Chapter 1377 [1376] Radio station (6100)

My eldest brother has been in the army for half a year, and he has already written a letter telling him that he will not go home to celebrate the New Year this year, and that he will celebrate the New Year in the army.

Although people don't come back, the allowance is sent once every three months. In addition, there are military coats for father, colorful tickets issued by some troops, and my brother sent back everything that he didn't need. Tickets, industrial tickets, etc. are not many, and it is not easy to save up. My mother is also not willing to spend it, because she knows that it is not easy for the boss of their family!

Originally a monthly allowance of 36 yuan, because he is a junior high school student, it was raised to [-] yuan, and other comrades-in-arms would not know about it, but it also means that the hometown gives [-] honorable workers every year, [-] cents per job, a total of [-] yuan The yuan money is gone. After all, you have raised the allowance, so don't think about these subsidies. They can only be enjoyed by ordinary soldiers with six yuan.

Mom and Dad know that this military coat is not easy to come by. The son spent a month's allowance and owed favors to borrow cloth tickets to get it. , this kind of filial piety is extremely rare, and thanks to my brother's early action, he sent the army coat back before the cold.

For example, the comrades in the south don’t need these military coats very much, so my brother borrowed them all from the comrades in the south. After this winter, the cloth tickets are slowly accumulated and returned to others.

Before my brother left, the whole family went to take a family portrait. The photos of this era are all black and white. My mother washed out five pictures, my brother took one away, and the family enlarged one and put it on the table in the main room. The three are kept behind the glass photo frame at home. On the glass photo frame are photos of my parents when they were young, and photos of my grandparents. They are also the only photos, which are very precious.

She remembers taking one picture at a time, one negative, 0.3 cents for the photo at the time, 0.5 cents for washing one, and 0.08 cents for the framed and enlarged ones. Mom spent a total of 3+1.04+4*[-]= [-] yuan, the last [-] cents were not taken, a total of [-] yuan was used to take these photos.

When the photo was taken, my brother was still wearing the newly issued military uniform, and they were all wearing the best summer clothes. To be honest, thinking about it now, I still sigh that this era is not easy.

The eldest brother will not come back for the New Year, and the existing conditions do not allow them to have a lot of fish and meat. Fortunately, the production team kills pigs and allows every household to draw lots to buy meat. Pigs are not killed in one day. The whole village plans to kill four pigs. It is the first time to draw lots. Mom I bought a pound of hind leg meat, the second time I bought a pound of front leg meat, and the third and fourth bought high-quality pork belly. The last piece of lean meat was not wanted, so my mother bought another three catties. Seven catties of meat.

Then my dad bought ten catties of lard, because there is no private land now, and eating oil is not as free as before. The ten catties of lard was bought by him through a relationship, and he gave someone a one-dollar benefit fee before he was able to buy it. of it!

With lard, pork, vermicelli, radish, cabbage, etc. from the Chinese New Year production team, plus green onions, spinach, and coriander grown in the yard, this Spring Festival, not to mention a fat year, at least I can eat it. The meat is on.

"I also asked my colleague's family to help me buy four carp. Her relatives work in the fish pond of the production team, and they have a way to get the fish, but they have to exchange tickets. I think about the industrial tickets sent back by our boss. I don’t need it for the time being, why don’t I exchange it? Industrial tickets can buy furniture!”

Considering that her natal family needs to carry a fish with her relatives, she also wanted to marinate some pieces of fish to eat for the New Year, and the carp has a good meaning, jumping over the dragon's gate, and there is something to spare every year. My mother gritted her teeth and agreed.

After entering the 23rd of the twelfth lunar month, my brothers were at home during the holidays, and my mother had free labor, so she tried to find a way to dump some eggs, and my father readily agreed.

"I have a trick. I have been to the black market. There is everything there. You can sit on it. I will ride there to change during my break."

