The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1359 [1358] Big yellow dog asking for help

Chapter 1359 [1358] Big Yellow Dog Asking for Help (6000)

When she acted like a baby, the heart of the old father almost melted. He hugged his daughter and looked at his son and said to his daughter-in-law.

"In my life, I can have your four sons and a baby bump like Weiwei, plus you. Mom, the housekeeper, I am content!"

Within a few minutes after she sat down, her mother took her father to wash, shave, and cut her hair. This is what my mother has practiced over the years. Although the level is not comparable to that of a barber, there are so many men in the family. Once you buy it, you can save a lot of money.

They wash their hair easily, they all use plant ash, and after washing, they sit there one by one waiting to be shaved. In summer, naturally, the shorter the better, even if they get a light gun, they can grow hair in half a month stubble.

"Your father's hair is the same as his beard. It's hard and hard to push. Fortunately, the blade is sharp enough. Don't move around. Don't blame me if you bleed."

While the couple were chatting here, the elder brothers were still grabbing basins, grabbing water, and rubbing plant ashes to play. Ding Wei disliked that they were throwing water everywhere, so she carried her own exclusive small bag on her short legs. Mazza sat down in front of his father, resting his chin to watch his mother cut his father's hair.

Ding Zhenlong felt beautiful when he saw this cutie.

"If you don't win, tear up some cloth for our daughter to make two beautiful clothes. Look how cute she is with her pigtails!"

Mom took a look at her, and although she also thought the daughter was cute, she rejected Dad rationally.

"She has a lot of clothes. What can I buy in summer? I think these clothes are pretty good, and they are not so worn that they can't be worn. Save as much as you can. At this age, she grows fast, and she grows fast in a few days." She won’t be able to wear it anymore, and she doesn’t have a little girl under her, so why waste that money, buy her something to eat with that money, it’s the same.”

If you really are not in charge of the family, you don’t know the price of firewood, rice, oil and salt. Mom’s words are very correct, and Ding Wei also nodded in agreement: "It’s delicious, it’s delicious."

Mom and Dad couldn't help but laugh: "I'm really a mouth eater. I want to taste everything I see. I ate noodles yesterday. Your boss put some chili peppers in the bowl, and she was sweating. She wants to eat too, boss." I just got some in her bowl, I wanted to see her joke, guess what?"

Dad looked at her and suddenly asked in surprise, "Could it be possible to eat all of them?"

"I ate all of them, and I didn't see that I was spicy at all. After eating, I still wanted it. We didn't give it, and I was pouting and angry. You said what kind of girl was born in our family, why did you talk to other people everywhere?" Are your children different?"

"Mom, it's not just chili peppers, but also vinegar. She also eats vinegar. That day, she ate garlic noodles with garlic and vinegar. She was afraid that the spicy food would make her sour. Who knew that the food she ate tasted better than anyone else. The wheat from Aunt Wang's house Isn't it just a few months away from our Weiwei? She just dipped a chopstick and gave her to eat, and she was so hot that she cried. Look at our family, it's like a normal person."

Ding Wei held her chin in silence, thinking to herself: "This is so strange, my favorite food is chili, and it's not a big deal even if it's raw."

It's a pity that they were too timid, so they only tasted a little, and they didn't give it anymore, for fear of giving her some spicy food, and they didn't know when they were born in Sichuan Province, how old should they start eating chili?

After Dad cut her hair, he took hot water to the backyard to take a shower, then changed his clothes, came over to hug her, and kissed her.

"Old girl, father is gone, if I come back, I will bring you delicious food if I have a chance!"

"Goodbye, Dad." Ding Wei didn't miss it, and the elder brother who was watching was happy again: "Dad, she will only give you Feifei (blow kisses) when you bring food back."

Ding Zhenlong patted her head, shook his head with a smile and left. Cutting the hair of the older brothers is nothing to look at, because the third brother and the younger brother scream pain at every turn, so she yawned, "Mom, I'm going to sleep."

