers, adapting to any environment. The women grew up in the mountains, especially when they went south along the way, they saw the mountains the most. Now it is spring, and the wild vegetables and wild vegetables in the mountains Animals have woken up from hibernation, so they are suitable for raising babies.

They have everything in the carriage, bedding, food, and cooking. It’s no problem to live for two or three months, but the mountains are colder than places like towns. The carriage is not a safe place to live. It’s really hard to find a suitable place. It's not easy. It's better to have a cave and a water source nearby, so that with a little renovation, you can live temporarily and save the cost of staying in a hotel.

As soon as the two men got together, they started to go up to inquire as soon as they saw the mountain.

When looking for a place to rest, let the women stay at the bottom of the mountain, and the men walk up the mountain in two groups to find a suitable place.

When the sun goes down, I will come back to report the situation. For this purpose, I also found a map and marked it to avoid crossing the road.

In ancient times, there were few people, and a road might not pass a few people in a day, and the two sisters-in-law and sister-in-law were not good people. Once someone with bad intentions approached, Bai He could scare the other party away with the arrow left by Wei Ying. .

"Sister, your archery skills are good. You almost passed through the opponent's head. Unfortunately, you only scratched the skin a little bit,"

"If it weren't for this, they wouldn't have left. Seeing that we two women are easy to bully, as for this archery, it's just blind touch."

"You are used to deceiving me. I am not the one who was deceived. Sister-in-law, I have stayed in the mountains for so many years, and my brothers at home are also good at martial arts. I have seen your archery skills. You have a solid foundation. Say, yes Didn't the brothers of the Wei family teach you? You learned so well, it really opened my eyes, my sister-in-law!"

Bai He smiled without saying a word, and quickly took out a delicious sour and sweet strawberry for her to eat, and then she stopped talking. This strawberry is said to be bought, but it is actually a good product produced in the space. Pregnant women have a poor appetite. Eating some of this is good for the body and mind , but the amount was not much, which gave her four big strawberries, even so, it made Sister-in-law Guang eat to her heart's content.

There are a lot of wild vegetables in this grove, and they are idle when they are idle. The two sisters-in-law are digging shepherd’s purse, noodle vegetables, and dandelions there with small shovels. Heshu elm money, the tung flower that blooms on the sycamore tree is the purple morning glory. After blanching, you can make buns, dumplings, and pies. The taste is extremely sweet and delicious. In short, as long as you have the heart, there are treasures everywhere.

The sister-in-law and sister-in-law both grew up in the mountains, and they accepted this kind of life very calmly. Not enough, isn't there still a horse?Just ride to the town and buy some. For the sake of my own children, it would be great to stay longer.

The sister-in-law was afraid that she would think too much, so she comforted her: "Your two children will come soon."

To be honest, Bai He is also very strange. After two or three months of intimate life, it is logical that she should be pregnant, but there is no movement until now. This month's menstruation has come again, and I don't know what the situation is.

I can't calm down when I take my own pulse, and there is nothing wrong with taking the pulse of a man. Could it be that the genes of the two of them don't match?

Just when Bai He was dreaming, Liang Tian's words made her heart sink into the ice cellar instantly.

Bai He didn't recover for a long time: "Is what you said true? The original owner's body was seriously injured? Why didn't I feel it?"

"She once made a mistake and stood in the icy lake for one night. She had a high fever for seven days, and her body was almost hollowed out before she barely survived. The reason why you didn't feel it was because you drank the water from the spiritual spring and ate the spiritual things in the space when you crossed over. Indirect treatment, but your old illness is also related to being forced to drink safflower water by the master during the menstrual holiday, which lasted for more than a month, just for these two reasons, the child has to follow the fate."

The corner of Bai He's mouth twitched slightly: "The original owner was quite worried before?"

"I wanted to be the prince's concubine, but unfortunately I was overestimated. After being found out by the princess, I was punished. The consequences will be retribution to you. Otherwise, why do you think you chose her to be buried with you?"

Bai He felt a little unhappy: "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Tell you, you are not married?"

"At least you don't have to drag others down. In ancient times, the consequences of having no descendants were more severe than in modern times. You should have told me earlier."

"It's not too late to tell you now, you can tell him now, if he cares, you won't go on, if he doesn't care, even if he doesn't have children, he will try his best to treat you well, maybe you will Take responsibility on yourself."

Bai He was silent, feeling bored about what to do next, until the two men came back in the evening, shook their heads and sighed and said that there was no suitable place nearby, and planned to look for a suitable place tomorrow, but it was not in vain, at least they hunted alone A pheasant came back, a fat and big pheasant, it looked good.

After eating and chatting by the campfire, Wei Ying asked her: "What's the matter? Do you have something on your mind?"