My mother got excited when she heard it, "Oh, that's a good idea. You take the second child. He's on winter vacation. Know the place. He can go there even if you don't go to work. Let's exchange more food, eggs, and duck eggs. Our son I don’t know if it’s good to eat over there. The salted duck eggs I marinated last time he said that the taste is just right, as well as the pickled cucumbers and chili sauce. The children like it very much, so I want to give it to him again. Toss something and send it over."

"What are you fussing about now? It's the time when it's expensive. Even tofu can become a hot commodity. Let alone other things. If you send it to your child, you won't be able to receive it. It's better to wait until the New Year's Eve. Our son is still As for the students, it is not appropriate to follow me there, in case you are caught, "

"Bah, bah, bah, you crow's mouth, what are you talking about? Why are you so bummed?"

Before my mother could continue, my father stopped her: "Stop talking, the business in that place is better in the morning than in the afternoon. I'll go there earlier and go to work as soon as it's sold out. Isn't it good? It doesn't delay anything, where? Do you need the second child to follow me?"

"Then what do you do with the things you changed, bring them to work? Is it safe or not!"

"Then put it at my eldest sister's place first, and give her a catty of tofu every day,"

After hearing this, my mother said straight away: "This is reliable and feasible."

In this way, from the 24th of the twelfth lunar month to the [-]th of the new year, my father would bring [-] catties of tofu boards into the city every day. Because of the Chinese New Year, tofu also rose to [-] cents per catty, and you can usually buy a catty for five cents. This father In a rice bowl I was carrying, there was more than a catty of tofu specially made for my aunt.

Dad can sell it for six yuan a day, and the six yuan can be exchanged for different things every day, because the eggs on the black market have also increased, and they cost [-] cents each. On the first day, Dad returned with thirty eggs.

Twenty duck eggs the next day.

On the third day, twenty catties of corn dregs.

Ten catties of millet on the fourth day.

On the fifth day, five catties of pork suet.

Thirty catties of miscellaneous grain noodles on the sixth day.

On the seventh day, which was New Year's Eve, five big carps were exchanged, and one was left for my aunt.

My aunt didn't take advantage of her family, she packed up a lot of clothes that her brothers and sisters didn't wear, and found a catty of brown sugar and a catty of white sugar from inside the clothes when she got home.

My mother said with a lot of emotion: "Eldest sister is not taking advantage of us at all. Speaking of which, the relationship is very good. There is no dispute or debt, and it is more convenient to come and go."

"Because of making tofu, our family has used up all the beans, even the ones you bought before, but fortunately, our family has left ten catties of tofu, which is enough for this year, and I want to eat tofu after the year. I have to find a way to go to the second brother and third brother to change."

Because the tofu made by their family is delicious, there is no cutting corners, and it is very high, so Dad's business is very good.

Of course, that place is not something you can enter whenever you want. You have to pay an entry fee of [-] cents every day. Dad paid for seven days in a row. I bought him a catty of tofu, so this kind of human relationship, I really think it is to make money.

During the Chinese New Year, the family has eight fish, seven catties of pork, fifteen catties of lard, and less than ten catties of lard, as well as those grains. In principle, this year can be regarded as a bumper harvest year.

When the fish is brought back, the mother first marinates it with salt, and then smokes it to make cured fish, which can be preserved for a long time.

The mother of the seven catties of pork was fried together, and a lot of oil was produced. The oil, meat, and the leftover oil residue from the previous oil refining were mixed together in a large pot, and then put into an enamel basin , In this way, when cooking in the future, not only oil, but also oil residue and pork are put in, which can be said to kill three birds with one stone.

The other part of the remaining oil residue is used to make buns for the New Year, tofu oil residue cabbage stuffing, and tofu oil residue vermicelli stuffing. It can be said that it is used reasonably and there is no waste at all.

The mother even scooped out a small plate of the deep-fried oil residue and sprinkled them with salt. These little greedy cats have passed their addiction to meat.