For such a conversation, Zhao Qingqing said that she was very familiar with it. Her daughter is good at this, and she is not good at being independent.

Seeing her daughter walking towards the backyard, Zhao Qingqing called her: "Weiwei, what are you doing?"

"Mom, I pee." Because she is young, her legs are short, and the grass is too high and deep, she dare not squat herself, for fear of falling, so she always goes directly to the ground in the backyard. If it is a big mother With a shovel, it was buried in the vegetable field, and if it was a small one, it would be watered.

"Okay, don't go near the latrine." The more summer came, the less she wanted to go to the dry toilet. It was too disgusting, so she was happy not to let her go to the latrine!

Because every year I heard that a child her age fell into the dry toilet and drowned.

Oh my god, just thinking about it makes her scalp tingle, she is scared, short legs are not an advantage, she is still safe outside.

Now the family does not feed livestock, and the mosquitoes and flies in the yard feel much less.

When she woke up, it was already evening, and the hair stubble in the yard was swept away, and even the overall sanitation was cleaned. It seemed that a few brothers did it.

Mom went to work again, and just when she thought she was alone at home, the voices of her brothers came from outside the wooden door.

"Hurry up, my sister is about to wake up, she will be scared." Then there was the sound of unlocking, and when the door opened, she stood in the yard with her chicken coop head on her head and looked at them cutely.

One, two, three, four, not one less. Seeing that they were barefoot, their trouser legs were full of water, their backs were bare, and their hair was wet, they knew they were going to the river to touch fish and shrimp again.

"Oh, I'm really awake. Our sister is different from others. Look, she doesn't cry when she wakes up. Weiwei, are you hungry? After we clean up, we'll go to the cafeteria to eat!"

Then he put the bucket in front of her naturally, and the little brother looked at her as if asking for credit.

"Look, little girl, this is the fish and shrimp that my brothers and I caught together, as well as crabs, snails, shells, and mussels."

The smell of fish on her face made her a little uncomfortable, she pinched her nose and took a few steps back: "Brother, it really smells too bad, you should go wash it off quickly."

The eldest brother has already scooped the water in the water tank into the red enamel basin with a gourd ladle neatly, and poured all the hard goods in the plastic bucket into the basin for cleaning. After two or three basins of water, it looked cleaner. Need to stand still to spit sand.

There is no river in their village, and there are no mountains nearby. Because it is a plain area, even if there are mountains, they can only be called slopes. There is no altitude, and they can't even reach a hundred meters. High, people live on slopes.

Although the river water is very clean compared to later generations, it cannot be drunk directly, so a village will be divided into several teams, and each team will have a well for drinking water.

Every family has made a small cart. As long as the water is not enough, hang the plastic bucket on the small cart, push it to the well, turn the rope by the well, put the bucket down to scoop water, and then push it back home. Pour it into a large water tank at home, and fetch water once every two days on average.

The water in their house is drawn by the elder brothers. Ding Wei has never participated in it. Because it is by the well, the villagers are very particular about it. Children as old as her are not allowed to approach. As long as the water is drawn, the protective cover must be screwed on. ,in case.

Well water is warm in winter and cool in summer, and it tastes particularly clear. In the age before industrialization, you can really eat anything with confidence.

Unlike so much waste oil, genetically modified, and various chemical additives in later generations, even the food we eat is made of natural farmyard manure instead of pesticides and chemical fertilizers.

So, the times are better than the times, and the poor are a little poor, but everyone is on the same level, the gap between the rich and the poor is not that big, and the people's sense of happiness is relatively strong.

It’s hot, and things can’t be put away. At night, my mother stewed these things in a pot. She picked out two crucian carp and made fish soup for her, and made the rest spicy. Otherwise, I can’t suppress the fishy smell , called my uncle and aunt to come over, gathered a few cold dishes, and had a night market meal.

