Chapter 1368 [1367] Fighting (4000)

Whether it is the village she lives in or Zhenzhuang Village, it seems that Wang, Zhang, Li, and Zhao are all common surnames in the village, and they are indeed the top four surnames in the hundred family names. This boy is thin and tall, and she is at most 1.3 Rice, and everyone seems to be 1.5 meters, but because of malnutrition, they look frighteningly thin.

This child is very kind and can show concern for her who is new here. Ding Wei shook her head at him friendly.

"Thank you, Zhang Song. I can barely follow it. It's okay. I'll be able to follow it in a few days. If not, it's not too late for you to teach me."

Zhang Song smiled shyly: "You still know my name?"

"You are the desk next to me, the teacher asked you in class, I will remember it!"

Then they went back to the classroom together, and not long after they sat down, Chen Xiumin came over, holding the rubber band she gave her, and stuffed it into her hand.

"Ding Wei, I really have it, you don't have to be so polite, I'd better give it back to you?"

Not being rewarded for nothing, this is the end of it, she can't force others anymore, she smiled and nodded: "Okay, it's okay."

There was a sense of loss in her heart, and she felt that she was too far away from her, but when she thought about it carefully, there was no reason for it. The first day I met her, she was so enthusiastic about him, and it was true that he was afraid, so she sighed and put the rubber band away.

Schools in this era did not have boiled water to drink, and the school had pressurized wells and large water tanks. Anyone who was thirsty would take a gourd ladle to drink. Although this was not very hygienic, the well water was sweet and refreshing, and warm in winter and summer Cool, this generation has come here.

She didn't have a water glass to use, but she made a small gourd water ladle. When she was thirsty, she would go to the water well by herself and meet someone who squeezed the water. She would take a small ladle and drank it down. Also quenched thirst.

Her mother gave her fifty cents every week as pocket money, but she never spent it recklessly, saving it all and hiding it in a place for herself.

The school is close to home, and after four classes, the children rushed home in a swarm. They couldn't help it, they were hungry, and they would cook and eat at home even during the busy farming season.

On the surface, what she eats is the share of her grandparents, but in fact, her mother also subsidizes her grandparents, so she will definitely not let her eat and drink here for free.

After the uncle and the uncle got married, the grandparents separated from them. Although they still lived in the same courtyard, they all ate their own food. The eldest concubine and the second concubine can't be said to be bad, but they can't be said to be good either. After all, every family has a lot of children to support, and grandparents will not take advantage of them.

It's just that the daughter-in-law here is separated from her parents-in-law after all, and Zhao Qingqing didn't say anything about subsidizing her mother's family in front of these sister-in-laws. After all, they didn't eat in the same pot, but every time Ding Wei came home, they subconsciously Close the door of your own kitchen, for fear that she will eat them.

It's not that she is sensitive, she often sees naked dislike and irritability in the eyes of the two concubines. , will ask them.

How good is the relationship between this aunt and sister-in-law?Parents raised their children, and they never ate together after the separation. Even if it was Chinese New Year, they just brought a bowl of dumplings over. It was considered over. They never said that they would invite their parents to have a reunion dinner together, but they still had to calculate Who has more family members, who has less family members, how much to eat, how much to occupy, and who is cheaper, so that there are too many calculations, and the Chinese New Year is even more deserted than usual.

My mother is angry in her heart, but she can't say anything to her sister-in-law, so even if she usually brings something over, she repeatedly tells her parents not to give these things to their grandchildren, but these words fall on deaf ears. As soon as he left, he was pushed by his daughter-in-law to eat and drink.

Now that she lives with her grandparents, it must be an eyesore and unpleasant to them. She can understand this feeling very well.

They have all been daughters-in-law, especially when there are many sons and they live in the same yard, there will be more conflicts.

If she hadn't insisted on coming here to go to school, she wouldn't have caused so much trouble to her grandparents, so Ding Wei was very sensible. When she saw that the meal was not ready after school, she let her grandparents rest. In her own family, she has no chance to show her talents, because her swift mother always dislikes her and never gives her a chance.