When the duck eggs came home, my mother pickled them and sent them to my brother after the Chinese New Year.

The family also made mustard lumps this year, which is the kind of dark pickles, cut into shreds and fried with chili peppers. When I left, I took two jars with me, and saved up the remaining peppers. After the autumn harvest, I made three small jars, packed them up later, and sent some to my brother.

I really feel sorry for the parents of the world. They are afraid that their son will not have enough food and clothing when they are away from home, so they try their best to provide him with good food and drink.

"When it's spring, I'll go get some Guanyin soil and fry some potatoes for him. Our girl is really capable, and she actually knows how to eat this way. And the stone cakes are also quite good. I just listen. My daughter said, I think it is feasible. Later, I will pick up some stones from the stream by the river, wash them, fry them in this pot, spread the pancakes on the kang, and send them over like this. When will our son be hungry? You can use a bar mat too."

So don't look at the New Year's food, but my mother is used to careful planning to ensure that every child can have enough food and clothing.

There are miscellaneous grain pancakes in Lu Province, and my brother sent back three or four catties. I tried to eat them wrapped in green onions. Not to mention that the taste is quite special, but people here are not used to eating them, and they will spoil after a long time. It's better to make dry biscuits, which are not easy to break.

After all, Ding Wei is the heart of an adult, so she supports her mother very much, and even helps her find ways to earn and save money.

Even though making tofu used up all the beans that her family had saved for two years, the exchange was quite impressive, and she didn't think it was worth it.

The brothers are also secretly happy because their labor has yielded a lot of fruit. If it weren't for the lack of beans, they would have thought about letting go of the new year and continuing!

Dad is on annual leave for a week. He is at home this week, and he and his brothers tidy up the furniture at home. If something is not working, he takes a hammer, nails, repair tools, smashes it, and checks everything from the inside to the outside, because Usually it's only one day on the weekend, and there is no time to toss a lot of things. This time it is a seven-day holiday, so it is natural to tidy up.

Children in this era are never picky eaters, they eat whatever they choose, even if there is something they don’t like, if they have to choose between being full or disgusting, they will definitely choose the former.

This year's Chinese New Year, my mother gave a meat bun to the second and third uncle's family. The second aunt came back with sweet bean buns made of sweet potatoes, persimmons, and red beans. The third aunt fried sesame candy. Fried ones are hard to come by.

Although the three of them did not celebrate the New Year together, they would give each other some New Year’s goods every year. This is what was exchanged on the 29th of the twelfth lunar month. Because they were all freshly baked, they all wanted each other to taste them. Mom sent a plate of fried fish nuggets to each family. Uncles and aunts brought back croquettes, fried salty food, and fried tofu. In short, everyone exchanged according to the value of the things they gave each other.

Although my mother was unable to borrow money from them last time when she was hospitalized, her uncle and aunt also came to see her after she was discharged from the hospital. gains and losses.

On the evening of the New Year's Eve, my mother had a fairly sumptuous New Year's Eve dinner with the things sent by my uncle and aunt, and the dumplings stuffed with radish oil residue made by them.

In the evening, Ding Wei got a ten-cent New Year's money, and her sister's money was transferred directly to her: "Sister, hold it for me."

The second elder brother and the others wanted to give her the New Year's money, but their mother said: "You all save it for school supplies. Wei Wei is not in charge of your money, leave it to her, and she has to worry about it for you. If you really If you don’t want to worry about it, you can give it to me, and I will save it for you.”

The brothers immediately showed little expressions of resistance, and Ding Wei who laughed couldn't help but say.

"Mom, your trick still works. Every time my brother gives me money, but doesn't allow me to spend it, and asks me to save it, I feel so stressed, haha!"

On the first day of the new year, I have to pay New Year’s greetings to my uncles and aunts. Basically, there are five cents to ten cents for the new year’s money. If you meet someone who gives you one or two cents, there are some, but not many. For example, her concubine, who used to give back Five cents has been changed to two cents this year.

