Chapter 1344 [1343] Set of rabbits (5000)

The little brother put on his clothes by himself, got out of the bed with his neck shrunk, went to the next room to call for his brother, but when he found that the three brothers were not there, he scratched his head and came back in a daze.

"Wei Wei, I don't know where my brothers have gone. They were still awake when my father hugged me. Are you hungry, but I dare not feed you? What should I do if I choke you? I won't dress you either."

Ding Wei felt distressed when she saw the child who is only three or four years old now, but she is sensible like a little adult, but she couldn't hold back anymore, so she could only yell "Ahhh" twice. Fortunately, the little brother took her with him. Experienced: "I see, you want to pee, right?"

There was a urinal in the room. Ding Jianshu carefully fished her out of the bed, found a suitable angle and hugged her down, and then sat on the stool next to the urinal. The urine in it had been taken by his parents. It was clean, but there was no smell. Ding Wei brewed it for a while, and blushed, she pissed.

When she was finished, when the little brother put her on the bed, he carefully wiped her little PP with a diaper, and then put her in the bed.

"You wait here obediently. I'm going to empty the urinal and take a stinky one by the way. Don't move around, it will hurt if it falls."

Ding Jianshu couldn't hold back when Ding Wei was urinating. After placing his sister in place, he picked up the urinal and rushed to the latrine.

Ding Wei's calf instinctively stretched twice, and when she realized that it was a little cold, she struggled to grab the quilt up and covered her neck, and then she felt a little more comfortable. Ansheng couldn't get down, so she lay down for a while, then turned over and lay down on the bed and played with her hands.

Not long after, Ding Jianshu ran in and said excitedly, "Weiwei, it's snowing outside again."

As soon as he came in and saw the little guy lying there, he felt very distressed, so he glanced at her clothes and rolled his eyes.

"Vivi, brother, try to dress you, please, you have to cooperate, don't cry, I will bring you egg custard to eat when you wake up, mother has stewed egg custard for you and warmed it on the stove, I have The sweet potatoes are edible, they are still warm."

After talking, put the slippers on the bed, take out warm cotton-padded clothes and trousers from between the two layers of quilts, and put on the cotton-padded jacket for Weiwei first. For children, it is not easy to buckle when they have not mastered the method and are in a hurry, so it took a long time for the little brother to buckle it.

Weiwei didn't speak the whole time, and lowered her head cooperatively to watch her buckle. The embarrassing thing was that there was a slap from the corner of her mouth, and she didn't pay attention. It dripped on the little brother's hand, and he wiped it on her clothes with her mouth curled up in disgust. She let out a dissatisfied 'ahah' sound, and was pinched by the little brother.

"Why, I can't dislike you anymore. Look at you, even if you are hungry, you can't drool. The girl's house should be cleaner."

Ding Wei is speechless, you are clean, your booger is still clogged in the hole in your nose, I haven't disliked you yet, you have disliked me!

After putting on the cotton padded clothes, she put on cotton trousers with feet. At this time, Ding Wei had to lie on the bed. After putting on her feet, she put belts on her shoulders and fastened the buttons on her chest, just like an adult. Straighten Weiwei's cotton-padded jacket in front, then flip it over to let her turn over, and then tuck in the cotton-padded jacket at the back.

After doing all of this, put on sheep-toed shoes to protect her trousers, comb her hair, put on a felt hat brought by her brothers, and tie a small red scarf that Dad bought from the town, that's all Once dressed up, a cute milk doll is packed up. The only thing that feels bad is that he can't comb her hair, but the hat is buttoned, the hair is wrapped around the neck, and the scarf is tied, it is still warm!

The little brother hugged her and put her in the sitting room of the main room, then ran to the stove to bring out her egg custard, scooped it up with a small spoon, blew it, and brought it to her mouth, she also imitated He looked like, blowing twice, taking a mouthful and another mouthful in the smiling eyes of his brother, and after eating about half a bowl, he pushed the egg custard in front of his brother in a sensible way, making a laborious "嘻, 哥哥~ ~~'

Then Ding Jianshu was stunned and looked at her in disbelief: "Are you calling me? Can you call me brother?"

