The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1560 [1559] Moving the dormitory

Chapter 1560 [1559] Moving the dormitory
Ding Wei's English grades are good, and Xiumin has always known it, but now it's college English, which is still very different from junior high school, she can help her without even learning it?Even Xiu Min, who is usually very convinced by her, feels that Ding Wei is bragging at this moment.

But Ding Wei's self-confidence confuses Xiu Min again. Seeing this, Ding Wei stopped teasing her.

"When all our textbooks are released, I'll take a look at the textbooks first, and then we'll learn together and conquer together. I know you won't believe anything I say now. It's okay, and the future will last forever!"

After slacking off for a summer vacation, they didn't exercise in the morning and evening, and the beginning of school was high-intensity military training. After three days, both of them felt pain all over their bodies. This was completely a manifestation of lack of exercise.

Fortunately, both of them came from hard backgrounds, so they were able to endure hardships, gritted their teeth and survived, and even rode bicycles to and from get out of class every morning and evening.

Everyone else went back to the dormitory to rest at noon, and the two of them just casually leaned under the school tree for a while, taking a little rest, because time was tight, there was no need to go home again, and the result was this scene, which was seen by the school's life teacher.

After chatting, I found out that they were day students and didn't apply for a dormitory, so I said something casually.

"There are still beds in our school. You two can apply. Even if you are a day student, can you take a short break at noon?"

Ding Wei became interested, and carefully asked about the types of dormitories. After learning that there were single rooms and double rooms, Ding Wei immediately went to the counselor to ask for an application form. Others do not need to pay for accommodation, but Ding Wei applied for a double room. , the teacher needs to report and wait for approval, and clearly inform Ding Wei that she may have to pay.

"Okay, just pay the money, it doesn't matter, please teacher help us hurry up!"

In the end, because Ding Wei was so famous, the process was completed in only one afternoon. Instead of charging them, they were allocated a dormitory with a bathroom on the third floor with a balcony. Bed, wardrobe and desk, the room is very large, [-] square meters.

After Ding Wei and Xiu Min went to see it, they liked it very much, and they even had the urge to stay here instead of leaving. However, there are so many animals in the house, and it is impossible not to go back!

"This dormitory is really nice. I heard it's a high-ranking dormitory. I didn't expect it to be our turn. Isn't it enviable?"

Because the dormitory is so good, Xiumin is a little uneasy, but Ding Wei doesn't care.

"It's okay. I'll make up for the dormitory later. Even if we want to live in it, we have to live there as it should be. The dormitory can't pay much for a year. Don't put so much pressure on us. We will go home tonight." Pack the bedding, come here early tomorrow to make the bed, and there will be a place to rest at noon."

Ding Wei did what she said, and the price is not difficult to find out. The monthly rent for a dormitory that can only be afforded by qualified people is 120 yuan RMB, which is 60 yuan a year. The dormitory is [-] yuan, which is [-] yuan for two people.

To Ding Wei, it's not expensive at all, but to Xiu Min's ears, it's really not cheap, and she realizes the difference between having money and not having money.

Ding Wei advanced the money, took the initiative to pay the money, and got the receipt. The dormitory manager actually didn't understand it. Since the school doesn't charge any fees, why bother?
Ding Wei responded with a smile: "Teacher, we are day students, and we don't live here sooner or later. If people know that we are a waste of resources, it is not appropriate, and if the dormitory is tense one day, we may have to vacate. Rather than doing this, it’s better to pay the money and live in peace of mind, what do you think?”

Auntie Suguan didn't say anything, but she nodded appreciatively in her eyes: "If you need help, just come to me."

I have already taken a high look at them in my heart.

After completing the check-in procedures and taking the keys and receipt, Ding Wei and Xiu Min went home.

"The quilt my parents brought me can just be taken there and laid on. The 1.2-meter bed is a little too small, but it's enough. How about you? Is there any suitable one?"

The single bed is 1.2 meters wide, and the school dormitory is 0.9 meters wide, so the mattresses they made before were a little bit small.

"My parents also brought me a mat that I used to go to school. I thought I didn't have one, but there was one, maybe I thought I could use it. It's okay. We'll have dinner later, and we'll connect some more. It's just right. , it doesn’t take much trouble, the mattress has to be the right size to be comfortable.”

Ding Wei and the others bought two mats 1.2 meters wide and [-] meters long on the way back. They tidied up the mattresses and sheets tonight, and carried them over to sleep directly tomorrow.

The house is very clean. The two of them cleaned it up a little in the afternoon, and they can move other things slowly in the future.

Fortunately, there is a bathroom in the room, and there is a boiler in the corridor to directly connect the hot water. After receiving the hot water, you can directly take a shower in the bathroom. Compared with the multi-person dormitory, I don’t know how much more convenient it is.

For dinner, Ding Wei stirred some noodle soup, fried vegetables from the yard, served with tofu bought home, and baked two slices of scallion pancakes. The sisters ate very comfortably. Although it was simple, it tasted very good.

