The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1364 [1363] Flood disaster

Chapter 1364 [1363] Flood disaster (4100)

Ever since Dad bought the bicycle, uncles, aunts, neighbors and aunts have come to look at it, because it is rare, and it is a big golden deer, and the food that carries a hundred catties is loose. People with bicycles can’t count on five fingers. I didn’t expect that Ding Zhenlong still has this ability. He just got admitted as a maintenance worker in the commune on his front foot, and he can ride his bicycle back on his back foot.

"Zhenlong, you are really capable, how much is this bicycle?"

Ding Zhenlong couldn't say it was too cheap, because if it was too cheap, people would doubt the origin of this thing, so he said something vaguely.

"Whether it's money or not, it's all buddies. I exchanged the wine I have collected for many years, hehe, I exchanged it."

The people in the village are not stupid, so how could they fail to see that this is unwillingness to say it, but this is normal, and it is troublesome to say it through informal channels.

Smart people stopped asking questions when they heard this. Ding Zhenlong was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but someone who didn't know what to say asked.

"I said Ding Zhenlong, your speed is fast enough. It's different to be a commune maintenance worker. The bicycle is pushed back as soon as it is pushed. When did you have such a great ability? I want one too. You Can you fix one for me too?"

It was Zhang Caicai's father who was talking, the Zhang Caicai who pushed Ding Wei into the water. Her father's name was Zhang Liang. The whole family was a big lazy family in the village, and none of them was hardworking. Now, she was leaning on the tree trunk with a mocking look on her face. Ding Zhenlong looked over.

Ding Zhenlong glanced at him lightly: "When will you be able to change your laziness, let alone foreign cars, maybe you can make a whole set of three turns and one sound! Besides, you think this car is a decoration? If it weren't for the convenience of commuting, I would be willing to change my wine? It was buried when my son was born. It has been more than ten years. Useless!"

Afterwards, some neighbors took this opportunity to get close. They asked if they could borrow their rickshaw for a ride in the future when something happened at home. My mother is not a steamed bun, so how could she just answer this matter when she came up, and said with a smile immediately.

"Uncle, aunt, you see, I can't make the decision. My man rides to and from get off work. As long as it doesn't delay his work, I can use it."

Ding Zhenlong leaves early and returns late every day. If he doesn't delay his work, he will naturally return the car before he goes to work. With such a calculation of time, how can we borrow it?

If she didn't get a satisfactory answer, she curled her lips and left, or she nodded with a smirk to save face. No matter what you say, my mother will respond with a smile anyway, and she will never offend anyone to death.

Because the summer harvest season is coming soon, it is very busy, so my father was called by the people from the commune to go to work before the end of the month. He left home at [-]:[-] in the morning and arrived home around [-]:[-] in the evening. It took a full twelve hours to return home. First change the clothes, dirty and greasy, because I have to get under the car to find the problem.

Fortunately, there is a cafeteria in the commune. Dad eats at home in the morning and evening, and eats in the cafeteria at noon. There are no food stamps when he just started working. Farmers don’t have food stamps, but the commune can be regarded as a worker. The only way is that Dad can only use the family rations from the accountant of the production team to exchange [-] catties of food stamps.

After Dad's job was settled, the archives and food relations were also moved away. From now on, he will be regarded as an iron rice bowl. There will be no rations for him in the countryside, but there will be wages in the commune, and there will be a supply of 24 catties per month. Food stamps, as for what you can buy, it depends on what the supply and marketing cooperatives sell.

In this day and age, it is impossible to have a full meal. Even Ding Wei, who is the most beloved in the family, will feel hungry before going to bed at night, but she is not the only one who is hungry. Everyone in the family is like this. Dad is The mainstay, his mother often saves food for him, but he turns his head and gives it to these children. The children feel sorry for their mother and still have to feed Xiaoliu. After a round, it often ends up in Zhao Qingqing's bowl. At this time, She swallowed with tears in her eyes.

There is no way, the child needs to breastfeed, she eats less, and is really hungry and dizzy, for the sake of the child, she has given up the love of her family.

