The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1523 [1522] Little Brother College Entrance Examination

Chapter 1523 [1522] Little Brother College Entrance Examination

After the resumption of the college entrance examination in 1977, the initial implementation was to fill in the volunteer method before the college entrance examination.

At that time, candidates first filled in their volunteers based on their interests and usual academic performance, and then took the college entrance examination, and colleges and universities made admissions based on the results of the college entrance examination.

So their family went through in-depth discussions before the college entrance examination——

"Brother, what are you going to study? Since you didn't go when the military academy came to recruit students, have you decided what to study in the future now?"

"Didn't you always say that the economy in the south is developed? I don't think I'm suitable for being a soldier. I advocate freedom and don't like being restrained, so I didn't apply to the military academy. I want to take the architecture department, which is the high-rise building you imagined before. What do you think of the magnificent picture that rises from the ground, I want to be an architect?"

Ding Wei raised her eyebrows. To be honest, she was quite surprised. She didn’t expect that the little brother had such a positive idea this time. The major he chose is still very promising. After all, real estate did rise first in the south, and it was almost in the 90s. Gradually developing to the north, after the millennium, it can be regarded as a rise and take-off.

"But brother, there are many aspects of architecture. For example, architecture, civil engineering, industrial and civil construction, water supply and drainage, project cost, roads, bridges, tunnels, traffic engineering, airport construction, river crossing engineering, underground engineering, etc. There are mines, ancient buildings, and many, many directions, which direction do you plan to develop specifically?"

When asked by Ding Wei, Ding Jianshu was dumbfounded, "This, so many, Wei Wei, you know too much, right? I have never heard of some of them, and I don't know what they mean at all. You Can you be more specific?"

"I'll take Huaqing University as an example. Its architecture department includes two majors: architecture and architectural environment and equipment engineering. The main courses include architectural design foundation, architectural design and principles, Chinese and foreign architectural history, and architectural structure. With architectural mechanics, architectural structure, etc., after graduation, you can work in architectural design institutes, architectural firms, architectural design groups and other state-owned enterprises. But this is a prestigious university, and the remuneration that comes out of it must be the most cutting-edge in our country, just like me, my future goal is to go to Huaqing University and Peking University.”

She has attended both of these universities, so it stands to reason that she could consider changing to another school, but she is from the north and does not want to go to the south. Even if the development momentum of the south is stronger than that of the north, she still loves these two schools. Therefore, it is time to brag Bragging is also okay.

But Ding Jianshu couldn't do it, and stared at his sister with a mournful face.

"You can pass the exam because you are a genius, but brother, I am not. Let me tell you the truth, if I get a full score of [-] in this exam, if I can score more than [-] points in the exam, I will be lucky." gone."

Ding Wei then explained these majors to him in detail. Parents and Grandma Zheng Ding Xiang were also listening. When they finished listening, they looked at Ding Wei with more pride and admiration.

Ding Wei hurriedly said that she read a lot. In fact, if she hadn't experienced many college entrance examinations, she might not be able to explain it so clearly. She could even be competent for the school's enrollment work.

In the end, Ding Jianshu chose traditional architecture. Bridges and roads were actually options, but after careful consideration, he chose the former.

Ding Wei knew the difficulty of the college entrance examination in 1979. In 468, 28 million people participated in the college entrance examination nationwide, and 6.1 people were admitted, with an admission rate of [-] (%).

Compared with later generations, this difficulty can only be regarded as average. Dante Jianshu usually does a lot of questions, and it is not impossible to get a good result in the exam. After all, there is some luck in the college entrance examination. Coupled with the amount of questions in her mind, If a first-rate university doesn't consider it, going to a second-rate school is not a dream!
At the beginning of July 1979, Ding Jianshu entered the examination room under the watchful eyes of his whole family. This examination was related to his life. Not only was he cautious, but the whole family was also nervous about it. Outside the examination room, but back home.

The Ding family is not so hypocritical, they can go home and prepare a hearty lunch after taking the exam.

Ding Wei didn't dare to prepare anything that was cold, for fear that he would spoil his stomach and affect the exam. Even in summer, she didn't prepare watermelon to relieve the heat, but boiled rock sugar and mung bean water.

At noon, steamed rice, stewed chicken, braised pork, and all kinds of good meals were served. Two days later, Ding Jianshu was finally liberated, and cheered and hugged Ding Wei several times.

Ding Wei looked at his emotions, and it should be normal.

