Chapter 1349 [1348] Private Plot (2000)

It won't be long before the canals will be repaired. At that time, I'm afraid it will be even more difficult and tiring.

The harvesting of wheat began in mid-to-late May to early June, and my father's tractor was probably about to spin.

In the era of manual harvesting, the effort it takes is even more unimaginable, and we are afraid of rainy weather. If it rains and then the wind blows, it will mean a reduction in production.

The output in this era is not much different from that in the ancient period of the Republic of China. Even if it is a little higher, there is no advantage. The cost of pesticides was gradually available in the mid-to-late 70s. At the beginning, no one was willing to use them. Times are advancing. , The change of people's thinking also needs a process.

Everyone is poor nowadays, and a production team may not be able to see a bicycle. They walk on two legs when they go out, or they pull a shelf car. One time is calculated by time, one penny per hour, expensive but not expensive, but for those who are used to saving, even if it is a few cents, they are not willing to spend it.

The biggest difference between married women and unmarried women in this era is their hairstyle. Married women generally have student hair, while unmarried women wear two dangling braids. If the hair is of good quality, it can be sold for a lot of money. In the era of any cleaning products, some people's hair is naturally black and shiny, thick and clean. The method everyone uses to clean it is either plant ash or acacia, and those who can use acacia are regarded as related households.

For example, the piece of soap that their family used in the bath was bought from the cigarettes that my father had accumulated for a long time. It was not easy, and it was only used when going out to take a bath. Maybe this is a little vanity. , because only when she sees the envious eyes of others, will my mother feel that this thing is worth it.

In this era, the management is very strict. Private sales are not allowed. Even if you exchange things, you must be open and aboveboard.

Every household has its own private land. My mother planted rapeseed after the sweet potatoes matured, and the rapeseed would be harvested before the wheat was harvested. If you don’t have enough oil, you can go to the oil workshop to fill it up. The oil workshop does not charge money, as long as your home’s oil cakes are still very cost-effective.

There are only seven points of land in the private plot, not much, because their production team has a relatively large population, so it is allocated according to one point of land per person. These lands are generally not under trees, small plots of land on the ground, in areas that need to be managed In the production team, these small plots of land are not easy to divide and manage, so they are allocated for private plots, and it is not easy to grow under the tree, so it is better to distribute some vegetables and fruits to the common people!

After the spring plowing started, the adults became completely busy. Ding Wei didn't want to stay at home with the hens when she didn't want to go out with her two brothers.

The third brother and the fourth brother didn't dare to run away, they just played at the door, and would come back to see her after a while, not forgetting to remind her to turn over before daring to go out.

It would definitely not work if she were another child, but Ding Wei is the core of the glutinous rice balls. She is mature and stable, and knows what to do and what not to do at her age.

Life in the countryside is really good. In this day and age, the sky is blue, the countryside is full of trees and grass, there are many mosquitoes and flies, and even the mice will run out of her face from time to time. The ecology is better, the air is fresh, and everything you eat is pure natural. No pollution, how to say, although this day is not as good as the future generations, but the food and drink are the cleanest, based on this alone, she thinks that she did not choose the wrong era.

But she had such a good life, but one day her mother suddenly went home to go to the latrine and saw her alone at home, a fierce conflict broke out.

Of course, it was not a conflict with her, but a mixed doubles match between parents and men, beating up the third brother and the fourth brother. The reason was that they left her alone at home. If something happened, no one could absolve themselves of the blame.

Brothers are wronged, obviously Weiwei didn't want to go out with them, mother went up and slapped them again.

"How old is she, can she understand what you say? What does she say? You have grown up so big for nothing? One is six years old and the other is four years old, and they are being commanded by a one-year-old baby. Are you ashamed to say it? ? If you don’t look good to me, and you only want to play, then I might as well take your sister with me!”

The reason why my mother is so nervous is because this month, a child was taken to the field by her mother, but fell into the well and drowned. She was afraid, so she didn't want to take her to the field unless it was absolutely necessary. The heat is okay. The key point is that there are hidden dangers everywhere, so she can only entrust her to the two sons in the family. Who would have thought that this is how they bring up her baby?

The mother got angry and the consequences were very serious. Even the father didn't help them. The buttocks were not swollen, but they were red. After this incident, they understood that even if the sister had eyeballs in this family, if they lost the eyeballs, they would be blind. No one is having a good time.

Although Ding Wei really wanted to speak for them, but she was afraid that she would be too outstanding, so she could only run over with her short legs when her mother waved her hand again, and block in front of her two elder brothers. It was because her brother, who had been beaten, was immediately moved when he saw her sister's behavior, and the slightest complaint in his heart disappeared completely with Green Tea Weiwei's tossing method.

"Look, take a look, she is only so old, she knows how to protect you, what does this mean? It means that she likes you and knows that you treat her well. If you don't know how to cherish such a good sister, you have to wait until you lose her. Is it okay? Our production team fell into a well, fell into a river, was scalded by hot water, and was blinded by a rooster. It’s not easy to watch children. If you really don’t like it, you can give Mom said, just can't leave her alone at home, understand?"

It is extremely difficult for rural children to grow up safely. At least in this village, various accidents have occurred, and it is unknown how many children under the age of three have fallen. It's not uncommon for a mouse to gnaw off a finger while sleeping. This is a treasure that Zhao Qingqing got with great difficulty. How could the two of them be so cruel?
After the couple repeatedly educated them and asked them to promise, they finally stopped here and didn't mention it anymore, which meant that she had just been free for two days, and she returned to sitting in her brother's back basket and taking it with her wherever she went. Well, in order for the two elder brothers to have fun, the two of them took turns to go out to play, and the remaining one had to stay to play with her.

This is probably the helpless move for older children to take care of younger ones in this world, right?

(End of this chapter)

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