The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1336 [1335] The story of the buried woman farming 63

Chapter 1336 [1335] The story of the buried female farming 63 (4000)

Depending on the situation, this is the rhythm of taking her wherever she wants to go, no matter what, the husband and wife are one body, and they have no children, the old man is in good health, and Xiangzi and the others are taking care of them, so there is nothing to worry about , that being the case, let's go back together!

But before she left, she followed the example of her descendants and wrapped sweet potato vines into the rattan basket she wove. In the rattan basket she was carrying, she brought some daily necessities, passed the inspection of the port guards smoothly, and successfully boarded. up the boat.

This time when the couple returned to China, Bai He hid all the money they carried with them in the space, so when they searched, they found nothing wrong.

Poor and white people, they don't even bother to look at it, and naturally they can't find a reason to ask for money.

The merchant ship chosen this time has something to do with the caravan, so the ticket was easy to buy. Bai He changed back to women's clothes on the return trip, in order not to live in the same room with the men. Due to the previous troubles, this time she did not Expose the fact that he knows medical skills.

Most of the women in the cabin are foreign women carefully selected by businessmen. These women, like the mainland women who traveled across the ocean, are basically reduced to playthings. This is the ultimate fate of lowly people in feudal society.

I thought I had experienced strong winds and waves when I came here, so what danger would there be on the return journey?
As a result, they ran into a pirate ship. Even though all the crew members of this merchant ship were ready to fight, they tried their best, but they couldn't stop their boarding speed.

The man was growing up in the dark, and the women below shivered and curled up in the room, not daring to stand out or move, because they had all heard of the cruelty of pirates. In their opinion, no matter who they were with, After all, you can't get rid of the fate of being restrained. Instead of that, it's better to be obedient.

However, Bai He is not used to their stinky problems, so she ignited the misty smoke in the cabin without anyone noticing, and then dodged on the deck with the help of the power of space. People are dizzy, but it is not so easy on the deck with strong wind and waves.

She could only use the space bunker, draw out the bow and arrow in the space, and hunt down the ferocious pirates one by one.

As the number of surviving pirates became smaller and smaller, the people on the opposite pirate ship also realized that something was wrong, and even ignored the pirates on board and fled with the ship.

They fought from day to night before subduing all the pirates, and countless people in the cabin fainted. After the crew tied up the pirates, she quietly ignited the antidote. Soon, everyone in the cabin woke up Well, Bai He didn't expose herself, she did all this secretly, she could hide it from other people, but she couldn't hide it from Wei Ying, who lived in this battle and hunted the most people.

As soon as the two met, he couldn't help but ask, "Is it because you smoked?"

Bai He blinked playfully: "Just know, why bother to say it, and you, are you okay?"

"With the umbrella you made for me, how can I be in trouble?"

Bai He used a kind of very tough hemp in space, combined with the wool found on pirates, to weave him a heart-protecting vest. Although it is not invulnerable, it can indeed block the penetration of ordinary swords and ease the pain. Part of the impact force gave him time to react. No, Wei Ying was poked seven or eight holes this time, and some places were bleeding, but after inspection, it was found that it was just an ordinary skin trauma. From this point of view, the effect of this vest is not bad.

Wei Ying made a contribution, the captain was very grateful to him, and wanted to give him money, but he refused, so the favor was owed, and I believe that it will be useful sooner or later.

Although Bai He didn't show any merit, she didn't lose money either.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to replenish supplies on the small island, Bai He jumped into the sea to find a lot of treasures.

Just like this, autumn goes to winter, but because the sea area where the ship sails is in the tropics, the change of the weather is not felt. Only the table she recorded the time clearly shows that it is another new year.

Around the second month of the new year, they returned to the port of Fuzhou Prefecture where they had left. As soon as they arrived at the port, someone recognized them as the crew of the ship they took for the first time.

"My God, you are still alive?"