"Brother, brother, brother!" It's normal to be able to pronounce a single voice in seven or eight months. Besides, she came from time travel, and it doesn't hurt to be articulate earlier. to everyone.

"Aren't you going to eat? Give me something to eat?" Ding Wei stood in the chair, nodded to him, and pushed the bowl towards him, which moved the fourth brother so much that tears were about to flow out : "Thank you sister, but you can only eat one egg a day. Let's save the remaining half to eat at noon. Mom will come back at noon and roll noodles for us to eat. My brother is getting older and won't eat this thing. You are still young, you should eat this for nutrition, and there are sweet potatoes in the pot! If you don’t eat it, I will take it away!”

Ding Jianshu swallowed sensiblely, put the egg custard into the steamer in the kitchen, and then took out two small sweet potatoes. In his own mouth, he scraped some sweet potato mash with a small spoon, "Come and taste this, it's so sweet!"

Such a considerate little brother, even though his face was dirty, she didn't dislike him, so she just fed a few mouthfuls like this, and she stopped eating.

After Ding Jianshu finished eating the sweet potatoes, he ran to the stove and filled himself with a bowl of millet porridge. He said it was porridge, but in fact there was more soup, which was the thick one left by his brothers. , Before he drank, he was still the same, he fed his sister a few sips, and he drank the rest after the sister was full.

Then he washed the pot neatly, lit the firewood after washing, and sat in some warm water. As soon as the brothers and sisters washed their faces, the brothers entered the yard excitedly facing the snowflakes all over the sky. Seeing the gray rabbit in their hands, they screamed.

"Rabbit? Brother, have you shot a rabbit?"

Ding Wei also leaned forward to look in the direction of the gate, but saw that her eldest brother Ding Jianguo was really holding a rabbit that was still playing in his hand, so she shouted 'tutu' excitedly. The elder brother was stunned, and looked at her in unison, but she was still stretching out her little finger and shouting, "Touch, touch".

Ding Jianguo looked at Ding Jianshu subconsciously: "Am I not mistaken, my sister actually calls Tutu and wants to 'Touch'?"

Ding Jianshu thought of something at once, and showed off to them a few times: "What is this, she called me brother just now!"

The second son, Ding Jianshe, curled his lips, "You can push it down and call you brother, it looks like you're an exaggeration, isn't it?"

"Exaggeration? I'm not exaggerating. If you don't believe me, ask my sister, come to Weiwei, and show them again. Call me brother, yes, brother~~brother~~~,"

Ding Wei tilted her head to watch Ding Jianshu patiently teach her pronunciation. Considering that the child had been busy all morning for her, and her stomach was full, she sympathetically followed Ding Jianshu and shouted: "Brother ~~Brother~~, hee hee, brother, brother!"

"Did you see, did you see, I didn't lie to you, she really called my brother, and she called me three times, Weiwei, you are really amazing."

As he said that, he kissed her, and she grabbed it with her hands in disgust, then glared at Ding Jianshu: "Ah, ah!"

This action caused the three elder brothers who were jealous of the fourth child to laugh at him now, and then they brought the rabbit to her, and controlled the rabbit with several hands at the same time, preventing it from moving around, and grabbed her The little girl touched the rabbit's hair and giggled, which made the brothers even more happy. They ran over one by one to support her to call her brother, and she also cooperated, from the eldest brother to the fourth brother, to the fourth brother. Everyone was smiling and grinning silly.

The elder brother tied the rabbit's legs with a rope and put it in the chicken coop: "When my parents come back, I will kill the rabbit and eat the stew."

Although they had already killed the Nian pig, their parents were reluctant to eat it. Every time they went to the market, they would take some out and secretly sell it for money. It happened that they were on vacation, so they went out to set up rabbits like adults.

"Brother, you didn't call me when you went out." The fourth child was still regretting that he couldn't run out to play with him.

