Chapter 1357 [1356] Bai Jie (4000)

As the so-called plan for a year lies in spring, Southern Henan Province is a large agricultural province, and L City where she belongs to is also a famous ancient capital in history. More than ten dynasties established their capitals here, and it is also a very famous tourist city for later generations. , although it is only a third-tier city planned later, at least it has had a glorious past.

Compared with eastern Henan, southern Henan, and northern Henan, the western part of Henan can be regarded as a rich area. Leaving aside the provincial capital city Z, city L can be regarded as the second brother of the entire province.

Besides wheat and corn, their agriculture in L City also has places where rice is grown, including sweet potatoes, potatoes, sesame, and soybeans, which are also considered high-yield, and vegetables and fruits are also extremely rich, so it is not considered a poor place, so this day is more than she imagined. Much better.

When the warm wind with the breath of green grass blows from the south, although it is accompanied by wind and sand for a short time, the temperature is sometimes high and sometimes low, but this does not affect the working mood of the big guys. They are busy from morning to night every day. Stop, manure is pulled from the city, the commune members retting their own manure, and the production team's livestock accumulate manure, and in the end they will all be sprinkled on the farmland before plowing.

The men pushed carts and pulled them into the ground, and the women evenly sprinkled them on the ground with shovels. If the ground was uneven or there were clods that could not be smashed, they would use the shovel to slap them away. , If the shovel cannot be tapped, a hoe must be used. In short, farming also requires skill and patience. It does not mean that you can rely on the sky to feed on the ground. Land without fertilizers will not grow high-yield crops after all.

After the soil is patted, the land is almost level. In order to introduce enough water resources and irrigate the land in spring, they have to repair ditches and slopes, fetch water to irrigate the land, and then adjust according to the needs of each crop. Grow time, plant according to plan.

Ever since my mother found out that she likes to play squatting in the field, and doesn't cause her any trouble or make trouble for her brothers, it is natural for her son to send her over after school every day, so that the sons can also spare time to get out of school. Digging wild vegetables and hog grass to gather firewood.

There are not so many bad guys in this era, especially in my own village, as long as I don't leave the realization of the adults, it is still very safe, not to mention that she is still the core of an adult and has the ability to distinguish right from wrong.

So she never came to the field empty-handed, and always carried a small basket made of straw specially made by her father for her. She took it with her wherever she went. She thought she was playing with Ding Lan's children, and no one cared, but they Gradually, she found that all the grass she picked up were edible wild vegetables, which shocked everyone.

When her mother knelt down and asked her why she picked these, she replied very naturally: "It can be eaten, the one in the bowl."

That's right, these amaranths, shepherd's purses, purslane, and gray vegetables are what she eats every day. It doesn't seem surprising that she can recognize them.

Her well-behaved and sensible parents are very pleased and happy, and the brothers also think that she is easier to take care of than the little brother, so when they see other brothers and sisters taking care of their crying siblings and appear upset, they will be very happy Fortunately.

"It's better for our younger sister, who doesn't cry or make trouble, and even acts like a baby to us, she's so soft and sticky, so cute!"

"There are still people who say that our sister looks stupid, and say that the crying child is smart, bah, it's nonsense, their sister can pick wild vegetables? Their sister can recite multiplication formulas? Can dress herself to go to the bathroom ?”

The third brother's words caused the elder brother and the second brother to nod their heads, and at the same time they did not forget to comfort them.

"How smart our own sister is, we just need to know for ourselves, we don't need to talk to them about it, is it okay, we'll know when we go back to school, the other day I taught my sister to write, although it's crooked, but at least it's a word, And for addition and subtraction within five, although she is slow and needs to break her fingers, as long as she can figure it out, it will be all right, who of them can do it?"

The brothers praised her in front of her, which was really unreserved. Although she pretended not to know, she was secretly amused in her heart.

After the production team has eaten the big pot of rice, they will clean their own bowls and chopsticks, and then take them home, and just bring them back when they eat next time.

