The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1498 [1497] Zhang Yuan leaves

Chapter 1498 [1497] Zhang Yuan leaves
So on the first day of school, Ding Wei did a big thing and gave the principal two options, either to replace the teacher who likes violent teaching, or to wait for her to write an appeal letter and go to the Education Bureau to seek help. a justice.

Where did the principal think that this excellent teacher he specially poached from other counties would be such a thing? Under the watchful eyes of everyone, all the students testified that this teacher beat and cursed people, and he couldn't do it even if he wanted to cover it up. What else can I do next?Of course, where did it come from and where did it go?
In this way, Zhao Guangming was kicked out of the teaching team of No. [-] County Middle School, and the classmates cheered Long Live, and Ding Wei became even more famous because of this. Although she didn't want to be famous in this way, she still spread to her parents' No. [-] Middle School.

It's fine if Dad knows it, but Mom actually knows it too, and at night, while the three old people over there were asleep, she came here to ask about the situation.

After hearing her explanation clearly, they breathed a sigh of relief: "Such a person is not worthy of being a teacher at all. Is your classmate okay?"

Speaking of Zhang Caixia, Ding Wei really didn't want to say anything more, she only helped this kind of person once, and she won't meddle in other people's business in the future.

You helped her, but she was still afraid to tell me what she said in the dormitory, 'If I knew this, I shouldn't have helped her lie, what if the teacher wants to trouble us? '

Chen Xiumin shared a dormitory with her, so Ding Wei naturally knew about it, she didn't say anything after she knew about it, but she only maintained a superficial relationship with her deskmate, and sometimes asked her questions, she didn't have time, so she just Zhang Caixia was not happy when she said she couldn't do it either.

"You have seen that you have solved this problem, why did you tell me that you can't, Ding Wei, don't you like helping your classmates the most?"

Ding Wei turned her head to look at her with a nonchalant smile: "So, after I help you, you regret it later, for fear of being retaliated? Why don't you worry that I will be retaliated if I help you? Since There is no benefit to helping you, and if there are disadvantages, why should I help you again?"

She couldn't say a word for a long time. After a week, I changed seats, and the two of them moved together. Their class was once every half a month. Except for those who were particularly tall, they could rotate seats. Ding Wei is not the tallest among the girls, but she is not the shortest either, so after being transferred with Zhang Caixia, she has less chance to talk.

She is that kind, you don't need to be grateful if I help you, but if you make trouble, then there is no need to have a deep friendship.

After school that day, Zhang Yuan, Wang Wei, and Li Hong were carrying oranges and roast chicken. When they saw her coming out of the cart, they immediately surrounded her.

"I'm going to be a soldier, let me tell you, and my sister is going to the provincial capital, there is a better hospital over there, my grandma will accompany me, and then I will hire a nanny, so this semester Don't bother you, this is prepared for you by my sister, she is short on time, so she didn't have time to say goodbye to you, "

Ding Wei looked at Zhang Yuan in surprise: "Being a soldier, all three of you are going?"

Li Hong and the others shook their heads, "We didn't choose, so he will go by himself,"

"No, it's not the right time for you, why haven't you left yet?"

"The military is different. I will leave tomorrow. This time I will go to the frontier, the new province. When I settle down, I will send you cotton back,"

Ding Wei quickly shook her head, "Don't, it's cold that day, you should save your clothes and thicken your clothes, so you are going to the Construction Corps?"

"Well, my dad and the others don't want me to go to other arms, but they are willing to go to farm the land,"

Zhang Yuan couldn't help it either, he didn't want to stay at home at all, and to be honest, Ding Wei admired him a lot.

"I thought you would go to technical secondary school this year!"

"I was admitted, really, I was admitted to a five-year railway police academy in the provincial capital, but they wouldn't let me go. The household registration files and so on have gone with the Corps, and it will not be so easy for them to interfere with me."

At Zhang Yuan's age, she was willing to make troubles. Compared with Zhang's family's interference, she felt that their family was really democratic. At least their parents did not interfere with their choice of their own future.

Ding Wei thanked them, and left her home address. In the future, there will be a letter exchange, which can be regarded as making friends.

Wang Wei was admitted to a technical secondary school in the city, where he majored in mechanics, and Li Hong was admitted to a financial and accounting technical secondary school in our county. No matter what, he passed the exam, which is a good thing.

After seeing them off, Ding Wei rode back home, because there was still a late self-study in the evening, so the time in the middle was relatively tight.

Fortunately, Zhang Yuan sent a roast chicken, and she steamed it with the steamed buns, took two cucumbers, and made a seaweed and egg yolk soup.

When her father hurried home to cook for her, she had already done it, and she was very surprised when she saw the roast chicken.

"Hey, my eldest daughter spent a lot of money again, and actually bought such a big roast chicken!"