"We got up after Mom and Dad left. You are still sleeping with your sister. Next time, I will wake you up next time."

However, Ding Wei knew that the eldest brother was coaxing the child again, and it was impossible to leave her alone at home, so the fourth brother was most suitable to stay with her, most likely, as before, he would not call him, the poor child thought he was brother Promise, I am happily running to tease the rabbit!
It is actually quite common to trap rabbits in the fields in winter.

In the early winter, wild rabbits are mostly caught on the wheat ridges in the field. Generally, before setting off the traps, you have to go to the wheat field to observe the habits of these rabbits. Rabbit feces is the best way to identify them.

The wheat seedlings in this season are storing nutrients for the winter. They only sprout roots and do not grow seedlings. Even so, rabbits will still go to the wheat fields to eat wheat seedlings at night or during the day when no one is around.

Most experienced rabbit catchers will first look for the rabbit's feces and traces of walking on the wheat ridges on the ground. When the eldest brother and the others are talking about this, they also say that it is thanks to Dad's ingenious calculation. It seems that Dad is also involved in this matter. It's just that she was sleeping most of the day, and she seemed to have missed a lot of wonderful moments!

When they have determined which wheat ridge a rabbit often passes by, they will find a hidden place and drive the cover into the ground.

The trap for catching rabbits is mostly a wooden stick with a sharpened lower end, which is good for driving into the ground like piling.

There is a movable circle made of iron wire on the upper end. As long as the rabbit enters the circle, the iron wire will be tightened instantly to strangle the rabbit.

After making it, use some weeds or firewood to pile up on both sides of the "trap", which will allow the rabbit to get into the cover more accurately.

Basically, the traps are set at night, and you can go to see if there is any harvest in the morning. Although most of them are out of stock, you can catch many if you do this in one winter.

Waiting until the twelfth lunar month of winter, which is the current season, although it has not yet snowed heavily, but it should be able to snow heavily today.

Generally, it will be much easier to catch hares at this time.

No matter how big the snow is, rabbit footprints and feces can always be left on the snow. Follow the footprints, and once you find the hiding place, you can lay a few more nests nearby.

If it is a blind spot, you can call on one or two people to force the rabbit out with smoke. Generally, it is easier to catch the rabbit when it snows.

Generally, the caught wild rabbits cannot be eaten immediately. They need to be peeled and washed first, and then hung in the yard to dry for a few days. This can remove the fishy and foul smell of the rabbits, and the taste will be better when eaten.

There are fewer and fewer wild rabbits in the rural fields of later generations. The fundamental reason is that people often use chemicals to eliminate insects and weeds when planting crops.

Some small animals, including hares, eat these crops containing chemicals, and the consequences can be imagined.

Moreover, wild rabbits are no better than domestic rabbits. Domestic rabbits can breed one litter a month, while wild rabbits can breed one litter a year. In addition, the survival rate is low, and human hunting is inevitable.

My parents didn't come back until around ten o'clock in the morning. They were also very pleasantly surprised to see the rabbit, but at the same time they felt guilty.

"I'm sorry kids, it's been a long time to kill a pig, and we sold the pork, plus giving it to relatives and friends, there are only about ten catties of meat left, you guys,"

Including the internal organs of pigs, they are also sold. Many people like to eat pig internal organs, pig heads and large intestines, and the price is more expensive than pork. Parents also kept some pig blood, some unsalable lean meat and lard, Even things like pig pancreas were sold.

"Oh, Mom and Dad, ten catties of meat is a lot. It's enough for us to celebrate the New Year. What's more, the old pig's blood is enough for us to eat for many days. My dad also knows when we go to the rabbit cage. Isn't this just a thought? How about a different flavor? Taking advantage of the snow these days, we want to set up a few more, so that when relatives and friends come over during the Chinese New Year, there will be more appetizers!"

"That's right, Mom, we all understand that food is scarce at first, and we are already content to have ten catties of meat at the end of the year. We should sell more money and buy some food to save, so that we don't have to worry about famine."