Because I ate in the cafeteria in the afternoon, so this meal in the evening was not willing to waste. I didn’t eat the staple food, but I just ate a spicy taste, stimulated the taste buds, and had a greasy addiction by the way, after all It’s good to be full of rice on the stove, who cares about the taste?
Dad didn't catch up to eat this delicious meal, but uncle and aunt came here without empty hands. The younger ones drank fish soup and ate noodles, and the older ones who could eat spicy food got together to eat fresh.

When it comes to dog days, I go to work at four or five in the morning. Regardless of the time for breakfast, I finish working at about eleven in the morning, take a midday nap, do housework, and start the third day at about three or four in the afternoon. When working in waves, you usually have to be busy until dark to finish the day's tasks. Otherwise, people are too hot to suffer from heat stroke, and the weather is too hot to bear, and it is not conducive to the effectiveness of work.

The happiest time of Ding Wei at this age is to taste the fruits of the labor in the team. The watermelons in this era, especially the leftover watermelons, although they are not big, and there are many watermelon seeds, but the sweetness is true sweet.

The caring brother took turns picking watermelon seeds for her with chopsticks, and my mother couldn't stand it.

"Just let her get used to it, what's wrong with eating a watermelon seed? Let her pick it!"

"Grow sprouts, grow watermelons!" Ding Wei teased her mother, deliberately pretending to be deceived, and reasoned with her with wide eyes.

Her small appearance is funny and ridiculous, Zhao Qingqing stared at her sons dumbfounded: "Did you tell her? You should!"

Ding Jianguo laughed happily, and touched Ding Wei's round belly: "Our Weiwei's belly is so big, could it have sprouted?"

Ding Wei's mouth was deflated and her eyes were starting to turn red. She was about to cry, and her second elder brother Ding Jianshe hugged her in his arms.

"Don't listen to big brother, he's teasing you. The watermelon seeds in your stomach are all stinky after eating. If you don't believe me, check it out next time. There must be some."

"Hey~~~Second brother, you are so disgusting, are you teaching her to pick up shit piles? Just like Xiao Jiu, the second aunt didn't like it last time, and all the shit went into her mouth."

It was hot inside the house at night, and there were many mosquitoes outside. Now there are no bungalows, they are all brick houses, so we carried the beds to the yard, hung mosquito nets, and blowing the evening breeze, but it was not so hot.

The brothers slept on a two-meter bed, and she and her mother slept on a small bed. At night, she could feel her mother fanning her again. Sometimes she would be awakened by a sudden gust of wind when she slept in the middle of the night. After a while, it was raining. , the storm is coming, or people say that the summer sky is the most unpredictable!

After a rain, it’s cooler outside. The advantage of the rainstorm is that it comes and goes quickly. At this time, the house is still troublesome, because the windows are all papered and airtight. Unlike later generations, there are screens, which can Ventilation, so they still sleep outside after the rain, when it's much cooler, sometimes with thin blankets.

I used to hear chickens, ducks and geese calling in the village in the morning, but now they are all at the production team, and there is no movement at home, but the cuckoos, cicadas, and other birds in the village are more diligent than the farmer uncle. Started calling early.

The eldest brother and the second brother went out to work with their mother early in the morning, and the third brother went to dig wild vegetables and weeds to earn work points. Only she and the younger brother were lucky enough to sleep in the yard.

In fact, Ding Wei knew that the little brother was thanks to her, and she was afraid that when she got up, no one at home would be afraid, so she left the little brother with her.

It's just that she has been awake for a long time, and the little brother is still grinding his teeth beside him, so he can only sigh and get out of bed, put on his shoes and go to the backyard for convenience.

After she had changed her clothes and washed up, the little brother was still sleeping, so he had no choice but to kick him: "Brother, get up quickly, I'm hungry."

Because it was almost time for dinner, I was late but there was nothing good to do, so I had to hurry over to reserve a seat for my family.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the two of them left the house, Ding Wei saw a big yellow dog rushing towards her, and she instinctively shouted: "Brother, dog, there is a dog!"

