The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1562 [1561] University grants

Chapter 1562 [1561] University grants

After the time entered September, the small merchants and peddlers who were known to be behind their backs dared to come to the main road. The key point is that no one has come to catch them. Does this mean that they have entered the business circle in advance?

The old capital has a lot of snacks, but it has kept a low profile for so many years, but it has suffocated the common people. As long as one person is safe and sound on the street, others will follow suit. For a while, Ding Wei and Xiu Min are satisfied. The two foodies, the [-]-minute journey from school to home, they can sometimes walk for more than an hour, there is no way, they want to buy everything they see, and they want to eat everything they see.

After buying and eating for a few days in a row, Xiu Min felt very distressed.

"No, no, no, we can't go on like this anymore, spending money every day without making money, it's too inappropriate,"

Ding Wei was amused when she heard this: "Why don't we earn money every month? Didn't the school give us 19.5 yuan of meal tickets every month? There is also a hardship subsidy of two yuan?"

Every person with a rural household registration has a hardship subsidy.

Ding Wei's household registration is in her hometown in the countryside, so she naturally has one.

Because everyone has it, no one will report that she is not fit to have the money.

In this day and age, anyone who can go to college is a good student with self-discipline. In addition to the subsidy given by the school every month, five or ten yuan sent from home is enough for a college student to live a good life.

Ding Wei didn't say anything, when her parents left, they left her 2000 yuan.

Xiumin also had 50 yuan from her parents as a base, and she also saved a dozen or so yuan in private money. With this money, and most of her daily life was covered by Ding Wei, she almost didn't spend it. No money, but she didn't keep her money either. She and Ding Wei's ticket money was put together, and they never shared each other's daily meals.

It is impossible for her to let Ding Wei spend money all the time, and it is unethical for her to save the money herself, so Ding Wei is not the only one who pays for the meal tickets and money for the two of them, at least when they were in school, it was all given by Xiu Min The money was given to buy a meal, and it didn't hurt Ding Wei's stomach. At least one meal was guaranteed to have a meat dish.

Ding Wei asked the publishing house to borrow [-] yuan. At least for two or three years, she will not receive any dividends, so she will have to live on her laurels during this period.

Of course, she has to wait until after the military training is over to find a new partner.

So when the time is right, she plans to do some business with Xiu Min on weekends, to save money and cover the expenses for a week. There is no way, who makes business easy in this era, as long as you do If the food is not unpalatable, there is a market for it.

That day Ding Wei was standing at the door of her house, looking at the inverted room, subconsciously picked up the ruler and asked Xiu Min to control the other end. She measured on the left, measured west, and worked for a long time. After putting away the ruler, Xiu Min asked: " What's the matter? What are you measuring this for?"

"There are four inverted houses in our house, and the door is on the far right. I want to open a counter in the one on the far left to sell things."

The courtyard house in their house is quite grand, not an ordinary courtyard house, because there are also inverted rooms and rear-covered rooms, and the complete courtyard layout is in the middle, with screen walls, verandahs, wing rooms, courtyards, and cross-courtyards, so if the front one is inverted Opening the facade of the main house does not affect the backyard. After all, the inverted house has a gate, and the main courtyard also has a gate. Even if you start a business, it will not affect the life behind.

Shichahai was originally a good place, bustling and full of people. She didn't need to go out to set up a stall at all. She only needed to open a shop in her own house, and she could master the know-how of the business independently.

But we can't be so arrogant now, we have to wait for the policy to be completely liberalized, and now we can clean up the front room first.

After hearing Ding Wei's thoughts, Xiu Min couldn't help but say something.

"How about you change all these four rooms, let's use one, and you will rent out the rest in the future? Anyway, if it is empty, it will be empty."

Ding Wei squinted her eyes, "That's right, it's a one-time change, why do you have to spend many times, if you can earn some rent money, it's enough for the two of us to live in daily life, it's a good idea, and my house It’s only about [-] square meters, and the key house is also high. They can completely change the layout of a building within a building, but... the craftsmanship is too complicated. I guess there is no such technology at present, and a small shop of [-] square meters can be built. Not too bad."

But if a good house is smashed up and replaced with a shop, let alone how much it costs, even the wall can be regarded as destroying cultural relics.

But if we don’t take advantage of the fact that the current policy has not been introduced to change it, and if we want to change it when the policy comes out, I’m afraid we won’t be able to change it.

Their house is facing the street, and it will be a prosperous shop in a few years. If they can plan to rent it out in advance, it might not be considered a business.

