The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1539 [1538] Graduated from college and transferred to internship

Chapter 1539 [1538] Graduated from college and transferred to internship
On the eve of the Ching Ming Festival in 1980, although Ding Wei was not at home, Ding Zhenlong, Zhao Qingqing, Mrs. Wang, and his sister-in-law Yuhuan went to the Zheng family’s old couple’s grave together. After all, everyone had been together for many years, and now the old couple ended up leaving by accident. In my own life, there are regrets, but more blessings.

Before the Ching Ming Festival, the third bedroom of the Ding family went to the old couple of the Ding family. Ding Zhenhu went to the grave. Counting the time, by the autumn, he had been gone for five years.

Ding Zhenlong naturally felt that Ding Zhenhu left early and left without even saying a last word. As for Li Erju, no one mentioned a word.

Everyone knows that she has not been doing well in the past few years. She has sent messages countless times to come back to see her and give her some care, but her children and her mother's family have not been paid attention to.

As for her coming out, it will take 90 years. If she behaved well before 1990, her sentence might be reduced, but so what?
There should be no substantive contacts with the Ding family. Although the couple did not go through the divorce procedures, she was the one who killed Ding Zhenhu after all. This alone may not be able to return to this family in the future.

When the children needed her most, she was not around, good guy, people have grown up, got married and had children, and she came back, who would care?
For Ding Wei, it has been extremely happy for more than a month, because she has received sister Ding Lan who is far away in the capital, Xiangfeng from Changshi, the construction of the big city, Jianguo from Nanshi, Jianping from the opening of the city, Zheng The lotus picking in the city, the achievements in Guangzhou, and the monkey tickets sent to her by all relatives and friends.

There are [-] sheets in this page, and [-] sheets. Although they are different, they are all monkey tickets of the [-] version. The total has exceeded [-] sheets. It can be seen that the brothers and sisters have not given her in vain for more than a month. Toss it!

Anyway, Ding Wei said before: "I will give you 100 yuan, and the transportation fee will be included. If you have time, go and run for me. The more the better, "

Of course, Ding Wei talked about this one by one, not together. She even suggested that they buy some as a collection. As for whether they would buy it, that's not her business.

If the transportation expenses are included, Ding Wei feels that each person can buy at least [-] for her.

Although it is a little exaggerated to calculate that her future accumulation will exceed several hundred editions, Ding Wei feels that no matter how much it is, it is not too cumbersome.

The post office also has photo albums for collecting stamps. A photo album costs one yuan, but it is difficult for her to buy it at school. She plans to go back to the county and buy another ten or so copies to collect these stamps. She has not been idle for the past few weeks. I went through all the big post offices in the city, and bought about [-] editions. As long as it is still available this year, she will keep buying it.

She is not worried about things that will happen many years later. Stamps are also consumables. If you buy them for me, I may use them up. So no matter how valuable they are in the future, no one will doubt her about it. After all, she also reminded them to buy something, whether to buy it or not is their freedom.

Zhao Qingqing wrote letters to her daughter, in addition to showing off that she can earn 40 yuan a month, she also complained about this kind of cat-and-mouse tug-of-war, people say that you can’t do it under their noses For business, you have to be a little discerning. When you see someone coming, just run away. If you are caught, not only will your things be confiscated, but you will also be fined!

But this is much better than before, when people were arrested before!

Ding Zhenlong followed him every day with trepidation. Zhao Qingqing also disguised herself in order to sell something, and secretly carried a basket in bus stations, hospitals and other places with a lot of traffic, because she didn't need tickets, and she was honest. Pickles were even delivered to the hospital bed, and people were willing to buy them from her.

She also often bribed the nurses. Because she was so familiar, everyone in the hospital would turn a blind eye and close their eyes. Even when encountering inspections by the higher authorities, someone would tell her the news, which made her business tired. But the earning is really not small.

Now the price of raw eggs is [-] cents, or [-] cents each. She usually sells them for [-] cents. They are either tea eggs or marinated eggs. No matter what kind of eggs, they are cooked and taste delicious. She sells it for ten cents, and buys steamed buns to give away pickles. Generally, as long as someone buys it, it is three or four cents. Even if she doesn't buy eggs to buy steamed buns, she can still make money.

