Chapter 1392 [1391] Live-in nanny (5000)

In fact, it is understandable for parents to think this way. It is their self-esteem and the conscience of parents who are at work.

They also don't want to be stabbed in the back in the future and buy a house with their daughter's money.

Moreover, the sons are not yet able to make money, and the daughter earns so much first. How can they spend her money?

Ding Wei couldn't persuade her, so she just let it go, anyway, now that she has money to buy a house, the money will be kept by her parents, and they can use it as they please.

A house of 31 square meters, 76 square meters, a total of 2280 yuan, there are no miscellaneous expenses, and decoration can be provided if it is not used up. If it is not enough, the factory will cover it. In the 90s, it became a county-level city. In 2021, it will be a district of City L. Its ranking in southern Henan Province is not too low, and it can be regarded as a relatively wealthy county-level city.

Calculated at 2300 yuan, if all the home appliances are renovated, it will not exceed 3500 yuan by then. The new house will be newly decorated with new home appliances, and the days will get better every day. I feel excited when I think about it.

This kind of process from scratch was the result of the hard work of the whole family, and Ding Wei felt a special sense of accomplishment.

Around the end of July and August, the household contract responsibility system was about to be implemented, and it was almost the early 80s on their side. During this period, my mother still mainly farmed.

"Dad, see if you can find a temporary job for my mother in your factory or other factories! I'll ask Uncle Lei later to see if we can buy a regular worker for my mother with money. My mother just didn’t take the test now, she already knows almost the cultural knowledge in elementary school, and at her age, she can’t even read, let alone have a primary school diploma.”

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but look at Zhao Qingqing: "Mom, why don't you go to our commune and ask if you're so old, can you get a primary school diploma or something?"

Zhao Qingqing is quick and quick to do things, and can read and write. If she has the opportunity to enter the factory, she will definitely be a model worker, and maybe she can even be a March [-] red flag bearer!
Ding Wei thought that everyone would go to the city, so she would leave her mother alone at home. It was too lonely, so she decided to find a suitable job for her.

Ding Zhenlong was taken aback for a moment, and then looked at Zhao Qingqing apologetically: "Look, I have never even thought about the things my daughter can think of."

Zhao Qingqing quickly realized that her daughter was worried that she was at home by herself, so she couldn't help joking.

"Although your proposal is a good thing, but these days, it's all a radish and a pit. Who will sell their own iron rice bowl? Besides, I'm quite old, there's no need to toss about it, and there's no need Spend that money!"

"Mom, why are you so young? You married my dad when you were 16, and you will only be 36 at the end of this year. If you can have a formal job, you may have a chance to get a pension in the future," Work If the number of years is not enough, you can use the money to make up for your seniority, and you can get the lowest retirement salary no matter what.

What Ding Wei said made sense, but Zhao Qingqing felt that this was a fantasy. After all, she was already in her 30s and was no more skilled than men. She would never have the opportunity to be a regular worker, even a temporary worker. It's also hard to buy.

The current job, even if you retire early, is for your relatives. Unless the family encounters difficulties, you will think about using this job to exchange money, but this kind of opportunity is very rare.

The couple didn't really care about this matter, but Ding Wei repeatedly told Zhao Qingqing to get a primary school diploma in case of emergency.

When she arrived at work on Friday afternoon, Ding Wei told Lei Feng about this.

"Uncle Lei, I have to trouble you to keep an eye out for me to see if there is any job suitable for my mother. It's okay to do a temporary job first. She will get a primary school diploma as soon as possible. She is the women's director of our production team. He is very straightforward and quick in dealing with people, and he is clean, not a wimpy person."

Lei Feng laughed when he heard this: "That's inevitable, otherwise how could you have raised such an excellent daughter! But I'm afraid it's hard to find regular jobs, and it's easy to find temporary jobs, but most of them are very hard. Mom, is she willing to do it?"

"No matter how hard it is, it can be harder than farming, but we are not in a hurry. My dad's house will take two or three years to build. Even if the funds are in place soon, it will take one or two years. During this period Just find the right job."

The issue of fund-raising housing is the most talked-about topic among various units in the county, including their radio station is also looking for a suitable location to build a house, so Lei Feng can understand Ding Wei's thoughts, nothing more than that the children will come to the county to go to school I'm afraid that her mother will panic naked in the countryside alone.

"Okay, then I'll help you take a look. By the way, how is your cooking skills? If I find a live-in nanny instead of a temporary worker or a regular worker, would you be willing to come?" Of course, you can’t say that to the outside world. You have to say that you are relatives. Your grandparents have many friends, and their children are all out of town. No one takes care of them. Well, the price doesn't matter, and they don't lack that money."

Live-in nanny?Ding Wei was stunned for a moment, obviously not thinking about it, but she had to say that this would be a relatively hard and responsible job, and no penny was easy to get. Fortunately or unfortunately, it depends on the owner How about people.