In 1979, the full score in Southern Henan Province was 510 points, of which English accounted for [-] points, and each of the remaining subjects was [-] points. English has special education from Ding Wei. Ding Jianshu confidently said that he would definitely get this [-] points.

Regarding her ability to speak English, Ding Wei made nonsense that the school opened this class. After all, no one in her family goes to the County No. [-] Middle School. It’s not that she wants to say what she wants. Someone asks to talk about it. It’s right that she can teach it. small stove.

Anyway, tutoring her brother in English is too easy for her. The college entrance examination at this time is full of questions, not as good as the English questions of the elementary school students in later generations, it is too simple.

After Ding Jianshu's college entrance examination, Ding Wei went to Chen Xiumin's house to have a meal. It was the grandparents' house where the younger brother took their brothers and sisters. When they went there, they bought three catties of eggs, one chicken and five catties of lard. It was hot in summer, so they didn't dare to buy too much. The chicken could be killed and stewed now.

Ding Xiang and Ding Jianshu knew how to cook, and with the guidance of his grandmother, it should be no problem. Then Ding Wei went to buy another chicken before going to Chen Xiumin's house.

She is too embarrassed to let her go to someone else's house empty-handed!

"Why did you bring the meat? We were supposed to treat you to dinner, you,"

Chen Xiumin was even more embarrassed, but Ding Wei smiled happily: "The relationship between us, who is with whom? Have you met someone else?"

Then he smiled and looked at his former grandmother.

"Auntie (older than my mother, she is called Auntie, and the younger one is called Auntie), I brought a chicken, how about I make you a stewed chicken with potatoes? Do you have any potatoes at home? Let the big guys try mine too craft!"

At this time, the family relationship was relatively simple, because the uncles and aunts were not married yet, but they were talking about marriage.

Grandpa is a stingy and extremely selfish person. Ding Wei doesn't like him very much. Grandma is hardworking and aggressive. The relationship between her and grandpa has always been bad because grandma likes to scold him. Ding Wei helped Chen Xiumin and brought another one. Chicken, the Chen family members joked with her very politely.

Today my aunt also prepared a chicken, two fish, and dumplings made of lard residue.

"Wei Wei, I'm so sorry, Madam didn't buy meat, but only bought chicken and fish. You can eat some in a while. I also made dumplings with fried leek vermicelli. You can try it in a while."

"Auntie, it's okay, you're welcome. I'll win everything I eat. How do you plan to make this fish? I'll cook it in braised sauce? There are quite a lot of us. I see that the tables are all set up. It happens to be divided into two tables, one for the other. There is a whole table for one fish and one chicken, do you think so?"

Grandpa and uncle are at the same table, and grandma brings their three sisters to the table with her. It is more delicious to eat separately. Men like to drink, and she is a small guest, so the woman can receive it. There is no need to gather together. This is not patriarchal, but that there are no men eating at the same table, so everyone can let go.

"Chengchengcheng, why are you so capable, Amin, you can learn a little bit and see how Weiwei cooks!"

The conditions for cooking in this era are limited, there are not so many seasonings, and even very little sugar, but the big iron pot used for cooking at home, the kind that burns wood, originally she wanted to make braised fish, but what happened? There is not enough sugar at home, and she is too embarrassed to use the little left over!
So the stewed fish turned into a stewed fish, like stewed in an iron pot in the northeast, and pancakes were pasted, because she didn’t see enough dumplings. Now is the time to eat them. The white flour dumplings are very precious, and they can be eaten as a dish. Absolutely It cannot be used as a staple food, so she made cornmeal pancakes on her own initiative.

The other big iron pot is not idle either. Once the stewed fish is finished, it is brought to the side of the side. The main stove starts to heat up the oil and starts to fry the chicken. There are more people to eat, and potatoes have to be added in the end. Stewed together, it is said to be fried chicken, but it is actually stewed chicken.

While stewing, I was busy with cold cucumbers, dry stir-fried peanut beans, cold bean sprouts, sugar mixed tomatoes, cold eggplants, batter peppers, etc.

After the pot was cooked, the two tables were packed to the brim, not only rich but also delicious.

Ding Wei respectfully took the bowl full of chicken nuggets and potatoes that the aunt gave her, and handed her a cornmeal pancake, pointing to the fish and dumplings on the table.