Only the eldest and the second child have experienced the famine. Just thinking about those terrible days makes them tremble. So no matter what parents do now, they are thinking about the future. What reason do they have to criticize?

The eldest brother even said: "Mom and Dad, why don't we raise these rabbits first, and when we reach the end of the year, let's see how many we can kill, and then sell them together to buy some wheat, milk, essence and milk powder for my sister?"

"Stupid child, milk powder needs a milk powder ticket, we don't have it, wheat, milk, and essence also need a special ticket to buy, where can we get it, your sister has eggs to eat, the nutrition is enough to guarantee, this rabbit meat, mom You killed the body, put some chili slices when frying, so that you guys can eat enough, as for entertaining relatives, let’s forget it, it’s not enough for our family to eat for ourselves!"

"When you came back from hunting rabbits, did anyone see it?"

Facing his father's question, Ding Jianguo shook his head cautiously, "When we went, we carried baskets on our backs, covered them with hay piled on them, and only pulled them out to show these two little ones when we got home. I don’t know, don’t worry, Dad, we know the seriousness, and we are sneaky when we even catch it, for fear that people will find out.”

In this day and age, some things are extremely sensitive. The eldest brother is so cautious because he also considers his father's status in the production team. He is really a teenager.

Today, it was obviously sold for money. My mother refined the lard suet, and the fragrance wafted all over the yard. I chopped some shredded radish, served with a small portion of lard residue, and mixed some miscellaneous grain noodles, and made dumplings for lunch. , because the dumpling skin is relatively hard, my mother specially mixed the rest of the base with white flour, and rolled some noodles for her.

This is white flour, but it is blacker than the white flour of later generations. It is pure hand-ground flour, with a strong wheat fragrance and very delicious.

Ding Wei happily stared at her mother who was feeding her food with her big eyes, her small mouth babbled and ate deliciously, and she didn't forget to please her mother by yelling 'mama, mama' non-stop, making Zhao Qingqing's heart cry melted.

"Hey, my darling, why are you so sensible, come and eat more, and play with your brothers when you're full!"

Only father in the whole family did not enjoy this treatment, and he was a little jealous, so Ding Zhenlong looked down at his precious daughter with anticipation.

Seeing him like this, Ding Wei thought it was funny, but she still yelled empathetically, "Papa, papa~"

"Hey, hey, my precious girl called me so clearly, did you all hear that, oh, why is this kid so smart, look at how bright these big eyes are, you can even see the shadow."

Although Ding Wei doesn't know whether she is good-looking or not, the rest of the Ding family are good-looking. Her father is 1.8 meters tall and has a Chinese character face. , with sword eyebrows and deep eyes, wide shoulders and narrow waist without any excess fat, and she looks a little thin, let alone my mother. A typical traditional oriental woman is strong and capable outside, and omnipotent at home, especially in a family with many men. It shows her importance, and she looks very gentle, but her temper is only in line with her appearance, most of the time she is either yelling at her disobedient brother, or complaining to her father, very down-to-earth!
The elder brother Ding Jianguo is most like his father in his behavior and appearance. He is steady and down-to-earth, well-behaved, but not pedantic.

Although the second brother Ding Jianshe is only two years younger than his eldest brother, he is not like his father at all. On the contrary, he has a sweet mouth and can speak well. He is mixed in the army, and he may have higher achievements than his elder brother.

The third brother, Ding Jianping, is six years old after the Chinese New Year. He is a quiet and handsome boy. He is the only one who is quiet among the four boys in the family. He often kneads mud or reads by himself. A state of understanding, but the thirst for knowledge is relatively strong, maybe it is still a material for reading.

As for this old fourth Ding Jianshu, he is four years old after the new year, he is a bit silly, and he can be tricked by other brothers if he has something in his hand, but he is the little brother who is most willing to play with her. Talking about the sense of distance, Ding Wei I think she loves this little brother more.

(End of this chapter)

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