Fortunately, their family still has a salary. Occasionally, they go to the black market to buy some fine grains of eggs and come back to make supplementary food for their children. The adults are easy to say, but the young ones can’t be fooled when they grow up. They should save what they should save, and tighten their pants. The belt also squeezes through the teeth.

Ding Wei has basically never tasted the taste of hunger. It is because as she grows older and eats more, she gradually feels hungry, and only then does she truly realize how precious the food saved for her by the whole family from the inside is. , Now that she has grown up, she turned her head and started to save her mother and younger sister.

Dad has a formal job, and let the children in Ding Zhenlong's room follow him. This is a serious job. As long as you don't make big mistakes, you can basically work until retirement, but only the Ding family knows. Dad didn't plan to work for a long time. If he really just lay down like this, he wouldn't follow them to catch up on elementary school knowledge at night.

The most important thing in learning is the atmosphere. Parents learn, and children naturally follow suit. With children as primary teachers, it is difficult not to master knowledge points.

My eldest brother often writes down the questions that they don’t know, and asks the teacher at school the next day. If the teacher can’t, they will go to the apple orchard to ask questions. The whole family has such a positive heart, can they not go to the top ?

At least Ding Wei felt that as long as the people in their family were not lazy, with this heart, they would do well in the future.

She hadn't been to her grandmother's house for a long time, and naturally she never saw Mother Chen again, and she didn't know when she would see her again. Fortunately, her mother was the youngest daughter in the family, so even if the family conditions were not good, at least she hadn't wronged her.

After the fourth birthday, the summer harvest was ushered in. Dad started to take his toolbox and went to the production team to repair machines after working ten hours normally. He used to drive tractors, but now he is only responsible for repairs. After eating, they leave. Generally, the production team takes care of the meals.

Although he is only a maintenance man, the commune is also busy during the summer harvest, so he also supervises the record task of refueling the tractor.

Dad didn't think it was bad to go to the grassroots level. On the contrary, the production team took care of the meals, and sometimes he could even order a bottle of cold beer, not to mention how exciting it was.

No one expected that before the summer harvest was completely over, there would be endless rainstorms. Fortunately, the grains had returned to the warehouse, but the corn might not be able to be planted, because it rained every day, so the big guys couldn’t do anything. The embankment was reinforced with soil every winter, and it was only in the third year, when the height was only ten meters high, that the river water began to rise continuously due to the heavy rain, and the river beach was completely flooded.

All the watermelons and melons planted outside the embankment floated up. The river water rose too fast, but it reached the highest point of the embankment in a few days.

Seeing that the embankment was about to collapse and spread into the embankment, no one in the production team could sit still, and began to look for stones to pile on the embankment. All men, women and children in the village took action, because the embankment might collapse at any time , so as far as possible to move to high-lying places.

Their family has many children, and their grandparents are on the same line as them, and they also have to move out. This is the summer of 1970, and it is also Ding Wei's fourth year here. She did not expect that she would face the flood so soon. up.

I thought they were in a plain area, but I didn't expect that the rain would stop and the river spread too fast. It should be that the upper reaches opened the gates to release water, which caused the water level of the river below to rise slowly. The information of this era is lagging behind, and they didn't have it at all. Excessive reaction time.

Besides, there are no buildings in this era, and they are all adobe huts. If the adobe houses in Apple Orchard hadn’t been covered with plastic sheets by the production team in the past, they might have collapsed by now.

Her house had already been repaired without leaks, but due to the continuous rainy days, large and small raindrops began to appear.

Now it is no longer a problem of rain leakage, but follow the order to move to the village with high terrain in the rain. This is an order from the top. Even if it is pouring rain now, you must move forward in the rain. What clothes, bedding, food and drink are used? Yes, I can't care about anything now.

Ding Wei felt flustered for the first time. This was the shortcoming of her relying too much on the golden finger. In the previous twentieth lives, she was more or less helped by the golden finger, which made her very confident in everything she did, and always felt that there was a way out. Not afraid, but in this life, she doesn't have a golden finger, and she has to rely on her own body and mortal body for everything, so she is inevitably a little nervous.