Bai He glanced at the couple who had already gone for a walk in the woods, then looked at him seriously and asked, "If I can't have a baby, do you still want me?"

Wei Ying thought she was joking, "What are you thinking, don't think so much, it's just a matter of time."

Bai He shook her head, "I suddenly remembered that I was soaked in ice water for too long back then, and my roots were hurt. Maybe, I would never be able to have children in this life. I'm sorry, I should have remembered earlier, remembered sooner. If you don't, maybe you don't need to be troubled, in fact, it's still too late to separate now..."

"Silly girl, what nonsense are you talking about? Whether you are involved or not, whether you have children or not, will not change my mind for you,"

Bai He raised her head sharply, stared at him closely, trying to see some perfunctory elements in his eyes, but no, his eyes were very clean, a man who doesn't smoke or drink, his eyes are clear and the whites of his eyes are clean, how do you look at it? Health, no matter how sincere you look at it, what he said came from the heart, not a lie.

"I'm not talking nonsense. I really remembered it. Really, I'm not joking with you. If you don't believe me, let's go to the next town and have a look. If the palace cold is severe, it is impossible to conceive at all."

"Okay, that's the end of this topic. I'm not with you to have children. As for my father, I'll go back and say, it's okay to have no children. You don't have to suffer. As for me, I can live with you again." In a world of two, when we want a child, we can just choose good conditions to adopt, it’s okay, it’s not a big deal.”

"But there are three ways to be unfilial, and the greatest thing is to have no descendants." As soon as the words finished, Wei Ying stretched out his finger to cover her lips: "You are enough."

To be honest, Bai He was moved. She never expected a man to be so understanding and understanding. Although love has a shelf life, at least for now, at this moment, she is happy.

Waking up early the next morning, Wei Ying stroked her hand, "If we are with them and there is pressure, we can go ahead."

Bai He looked up at him in astonishment, and then shook her head movedly: "There's no need for this, I'm fine, after your explanation yesterday, I've already thought about it, there's no such thing as pressure, and besides, this possibility won't last forever." Existence, if I take care of it in the later stage, maybe one day the child will come!"

This is true. Many couples have been married for many years without children, and their spirit occupies a large part. When they can let go of this stone, the children will come as soon as they say it. When I searched again later, they all gave birth to their own babies, so children are also supported by fate. There are too many ways to deal with infertility in later generations. In ancient times, fate was all about fate. Fortunately, she is still young, although Liang Tian said It is difficult, but she will work hard to exercise and take care of herself.

They were going out together, if they quit halfway and ignored the other party, it would inevitably hurt the hearts of others, so Bai He refused without even thinking about it.

Probably because there is no pressure of contraception, after thinking about it, the couple will let themselves go more and more.

And the only manifestation of the so-called palace cold syndrome is that there is obvious falling and pain in the lower abdomen when menstruation comes, and it is not painful rolling all over the floor. Unable to heal by herself, Bai He plans to have a chance, seek a well-known expert in gynecology for targeted treatment.

Eight days later, they finally found a suitable place to live on a mountain top. It was a recessed cave. The location was not small. There was a stream next to it. There was a cave with water. The mountain was rich in supplies, and the key carriage could also be pulled up. , This is a big deal, a good place, after all, it gets hot day by day, it is worth staying for a few months.

The two men were strong in action, felling trees and using mud, and soon divided the cave into two rooms, and built a shed outside the cave, muddyed the earthen stove, and made an earthen pot. In Bai He's words, That is to start living in caves, life is really exciting everywhere!

There is a small lake going down the mountain from the creek. There are not only lobsters, but also delicious river delicacies such as snails. If you go upstream to a large lake, you can catch fish at any time. It takes half a day to ride a horse from the nearest town. Comprehensive From the above, Bai He felt that the choice of this place was very good, it was worthy of the seclusion they spent seven or eight days in finding.

Sister-in-law Guang's pregnancy reaction also appeared. I didn't expect that she, who has always had a good system, would vomit whatever she ate. Even if the vegetables bought in the village at the foot of the mountain were not contaminated with any meat, she would vomit soon after eating. It was only a few days after she came out, and she felt her chin was thinner, which was obviously scary.

On the contrary, if the food produced in the space is sent to her, it will have a surprisingly good effect, at least you can't spit it out. However, the food in the space is precious, and she has no suitable reason to take it out. She can only use the vegetables that Brother Guang bought from the villagers. and space for selective replacement.

The vegetables outside do not use pesticides, and there are a lot of insect eyes. The vegetables in the space are juicy and juicy. There is no insect eye, and they are fresh and green, so it is easy to find out. She can only cook them for Mrs. Guang in different ways. For her to eat, bought from outside, fried for them to eat.