Even let the elder brother do the fire, saying that the girl's skin is tender, and she is afraid of being burned by the fire, so she really hardly does anything at home. Even the father said that she is almost used to being a young lady of a rich family. The eyes stared back.

Grandpa and grandma also just came back from the field. They soaked sorghum rice in the morning and cooked sorghum rice at noon. They also washed two potatoes, which seemed to be fried potatoes.

She cleaned the iron pot and poured the small pot of soaking sorghum rice into the iron pot, including the soup and rice, and then started to cook with firewood.

Then she peeled the potatoes clean, took a knife that was too big for her to grind on the edge of the water tank, and then began to slowly cut the potatoes.

"Weiwei, let the mother-in-law come? Don't cut your hands."

"It's okay, mother. I'll be careful. It's just that it's not cut well. Don't be disgusted when you and grandpa eat later."

"Silly girl, it's great if you can cook, so don't dislike it."

The mother-in-law peeled some garlic and took another dried red pepper. The old couple are not too old to eat anything, so they can eat both pepper and garlic.

After cutting the two potatoes and soaking them in the water to clear the starch, and after the chili and garlic were cut, she squatted down and continued to light the fire. By the way, she told her grandpa and grandma about the school. He opened the letter of introduction and asked her some arithmetic, and after getting the correct answer, he praised her.

"Middle, this granddaughter is poor, study hard so she can be successful in the future."

After the sorghum is cooked, the rice should be taken out separately with a colander, and the remaining soup should be put into the basin.

After the pot was cleaned, she started frying shredded potatoes. Considering the teeth of the old couple, she fried them better. Two courses will do just fine.

Sorghum rice is not delicious, so if the dish is tasteless, it will be like chewing wax. Now with spicy and sour dishes, the rice is not so unpalatable. After drinking a bowl of sorghum soup, the feeling of having a full meal is very good.

The habit that my grandparents have developed over the years is to walk a hundred steps after meals and live to 99.

Ding Wei asked them to go for a walk, and cleaned up all the pots and pans at home, and then went to the well to carry four and a half buckets of water to fill up the water tank at home. I am not used to using a pole, so I use my hand and slowly move it home.

Grandma saw her carrying water from a long distance, and walked back quickly with grandpa, nagging her.

"Who asked you to do this? It's very convenient for your grandfather to use a small cart to pull it."

She wiped the sweat from her forehead and said indifferently.

"I'm here to honor your elders on my mother's behalf. With me here, you can just take a rest. In the afternoon when you come back from work, the clothes are soaking in the sun. I'll wash them, ang!"

After a short break, Ding Wei went to school again. There were three classes in the afternoon. The music class was to learn to sing with the teacher, the physical education class was to play on the playground, and the labor class was to clean the campus, because the hygiene of the whole school required the children to do it. Well, it doesn’t make sense if you don’t take art class. If you don’t have a paintbrush or paper, you simply don’t take it.

The morning is the main subject, Chinese, arithmetic and common sense. The common sense class is some common sense in nature and life. It can be regarded as a special expansion class.

In this day and age, education can’t keep up, and the subjects are naturally pitiful. Children learn finer things from teachers at school, and common sense can also teach the principles of being a human being. inside.

Chinese is to learn pinyin, writing, and recognition, and mathematics is to count numbers. The simple ones cannot be simpler. It is even said that the knowledge points in the fifth grade are not as difficult as those in the third grade in later generations.

Education in this era can be called happy education.

It took only one day for Ding Wei to make several friends. Maybe it’s because she has a good personality and good looks. Her popularity is not bad. Not only the male classmates cover her, but the female classmates are also very friendly, unlike her ugly girl Sometimes, no one cares at all.

She can be considered an old goblin who has experienced N generations. You can't tell for sure, but at least you can see who is sincere to her and who is just superficial.

What's more, children in this era are more innocent, but not as thoughtful as those in later generations, because everyone's living conditions are similar, there is no interest relationship, and jealousy is even more out of the question. It is also a common thing, her mental age is older than them, how can she really take these things to heart?
After returning home from school, the children hurried home with their schoolbags on their backs. They all had to work in the fields, and even if they were not working, they still had to collect firewood. Ding Wei followed her cousins ​​to the small woods on the river beach to collect firewood.