The mother felt that she couldn't do it, so she gave the child five cents. Although she lost money, at least she was able to get by psychologically, otherwise it would be much more uncomfortable.

Grandpa and grandma gave them [-] cents in New Year's money, and the aunts gave them [-] cents in New Year's money each.

There are other relatives. Adding up the odds and ends, Ding Wei earned almost [-] cents this year.

From the first day to the eighth day of junior high school, it is considered that all the relatives have been gone.

The happiest meal was the one at my grandfather's house, because it was cooked by my mother and sister, so the taste is naturally different, and the ingredients are all brought by them.

The quality of the food that other people eat depends on what you bring. Basically, the standard dish is a big pot of vegetables with steamed buns, and you can’t even bear dumplings. understand.

The big pot dish is very good, at least there are cabbage tofu vermicelli, and again there will be vermicelli.

Dad went to work on the seventh day of the first lunar month, and the production team resumed work on the tenth day of the first lunar month. It doesn’t matter if the ground is not thawed. Everyone gathered in the production team to learn how to weave with straw. Straw hats, baskets, etc. are also considered production teams. sideline business.

Ding Wei will follow along to learn, learning skills is a skill, and one penny is paid for making one. Although it is not easy to earn money, it is better than idle at home.

All the brothers and sisters went there, earning [-] cents a day.

After the sixteenth day of the first lunar month, all the brothers started school, and Ding Wei was also sent to school by Zhao Qingqing, and she was not allowed to work at home.

"Mom's health is almost recuperated now. I seldom do heavy work. You study hard is better than anything else. Good boy, go to school, learn skills, and fulfill my mother's wish. The greatest hope in my life is you Brothers and sisters can become talents."

Ding Wei had no choice but to start her life as a primary school student, but she would help her mother with work whenever she could.

For example, she is always the first to get up in the morning to cook, go to school after eating, and basically prepare lunch when she comes back from school, and help wash clothes at home at noon, and in the afternoon after school, her brothers go to dig wild vegetables, and she stays at home Cooking, and by the way, teaching the younger sister in the red class to recite Tang poems and learn arithmetic.

Basically, they don’t leave any cooking for their father. If he comes back, my mother will cook again, so that they don’t have to eat leftovers all the time.

If Dad eats at home in the morning, Ding Wei will do a little more to bring it to Dad, such as bringing a sweet potato, vegetable nest or something, Dad buys a vegetable himself, or uses the pickles at home, and then takes the lunch box to the factory for hot water Heat it up on the stove and eat it.

The whole family is sympathetic to each other and lives economically. After Baihao shepherd's purse came down, she steamed vegetables and made vegetarian dumplings for her father every day, and her father praised her when he came back.

"My colleagues envy me for having a good daughter, and they all praise you for the delicious food!"

The children of the poor are already in charge of the house, and Ding Wei is so good at cooking at the age of seven or eight. It is very normal in the countryside, but most of them know how to boil vegetables. People like Ding Wei who can make delicious food are naturally inseparable. The support of oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar at home, of course, even if she uses it, it is within a reasonable range and will not make her mother feel pain.

Unlike Xiaohua in the village, she spent a month of oil at home in order to eat steamed buns. After being caught by her mother, her ass was bloodied from spanking.

Ding Wei's appetite is not that strong, even the gluttonous ghost Dingxiang knows what to eat and what not to eat. Their children are well-known in the village for being sensible, but like Meng Xiaohua who only cares about herself and doesn't think about it. There are other people's children in the village, but very few.

Do you still remember Grandpa Qian that the big yellow dog asked for help last time? Grandpa's nephew in Shanghai would occasionally send things back. Grandpa Qian didn't come by himself, so the big yellow dog would bring them over. If there was sugar and rice, mother would return it if it wasn't good enough, so he would send it back to whatever delicious food he made at home. Past one.