"This needs to be planned carefully. We usually pay attention when we go out and go in, to see if there are any shops around that have been remodeled like this. If so, we should also ask for the contact information of the decorator, so that we can easily find someone."

The so-called don't panic if you have enough food in your hand. Although she is not short of money now, it is true that she has not received money for a long time. Although she writes novels every day, she updates it every day, but it needs repeated revisions before it can be finalized. After the end, the first volume can be sent to the publishing house for review. During this period, she has no income.

In order to earn some pocket money, Ding Wei planned to see if she could take on a few translation jobs while she was in the publishing house.

There are few people who know foreign languages ​​in this day and age, so her opportunities will naturally increase.

The military training finally ended on September 9th, the performance was reported in the morning, and the afternoon was off. Today is Saturday, tomorrow is the weekend, and classes will start next Monday.

In order to reward them for half a month of hard work, the sisters went to the suburban countryside and bought a big goose, which was killed and brought home. The goose cost Ding Wei four yuan, and another two or three I bought a lot of farm vegetables for [-] yuan, and gave them ten yuan, and let others pick up the eggs for the rest.

I bought meat, eggs and vegetables for ten yuan, not to mention how cost-effective it is. There are twenty or thirty eggs for ten cents each. Although they don’t look too big, I cook two and eat them every morning. Enough to feed them for over a week.

The two sisters, who had returned home with a full load, happily returned home with ducks in their hands, just in time to run into Ding Lan who was waiting for them at the door.

"Oh, Sister Lan, it's time for you to come this time. Come in quickly and see that we bought a lot of food. Tonight I will cook you a big goose stew in an iron pot, and put some pancakes on the way. We can eat enough at once. These peppers are fresh!"

Ding Lan was dressed plainly and had a calm smile. Although she didn't like to talk very much, the words she said were gentle and nice. Coupled with her fair and gentle appearance, she aroused pity no matter how you looked at it.

"I heard at school that your military training is over, and I was afraid that there would be some arrangements for tomorrow, so I wanted to take a look at it in the afternoon, but I didn't expect it to happen. It happened to be very lively next to me, so I went out for a walk twice. I just sat down. Rest, you will be back soon."

Ding Wei gave Ding Lan a key when she got home, "Sister, next time you come, just open the door and come in. Our schools are not at the same time. You can come at any time. I will clean up a room for you in a while." . By the way, is that car outside your bicycle?"

"Yes, I bought a second-hand one at school. The school is too big, and it's too expensive to walk on two legs every day, so I just bought one, and I can sell it to my juniors after I graduate. Everyone cherishes the car, it looks quite new, and the key is that it is easy to ride.”

"Yes, you should buy one. Otherwise, it would be inconvenient to rely on two legs. If you take a bus, it will cost you money. Then my sister will come every weekend. Look, we bought a big one today. Goose, let's go see if there are any chickens or ducks next week, I heard that there are fish in the village!"

"That's kind." Ding Lan quickly helped Ding Wei clean up the kitchen. Xiu Min went to the small vegetable garden to pick some vegetables. This was the first time Ding Lan came here. It feels so comfortable because of the layout or something.

"I knew that my sister is a person who understands life. Look at how well the dogs and chickens are raised, and the yard is full of vegetables. The radishes and cabbages in autumn and winter are easy to eat, and there are a lot of them. , this come there are so many roosters?"

Ding Wei looked at Ding Lan with a wry smile: "Sister was deceived, so I bought ten hens in total, thinking that I would have to buy five hens in half, but it turned out to be a good thing, there were only four hens, and the rest were all chickens. Male, when they get bigger, we can kill them and eat them, so as to save them from crowing every day and making the neighbors dissatisfied."

"Can't you tell the difference? No matter how small the chicken is, you can actually tell the difference. Are the four hens enough? If not, take me next time and I'll help you choose,"

"I'm too lazy to look, you don't know that the old man and the old lady have two picks, all of which are densely packed with little yellow chickens, I am dazzled by seeing them, so I don't bother to pick them, and the ones they sell are indeed not expensive, and the eggs cost a dime apiece , These little chickens cost [-] cents. I bought ten of them for five yuan. I thought it was a good deal, so I didn’t look carefully. Four hens are enough, and it’s not enough to raise too many hens. I have to think about it every day. When I have a chance later, I can buy two more ducks, that’s enough.”

