The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1521 [1520] Being squeezed out

Chapter 1521 [1520] Being squeezed out

The two sisters returned home after eating and drinking enough. It happened to be cooking time when they got home, and it was getting dark, so no one paid attention to what they bought.

Ding Xiang Hercules was carried up by himself, and he turned around from time to time to ask his sister to support the wall so that she would not fall. She is really a caring and good sister.

Ding Wei also rejoiced more than once, thanks to the fact that her mother gave birth to a younger sister, not a younger brother, otherwise there would be such harmony. Of course, it is not ruled out that this is the younger sister she brought up herself, in the same room. After sleeping for more than ten years, she can't justify not loving her!

When they got home, the sisters didn't have to cook, but the briquettes had to be cooked. Ding Xiang went into the stove to watch the fire.

"Sister, the briquettes that were put down at noon are only half set, why don't we go to bed and make another one?"

"Go straight down, the bottom is basically burnt out, and I have to wash and use hot water in a while!"

Ding Xiang responded, and went to the corridor to pick up briquettes with tongs. The briquettes in their building were all piled up on the half floor, because there was no other place, so the family only painted half of it, which can be used for stacking firewood and some vegetables. , Other things are not allowed to be placed, and an absolute space must be reserved for people to walk.

It is precisely because their building is full of small cadres and cadres in the factory, so they have basic qualities, and their family conditions are relatively good. So far, no one has lost anything.

The cinders are stored in an iron bucket separately, and they are carried to the low-lying places in the factory to be cushioned, so that there will be no puddles when it rains.

Things in this era basically make the best use of everything and maximize its value.

When Ding Xiang packed up, Ding Wei had already placed the snacks she had bought on the table in the living room. Ding Xiang took a look, her eyes were as bright as searchlights.

"Yeah, where are the melon seeds? I thought they would be gone after Chinese New Year!"

"This is watermelon seeds, and the Chinese New Year eats sunflower seeds. It's more difficult to eat. Drink plenty of water after eating. If I didn't look at your stomach, I don't know how many times you have accumulated food."

Speaking of it, Ding Wei saw it well. From childhood to adulthood, everything was fine and small. She was really worried about the health of everyone in the family like a mother.

Fortunately, the Ding family has a good foundation and the family can keep up with nutrition, so they haven't had any serious illnesses for so many years, even colds and fevers are rare.

This is also thanks to Ding Wei's experience as a doctor. Almost everything she said was taken into consideration by her family. She drank more plain water, and although she did eat extra snacks, they were all made of genuine ingredients without the additives of later generations. So as long as the nutrition can keep up, exercise more, drink more water, and increase metabolism, it is really not easy to get sick.

After eating and drinking, the younger sister took the initiative to go into the room to do her homework. Before the brothers left, they restored the bunk beds for the two of them. Xiang Feng even went to the department store to buy a desk lamp for the two of them alone, because they found this The light in the room was relatively dark, so a desk lamp was placed on each of the two desks. I have to say that this guy is quite careful.

Ding Wei leaned on the pillow, flipping through the book leisurely, comparing the class notes sent by Chen Xiumin, silently memorizing.

Suddenly my sister seemed to think of something, and said happily.

"Sister, today we will conduct a selection test. As long as I can continue to rank first, I can be recommended to enter the county's No. 1 middle school, and I don't have to pay tuition and living expenses. It's free of charge. Only No. 2 has this treatment, and No. 3 is free of living expenses. No. .[-] Free tuition."

Ding Wei is well educated. Ding Xiang's study habits have been developed since she was a child, and she has her true biography. Just like her back then, she ranked first every year and never fell to the top. Not to mention, sometimes she can find the teacher's mistakes in the questions , It can be said that he is not a genius.

Her mathematical and logical thinking is very good, and the steps of answering questions are called pleasing to the eye by the teacher, because the words have been sorted out and adjusted by Ding Wei since childhood, and the paper is clean, and the writing is also in regular italic characters. They are so beautiful that they are outrageous, but all the teachers who have taught the two sisters say, 'As expected of the two sisters, one is better than the other! '!
Ding Wei is like this at school. The school will give her a subsidy of [-] yuan a week. She does not live on campus, so naturally she will not be involved in the accommodation fee, but she will be given a meal allowance of [-] yuan as a day student. There is no need to spend money, and the school will pay her. I didn't expect Ding Xiang to be treated like this, so Ding Wei was naturally happy for her.

"Nine times out of ten?"

Ding Xiang nodded fiercely, "I've done this question before, it's very simple, I checked it twice after I wrote it, don't worry, sister, I won't embarrass you!"

However, after the results of such an important selection test came out, Ding Xiang was dumbfounded. She looked at the boy named Huo Yang on the stage in disbelief.

She is not No.1, not even the second No.3, but No.4.

She smiled and shook her head with tears in her eyes, "It's impossible, I have to read the test paper, I can't get fourth in the test, it's impossible!"

