Chapter 1351 [1350] Falling into the water (3000)

The wheat harvesting work lasted until around June 6th. The end here is that corn has been planted in the wheat field. While the land is wet, the next job is to remove the stubble from the field. , It will be very easy to hurt your feet when you go to work in the field in the future.

So the next job is to dry the grain field, corn field, vegetable field, dry land also take this opportunity to plant millet, sorghum, buckwheat and other miscellaneous grains.

If the weather is beautiful and it rains, it will relieve the hard-working farmers a lot of physical labor. If the weather is dry and people are too hot, they have to go to the river to fetch water for the crops.

Fortunately, there are more wild vegetables in this season, which not only satisfies the livestock and poultry at home, but even people have started to take advantage of this opportunity to stock up more dried wild vegetables.

Of course, most of the vegetables in the cafeteria are wild vegetables dug up by the children. These wild vegetables are either cold or steamed in a pot. On the contrary, the serious vegetables grown in the ground are rarely eaten. If you eat it, there are also insect eyes, or the outer leaves that have been peeled off.

Because these vegetables are sent to the vegetable stand in the city for sale, and if the country people want to eat some vegetables, they can't eat them well in the big canteen. This is the reason why every household divides their private plots.

If you want to eat, you can eat your own food, or the public's food. It's better to eat whatever you want than to be happier than when you were in a famine. Now that's the condition, don't choose anyone.

In July, the work in the field was not as intensive as in June, but considering that the supplies are more abundant in summer, we still arranged to eat in the cafeteria. (Note: This is a fictitious plot, because, as you know, you can just take a look at it.)
The children are on summer vacation, and there is nothing happier than going out to touch horses every day. There are so many trees in the countryside and there are no fertilizers and pesticides. There are so many things!

What Ding Wei likes most is that after a heavy rain in summer, she will follow her brothers to pick horses on the soil with many trees. There is a way to do this, as long as there is a small black hole in the thin layer of soil There are eight or nine out of ten holes. On the contrary, the soil that looks thicker, or the black eyes are smaller, are usually ant nests.

Don't look at her walking is still not very stable, but this little hand picks, boldly puts her fingers in, and she is not afraid of pain, because her fingers are small, she picks more than her brothers. Soak them in salt water for a while to remove the dirt, and then my mother will put some lard on them and fry them for a while, because they will be shelled the next day, so they must be eaten at night.

This is a great tonic for the pouches under the eyes that lack meat. Even though Ding Wei doesn't like to eat this, she still eats it with her brothers greedily. The chewy cicada meat has become a staple food almost every day this summer. The delicacies that can be enjoyed, even parents call them amazing.

Probably because of Cicada's daily extra meals, this summer has become less difficult.

Every day before going to bed, my mother will fumigate every room of them with wormwood to prevent mosquito bites. Even so, there are still mosquitoes, especially since their house also feeds chickens and pigs. There are many flies during the day and many mosquitoes at night, but again Annoyed by these mosquitoes, I gradually fell asleep as soon as I got sleepy.

It was only later that I found out that every night, my mother would fan her with a cattail fan, and my father would get up halfway to slap mosquitoes, just to protect her delicate skin from red bumps all over her legs.

Rural children will change into long trousers and long shirts in the evening. If they don't change, they will probably be bitten all over by mosquitoes.

In addition to boiling water and making extra meals for her, their family seldom cooks at home. The ripe eggplants, cucumbers, chili beans, etc. in the vegetable field are pickled if they can be pickled, and dried in the sun if they cannot be pickled. Dry the vegetables, wait until the weather is cold or there are no more vegetables, and then take them out to eat.

As Ding Wei, who has struggled all her life in Northeast China, her favorite is still dried potato chips. If they are stewed with cabbage tofu vermicelli, they are delicious.

Of course, as a tractor driver, Dad often has missions to go out. He will pick fresh vegetables early and send them to the two aunts’ homes early. In addition to feeding them to the aunts, they will also find ways to help Dad change some more practical ones. Things, such as washing supplies, matches, salt and other daily necessities.

Not only their family, but also the two uncles’ families do this, because peppers, eggplants, and tomatoes are so good that they can’t finish eating at all. Tiantianyang still can’t catch up with it’s speed, so as long as you are sure when you will enter the city, get ready quickly, and The freshest vegetables are picked.

Of course, whoever asked would say that it was given to the two aunts and other relatives in the city. No one had anything to say about it. Who doesn’t have seven aunts and eight aunts? Whose relatives don’t know how to order food from their relatives in the country? Ah, as for what people's rewards are, that's beyond their ability to inquire.