"Dad, what are you talking about? You don't pick your eldest daughter. Aren't you going home today? Eat it quickly. I saved half of it. You can go back and carry it to the grandparents in the apple orchard. This chicken is quite big, with chicken legs. I have kept all the chicken wings, and we will eat some of them ourselves, which will save you from buying them."

Why not give the whole one, because they are too embarrassed to ask for the whole one, and if they leave half of it, they will accept it politely.

This is the reason for giving things all these years. Besides, eating a roast chicken for a meal is still too extravagant in this era. Even if their family's conditions are good, they have never eaten like this.

Ding Wei then explained the origin of the roast chicken while eating, "Remember to bring the oranges too, I tasted it, it's not too sour, they can eat it."

Ding Wei hurriedly rode away after eating three meals, Ding Zhenlong asked Ding Xiang after the meal.

"Are you going to your mother's place, or come back with me?"

Ding Xiang shook her head, "I'll just stay at home. Xiaoli will come to me to do my homework later. After I finish my homework, I'll go downstairs to play. I'll sleep when my sister and the others come back."

"Well, then you can say hello, don't go out of the yard, and don't go with strangers."

Even in her family home, Ding Zhenlong did not forget to popularize safety knowledge. Ding Xiang has long been tired of hearing these words, because not only her parents say, but also her sister and brother, so she is very clear about what to do at home. Let the family feel at ease.

Originally, my sister thought that the third brother should take a break from school and stay at home to study hard and then take the college entrance examination, but the third brother felt that there was no learning atmosphere at home. Anyway, the technical secondary school also learns the knowledge points of high school, and there is a more learning atmosphere at school, so after school starts, it is better to leave up.

After all, he is not sure whether he can pass the exam, maybe this year is to accompany him to run!So should he pay more attention to his own major?

As far as my brother and the others are concerned, even if they fail the exam this year and will take the exam next year, their age is not the oldest among the candidates, and they can even be regarded as the youngest, so there is really no rush.

This year Ding Lan and Ding Jianshu are both third-year junior high school students, so they leave early and return later than Ding Wei after school. Sometimes it is ten o'clock at night when they get home, which is very hard.

However, during the vacation, Ding Wei gave him supplementary lessons and it also paid off, because Ding Jianshu scored more than 80 points in two consecutive weekly tests, which is a signal of steady improvement.

After all, it is not easy to take a normal test once, and to be able to achieve a score of more than [-] points in each subject and test every time.

The current subjects are all based on a [-]-point system, and there are not so many policies beyond the syllabus in later generations, so this is all done by yourself.

For example, political geography, biological language, etc., Ding Wei can't guarantee that she will get 2 points, but at least she can guarantee that the total score is the first in the grade, and it is more than [-] points higher than No.[-].

Ding Lan's studies are much better than Ding Jianshu's. Every time she can stay within the age of [-], Ding Wei thinks that she will be fine in high school.

Moreover, Sister Ding Lan is relatively introverted and doesn't like to deal with people. They occasionally meet at school, and she just nods and leaves.

From a distance, she could still hear her classmates asking her: "Hey, is that your cousin? They call you sister, so why don't you bother?"

She heard Ding Lan say the last sentence softly: "I nodded to her, isn't this a greeting?"

"Oh my god, that's Ding Wei. Your cousin is so good at studying, and you're not bad. Does your family produce top students? Is there any secret?"

Ding Wei couldn't hear what she said later, but it could be seen that Ding Lan seldom mentioned her in front of outsiders.

It's normal to think about it. No one wants others to pay attention to themselves because of others.

Even if this other person is related to her by blood.

As she grows older, Ding Lan becomes more and more handsome. She is a filial daughter, and she goes home every weekend. Sometimes Ding Zhenlong takes her back, and sometimes she takes a ride back by herself. She works as soon as she gets home. In other words, people before and after are children of other people's families.

This is also in line with the third aunt's teaching method, 'I don't want to make trouble for you, and I don't want you to trouble me'

By the way, letting the children of the second family eat at their house is already too big for her. If you have more money and less money, if you eat more and eat less, it is all other people's mouths, and only the Sanfang family knows what is going on inside.

Therefore, Ding Zhenlong and his wife will silently carry food to their families to subsidize them, not wanting them to suffer too much in this regard.

If you are an uncle, you can still swear a few words, but if you are an aunt, you can say no, if you don’t say it, you can’t, just like a stepmother, just ignore it.

It is precisely because they are hard to manage that Ding Jiancheng and Ding Jianxin have developed a lazy character. After eating, they leave the bowl and run out to play. In Wei's words, these two can't bear the hardships of studying, and after finishing junior high school, they will fall down, and they will still suffer the hardships of life in the future!

Those outsiders have said what they should say and done what they should do, so what else can they do?
Boys don't obey discipline, and they're all grown up, so it's hard to deal with it. If you think about it, forget it. They're not your own children. If you control them too much, you're your enemy. There's no need for that!
(End of this chapter)

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