There is usually a big broom placed at the door of the house. The younger brother is obviously only four or five years old, but he quickly picked up the broom next to him and pulled her behind him.

"Rhubarb, go away, don't scare my sister."

The big yellow dog was fed by the old carpenter's house in the west of the village. The wild dogs picked up by the roadside in the early years would have been killed and eaten long ago. The old carpenter is a poor man, childless, and his wife left early. Now it is He is a loner, so the big yellow dog is his companion. He and the dog are inseparable on weekdays. Even when the old carpenter goes to work, he habitually lies next to him. What happened today?
"Wow, woof, woof," this dog is known to all the children in the village. It doesn't hurt anyone, but it's obviously restless today. When I tried to come over, I was afraid of scaring them. I barked twice, took a step back, turned around and ran west. , see if they don't respond, continue to react.

The little brother is also smart, and when he sensed something was wrong, he took Ding Wei's hand and said, "Du Huang seems to be asking us for help, let's go, let's go and see what's wrong."

As soon as the little brother locked the gate, he pulled her to follow Dahuang. This big yellow dog is really smart. After walking two steps, he turned back to look at the two of them, and then waited for them to follow.

After a while, they arrived at the door of the old carpenter's house. The two ran into the house to have a look, but saw the old carpenter fainted in the room, and couldn't wake up no matter how shaken it was.

"Brother, go and call someone, call your lord."

At the critical moment, Ding Wei pushed and frightened Ding Jianshu: "What are you doing in a daze, you go, I'll watch here, it's okay, this dog won't bite me."

Ding Jianshu looked at the dog and Ding Wei. When he hesitated, his sister pushed him out of the door. As soon as he left, Ding Wei quickly leaned down to check on Grandpa Qian. He was unconscious, but his breathing and heartbeat were still there. It was stable, and his complexion did not turn pale or purple, so it should be possible to rule out the problem of myocardial infarction. If not, when they came, he might not be able to save him.

She is a child, and she can't hold his heart. Fortunately, the adults came fast enough, and dragged the shelf truck. After carrying him to the truck, she rushed to the hospital in a hurry. Rhubarb yelled , wanting to follow, Ding Wei hurriedly called him.

"Rhubarb, don't go, you will be arrested by the bad guys on the way to the hospital, then Grandpa Cao will not be able to find you."

After hearing this, Rhubarb looked back at her with pitiful eyes. She was full of sympathy, and walked over to pat its head.

"You follow me first, and I'll send you over when grandpa comes back from the hospital."

If not, this Shiba Inu is spiritual, as if he really understood, he followed her to the big cafeteria.

The little brother was quite surprised, but he didn't say anything. The two children were caring, and they even went to the cafeteria to ask the master for something dogs can eat.

The story of these two children saving the old man Qian has already spread throughout the production team. Although they don't know what happened to the old man Qian, there are still many kind-hearted people. The chef of the production team likes their cute radishes even more He generously took two steamed buns and handed them to them.

"Come on, eat some of this first, or wait until everyone has finished eating, and I'll see if there is any leftover."

Ding Wei raised her head and thanked the chef gratefully, then she lowered her head to stroke Rhubarb's head, and handed it a steamed bun.

"Come on, Rhubarb, you must be hungry, eat quickly!"

When it was time for breakfast, my mother and brothers ran over from work, seeing Rhubarb following my daughter, her expression softened instantly.

"Weiwei, you two are awesome. I've heard about it. Don't worry, Rhubarb can also rest assured. Uncle Qian will be fine."

In the end, I waited all morning before pulling him back at noon. Da Huang ran back when he heard the movement, and Ding Wei sent Da Huang back, only to find out that Grandpa Qian had serious cervical spondylosis and lumbar disc disease. It was all when he was young The root cause of the disease fell, and there was severe hypoglycemia. When I was a little hungry, I would tremble all over.