Under Bai He's careful care, although sister-in-law Guang still vomited non-stop, she was able to eat as much as she could, but the amount was relatively small.

Wei Ying was terrified by this appearance: "I am pregnant, I have to suffer so much, why do I see those women in the village eat Hesai when they are pregnant, and ask for too much all day long, either eating this or that, it is not at all. There is no such situation at all, if this is the case, it is better not to have this child, good luck, fortunately, we will not suffer from this crime in the future, "

After speaking, he felt that what he said was wrong, and wanted to apologize, but Bai He patted the back of his hand very understandingly.

"I'm fine, you don't need to comfort me. In fact, it's not that there are pregnant women like Sister-in-law Guang, but they are only a minority, and she is still in the early stages of pregnancy. It will be fine when the fetal image stabilizes and her appetite will come naturally, but she will take care of her later. I'm afraid it's a little troublesome, she will have a lot of things she doesn't want to eat, such as greasy, too bitter and too sweet, it depends on her reaction, "

Bai He is a doctor, so she naturally knows what kind of diet can make sister-in-law Guang eat. Her meticulous care moved Guang Zi very much. Keep this kindness in my heart, if there is a need, I will definitely go through fire and water, and I will never hesitate.

Because Baihe turned over in Dilong back then and fell into the mountains after experiencing flash floods and heavy rains, so every year when it comes to summer, if they are in the mountains, they will feel inexplicably flustered, so they will be told to try their best to catch up before the rainy season , leave the mountain inside.

Everyone understands the meaning of Baihe, because there are so many fish, shrimps and crabs in the lake on the mountain, and it is too late to sell them in the county town when they are salvaged, so they will take them down the mountain and the local people to exchange for some food, such as vegetables, grain, Eggs and such, although they can also go to the mountains to hunt, but it takes time, and now it is spring plowing time, as long as the price is acceptable, many people are willing to trade with them.

Crabs are cold in nature, so pregnant women should not eat more, so she made spicy crabs for men to eat, while sister-in-law Guang made fish noodles, fish balls, and boiled them with the best spiritual vegetables in the space. The fish balls couldn't be spit out, which made the person who made it happy.

"It's hard for you to gain weight after cooking vegetables in water for a month!"

It can't be oily, as long as it smells, it feels uncomfortable, so when she cooks spicy crabs and garlic crayfish, she will let brother Guang take sister-in-law Guang to wander in the woods, and when the two men are feasting, sister-in-law Guang Eating fish balls made of chopped green vegetables, fish meat, eggs, and a small amount of starch is boiled in water, so the nutrition will not be lost, and it will not feel greasy.

There are plenty of wild vegetables in the mountains. She dyed the flour with plant vegetables and kneaded them into noodles. It not only looks good but also nourishes the nutrition. My sister-in-law has a great appetite for eating.

Although Bai He is the chef, as long as it is not time for cooking, she will go to the mountains with Mrs. Guang to pick bamboo shoots and mushrooms, dig wild vegetables, and pick up snails. They go up the mountain and down the river every day. Hunting and fishing in the mountains and forests is brought down the mountain or in the town to exchange for food and cloth for clothes, so their three meals a day will not be interrupted.

After the Chinese toon is eaten, the Sophora japonica comes down again, and the steamed buns are steamed with flour or miscellaneous grain flour together with the Sophora japonica, and the dumplings are filled with the aroma of Sophora japonica, not to mention the filling, even the boiled water is full of floral fragrance , It smells so good!

When going to bed at night, although the couple is in the same cave, under the skillful hands of the two men, the isolated room is also covered with mud, and the privacy is quite strong. Besides, they have the habit of going out for a walk at night , It does not affect the married life at all.

Of course, brother Guang and sister-in-law Guang are now in the period of abstinence, and Bai He and Wei Ying have changed countless venues in this mountain for trials.

Although the stream water is cool, it is extremely clear and clean, but there is no suitable bathtub, so when washing the body, one has to stay in the cave and wipe the body with a towel dipped in hot water. Ever since she knew that her palace was cold, she has never been allowed to eat She is not allowed to eat anything that is too cold, including crabs.

Although Wei Ying has never studied medicine, he has read medical books for a period of time. He has a certain amount of common sense and the ability to identify which medicines and foods are cold and which are hot, so Bai He can't be fooled.

Under her reconciliation, sister-in-law Guang's appetite gradually returned to normal, and the fetal image became more and more powerful. After Qingming, the foot of the mountain was busy, and the spring plowing season came. The two sisters-in-law and sister-in-law in the mountain mainly collected wild vegetables every day When Tianguang's sister-in-law went to grab wild vegetables, she actually picked up a long worm with dark green stripes, and she screamed in fright: "Ah... Xiaohe, help, help, Xiaohe!"

(End of this chapter)

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