"This... I can't make decisions for my mother, I have to ask her opinion, and the job of a nanny is not easy to do. Sometimes it's not about the salary, but about the attitude of the other party,"

Lei Feng looked at Ding Wei in surprise: "Okay, Xiaowei, she is not very old, she really knows a lot about human relationships, you are right, it is really hard to find a nanny, not only the master needs it I know a lot through observation, even the nanny herself, people also need to look at the character and attitude of the host, but what if I'm the one who leads the way?"

"The family I introduced to you, the husband and wife are both retired teachers, the daughter married far away, the eldest son is a doctor in the provincial capital, the second son joined the Construction Corps after being a soldier, and the youngest son is a sailor. The children are not short of money, but they can’t come back to accompany them. The old couple are already in their 70s and 35s. They live in the family home of the Education Bureau. The surrounding environment is not bad, and the character can be guaranteed, but this job may not be easy to do, auntie He is a person of taste, and their family has changed more than ten nannies, and the highest one is [-] yuan a month, but no one does it."

"Their home is not small, with a yard on the first floor, where they can grow vegetables, three bedrooms, and cleanliness. The nanny is required to be able to read, calculate accounts, understand some basic nursing knowledge, and to be able to cook. They are hardworking and not lazy. As long as they let them Satisfied, that is, they won 40 yuan a month. By the way, they control food and housing. Although the conditions are a bit harsh, they still have a good attitude towards other people's nannies, and they definitely don't engage in capitalism. "

If it weren't for Ding Wei's young age, she would have done it. To be honest, this job is the most suitable for her. It's fine for her mother, but she can't teach this nursing knowledge, and she is not qualified to teach it!
"If you want, you can let them have a look and chat with them first. If I introduced it, maybe you can learn nursing knowledge through the back door of her relative's house and go to the hospital to study for a while,"

Ding Wei silently counted the time in her heart, and when her father's house came down, she would almost be in junior high school.

If my mother does business here, she will have to wait until after [-]. There are still eight years in between. She can't bear to leave her alone at home for eight years. If she can be a live-in nanny, even if this A family can't grow long, so learning more crafts is always a good thing, which is better than facing the loess and back to the sky.

Besides, except for the father who eats public food, the rest of their family have ration points in the production team. Even if they don't go to the production team to earn work points, they won't be hungry.

Maybe they can't see it now, but if you go to the big cities such as the capital and Shanghai, you will know that the crime of speculating on DB is actually not so strict. Allowing them to raise chickens and feed pigs is a Signal flares will become more and more relaxed in the future.

After thinking about it, Ding Wei said to Lei Feng: "Uncle Lei, can this family go anytime?"

"The nanny just left last month, and I haven't found a suitable one yet. If the eldest sister is willing to come, she must come as soon as possible,"

"That's fine, I'll go home and talk to my mother to see what she means."

Ding Wei told Ding Zhenlong about it on the way her father picked her up from work on Friday night.

After the father and daughter entered the factory, they did not return to the dormitory in a hurry, but stood on the playground outside the dormitory building and talked about it. When the nanny was mentioned, the father talked about the theory of capitalism, and there were many rules when he moved it out. Wei said bluntly.

"Dad, it's very simple. Just say it's your relatives. You don't have to worry about it at all. Mom is an ordinary person who earns wages through labor. She is also a husband. One of them can't earn much money all year round, and she is tired every day." Like a grandson, the other one, out of the wind and rain, takes care of two elderly people who can take care of themselves, and their salary is higher than yours,"

"Girl, you're so naive. Do you think it's easy to earn a higher salary than mine? I want you. Mom to go to the hospital to study nursing first. It sounds like a lot of work and trouble,"

"But Dad, learning nursing is for yourself. Isn't it good to have one more skill?"

"This..." Ding Zhenlong choked when faced with his daughter's statement, and couldn't find any suitable words to refute, because what Ding Wei said was the truth.

After all, these old people are getting older, and there will be more places to take care of them in the future. If they understand nursing work and provide timely assistance, it will be beneficial to everyone and should not be resisted.

"I don't think there is anything wrong with the high demands of the other party. After all, the children are not around. They have nothing but money. They can go through the back door to study nursing work. The tuition fees are all paid by them. My mother only needs to go to the individual and study hard. , I think this is a rare thing, as for how people are, whether they get along well or not, I think it was introduced by Uncle Lei, even if they are bad, where can they be bad?"

Ding Wei felt that she was taking it for granted now, but she really felt that being around knowledgeable and educated people would also help them themselves.

The most sensitive period is coming to an end, and the people who were beaten back have already begun to be sent back to the city, so they shouldn't be so fearful anymore.

Ding Wei didn't talk to her father, because the old thinking and the troubles of those years made them timid in doing things, for fear of implicating their son who was away.

She would not laugh at them for being timid, this is a normal reaction of people in this era, so even if she went home to discuss this matter with her mother on Sunday night, when she refused, Ding Wei gave up lobbying them.

"Then... Dad, find Uncle Lei when you go to work tomorrow, and tell him your decision, so as not to delay other people's affairs."

"Okay," Ding Zhenlong suddenly asked her, looking at the eldest daughter who was washing the dishes, "Do you think your parents are useless? Don't even dare to try this?"