"Don't be too polite to talk about eating girls, just like your own home, Xiao Min also said when she came back, she has eaten at your house a lot, talk about it,"

Naturally, Ding Wei was not being polite, this used to be her grandmother's house, and she was too happy to see her relatives when she was young!
The timing of today's chicken is very poor, not at all firewood, and it is very tender, including the fish. Although it has thorns, it is troublesome to eat, but this carp is big, fat and tasty, not fishy at all, a little bit The spicy taste is just right.

There are not so many digressions, and there is no need for me to be hypocritical and polite after you finish speaking, you just need to concentrate on cooking.

It took them almost an hour to finish this sumptuous lunch. She wanted to get up to help wash the dishes, but the aunt quickly held her down.

"Huimin, Mingmin, you two come here, Xiumin, you take Weiwei out to play, you don't need to care about this side, it's hard to come here once, why can I let you do it, go quickly, there is no use here ye!"

When asked about the result of the exam, Ding Wei shook her head: "I haven't come out yet, don't worry, school will start at the end of next month, as soon as I have news, I will call the brigade department and tell my uncle." Chen Xiumin's father, and Ding Wei's grandfather , are small captains, it is very convenient to call him.

A few days after returning to the county seat, Ding Zhenlong received a call from the school. Ding Wei was admitted to No. 8 High School and Ding Xiang was admitted to No. 25 Middle School. He told them to report to the school on August [-], bring bedding, and how to divide into classes. , There are detailed guidelines to the school.

Ding Zhenlong hurried home and told Ding Wei about it, but Ding Wei was very calm when she heard it, and only remembered to call Chen Xiumin when Ding Xiang reminded her.

Dad hurriedly stopped him: "If someone calls you, it will definitely call Xiu Min. Wait a little longer and call after we get off work, so the line won't be busy."

"That's right, dad is right, I've forgotten about it, and Xiumin probably forgot too, or else she asked me why I haven't heard from me last time, but after our exam, we all left our contact information of."

Unexpectedly, half an hour later, the reception room asked her to answer the phone. It was Xiu Min who called and asked Ding Wei happily if she had received the call.

"That's great, Weiwei, it's really great, we can be classmates again, and we can live in the school together. It would be even better if we could be assigned to the same class and a dormitory."

"Then come to my house and let us review together. Didn't we say that there will be a placement test at the beginning of the semester? By the way, I reckon that our senior high school entrance examination scores will come out. The school must wait for this score until now. After a comprehensive analysis, we will be able to get a good score." eligible for admission."

Ding Wei's prediction was correct, because the next day the school notified the neighborhood committee to let the students in their area go to the school to check their scores.

Ding Wei was the top scorer in their county's high school entrance examination, and Chen Xiumin's grades were also good, ranking eighth in the grade, which can be regarded as the highest score in history. It seems that the surprise attack during the period before the exam was still very effective.

After Ding Wei came out of school, she called Chen Xiumin and asked her to come to her home to review together. Chen Xiumin immediately agreed, such a good opportunity, a fool would give up.

Ding Wei said with a lot of emotion: "Old Tang, Lao Tang, if you go at this speed, you may not be able to catch up with my mother. I can't take care of you when you are there. I don't know how I will know you in the future. I can only say that if my mother found a more suitable one before meeting you, then don't blame my daughter for my cruelty to tear you apart, after all, my mother's conditions today are no better than back then!"

If she studies well, she will be able to enter a prestigious university in the future, so her life trajectory will naturally not be in sync with her previous life.

At the beginning of August, Ding Jianshu actually received the admission notice from South China University of Technology. Hey, when the postman delivered the admission notice to his brother, his hands were shaking, and Ding Wei was even more incredible.

"Brother, you can play well, famous universities, South China University of Technology!"

Ding Wei sighed to herself, "How many points, take it apart and have a look!"

Ding Wei also sealed a red envelope of [-] yuan and [-] cents to the postman, making him happy and sending blessings over and over again.

However, this score did not show, "Then you have to go to the Education Bureau to check, my God, brother, you are really good, you are even better than the third brother, the difficulty of this year's questions is better than that of the third brother's class." It's even more difficult, how did you get in by luck? I'm convinced of your luck!"

Because judging from his usual performance, it is obvious that Ding Jianshu is not as good as Ding Jianping, but Ding Jianshu's breakthrough this time is naturally not due to luck, or it may be Ding Wei's daily supervision. After all, in terms of review time, Ding Jianshu is higher than Ding Jianshu. It is not impossible for his three elder brothers to be admitted to key universities.

(End of this chapter)

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