Because there is not such a big pot in the city, water and briquettes cost money, so Zhao Qingqing makes it at home and asks her sister-in-law to help buy eggs. If it is enough, she will not go to other villages to buy it. If not, she will go outside Village acquisition.

It was really tiring at first, but after getting used to it and earning some money, I trained Ding Jianxin to knead dough and steam steamed buns at home, make tea eggs, marinated eggs, and taught him by hand, because he didn’t dare to go out, so Zhao Qingqing hired him to stay at home If you do it, you can also give him ten yuan a month as a labor fee.

The tricycle that Zheng's family didn't want came in handy at this time. She went to the ice cream factory and bought five foam boxes for one yuan, and covered them with clean bedding, which can play a relatively insulating role. After making them at home, let them Ding Jianxin followed her on a bicycle, and when they were sold, she turned to the tricycle to pack them. Jianxin watched from here. Basically, as long as no one was in charge, she could sell two large boxes in one morning.

If the hospital is not sold out, they will ride around, go wherever there are many people, cover up with baskets secretly, watch the situation, wait for the opportunity, and finish the cleaning work almost before two o'clock in the afternoon.

After they sold out, they estimated what was left at home, or bought grain or eggs. Of course, the grain and eggs were bought from farmers. If someone sold them, someone would buy them. After all, the harvest is better now than before. Quite a few, every household can also raise chickens, share more private land, and those who are short of money will take the initiative to ask you if you want it.

Zhao Qingqing dare not allow herself to be greedy, because the conditions have not been fully relaxed yet, and if the greed is too large, it will make people jealous, so the combined profits of her and Ding Jianxin will not exceed 50 yuan. If Zhao Jianxin If it's hard work, give him more. The two of them started working before dawn in the morning, and didn't have time to rest until five o'clock in the afternoon. Of course, before going to bed at night, we had to remember to raise the dough, wash and pick the eggs.

Her pickled radish, spicy cabbage, and shredded mustard greens are more delicious, and many people buy them. Regardless of the profit of a few cents, the accumulation of a small amount is still a lot of money.

If they encounter strict investigations, they will stop, either rummaging around for food, or buying duck eggs, eggs, in short, they will not let themselves be idle. Of course, all these are behind their backs, and some people find that they go out early and return late. , People who went out and came back all the time would ask, but Zhao Qingqing blocked them all back and forth.

After Ding Wei received the letter, she also gave her parents more pertinent advice. After all, food is still difficult to buy, so she suggested that she only sell eggs for the time being, and steamed buns, whether you can sell them or not.

If you have this time, why not make tofu and yuba at home, bean dregs can also raise ducks, chickens and geese. Of course, no more than four are allowed, and two pigs can be raised, and one should be used as a task pig.

Zhao Qingqing figured it out, anyway, he didn't want to live in the city, so he would toss around at home and make tofu in exchange for food. No one would say that bartering like this makes sense, so the food can be saved?When you save enough, you can sell it, and you can earn as much as you have. Anyway, you have to keep an eye on the current situation.

And now the radio and newspapers also say that land reform is going to be carried out, and some places have already started to implement it. In the future, the land will be divided according to the population, and the land will be his own. Zhao Qingqing is a farmer in the first place, and farmers naturally still have to use the land as the benchmark, so The daughter told her to calm down, so she might as well tidy up the house first.

Although Ding Jianxin did not find a suitable job, his biggest advantage is that he is obedient and not too lazy. With Zhao Qingqing urging him, he not only tidied up his private land, but also started raising chickens to feed pigs at home instead of selling them in the city. When making eggs, the two grind tofu at home. Ding Jianxin also learned a lot of martial arts from Zhao Qingqing.

Dad rushed home after work, helping as much as he could, but the house in the city was temporarily vacant.

The Zheng family's house is still rented out. After all, her shop has not agreed, so the house must continue to be rented. Ten yuan a month's rent income is also a kind of subsidy for this family.

After the death of Mrs. Zheng, Mrs. Wang’s health is not as good as before. She used to go out together when she had nothing to do. Now she likes to bask in the sun at home, feed chickens and ducks, and can’t do other heavy work. She just does what she can. At least let yourself move, not idle.