After breakfast, the members gathered under the big pagoda tree to wait for the assignment of work; after lunch, there was a break, and everyone went home to take a nap; only in the evening did they have time to spend time at the production team's team headquarters, yard, and kitchen. Gossiping, chatting, and leading the children to play in places such as the ground, similar to a small exercise square in the community, there are old people, children, middle-aged and young people, chattering, so lively.

When the people from the team headquarters came to record the work points, the scene would calm down a little.

In addition to being the gathering place for everyone to hold meetings, the brigade department also has a noodle room and a tofu room. In the past, their vermicelli filter was made in the brigade department. Occasionally, tofu was eaten on the stove, which was also the person in the big kitchen. Ground tofu.

Of course, the level of making tofu is not good, not as good as hers, but everyone does not dislike it, because even tofu is not available every day, and the last time you eat it, you will be very cherished.

This large yard will come in handy every autumn harvest, piles of grain, piles of straw, piled up like a mountain, wheat autumn in January, a big autumn for a hundred days.

As for the vegetable fields of the brigade, they are usually planted in places with wells. After all, the crops are drought-tolerant, but the vegetables and fruits must be kept moist at all times in order to grow tall and well.

Naturally, the vegetables, melons and fruits are grown according to the seasons, and the leftovers will be discarded and handed in at that time, and the rest will be distributed to the commune members. Dividing melons in summer is a beautiful thing that will never be forgotten. How sweet it is.

However, this year's restructuring has made many people uncomfortable, especially the newcomers who don't know how to work at all, can play tricks, and think that they are illiterate and uneducated, and sometimes they have to give blind guidance for a long time , A lot of people are reluctant to take them.

What's even more ridiculous is that there was a 19-year-old male student from Shanghai who taught the brigade how to calculate accounts. The accountant mercilessly pointed out his unrealistic calculations and absurd ideas about replacing them.

In order to avoid labor, male students will go to more capable young female members to ask questions, or they will inquire about some female members with better family conditions and connections to have ambiguous interactions. The unconditional help of young male members is a disgrace to the people of the city.

Of course, Ding Wei didn't say this to anyone, she just felt that the introduction of this batch of talents was too bad, and none of them could do it. Fortunately, her brothers were still young and there was no possibility of being teased, otherwise she would have I have to worry about this all day long. After all, in a few years, these people will go back to the city. Since there will be no good results from the beginning, why start?It also saves all kinds of troubles coming to the door afterwards.

As the capable person of the women's director, the mother had no choice but to pick up a female classmate and teach her how to work when others were unwilling to take care of her.

It can be seen that this female classmate did not do much work when she was at home, and she was not used to it at all when she first came here. She hadn't done much work, but her hands were worn out, and she was still crying in front of her mother because of the pain. It all fell on the mother's head, after all, the work was assigned to two people.

And with a temper like my mother, she would not complain to her superiors, saying that she didn't work at all. Once she said so, she would be accused of being unsympathetic. There are many such things as moral kidnapping in this era, or should they be rotated I went back to my mother in a circle, isn't it because other female members don't want to see her?

To be honest, Ding Wei also thinks that this person is not real, she shirks the pain when she is working, runs faster than the other when eating, and keeps asking the cook to prepare more for them, showing off pitifully Injured hands, tea and cooking, it's disgusting.

But Ding Wei is not used to this kind of person, especially when this female classmate eats a meal, picks up the food in the bowl with emotion, and complains to other companions——

"I've been working so hard all morning, so why don't you just give us these? You're not full at all, there's no oily water, it's too unpalatable. And my sister-in-law, Ding, is too boring, and she doesn't answer even a few words. , It’s really rude, it’s okay to be rude, my hands are like this, and she doesn’t help me, any countryman is simple, I think it’s all nonsense! Why is my life so hard, the youngest in the family, the benefits are all taken by my brothers and sisters Take it, just drive me to this shitty place!"

This was just heard by Ding Wei, thinking about how her mother would help her, taking care of the work of the two of them, but instead of being grateful, she was still complaining about her mother, which was simply too heartless.

So she yelled loudly: "Sister, that impolite Mrs. Ding you just mentioned is my mother? I saw you following my mother, but I didn't see you working. My mother has always been working there." , you are gossiping next to you, you talk as soon as you talk, and you insist on my mother answering you, my mother should not you, is it rude? My mother did the work for you, and you still think that my mother did not help you, you Why is it so bad!"

