Chapter 1379 [1378] Wang Aihua (6000+)

When Ding Wei walked halfway, someone called her name suddenly. Looking back, she recognized from a vague impression that it was Zhou Qingshan, an old bachelor from their village.

She greeted him politely: "Hello, Uncle Zhou."

"Hey, hello, hello, where did you go? Why are you alone?"

Zhou Qingshan was pulling the shelf cart, probably to deliver something, and ran into her when she came back. She was not familiar with this person, and she didn't want to talk too much. With her sensitive identity as an old bachelor, her intuition made her brain ring the alarm bell to guard against others. She couldn't help but think of this, and she planned to go another way.

"Ah, I forgot the stamps my mother asked me to buy. I have to go back and buy them now. Uncle Zhou, you can go first,"

As he spoke, he turned his head and ran away involuntarily.She didn't give the other party a chance to speak at all, and when she ran to the corner, she saw Zhou Qingshan standing there looking at the direction she was leaving for a long time, and the expression on her face made her scalp feel numb, and she couldn't tell what it felt like. Just not like a nice guy.

She waited for him to walk a long way until he was out of sight around the corner. She breathed a sigh of relief and walked out rubbing her chest, but suddenly someone came out from behind and patted her on the shoulder.

"Hey, Ding Wei, it's really you. I look like you from a distance. I didn't expect to meet you here. What are you doing?"

Ding Wei turned her head and saw that it was Zhang Song who had been at the same table for several months in her grandmother's elementary school. Said: "Oh, I forgot to introduce, this is my brother, his name is Zhang Shan, brother, this is my former classmate, his name is Ding Wei."

Ding Wei glanced at the big boy who was half a shoulder taller than Zhang Song, and said hello to him politely: "Brother Zhang Shan, my name is Ding Wei."

"You are quite polite, girl, why are you here alone?"

Zhang Shan was carrying a military green schoolbag and a water bottle around his neck. It seemed that he had just returned from outside. He looked a bit like Zhang Song, but his eyebrows and eyes were more imposing than Zhang Song's.

"I went to see my brother in the county. I just got off the bus, and you also just got off the bus?"

Zhang Song said with a smile: "I have good eyesight. No, I'm about to walk home. I remember that your house is in Fotantou, right? That's not much closer than my house. Let's go, we'll take you home."

Ding Wei breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. With the two of them here, she didn't seem to be afraid all the way. This Zhang Song is a nice person and very enthusiastic.

Ding Wei followed the two of them, chatting with each other, and then realized that Zhang Shan was serving as a soldier in the Northeast.

The gossiping Zhang Song also secretly told her: "My brother is coming back to meet his wife. If he sees the right way, he can get married directly."

Ding Wei glanced in Zhang Shan's direction, and found that he patted his younger brother's head helplessly: "Don't talk nonsense."

Zhang Song giggled: "Where are you talking nonsense? It's what it is. I heard that the daughter-in-law Mom found for you this time has big breasts and big butt. She is very fertile!"

Ding Wei burst out laughing, Zhang Shan blushed subconsciously, and stared at Zhang Song in embarrassment.

"You bastard, what are you talking about? Shut up!"

Seeing what Zhang Song wanted to say, Zhang Shan pulled him to the other side with a flick. He walked between the two of them, separating Zhang Song's desire to gossip.

Just chatting and laughing like this, they soon arrived at the entrance of the village where her home was located. The brothers said they would send her to the door of their house. How could she be embarrassed!

"Go back quickly, your parents must be waiting, I'll play with you when I go to my grandma's house later!"

After seeing off the two brothers, Ding Wei entered the village humming a little tune, and ran into Zhou Qingshan who came out with a shelf cart, and he yelled at her with a smile.

"Ding Wei is back!"

Ding Wei nodded politely: "Yes, Uncle Zhou, you are busy, I'm going home!"

For some reason, when she saw this man, she felt that his expression was fake and uncomfortable, so she didn't even bother to say a word to him, so she turned around and left.

When I got home, the door of the house was still locked, "It's strange, it's so late at noon, where is my mother?"

Looked around, walked to the base of the wall of her house when no one was around, found a key from a loose earth brick behind the firewood pile, opened the door, saw no one around, and stuffed the key again go in.

Ding Wei guessed that her mother might have gone to work in the production team again. Before spring started, everyone was doing light work.

She rubbed her hungry stomach, picked up a chopstick of shredded radish from the pickle jar, and took two cold steamed buns, and ate them to make do.

Because she woke up a little early in the morning, she went back to sleep after eating and drinking. She didn't know how long it had been before someone knocked on the door.