The only means of transportation in this era are shelf carts, ox carts, donkey carts, and foreign carts. There are no cars, and large trucks are even rarer, because the troops have not come here yet, and now they rely on the old and young men in the village. All of them are the old, weak, sick, disabled and pregnant in the village, and they are the first batch of transferred people.

Ding Wei was worried about her father and brothers. The eldest brother and the second brother chose to stay with her father, and let her mother take the four of them to leave first. After all, her mother still needs to nurse her sister. order.

They need to move to the south slope. To go to the south slope, they need to cross the river. To cross the river, they have to go around the town and take the national road. Not only their village, but other villages close to the river bank have to move to the south slope. Ding Wei was covered in plastic Under the cloth, sitting on the shelf car, my mother dragged them with difficulty in a black raincoat.

The third brother hugged his younger sister, and the fourth brother hugged her. They couldn't help their mother, and the mother had to keep looking back to make sure they were safe.

The pouring rain was pouring down, and the raindrops formed a straight line of pressure in the rain curtain, and it was still a little painful to hit her body. My mother's face and body were soaked, and she basically relied on shouting. It was the women in charge of the family who pulled the cart, but all the children who had some strength stayed behind and rescued themselves with the men.

This scene was too shocking, Ding Wei huddled in her little brother's arms, listening to the sound of the rain outside, felt that her heart was in her throat.

In the end, they were arranged in various schools on the South Slope. There were a hundred or ten people in a classroom. Not to mention the bad smell, everyone looked disheveled.

In this era, there are not so many donated materials, and there are no well-meaning people from all over the country to help. They can only help themselves first, and the food is even more scarce. The rations are distributed every day. Fortunately, boiled water.

Fortunately, when my mother was at home, she spread all the food in the house into pancakes and dry buns that could be stored. Ding Wei and her younger brother each held a bag in their arms for fear of getting wet, but after all, this ration would last for many days, and they also I dare not take it out. When I go to sleep at night, my mother secretly tears some for them to chew in their mouths.

The rain did not decrease, but it fell harder and harder. Within a few days, I heard that the dam burst. Fortunately, the local troops joined the disaster relief, and the people near the river bank were evacuated in an orderly manner, except for the people. Apart from the affected property, there were not many casualties.

This summer, it is destined to be a terrible disaster scene that is bitten by mosquitoes, hot all over the body, unable to take a bath, and smells so bad that I can't bear to look directly at it.

As a disadvantaged group, there is nothing that can be done under the pouring rain. The only thing that can be done is when the mother goes out to maintain order with the village committee members. big sister.

Sometimes my mother secretly brought back an egg, but she didn't dare to give it to them during the day. At night, the four of them shared it equally.

The mother watched from the side and burst into tears. She did not lay the egg for personal gain, but she deserved it as the women's director on duty at night.

She can't take care of her own home and her own children. She is on the go all day, and the four children have to rely on themselves. When the milk can't stand it, she rushes back to feed the children. The rest of the time is not in the village committee. Even in school, there is more than one school, and there is more than one production team. She has to keep running on two legs. In such a heavy rain, she fell into the puddle several times. When she thinks that her child is still waiting for her to return Home, no matter how difficult it is, you have to get up.

She didn't dare to fall, her men and children were still stationed on the embankment, if she fell, what would happen to the few children left?
Ding Wei looked at such a hard-working mother, how could the egg white be swallowed?

She got into her mother's arms, touched her mouth, silently stuffed the egg white into her mouth, and said softly.

"Mom, I'm not hungry. You are too tired. You need to eat more. Only when you are full can my sister be full. I have grown up and can protect you."

The mother hugged her hard and began to sob in a low voice. It was real crying, as powerful as a female director. A simple sentence from the child made her cry bitterly, and finally made Ding Wei inexplicable Tears: "Mom, don't cry, the sky will be sunny soon."

However, this wait lasted for more than a month. It was not until the middle and late July that the weather gradually cleared and the water level of the river gradually dropped.

When they evacuated in an orderly manner, they heard that they had suffered heavy losses due to the continuous torrential rain...

Ding Wei was silent, feeling sad for a long time and couldn't let go of it. It seems that every year in front of a catastrophe, there is always that touch of green that makes people feel safe!
(End of this chapter)

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