Because in this era, we mainly rely on firewood for cooking. Coal is available, but the quantity is limited. Hardworking, there are trees planted everywhere in the fields, as long as you don’t feel tired and run a little farther, you can still pick up ten catties every day.

These firewood are all small firewood, and big firewood can only be obtained by cutting down trees. They are all public property, and no one dares to think about big trees.

It is already very good to pick up the fallen branches and dry leaves and take them home.

Sesame stalks and rapeseed stalks are also good materials for starting fires, but they are all used by the production team.

Straw and wheat straw can be used for weaving, corn stalks can be used as silage to feed livestock, and sweet potato leaves are even more precious. As long as there is no food for the production team or the production team does not have enough food, the sweet potato leaves can be used Pad it for a good few days.

Or say that children of this age feel disgusted when they see sweet potatoes, because they eat too much, steam them, boil them, dry them, grind them into powder and stew them. I have tried all kinds of ways to eat them. No one wants to bother with frying and stir-frying. The most convenient way is to steam them in a wok. When it’s not clear, it’s normal to eat several in one meal.

It's just that she didn't expect that when she returned home with the firewood on her back, she saw her mother sitting blankly at the door of the kitchen, wiping tears from time to time.

Ding Wei hurried over: "Mom, why are you here? Your eyes are still so red, have you quarreled with my dad?"

Zhao Qingqing seemed to think of something wronged, she burst into tears, Ding Wei felt distressed, put down the firewood, and didn't ask what happened, anyway, there is no quarrel between husband and wife, her mother It's not bad, there is no relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, at most it's his father who made a mistake and offended his mother.

Ding Wei poured a bowl of hot water for Zhao Qingqing, "Mom, drink the water first, I'll cook some noodles, and I'll roll the noodles to eat at night. I picked some wild vegetables outside just now."

The noodles are definitely not white noodles, but buckwheat noodles, oat noodles, sweet potato noodles and other messy noodles mixed together. If the ratio is well matched, it can be formed. It has the characteristic of muddled noodles, so no matter what it is made, it is true to have a full stomach. She can also take advantage of her young age, and adults will not care about this, and boldly try various eating methods.

There are shallots and cilantro planted in the yard. She peels them off, washes them, cuts them into sections, and marinates them with salt and vinegar. After a while, the noodles are cooked. Pour these into the pot, and it will be the best seasoning, even without oil. Of course, I was not willing to let it go. I had already eaten a plate of fried potatoes at noon. It was made with lard, so I could save it at night.

The noodles for rolling noodles should be harder. If they are soft, they are easy to stick and will not form. But the hard noodles also mean that it is hard to roll. Fortunately, there is mother to help.

When grandpa and grandma came back, the noodles had already been rolled out, and they also carried firewood on their backs, no wonder they came back so late.

When Zhao Qingqing came home, her elder brother and sister-in-law would definitely ask a few questions, but she didn't say anything, just said: "Come and see Weiwei,"

Back in the house, when grandpa and grandma saw her like this, they knew: "Did you get angry?"

Mom was silent, and Ding Wei knew she was here. Mom might be embarrassed to say it, but grandpa sighed.

"You're so old, yet so temperamental. You don't know what kind of man you are? He doesn't smoke or drink. He is busy outside every day to make money. When it is difficult, he still remembers to send us food. , this son-in-law is fine, don't be dissatisfied. You have to quarrel to live comfortably? The boss is a soldier, can you write me a letter?"

Although my mother was silent and didn't speak, she wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes from time to time. Hearing what grandpa said, she seemed even more aggrieved, and the words she said were still trembling.

"Well, here's a letter. In Lu Province, everything is going well. Although the training is hard, he can persist and perform very well. Because he is a junior high school graduate, the allowance is ten yuan a month, which is higher than ordinary workers. It’s four yuan more for the soldiers!”

Ding Wei was surprised, there is such a good thing?Why doesn't she know, it seems that this superficial era is different after all, education is very important.

(End of this chapter)

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