Ding Xiang came home at noon and looked at the sumptuous meal, but couldn't hold back after all, and cried with a cry.

After Ding Wei asked the reason clearly, she looked at Ding Xiang: "You went to ask the teacher, what is the answer the teacher gave you?"

"Our class teacher said that this is the result, and told me not to ask, and said that it was arranged by the superiors, and it is useless to read the papers. Sister, why do you think this is?"

Ding Wei smiled: "Why else, they are all related households. I don't know if they got the correct answers for the papers in advance, but the results are already obvious. Didn't you say that these three people study only in the middle and upper reaches?"

"Well, sometimes you can fall out of the top ten, it's not considered excellent at all, I can't accept the loss, sister, I want to find the principal!"

"It's useless for you to ask the principal about this matter. Don't bother with them. I want to go to the city to study in high school. It happens that City No. [-] High School and City No. [-] Middle School are in the same school. When I go to the exam, I will take you with me. You and I Let’s go to the exam together, so that we can both live on campus, and if we pass the exam there, we still don’t have to pay tuition and living expenses.”

Before Ding Wei thought about the radio programs and Chen Xiumin, she couldn't let go, but now she has figured it out, and she will take Chen Xiumin with her during the exam. She can find more learning resources for her in No. [-] Middle School in the city. After all, there must be more subjects in key high schools in the city than in the county.

When she participated in activities in the city before, she met the principals of No. [-] Middle School and No. [-] High School. It happened that after the Qingming Festival, she would go to the city again. Then she would ask Uncle Lei to see if there was an internal exam. If so, she would take her younger sister and Chen Xiumin with her.

People go to high places. The quality of teaching in big cities and small cities is very different. She has seen the resources of my brother's school. It is really mediocre. Even the best high school in the county is of mediocre quality. Well, during these days of resting at home, she has already come to a conclusion, so she can only comfort her sister's crying, and find better resources for her by the way.

Sure enough, when Ding Xiang heard her comfort, she immediately gained confidence: "Sister, as long as you give me this opportunity, I will definitely not embarrass you. I will definitely pass the exam. The county No. [-] middle school is nothing. If you don't go, you will go." don't go!"

"Then you have to promise to my sister, those who laugh at you, don't take it to heart, when the time comes, they will become a blockbuster, envy them to death!"

Ding Xiang wiped away her tears and nodded her head like a chicken pecking rice: "I see, sister, I'm going to do my homework now. I only finished half of the homework you assigned me yesterday, and I will continue to write today."

Standing in the No.1 position for a long time, it is inevitable that her legs will feel a little numb, but when she squats down to tie her shoelaces, it does not mean that she will never be able to stand up again, and it is also possible that she can run faster only by tying her shoelaces. Flying higher, the kind of No.1 obtained by speculation, will sooner or later be exposed because of water.

Victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs. A child as good as Ding Xiang will not be knocked down by a single failure, and he even disdains to be with such people who walk through the back door.

So when she returned to school the next day, Ding Xiang became more calm and calm in the face of more and more ridicule and ridicule from her classmates.

"Xiangxiang, after the exam, didn't you still say that the question was easy after the exam? Why did you lose the chain at the critical moment when you came first in the exam every time?"

"That's right, Ding Xiang, we all thought you were the number one this time, so there was no suspense. In the end, Huo Yang was a latecomer and got the recommended spot. Are you not angry or envious?"

"Some people, when they get used to it at first, they will think that No. 1 will always be hers. In the end, haha, they were dumped to No. 4. Isn't it embarrassing now?"


Ding Xiang replied without raising her head: "What's wrong with No. 4? Even the No. 4 that you ridiculed is still far away from your reach, so instead of mocking me here, you might as well learn from yourself." Xi Jinping, so as not to ridicule No.4, but at the same time find that his grades outside the dozens are even worse!"

A sentence was silenced by the people behind, and the school bell just rang. Even if they wanted BB again, they had to swallow their anger and leave.

Ding Xiang didn't go to the teacher to make a fuss, let alone ask someone to check the papers, which made the head teacher relieved, thinking that this child is not simple, not to mention being reasonable, but still so understanding, so she subconsciously wanted to love her more .

So Ding Xiang discovered that the teachers of various subjects began to treat her inexplicably. Not only did they call her to the office after class to get the papers for her, they also asked her special questions in class, and even wrote the questions on the blackboard. , and advocated that the whole class learn from her, which made Dingxiang feel pressured.

When I went home and told Ding Wei, Ding Wei couldn't help laughing: "After all, it's not the teacher's responsibility, they are caring about you, it's okay, you just accept their goodness, don't think about anything else. , don’t ask. Are those who passed your test from your class?”

Ding Xiang shook her head, "It's not from our class, but from other classes. This is pretty good. I don't need to face it directly. I'm afraid I won't be able to help but slap my hands when I face their embarrassment!"

(End of this chapter)

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