Then the crew told them: "We thought you were gone, so we handed over your relics to your friend. He didn't believe that you two went just like that. He took your portraits to inquire at the port every day, and he should be there today. "

When the crew turned around, they really saw a happy family. The wife pushed the young child and held the portrait in her hand. Whenever they saw a docked ship, they would go up and ask, and the man anxiously asked every one of them. Passers-by, for fear of missing something.

Until the husband and wife approached and stood in front of the two of them alive, when the majestic man looked at each other, she clearly saw that brother Guangzi's eyes were red, wet, and weeping.

As for Mrs. Guang, she ran over and hugged her up: "I knew it, you are so lucky, how could you die?"

Then she held the child and looked at her with tears in her eyes: "Her aunt, hug your nephew quickly, he has been served by you for a hundred days,"

Bai He also choked up her sobs to comfort her: "Sister-in-law, haven't I come back yet? Stop crying."

"Go home, let's go home, please tell us quickly how you have spent the past year or so."

Time flies so fast. I set off in the spring of the year before last and came back in the spring of this year. In two full years, even my sister-in-law’s children can walk and talk. Sure enough, the time on the route has to start from half a year. It's been a year or so, and the time has not been carefully calculated. After careful calculation, she is also over 20 years old, which is unbelievable.

Brother Guangzi drove them home in a carriage, returned to the long-lost seaside hut, looked at the yard full of vegetables, cleaned the front and back of the house, walked into their room, and the bedroom was clean, Spotless, it's like they never left.

"Sister-in-law, I've troubled you." From this look, it was clear how much sister-in-law Guang cared, and she was probably looking forward to their return every day.

"Fool, it's good to come back. When I come back, the heart that my sister-in-law is holding can really fall. You don't know how sad he was when the bad news came. He sat by the seaside for a whole day. One night, and the next day, I went back and forth to the port every day to inquire about your news, but unfortunately, there was no good news, I didn't expect that you came back by yourself, it's really God's blessing!"

Holding the portraits of the two of them, Bai He couldn't laugh or cry: "Sister-in-law, among the crew at the port, there are actually quite a few people who know us. Your brother often deals with caravans, but take a look at what this painting is about. Can you see us?" It's the two of us who came out."

The characters on the portrait, to be honest, may not be as good as those drawn by elementary school students. Who can recognize that they are the couple, haha, they are so cute!

"I want to go home." She needs to take the sweet potato vines and potato seedlings back, and Xiangzi and Xiaomang will watch the planting. In this way, there will be high-yield crops in the north. Her one hundred mu The land will be the first batch of experimental fields in the Mainland.

When it succeeds there, it will be reported to the imperial court, and the large-scale planting will gradually extend from north to east, west and south. Their family who has made great contributions will forever be remembered in history, let alone tax exemption, and there will be no corvee. They will even set up inscriptions and pass them down from generation to generation like the descendants of future generations.

Before Wei Ying asked to go back with her, Bai He directly refused.

"I'll go back, you two, start to follow the route, buy goods that sell better here, go there to exchange money for gold, silver and jewelry, fancy clothes and beautiful clothes, let's grow from a young age, take your time, don't worry, wait Once the family is stable, we will come to find you again. As for the sister-in-law, you can stay and help us deliver letters."

Sweet potato vines, corn, potato seedlings, etc., naturally have to be left to my sister-in-law, and let her plant them to see if they can be successful.

After coming and going, the seeds gradually germinated and increased. When the whole yard is covered, the success is not far away.

Wei Ying was somewhat resistant to Bai He's arrangement, he was not at all assured that she would go home by herself, but in the current situation, he had to strike while the iron was hot, otherwise, the contacts he had managed to accumulate might be lost along with him after a long time. Forget it with the passage of time, people leave the tea cold, do not contact or contact, after a long time, it is equivalent to starting from scratch.

Seeing Wei Ying's reluctance to agree, Bai He also feels a little distressed, but they don't work hard while they are young, do they have to wait until they are old to come out and fight?
So Bai He handed Weiying 5000 taels of start-up capital for him to toss about. When the two men were carrying someone else's car to the port, Bai He took the opportunity to cut the vines on the rattan baskets into small sections and plant them horizontally. The open space in the yard, and then water them with spiritual spring water day and night.