"Wei Wei? Wei Wei is back?" Ding Wei sat up in a daze. When she heard it was her mother's voice, she quickly kicked her shoes out of bed and ran to open the door.

"Mom, where did you just go?" Ding Wei rubbed her eyes and yawned.

Zhao Qingqing glanced at her messy hair, took a comb from the window sill, and pulled her to sit in the yard.

"You said you wouldn't look for me when you came back. Are you still hungry? Did your dad buy you anything to eat?"

Ding Wei shook her head, "No, I came back by myself by car. Don't we have steamed buns at home? I just ate two with pickles. I'm not hungry!"

"That steamed bun is so cold, you don't know how it is? How is it? Is it done?"

"Well, I passed the interview, let me come over this Saturday morning, give me training and training, and the broadcast will officially start next Friday night and Saturday night."

Mom turned her head away in surprise, "Oh my God, Weiwei, you are too good, aren't you? Then you will be a host on the radio!"

Ding Wei chuckled, "Give me fifty cents an hour, Mom, I can make money too, it's better than our family pinching the whip, haha!"

"My daughter is amazing. She's really capable. She's better than you, mom, and me. She really gives us Lao Ding's parents a face. If your grandparents know about it, they will wake up laughing."

"Mom, can you stop being so scary?" Zhao Qingqing laughed, and after neatly tying her into a high ponytail, said straightforwardly.

"How about I bake steamed buns for you tonight? I'll fry some hot and sour potato shreds. The mung bean sprouts I sent out a few days ago are almost the same, and there are also dried tofu. These kinds of vegetables are always delicious."

Ding Wei said happily: "Of course, my mother's steamed buns are amazing. They are always delicious. Dad will come back tonight. Let's make more. Let's celebrate."

"It's necessary, okay, I came back to pour tea, since you're back, I'll continue to pinch the whip, you stay at home well,"

Seeing that her mother was about to leave, Ding Wei grabbed her hand instinctively, and told her about meeting Zhou Qingshan on the way back.

"Mom, I always feel that Uncle Zhou looks at me in a weird way. You said that our family didn't offend him, did you? Why do I always feel that he looks at me with a superficial smile? Let’s talk with a smile, but his eyes are cold and there is no warmth at all, it would be even more scary if he had a sullen face, you said he is not bad-looking, he is in good condition in every respect, why didn’t he get married?”

Originally, Ding Wei wanted to get to know this person through Zhao Qingqing, but Zhao Qingqing was shocked when she heard this.

"Do you have anything to do with him?"

"No, I'm avoiding him, because I don't think this person is a good person."

"Isn't he just a bad guy? Let me tell you, stay away from this person at all times. Our family has nothing to do with him. However, this person has a strong sense of revenge and his personality is a bit distorted. When he was young, he was still in our village. The bully here, if it hadn't been for the crackdown in recent years, he wouldn't be able to work so peacefully, and the reason why he doesn't marry a wife is because no one will marry him, and I can't tell you, a child, about the rest, anyway, you see Just keep away from this person. Remember?"

"Remember, Mom, I know, I will hide and go away in the future."

Her mother was worried, and after repeated instructions, she left the house. In Ding Wei's mind, this person named Zhou Qingshan was immediately listed as the number one person on the blacklist.

Ding Wei, who had calmed down, planned to write a fairy tale, a children's book unique to our country, so she took out a blank homework book and began to list the outline. With her years of parenting experience and accumulated reading, she wanted to write It is not difficult to publish a story on the top of the table, but it is rare that there is no publication, whether it will appear in a program like a radio station, but it is worth asking!
But if it can be broadcasted on the radio, making this edition famous, then her publication will follow, and the manuscript fee will be higher than that of the first publication, so this is an excellent opportunity , she must grasp it, and even plans to write at least [-] words of the opening chapter before the official broadcast.

After Ding Wei had an idea, she sat at the table and started her writing plan.

Of course, she can only keep this secret and will not let her parents know, because in other aspects, she can show her talent, but writing relies on accumulation. It's too ridiculous, so I can only hide it temporarily.

Fortunately, transportation and communications are underdeveloped in this era. As long as she doesn't say anything, there is a high probability that her family will not know about it, let alone other people. Besides, the author also has a pseudonym or something, so it is completely possible to hide it. past.

If there is a need for a guardian to come forward, she plans to figure out a way when the time comes, and take one step at a time.

Ding Wei, who settled down, had many fragments in her mind, and soon the title of "Ding Wei Going to School" was so casually decided.

The heroine Ding Wei is set by her as a native countryman. The first part describes how difficult it is for her to study as a girl in this era. She plans to write more in the first part. It came naturally, otherwise, she might not even have the chance to appear, so her classmates, teachers, and every partner's family can become her material objects.