Ding Wei shook her head: "What's the matter? Everyone has their own likes and dislikes and personality traits. How can I impose my thoughts on others, but Mom, maybe I have seen more of the world now. There are too many manuscripts, I always feel that the resumption of the college entrance examination is a matter of time, and maybe there will be land reform at one point. This is not something I dare not think about. If you go to the city to see more of the world, I don’t think it will do us any harm. , especially to study nursing, and you can work as a nurse in a hospital in the future, which is a high-paying job, better than entering a factory!"

Zhao Qingqing asked in surprise: "How high is your income?"

"Nurse workers are paid by the day and by the hour every day. Not everyone has time to stay in the hospital. If we know more skills, we will have a wider road in the future. Is it better than digging food in the ground? How much to give? , It’s also more than what we get for making tofu all morning.”

Having said that, Zhao Qingqing hesitated again, and couldn't help turning her head to look at her father.

"Otherwise, I'll go over and have a look tomorrow? It seems too much to just refuse without looking at it, what do you think?"

Dad pursed his lips: "It's okay, go and have a look, and you won't regret it if you say this after reading it."

After Ding Wei cleaned up the kitchen, she looked at her parents and was very happy: "Actually, Mom, you didn't get used to it at first, but after a long time, you got used to everything. He is a retired teacher and he likes to be clean. He is definitely better than you to serve her." My brother, my dad, and the others have been much more relaxed these years. How much work can two people, plus you who live in the house, grow vegetables in their yard, and we have our own land, and we can sell the vegetables to the owner if we can’t finish them Home, I think this is more than one move, haha!"

Being fooled by Ding Wei made Zhao Qingqing even more determined to go to the city to see it.

It happened that her family had two bicycles. Ding Wei was worried and planned to go and see them with her mother, so she asked her father to go to his class.

Please ask the fourth brother to go to school to help her ask for leave, after breakfast, let Zhao Qingqing take her to find Lei Feng to ask for the address.

When Lei Feng saw Zhao Qingqing, he naturally had to chat for a while. Zhao Qingqing was also polite, and made a few catties of dried tofu in the morning and asked him to take it home to eat at noon.

Lei Feng was so flattered that he was very moved: "Sister-in-law, you don't need to be so polite. The relationship between me and Ding Wei is so useless."

"Oh, just take it, my Weiwei, I didn't say much about how Uncle Lei took care of her. Our husband and wife have always wanted to treat you to a meal. Is it because we haven't found a suitable opportunity? Or today How is the night?"

Lei Feng hurriedly refused: "No sister-in-law, really no need, I have to go home at night, my son, he. Mom is not feeling well these days, I can't leave,"

Lei Feng was afraid that they took it seriously, so he said it sincerely, so he quickly changed the subject: "Aunt Zheng and Uncle Zheng are all nice people, except that they are picky, there are actually no major problems in other aspects, and they may not be used to it at first, but after a long time, they get used to it. You will find out how easy they are to get along with each other. Although the last nanny only worked for half a year, she still has feelings. If the old man in the family was not sick, she would not quit this job. Sister-in-law, we are all ourselves I just said that, this job is good, not to mention the high salary, and they don’t usually pick you up, they will give you holidays and give you some bonuses during the holidays, really, if you can, you should give it a try It's better, as for other aspects, don't worry, his family has a strong relationship, and he won't let anyone trouble you."

Having come to this point, Zhao Qingqing is not stupid, so she naturally understood the meaning behind the words. After the mother and daughter said goodbye to Lei Feng, they pushed their bicycles and went to the family courtyard of the Education Bureau.

It is definitely not as simple as a teacher to be able to live in this family home. One of the grandparents must have been a cadre before retirement, otherwise how would they live in this community?

In the communities before the 70s, there were houses like Tongzilou. There was no separate bathroom, let alone a separate kitchen. They were all public conditions.

But because their family is old and high-ranking, they can have an independent property with a vegetable garden. After entering the community, they can see the difference.

There are seven or eight buildings in Tongzi Building, but there are only two houses with independent suites, and the Zheng family occupies one of the houses with a vegetable garden on the first floor, which is enough to show that their status and status are not ordinary.

The mother and daughter didn't bring any other presents, so they brought some dried tofu they made themselves. After knocking on the door, a clean old lady came and opened the door.

"Comrade, who are you looking for?"

"Hello, we were introduced by Brother Lei Fenglei. This is my daughter. She will come with me to have a look. My name is Zhao Qingqing,"

"Grandma, hello, my name is Ding Wei, and I am nine years old."

"Hey, Xiaofeng introduced you to come here, come in, come in, you little girl's name sounds familiar to me, is the audio sitcom "Ding Ling Going to School" hosted by you? Old Zheng and I As I mentioned before, this little girl speaks well!"

Grandma Zheng invited them into the house very enthusiastically. Mother looked at the neat wooden floor and looked down at her shoes with some embarrassment.

Grandma Zheng hurriedly brought the mother and daughter the slippers they wanted to change: "Come on, you are wearing these two pairs of shoes, you are welcome, come in quickly, Lao Zheng, come out quickly, our house has guests, Xiaofeng introduced them to us Well, by the way, comrade, how old are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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