As soon as you are free, you will not be hit!

Ding Wei was studying while writing at school. After all, she is now in the first year of high school, and she has also written novels in the first year of high school. She has accumulated experience in many lifetimes. There are many storylines. The key is how to connect them into novel textbooks, which is more difficult. Yes, and the question types here must also be logical and level. She more often thinks about the question types based on the textbooks, does the question types, and then gives detailed explanations later, and it must not look so boring. Interesting, this is a very difficult challenge.

She can hide it from others. Chen Xiumin spends time with her day and night, but she can't hide it. When she found out that she had been writing manuscript paper, and the content of the manuscript paper, the protagonist of the novel appeared in front of her on handwritten paper. shocked?

"Ding Dang?" Chen Xiumin yelled in surprise, and when she noticed that the students around her were looking at her, she quickly covered her mouth, and then trembled in an extremely forbearable voice: "Weiwei, is this true? You are, is that Ding Dong? That messed up Ding Dong who saves fire?"

Seeing her appearance, Ding Wei didn't respond, Chen Xiumin suddenly raised her hand, "No, no, I always thought that the voice of the announcer named Ding Wei on the radio station was familiar, you told me the same name and surname before, but Since this is your novel, then the previous audio novel, didn't you broadcast it yourself? I remember junior high school, you didn't go to study at night?"

Having said all that, Ding Wei could only laugh awkwardly.

"That... I didn't hide it from you on purpose, I'm really worried,"

"No wonder you are so good at spending money. It can be seen that you said it yourself, you can earn it! It's ridiculous that I wondered why your family felt that there was endless money. The standard of living is beyond what I can imagine, my God , you are really serious about hiding it, even I don't know, I really convinced you!"

Ding Wei bared her teeth at her: "I told you not to be polite to me, but you still have to be polite, can you have dinner with me in the future? Don't keep avoiding me, I'm too embarrassed to call you, just mine It's okay to pay for the manuscript fee and afford the two of us to eat."

"Even so, I also feel guilty. I'm afraid I won't do well in the future, why can't I fix it?"

Chen Xiumin's dilemma made Ding Wei dumbfounded: "You are a person who is about to take the university entrance exam, how can you not afford it? Besides, if you really can't afford it, I just don't want it, so why are you so far away from me? Be obedient, I will treat you in the future, keep your own money, and save your stingy father, ah, I'm sorry, I, "

Xiu Min pursed her lips and smiled, "How do you know that my father is stingy? Haha, thank you for your kindness, but it's fine for us to eat together once in a while. I can't be fat. If I were fat, my father might think that he gave me too much money." I'm going to try to make it at school!"

This statement makes sense, and Ding Wei can't refute it, so she can only let her go. On the other hand, Xiumin, because Ding Wei's vest was exposed, she was dizzy throughout the evening self-study, living in her imagination.

Two months into the school year, Ding Wei easily won the first place in her grade in the two monthly exams, and also helped Chen Xiumin to enter No.15 in her grade. This is the best time Xiumin has ever done.

Without the help of her sister, Ding Xiang hovered among the top three in her grade with her solid foundation and good study habits.

She is not obsessed with being No.1, and there is no pressure from her family, so her study has always been easy. It is normal for her to fail in the exam occasionally and perform abnormally. After all, her sister is already in high school, so how can she have so much time to help? What about her?
However, she has all kinds of notes and wrong question books and exercise books from her sister's junior high school in her hand, and all kinds of questions are neatly arranged on them. She also relies on these to increase the difficulty for herself, so it seems that she has regressed. Every step you take is valuable.

Ding Cailian's class was almost over in June. After graduating from the normal school, she was assigned to an elementary school in L City for an internship because of her outstanding performance.

Ding Cailian has already obtained her graduation certificate, but she still needs to take the teaching qualification test. This test can only be taken after the internship period is over. If she passes the test, she is a member of the country. He is a junior college student, and he is better than the private teachers in the village primary school. As long as he can stay on the job in the future, he will be a formal public teacher with a national salary.

So Ding Cailian can be regarded as a superstar. During the internship period, the school also pays her salary, and she is responsible for teaching the children in the lower grades. It is 18 yuan a month, which is similar to the salary of an apprentice.

(End of this chapter)

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