They don't need to meet each other, but they are thinking about each other, and they know how to repay each other. They try their best to keep this friendship at a certain level, so that no one will feel disadvantaged, and no one will give endlessly. Nothing returns.

Isn't the communication between people just about human relationship? If there is only going but no coming, then the popularity of this person will definitely be extremely bad.

After Ding Wei went to school, she found that there were outdated newspapers posted on the bulletin board of the school. This is the reading corner of the school. Every week, the principal would read the news worth telling the students. Ding Wei From the cracks in the newspaper, she saw the addresses of some submissions, she silently wrote them down, and deliberately chose the youth corner, intending to contribute and write some stories about her age group.

In addition, she also saw the news that their county radio station was recruiting young announcers. When she saw the news, her eyes rolled, and the deadline happened to be before March 3. So, she still has time?
This was a serious matter, and when she got home at night, she immediately told Ding Zhenlong the news.

"Dad, I have already asked for leave from the school. I want to try it. You said that if I am admitted, wouldn't I be able to earn extra money for our family? Can you take me there tomorrow to try?"

Others don't know Mandarin, and they don't know how to tell stories. This is a broadcasting channel, and there is no need to show your face. You just need to cooperate with the host to tell stories to the children. Moreover, if this story is called for contributions, can she feel free to read the fairy tales in her head? Write a little bit and earn a manuscript fee?
The more I thought about it, the more excited I became, and the more I thought about it, the more feasible it became. Because my father works in the county, I thought of signing up in this way. In fact, the station in the county has only been established for two years, and it is still very small, and the traffic is not large. There is a big radio station, but the transportation is inconvenient. She wants to go, but she lacks the opportunity to practice. If she can play around in the county, she can go to L City Radio Station to try.

Parents knew that she had always had this idea, and since she thought about it, they were naturally willing to support her, so the night before, her mother found her a relatively clean and tidy spring outfit to change into.

Before dawn the next day, I got on my father's big golden deer and rode for about an hour to the county's radio station.

Standing downstairs at the radio station, Ding Wei said to Ding Zhenlong.

"Dad, I'll go in by myself in a while, you go to work, after my interview is over, I'll go to your unit to find you, and then I'll go home by car."

The father and daughter stood downstairs and had just finished eating the steamed buns that their mother made in the morning. When he heard what his daughter said, he wanted to object at that time.

"Dad, you have to believe me. I'm going to be eight years old soon, and it's time to exercise. They don't interview until nine o'clock, and you go to work at eight o'clock. Hurry up and don't delay. At worst, you should report first and come back later to see I can do it too!"

Ding Wei also prepared a personal file with the manuscript paper of her father's work unit. The neat font looks very formal and decent.

Ding Zhenlong saw that his daughter was so confident, so he couldn't hold on any longer. Fortunately, he was not too far away, and it was only 07:30 at the moment. If he really couldn't do it, he would come back later.

As soon as Ding Zhenlong left, Ding Wei finished eating the cornbread in her hand, looked at the old man who was guarding the gate, and asked about the specific working hours. She went to work at eight o'clock, but the interview time was nine o'clock, so she sat obediently in the man's house On the steps of the guard room, of course, I have consulted others about this.

As soon as the old man heard that the child's father had gone to work and left her here alone, and he had to interview the young announcer later, he felt that she was very independent.

"Xing girl, come on, it's cold outside, you sit in, don't get in the way, do you want to drink water? Grandpa pour you some?"

In this way, Ding Wei found a place to wait, and even chatted with the old man, and also learned from the old man that this building has been established for less than two years, and currently there is only a two-story building, and the launch pad is not very perfect. Behind the scenes of the radio station.

Note: It is not easy to check the specific establishment time of the radio station, so this is a fiction, do not link it with reality. In addition, this is a radio broadcasting station, not a TV station. There will be at least 20 years of development difference between the two, please be aware.

(End of this chapter)

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