Ding Wei's sudden voice caused people around to look sideways. Her voice was not too loud, just enough to be heard by men, women and children nearby. Moreover, she articulated clearly, and she explained things clearly in a few words. Those who understand I understand, after all, this girl didn't work under Zhao Qingqing alone. There is a reason why no one else wants to take her with her. Ding Wei didn't want her mother to work hard. Cure this city dweller from a small southern city named Bai Jie.

The little girl, who was less than two years old, was able to speak so clearly, not only Bai Jie was stunned, but even those who were traveling with her were dumbfounded.

When my mother heard it, she ran over and hugged her in her arms, and said embarrassingly to the surroundings.

"Children are ignorant and talk nonsense, everyone, don't take it seriously!"

"Mom, I'm not talking nonsense. That's what she said about you just now. She said you are bad. She is a bad person. Why do you still help her?"

Zhao Qingqing choked, she really wanted to tell her daughter that the matter was complicated, but she felt that the language was lacking at this moment and she couldn't organize it.

However, when Bai Jie saw their mother and daughter here, she felt nauseous and uncomfortable as if she was acting. She stood up abruptly, and still had the nerve to question Zhao Qingqing first.

"Sister-in-law Ding, what do you mean by that? Let a child come over and bully me? If you don't learn well at a young age, you will learn to tell tales here? Why are you so thoughtful? Sure enough, there is a kind of mother like you. Daughter, if you don’t want to take me, tell me earlier, some people want to take me, and let a child come over to talk about things, is it plausible?”

Zhao Qingqing's complexion suddenly changed at this moment. Originally, she thought that one thing more is worse than one thing less. After all, she is from the city, and it is normal to have never done farm work. She wanted to give her more time to adapt, but the result?If you dare to call her precious girl, then don't blame her for being rude!

"Student Bai, what do you mean by saying this? My daughter said something wrong? You did the work? No, I did the work for the two of you. It's been like this for a few days. What did I say? Why did you accuse the villain first? Didn’t you all say that you people in the city are educated and reasonable? Hey, that’s how you repay me? I’ll help you with your work and you’ll be free for a few days. I didn’t break your hand for you. Doesn’t not work also delay your meal? Shame on you? I need to rock you? This dirty person looks dirty in everything. Originally, I thought no one would take you. It’s pitiful, but now I find myself How stupid."

"Director Cao, I can't take this person with me anymore. Whoever wants to take him with him, anyway, I, Zhao Qingqing, won't take him with me. Is this kind of revenge? Give me back my work points. It's a total of four days. What I do every day is Double work, she didn't even reach out to help, and she still wants work points? Go ahead and dream!"

"Also, Mr. Bai, listen carefully. Don't think that you are from the city, so you can look down on any of us. In my opinion, your character is not as good as my daughter's finger. She At a young age, you can at least distinguish between good and evil. How about you? You are not too young. You have interpreted the four words of grace and revenge to the fullest. Is this how you use it? My son and I have learned it and used it to describe you. Such a person is perfect!"

The mother carried her back to the table, finished the meal in threes and fives, and dragged the sons who were still trying to stand up for their mother and sister.

The big guy saw all of this, and chattered and commented on Bai Jie, causing the woman to flush and run away tearfully.

"It deserves it. I knew that this kind of person would have no good end. Look, even the talkative Qingqing was annoyed by her. Let's see who will take her in the future. This is a shit-stirring stick! Whoever takes her is bad luck!"

"That's right, after following me for a day, I can't take it anymore. Who is it, who really thinks of me as my eldest lady, who just said that my hands are worn out all morning, and ran to the health center to bandage them. If I run a little slower, Maybe the wound has healed, I have never seen such a lazy person, and he is as good as the second man in our village!"

Now it's the season of spring plowing and farming, and I have a lot of work assigned to me. If one person does double duty, if it's not for his quick hands and feet, he won't be able to finish it at all.

As long as anyone who knows how to be grateful, she won't be so cruel, and she deserves to be sent here. She must be the most unpleasant person at home!
(End of this chapter)

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