It was dark in summer, and it didn’t get dark until about eight o’clock. They spread mats outside after six o’clock, spread the mattresses on them, took them apart, and then dismantled the old mattresses brought by their parents, and patched them with old cotton. There are not enough strips of cloth in the two mattresses, and this method is also used to make up for it with old sheets.

Both of them have done this kind of work, which is nothing to the two of them, and they have already packed it before it got dark. Not only that, but also wrapped the mattress with a clean and tidy quilt cover, which is also convenient for changing and washing. It looks good when packed up, otherwise it's full of patches and it's embarrassing to look at.

The ingenious sisters packed up the mattress and brought two towel quilts at home. Because it is still hot, a towel quilt is enough for noon.

Pack everything up and put it aside, "Tomorrow we will buy four water bottles directly at the school, so that it will be more convenient to take a bath. There are also water basins and so on. Our school has them all, and we buy them at the school, so as to save the trouble of going back and forth!"

The school occupies a large area, so naturally there is a supply and marketing cooperative, toothpaste, toothbrush and toothbrush jars are available, and all of them do not require a ticket. The price is so cheap that there is really no need to buy it outside.

In summer, military training starts at six o'clock in the morning. Ding Wei and Xiu Min wake up at four o'clock, cook poached eggs, feed chickens and dogs, and then ride to school to clean up their dormitories, and gather at the playground before six o'clock .

After the one-and-a-half-hour military training, half an hour for meals, we gathered at each playground on time at eight o'clock. This time, it was four hours of military training. The sun in the afternoon was harsh, so we started looking for a place under the shade of trees after three o'clock. It takes almost two or three hours for training to end the day's training camp.

Sometimes they are pulled out for night training at night, but the two of them don't live on campus, so naturally they don't participate. This is probably the advantage of day students.

Fortunately, Ding Wei and Chen Xiumin's bodies are more coordinated, they don't lag behind in the military training, and they perform very well, especially Ding Wei, who is often called out to demonstrate to other students, because the movements are too standard, even the instructors can't I was very impressed, so when the instructor was resting, Ding Wei would be by the side to help take care of it and guide the students' movements.

At this time, a few senior seniors were wearing basketball uniforms, walking past the tree-lined road next to the playground, talking and laughing with basketballs in their arms, and immediately saw Ding Wei who was directing everyone's military training with a loud voice.

"Hey, look at that little girl, she stands there with a head lower than the boys, with a serious face, and she shouts the password loudly, does it seem like that?"

"This girl looks a little familiar, does she live in the same dormitory with us! I seem to have seen her recently."

The dormitory where Ding Wei lives has a total of six floors. The lower two floors are for boys, the third floor is for girls, and the fourth, fifth and sixth floors are currently vacant.

This dormitory building is a new building just built. It was constructed in 1980 and began to move in in [-]. Ding Wei and the others are the second class.

Those who can live in this dormitory are either rich or expensive, or they call it a high-ranking building. A university like Peking University does not rely on exams to get into it. There are many outstanding high-ranking children who are gilded here. , They have their own circle, which is out of reach of ordinary students on weekdays.

Generally, children from such families are not comparable to ordinary children, and the education they have received since childhood is also different. Even if their families were more or less affected in the past few years, this does not affect their development in recent years. , and the way forward.

On the first day Ding Wei moved in, she found many familiar faces. These faces will only be seen in the news broadcast in the future.

Subconsciously, she quickly lowered her head and walked away. She would never stay for a while. Even so, she would always leave some traces when she appeared in this dormitory building, so it is understandable for those people to think her face is familiar. Those people who come out and go in every day, even if they meet each other, it is also fate.

Ding Wei and Xiu Min live in the high-level building. Although they are already very low-key, the classmates still know about it and come to look for them one after another.

"Why are you so capable, you can even enter the high-ranking building? I heard that the facilities there are good, and there is a separate bathroom. Can you just take a shower in the dormitory instead of going to the bathroom?"

Ding Wei couldn't help laughing after hearing this: "Where is it so exaggerated, there is a bathroom, but bathing is still the same as everyone else, you have to fetch water to rinse, and you still have to go to the bathhouse in winter, but the sanitary conditions inside are relatively better than this." It’s better. We don’t have any room in the dormitory here, why don’t you live in a dormitory that costs [-] yuan a month instead of living there for free!”

As soon as they heard that there was still a fee, everyone's enthusiasm and envy instantly cooled down: "How could there be a fee?"

"Otherwise, what do you think, for no reason, and we are not big people, why should we let you live there? The fee is ten yuan a month, and five yuan each for the two of us. If we didn't want to go back at noon, we wouldn't have to pay this fee." It’s a matter, and the teacher also said that if the position is tight in the future, we have to vacate.”

After what Ding Wei said, those female students who envied them no longer said anything envious. After all, there is a difference between paid and free treatment, and they also take it for granted.

(End of this chapter)

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