There is endless wheat and grain on the threshing ground. After school, the children will run to the threshing ground to play, climb up the tall straw stacks and play bald. Occasionally, eggs of the village collective's chickens can be found in the straw stacks. Of course, these are to be handed over to the public, and no one should try to take advantage of them.

So don't look at the children running around every day, they have done a lot of practical things. Occasionally go to the river to touch some fish, shrimps and crabs. You know it, look for wild duck eggs in the reeds, and look for wild eggs in the woods. Isn't this what rural children often do?Your lord is busy in the field all day long, and you don't have the time yet!
A little girl who was originally fair and tender, without any sun protection measures, and went out with her brothers every day, suddenly got a wheat-colored tan.

My mother was a little worried, but my father was very happy: "Why are you tanned? You look healthy after being tanned. It turns out that you are too white. The white ones don't want rural girls. Look, this is our daughter, how cute!"

My mother always looks regretful at this time: "I finally gave birth to a girl, but I was taken wild by these boys. Look at her, she doesn't look like a one-year-old two-three-month-old baby. She is so healthy and healthy." Skill, I am afraid that even if you are two years old, someone will believe it."

Is there any reason not to wet your shoes when you often walk by the river?

Just to grab a wild duck egg, and she was the first to discover it, but because of her young age and height, she was pushed into the river by a five or six-year-old girl from the same village. When I turned my head and found that she was gone, my heart rose in my throat, and the little girl who pushed her down was also frightened and kept talking.

"I didn't mean it, I really didn't mean it."

Ding Jianguo stared at the little girl with bloodshot eyes: "Didn't you do it on purpose? You pushed her down?"

"Brother, quick, quick look, isn't that my sister, my God, she floated away, floated away."

After the second brother found something was wrong, he looked in the river, and he really saw the younger sister with her head sticking out in the river. Excited, he hurriedly called the elder brother's name.

Just as the two were about to jump off, Ding Jianguo immediately turned around and called his third and fourth brothers.

"Hurry up, both of you, go find your lord, and call whoever you see on the road, be fast!"

After all, Ding Jianguo was the oldest, and when his second brother wanted to jump, he stopped him.

"Don't go down. The water over there is deep and the current is fast. Don't worry, I will find a way to fish out my sister. I am better than you."

It's true, as the first boy of Ding's family, he played with Ding Zhenlong in the river when he was two or three years old. Over the years, he was the one who fished in the river every time. , the skill of the second child is not as good as him, and he dare not let him take risks, so in this case, he plunged in and chased Ding Wei like a fish.

Ding Wei can swim, but she is small and lacks physical strength, and because of her small body, the water flows so fast that she can't grab anything that she can cling to.

The river is relatively wide, 60 to [-] meters wide. Fortunately, there is no sand pumping in this era, and the potential danger in the river is slightly less. She was flustered at first, but gradually calmed down. After her body floated, Stretching his hands and clasping the back of his head, he gradually lay flat on the river surface with the buoyancy of the water.

This is the best way to conserve energy, and she also saw her brother jumping off, and after feeling safe, she took this opportunity to find a safe place to cling to.

Fortunately, she found the reeds in the middle of the river. As soon as her physical strength recovered, she took advantage of the momentum of the river to safely grab the roots of the reeds with her short legs, and then climbed onto the reed island steadily. While breathing, I didn’t forget to look at the reeds, and found that there was actually a nest of wild duck eggs, one, two, three, four, five, six... Twelve, my God, so many wild duck eggs!

It's a pity that she didn't have space, so she couldn't pretend to leave, but she saw her brother and took note of the location. When there was no one here, they would swim over and get it.

Because idleness is idleness, she walked back and forth on this small land, even if her arm was scratched by a reed leaf, she didn't care, because she saw the place where the small land was connected with the river, Surprisingly, there are big mussels surrounded by a circle, and each mussel is as long as her little arm. There are more than a dozen of them here. If you take them home and fry them, they should taste very good.

This time falling into the water seems to be a blessing in disguise!

While thinking, her brother's voice came from a distance, and she pushed aside the reeds and immediately waved to her brother.

"Big Brother, I'm here, Big Brother, I'm here!"

Ding Jianguo could clearly see his sister, why couldn't he see it in the blink of an eye?
Just when he couldn't hold back his tears because of sadness, and his voice was trembling, his sister's response appeared? ? ?

He thought he was hallucinating, but he saw his younger sister bouncing around on the reed-like island. Under the shock of great sorrow and joy, tears fell down.

"Stand there and don't move, do you hear me, don't move!"

Five minutes later, Ding Jianguo climbed onto the small island and hugged the little girl who was still smiling. The feeling of surviving after a catastrophe can only be understood by those who have experienced it!

(End of this chapter)

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