Including the small potato seeds, they were all buried in the ground, waiting to germinate, and when they germinated, it was when she left.

In the past two years of not being at home, my sister-in-law has also fully adapted to life by the sea. Just looking at the salted fish drying in the yard is enough to show how diligent she is.

I can't do any work with my children, so I can only occasionally go to the beach to help dismantle fishing lines and nets, or help others kill fish, make dried fish, and don't give money, but I can give some seafood and fish to supplement the family. The vegetables, melons, fruits, and food crops she planted are not many, but they are enough for the two of them to eat, and the excess will be exchanged for food. Although life is not rich, it is still good.

"I want to make tofu and sell it when my child is older. Few people here eat tofu. It's not that they don't eat it, but because no one has mastered this skill. I think I can try it."

In the eyes of southerners, the sister-in-law with a height of 1.7 meters is really a strong woman. In addition, she can also kung fu, so few people dare to provoke her, so the life of my sister-in-law at the beach is really smooth of.

With sufficient sunshine at the seaside and the nourishment of the spring water in place, within half a month, the vines sprouted and the potatoes also sprouted. After the vines are climbed, the vines are cut off and replanted.

The maturity time of potatoes is based on one or two months after it blooms, and potatoes with green skins cannot be eaten.

After the potatoes are ripe, don't rush to eat them, but re-germinate them and plant them again, so that more potatoes can be grown.

This task is related to the issue of whether the common people can have enough to eat during the famine, so Sister Guang was extremely nervous when Bai He told her about it.

She didn't give corn seeds for the time being, mainly because the south mainly uses rice, so there is no need to grow corn. Potatoes are different from sweet potatoes. They can be used as vegetables and crops. Having these two is enough for my sister-in-law to toss about.

Weiying and Guangzi bought a batch of goods with a total value of 3000 taels. Although it is only 3000 taels, if it is delivered in place, they can earn at least 500 taels. With the earned silver, add up to 4000 taels to buy some foreign gold. If you sell silver jewelry, clothes and textiles, you can earn more.

The goods are more and more shopped, and the money is more and more earned. Of course, the time is getting less and less crowded.

But it is the first time for two men to have such a bold experience in such a big life. Let alone Guangzi, there is not a day after Wei Ying set off that he regrets not going with him. The experience of working and learning a language locally is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

The only thing he couldn't let go of was probably being separated from his wife.

Before Bai He left, he gave him some self-defense medicine, and gave the extra vest to Photon.

All she can defend against is external factors. Once she falls into the sea, she will really be resigned to her fate.

On the night when the couple were going to separate, he asked her again and again, until dawn, before hugging her for a long time without saying a word.

Bai He touched his face and sighed: "I'll come back to you when I finish my mission."

Early the next morning, Bai He got on her horse and left under the watchful eye of Wei Ying. Because she was the only one, she didn't load the carriage. Leaving is a woman disguised as a man.

Compared with the difficult time, the return journey is much faster. There are no other burdens, but the horses can be fed space pasture and spiritual spring water openly, and they can rest anytime and anywhere. They don’t need to stay in the store. Due to the local characteristics, she plans to use this method to return to the destination all the way. Not to mention too much, it should be no problem to gain a lot of money along the way.

It was March in Yangchun when Bai He left, and he stopped and stopped along the way, basically spending money on purchases. When he walked all the way to the northwest, when he encountered a suitable opportunity, he would sell the goods he bought in space, and he could make a profit every time. Dozens to hundreds of taels.

If she doesn't do this, she still needs to spend money to rent storage space, which she thinks is unnecessary, so she has to find the right opportunity to sell while purchasing.

When she entered their Dingchang Mansion territory, she would spend money to build a carriage, take out the treasured things in the space, and go towards the Lotus Garden in Qingyuan County full of longing for the children.

(End of this chapter)

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