When he got home and saw Rhubarb, he hugged Rhubarb and cried: "Old man, you saved me, if not, I don't know what to do right now!"

The dog hid in his arms and whimpered, no matter how pitiful it looked, when the old man looked up and saw her poking her head at the gate, he waved to her.

"Little Weiwei, come here quickly, Grandpa wants to thank you very much!"

Not long after, meals were brought to the old man in the cafeteria. After all, it was a widowed old man, and the team must take care of it.

The adults still have to work, so Ding Wei and Ding Jianshu took the initiative to take on the heavy responsibility of feeding the elderly, and they received praises from many people for being sensible.

My mother also came to visit the old man after dinner, and after learning that he was fine, she took the initiative to help the old man clean the sanitation and dirty clothes at home.

"Zhenlong's family, the children you educated are very good, and you are also very good. I thank you, thank you!"

Grandpa Qian's tearful appearance made mother feel very uncomfortable. On the way home, holding Ding Wei's hand, she did not forget to explain to their siblings.

"This summer vacation, the two of you go to Grandpa Qian's place to see if you have nothing to do. If you need help, tell your mother when you come back. Your grandpa and grandma went early. When you were alive, you and Grandpa Qian had a very good relationship. Let's take care of it." Give your grandpa to help take care of his old buddy."

How about saying that adults are children's mirrors, mother's kindness is engraved in her bones, she is tougher than anyone else when protecting children, but when she sees people who are suffering more than herself, she can't restrain her sympathy.

After the team found out about Grandpa Qian's situation, they specially praised the two brothers and sisters, and rewarded each of them with an extra dish every day, asking them to help deliver meals to Grandpa Qian, and the two children readily agreed.

As for the vegetable steamed bread that was rewarded, on the premise that Grandpa Qian was full, they all fed it to rhubarb.

"Rhubarb is a good dog, a loyal dog." Grandpa Qian used to save his own rations to feed him. Later, when he saved Grandpa Qian, the team even promised to give him the leftover food from the cafeteria. , Whether it is more or less, it will not make Grandpa Qian hungry anymore.

After experiencing this incident, the siblings often visited Grandpa Qian's house. Grandpa Qian was not too old, only in his early fifties. Do some light work in the production team, not to mention how good life is, at least I won't starve to death.

Mom also kept her word. She had never paid attention to Grandpa Qian before, but now because of rhubarb, the whole family paid attention to Grandpa Qian.

After all, this is the best way to educate children. Mom feels that she still has the energy to help, so why not just wash a few more clothes and think about someone more!
Grandpa Qian would often mention Grandma Qian who passed away to them, and his longing for his wife could be seen from the corners of his moist eyes, how lonely he was.

They originally had a son and a daughter, but due to some inexplicable reasons, they severed their relationship, even when his wife died, they had no choice but to see each other.

This is the hometown of Grandpa Qian. For some reason, they came back here after J was released. Originally, the labels on the couple were inseparable, but later, the son died on the battlefield, and the daughter married a soldier. Lost contact, a farewell is years, a lifetime.

Grandpa Qian was lying on the reclining chair, his eyes showed reluctance to remember. Ding Wei understood their life experience, and also understood why they were safe and sound with such a label. This was due to the sacrifice of his son. If it weren't for this, I'm afraid they don't live in a house now, but...

Grandpa Qian also has relatives living in the village, but he went to Shanghai to work hard in the early years, and he has no connection with his family, let alone any relationship.

Even the house he lives in now is an old house with no account given to him after his son died, and the team thought he was pitiful.

Ding Wei likes to listen to his stories, and often brings her little brother over to accompany him. She also cuts the old man's nails, washes his hair, takes his dirty clothes home and soaks them in the ash water, etc. His mother went home to do the laundry. The sloppy old man Qian never thought that one day he would be taken care of by a little angel sent from heaven because of Rhubarb's inadvertent help. This also made him rekindle his desire for life and expect.

(End of this chapter)

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