The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1509 [1508] Sense of achievement

Chapter 1509 [1508] Sense of achievement
There are uncles and grandparents, and you, an outsider, say to help, how can you help?
If you help, will aunt believe it?Maybe I thought my grandpa and grandma were helping in private, but it would cause more unnecessary troubles.

"She is so good at studying, just like that...give up? At least give her a chance to take the junior high school entrance exam. What if she passes the exam? What if she is like your sister and can get the qualification for free admission?"

Ding Xiang's words made Ding Wei put down her needlework and looked sideways at her: "How do you want to help?"

"We can lend her tuition, have dinner at our house, and go back to sleep at night, so that we don't annoy them."

Ding Wei couldn't help laughing: "What about the weekend, after all, I have to go back and eat at their house. In the end, it will still make them impatient. Moreover, it's okay to help out occasionally. It's delicious to eat at our house all year round. Xiang, don't be so naive, it's impossible. Did she mention it to you?"

Ding Xiang shook her head, "How is it possible? I thought of it myself. She has already said that she is going to drop out of school. How could she still mention this to me?"

It seems that she heard her implication: "Sister, you mean you can't help, right?"

Ding Wei patted her head soothingly: "She is still young and has a long way to go in the future. You can help her for a while, but not for a lifetime. It is a blessing for her to be separated from those parents. , It’s much better than being in the hands of outsiders, at least there are relatives to protect her, as long as she works, she will have food to eat, and when it’s cold, someone will give her clothes to wear, and no one will grab the clothes you gave, so Xiangxiang, This is her life, and you can't help it. If there is a chance in the future, we can help her and make her life easier. Now," Ding Wei shook her head.

Ding Xiang knew that what her sister said was reasonable, so she couldn't refute it. She just lay down on her bed disappointed. Seeing this, Ding Wei didn't bother her, and went straight to the living room after closing the door. She was studying the weaving method of sweater recently and wanted to see How to weave is considered beautiful.

It's not that she doesn't help, it's because she thinks that a gang will have no leader, and she doesn't want her sister to be bound by this burden.

At worst, she will help her find a suitable earning project in the future. As long as she is diligent and not lazy, she will not be hungry in the future, at least she can support herself.

The brothers all sent letters after they arrived at the school. To Ding Wei's surprise, Xiang Feng also wrote her a letter. Besides saying that he was admitted to Changsha Institute of Technology, he also introduced their school to her, and even returned a letter to her before leaving. She mailed the package.

His home is in Harbin, which is quite far away from them. The letter has been received, but the package has not yet been received.

A few days later, a package containing Kazakh sausage, big Lieba, black fungus, and dried sausage weighed about [-] catties. I don’t know when the package was sent out. It was also cold, so it wasn't broken. The child said that he wanted to send it years ago, but there were many things at home, so he didn't go away, so he sent it after the next year. He just thought that their food should be finished. resumed?
Xiang Feng also gave her the address, the meaning was self-evident, he wanted her to continue to send him delicious food, so he sent her a wave of delicious food first, and rewarded her, what an interesting person.

Although they didn't talk much, his elder brother was the one who saved his elder brother's life after all, so Ding Wei had long treated him like his own brother.

People haven't gotten bored with the things she made all these years, which is also a kind of affirmation of her cooking skills, so after receiving the letter, she started to prepare.

Spring is the season of wild vegetables, and Grandma Zheng is still in good health, so after her mother and aunt went to work, she and Grandma Wang went to dig wild vegetables together. If the wild vegetables they dug back were not enough to eat, they asked their father to bring them back. Ding Wei used them in These wild vegetables are used to improve meals for the family, making buns, dumplings, fried vegetable corners, or making steamed vegetables. During this time, there is a lot of flour.

The two old ladies were not so energetic when they were in the city. When they got home, they chatted and chatted with the old man and the old lady everywhere, and then started to take shifts to go out to dig wild vegetables. Sometimes they were lucky enough to pick mushrooms in spring. They couldn’t recognize them all, so they followed There are old people who know, so the security is very strong.

Dad came back and said: "Hey, these two old ladies are staying in the countryside. They go out every day and come home to you. Mom, they cook, which makes you. Mom feel embarrassed. Not only that, but also the family Clean up, feed the chickens and ducks, if she doesn't let her wash the clothes, she can let you. Mom can't find a job, you. In such an environment, she can’t be so comfortable yet, so she insists on letting you, Mom, take it. The two of you pushed me and pushed you. After talking for several days, I finally settled on 30 yuan.”

Ding Wei couldn't help laughing: "My mother is really a real person, the old lady is not short of money, what she lacks is company."

"It's not a big deal. What I often tell you. Mom is that if it weren't for you. Mom, she would have died at home. I'm afraid no one will know. It's fine now. I go out with a group of old men and women every day to pick up wild vegetables. When I get home, I can raise chickens and ducks, clean up the vegetable patch in the yard, as long as I keep myself busy, I won’t think about those unworthy descendants.”

"This is very good. My mother also has a job, and the old lady also has company, and they can take care of each other. As long as there is no illness or disaster, it is not impossible to live to seventy or eighty. In the future, we will treat her like a grandmother. Take care, did you finish the chicken cake I made last time?"

"You don't have to worry about making it. Our family has an oven. You. Mom has already learned it. As long as the old lady likes to eat, she will often make it. There are also jujube cakes and brown sugar hair cakes. If it is not for fear that she will eat too much sweet It’s not good, you can make it for her every day.”

Dad could express his envy for the old lady between the lines, and Ding Wei couldn't help laughing at him.

"My mother doesn't care if you're not good, you get your salary by yourself. Ask how many people in the factory have this kind of treatment!"

"It's good, it's just that there is no sense of accomplishment. Others' daughter-in-laws are looking forward to their husbands coming home, and they have to count the money to control their monthly expenses. Our family is not good. You are just a little rich, and you... My mother earns more, and never thought about my salary at all. I handed it in on my own initiative, but people said, 'You take it yourself, I have money in my hand, you take it and give it to the children Buy something, don’t give it to me,’, listen to it, listen to it!”

Ding Xiang also laughed: "Then my mother asked you to buy us delicious food, but you didn't buy it? It's a good thing you don't smoke or drink, or your salary would have been gone long ago."

"What is missing in our family? Since your sister became a waiter in the supply and marketing cooperative, she has been running there all day long, for fear of missing something. Look at our fruit, canned food, malted milk, including you The bed sheets and quilts, the dishes at home, including rubber shoes, are not all bought in exchange, so the money must be spent wisely!"

(End of this chapter)

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