The reason why Ding Wei was chosen as the protagonist is also to imagine her life plan in advance, and it seems very common to use the heroine's name as a pseudonym, so she decided on the name Ding Wei, even if this name becomes famous in the future Now, most people would not believe that she wrote it, and this effect is what they want.

Ding Wei's life at school should not be too moist. Children in this age are really happy. As long as they complete the tasks of the day, they can play in labor class and physical education class. If there are students who can't keep up with the team, the teacher will also Call them alone to make up lessons. Even if it is windy and rainy, they will go home by themselves. Parents are rarely picked up. Conflicts between classmates are resolved by themselves. Parents will be notified unless the situation is serious.

In this day and age, there are no parents who report schools and teachers at every turn, and there are no teachers who are forced to be Buddhist teachers, and there are no teachers who push everything to the parents. Even the phenomenon of arbitrary fees is almost zero, as long as Pay a few dollars for tuition and bring your own food, then you can feel like a duck to water in school, not to mention how happy you are.

Although there are special period marks and rules and regulations, as long as you abide by the law, you will naturally not be greatly affected.

Ding Wei is naturally a good student at school, the type who doesn't need the teacher to worry about Chinese and mathematics, and can spare time to help the teacher tutor other students, labor activists, and actively organize and participate in any performances in the school, Less than a month after I first came to this class, I was elected monitor by the teacher.

The key point is that she, the class monitor, takes care of everything. She is like the teacher's right-hand man. She takes care of study and life, and even has conflicts among classmates. She is also called to try to persuade them to fight.

She has only been in school for a few months, and it has been spread among the parents. Her excellence has been recognized and sought after by other students. As a result, when my mother is working in the production team, she often hears others praise her daughter, proud of her. At the same time, I was also worried that my daughter would be jealous.

Jealousy among primary school students exists no matter what era they are in, especially Ding Wei's appearance has reshuffled the cards of outstanding talents in the entire class. In Ding Wei's eyes, such talents as green tea and white lotus are simply not enough. It's just a primary school student throwing a temper tantrum, so childish.

She admitted that excellence would make people jealous. There were few girls in the class, she was not bad in looks, and she was good at studying, so she became the object of talk among male students. He hated her in his heart, so he united with five or six girls who were rare in the class to isolate her.

In physical education class, the girls dance rubber bands, and the boys chase and fight, because the school doesn’t even have a serious basketball, so these boys can only exercise by running. There are now seven girls in the class, and six of them are isolated from her. It can create embarrassment for her. Who would have thought that her clean front and back flips would directly attract the enthusiasm of the little boys, and successfully put herself in the C position of the class. It would be difficult not to pay attention.

After challenging back and forth somersaults, she asked them to try planks, sit-ups and other energy-consuming activities. Boys are not physically strong. After the whole class, let them do some fresh and difficult postures to increase their desire for challenge Hope, is she still worried about being isolated?
Today's children strive for good physical strength and flexibility. Ding Wei's last move, the elbow stand, directly killed all the boys' stinky show off, and instantly eclipsed the girls who were jumping rubber bands and kicking shuttlecocks.

She has danced hip-hop and practiced yoga. Even if her body has not been trained in this life, as long as her body is in good condition and her core strength is in place, she can do it without any effort. To add to the fun, a dozen boys applauded her together.

"You are really capable, this class made you stand out, Ding Wei, what are you showing off? What's so great about you!"

When Wang Aihua and Zhao Xiaole blocked her at the back door of the classroom after school, she felt that the two children's character was really bad.

They were not impulsive, but they had planned for a long time to dislike it. They all said that their faces came from their hearts, and their obviously immature faces now looked ugly and disgusting.

Ding Wei raised her eyelids casually: "I'm just amazing, and my amazingness made you two jealous to the point of blocking the door, do you think I'm amazing?"

"You, what are you proud of? You, don't you rely on you. Mom is the women's director? Don't you rely on your father to be a worker? Why are you so proud?"

Ding Wei nodded very satisfied after hearing this: "Wrong, there is another one that your family doesn't have. My eldest brother is a soldier. I heard that your brother was banned because she once fought at school, right? Fighting is inherited in your family, why, you want to follow your brother's example and fight with me?"

Wang Aihua's expression changed instantly, "Who, who said I'm going to fight with you?"

Ding Wei turned her wrist and made a creaking sound, then stared at Wang Aihua and sneered.

"Thank you for choosing such a high-level name, but what are you doing? You block me here, threaten and intimidate me, and I will listen to you? Or should the other students in the class listen to you?" Yes? You have an older brother, and I have an older brother. You are pampered at home, and I am no worse than you. You said you blocked me here. What is your purpose? Hit, you can’t beat me. You are not my opponent, if you come to me, you should have said it earlier, why did you wait until now, when I was with the teacher, I dared to slap you like this!"

What Wang Aihua said was not good at all, she was so angry that she clenched her fists angrily, panted heavily, gritted her teeth, stared at her fiercely, and growled.

"Ding Wei, don't think that I dare not deal with you. Why are you so crazy? It's too annoying to look at. I just couldn't help but beat you up today. What can you do to me?"

Saying that, the unbearable fist waved towards her, Ding Wei reacted quickly and dodged it, then leaned to one side, and easily shook off Wang Aihua and Zhao Xiaole who were blocking the door, and then made a move towards them With a grimace, the two of them were stunned, she grabbed a handful of ashes from the ground and pressed them hard on her face, then messed up her hair, tore her clothes, pinched herself hard, and cried without turning her head after holding back her tears Shouted and ran out.

"Mom, woo, mom, I want to find my mother, I don't want to go to school anymore, Wang Aihua and Zhao Xiaole hit me, woo, mom, I don't want to go to school, they bully me,"

When Wang Aihua and Zhao Xiaole reacted, they were dumbfounded: "What does she mean? Someone moved her finger, she did it to frame us!"

In order to let the two of them have a long memory, Ding Wei ran out of school crying, and bumped into the third brother, fourth brother, and younger sister who had been waiting at the door. The brothers and sisters always leave school together. Today Ding Wei was arrested. They blocked her for a while, but they didn't expect to see her sister running out crying, and she didn't even hear the doorman chasing her.

When Ding Jianping and Ding Jianshu saw their sister like this, they were eager to protect the calf and grabbed Ding Wei, and asked her in a rough voice.

"What's the matter, who bullied you?"

Ding Wei cried and looked back, took a glance and then hid behind her two brothers in fear, while Wang Aihua and Zhao Xiaole who ran out panting just happened to meet Ding Wei's two brothers, and they saw that his brother was waiting here , instinctively dodged his eyes and didn't dare to look forward, which made Ding Jianping take it for granted that there was something wrong with these two people.

The two of them just wanted to go forward, but the two cowards ran away in a panic, talking harshly while running.

"Ding Wei, you are cruel today, I will not let you go."

Ding Jianping casually picked up a piece of soil and threw it at Wang Aihua's back without any mistakes. The force was so great that she fell to the ground while running. She slid a certain distance on the ground due to inertia. She was wearing thick clothes. Nothing happened, but a layer of skin was wiped off her face and hands due to friction, and she started to cry at that time because of the pain.

Ding Jianping saw that his goal had been achieved, so he turned to look at his sister. Unexpectedly, Ding Wei had already wiped away the tears on his face, and said to his brother with a smile.

"Brother, I'm fine, but I forgot that you were waiting for me outside. Those two wanted to bully me, but they didn't succeed in bullying me. On the contrary, I was so angry that you lost it just now. Let's go, as long as the two of them live in peace in the future, I can consider not holding grudges."

Ding Jianping then asked the names of those two people, and when he knew that Wang Aihua's brother was Wang Aijun, he frowned.

Ding Wei looked at his words and knew that this Wang Aijun might not be easy to deal with, so she asked, "What's the matter? Do you know him?"

"Well, he used to be a classmate with the second brother, and we played together. This person... holds grudges very much, and is also very defensive."

Wang Aihua can go to school, and her clothes are not bad, which proves that this little girl is doing well in their family, but I didn't expect that the difference between this Wang family and their family is that she is not loved because of her small age, but because of Wang Aihua's birth. , It actually made the always confused grandfather of the Wang family wake up. From then on, the old lady of the Wang family believed that Wang Aihua was the lucky star of the family and treated her very well. Even Wang Aijun, who was a grandson, was not favored by Wang Aihua. A distorted mentality of striving for strength and winning everything, and wanting everything to be satisfactory.

In their family, her words are more effective than anyone else. If she asks Wang Aijun to trouble them, it is really normal.

Ding Wei didn't expect to cause such a big trouble for her brother, she stamped her feet in annoyance.

"If I had known this earlier, I would have made her angry. What should I do now?"

"What are you afraid of? Brother, can you still be afraid of them? It's okay. He protects his sister, and I protect my sister. Isn't this all right and proper? Go back first, and keep quiet with your parents. It's really impossible. Don't you in the next two days." Go to school, stay home, be safe!"

(End of this chapter)

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