"In such a big yard, you have planted these old vegetables. You should feed some chickens and ducks. At least it is more convenient for you to eat eggs. I originally wanted to do some work during the winter and summer vacations, earn some money, and subsidize the family, but because there is no I live somewhere else, so I stopped thinking about it. Now that my sister’s place is so big, my sister is not welcome. I have to do some tutoring work this winter vacation. We are a normal school, and many parents nearby come to us to teach their children extra lessons. "

"What's wrong with that? Sister, I still want my parents to come here to celebrate the New Year this year. If you don't win, you can let my uncle and aunt come here too. Our two families will spend the New Year together. By the way, you can also come here." Let them come over and see how lively the temple fair in this old capital is, anyway, there is not much work around the end of the year."

Ding Lan was so embarrassed, she just smiled and said, "Don't worry, we'll talk about it later."

In her heart, she didn't want to bother Ding Wei and the others. She was already embarrassed to borrow the room by herself. If the whole family came here together, wouldn't the second room also come?The three rooms are added together, and they all come to live in the place rented by others, which is not suitable, not suitable.

Ding Lan is wearing a white floral shirt, blue trousers and black cloth shoes, two braids hanging in front of her chest, and a red headband tied to her tail. Coupled with her big bright eyes, fair and rosy skin, she is quite bright and beautiful of contemporary female college students.

Ding Wei turned around after chopping the goose meat, and her sister in the sun was squatting on the horses outside to wash the vegetables, which was very beautiful.

"Sister Lan, why do you look so good-looking? You're getting better and better. Is there a boy who likes you?"

Ding Wei washed her hands, leaned over and winked at Ding Lan, making her face turn red.

"Why do you say that you are in love? Our family is from the countryside, and we are going back to our house after graduating from college. At this time, the person we are talking about is irresponsible to me. Someone chased me, but I didn't agree. I think I will It’s better to find a local one, so that I can still see my parents often, if I want to find someone from other places, I will be raised so much by my parents in vain.”

"Sister is right, but with your level, even if you want to assign work in the future, you will definitely be assigned to L City, and you will not be assigned to our county seat. Maybe you will have the opportunity to return to the provincial capital, just like picking lotus. Sister, didn't you just go to school in the provincial capital and be assigned to work in the city?"

"No matter where you are assigned, I finally have a reward for my parents' hard work over the years. I am a junior this year, and I will graduate in one year. My sister... I am afraid that I will have to study for many years?"

"Well, the school has said that graduate students will be established in the past few years. In the future, it may be a combination of undergraduate, master, and Ph. The road to study medicine is long and difficult, and I have no other demands now, since I have chosen this line of work, let me learn slowly!"

"Our school also mentioned the graduate student you mentioned, but I am the only one who teaches. Have you graduated and started school?"

"Why is it unnecessary? If my sister wants to continue to take the exam, then continue to take the exam. Teaching junior high school and high school is obviously different from teaching university. If you can go to university to teach in the future, sister, it will be much easier. You have more free time, really, I sincerely suggest that you continue to take the entrance exam,"

Those who graduate from a university can teach high school at most, but if they graduate from a graduate school, they can definitely teach in universities.

Compared with the campus environment, atmosphere, and the burden of teachers, Ding Lan's university is obviously much better, and she has more spare time, and there are winter and summer vacations every year. There is no need to get up early and late to participate in self-study in the morning and evening.

With such a comparison, what is unclear?

Ding Lan pursed her lips, and there was a gleam in her eyes, probably because she knew how she should go next.

Ding Lan is a third-year student in the Chemistry Department of Capital Normal University. She studied Chinese Linguistics at first, and later she applied for the Chemistry Department. Very assertive, Ding Wei admires her very much.

Although Ding Lan took the liberal arts in the college entrance examination, but fortunately her science is not bad, if not for her good grades, it would not be so easy to achieve the transfer department.

Three people stewed a big goose in an iron pot, with cornmeal pancakes. In this pot of ground goose, there were also potato cubes, onion cubes, dried peppers and fresh peppers. The three sisters who ate straight were sweating all over.

When Ding Lan came, there was a big bagful of melons. These melons were already the last batch. Some of them were broken when cut open, but most of them tasted very sweet. I would come to eat melons after eating. How refreshing.

The dog at home is very good, and he also runs wildly in the yard with a round belly because of eating bones.

After dinner, Xiu Min went to clean up, and Ding Wei took Ding Lan to the house to clean up for her.

"My parents asked Brother Xiangfeng to bring me a lot of bedding rolls last time. They just thought that we have several empty rooms here. If anyone wants to come, I can make do with sleeping, so I won't use them all,"

Ding Lan looked around the room, except for a plank bed, there was only a table that looked a bit worn out, but it was clean.

"Have you all cleaned it? My windows are really clean, and there are no cobwebs or anything in the house. Although there is only one bed and one table, it is a little rough, but the ground is sprinkled clean, sister, let me You're paying attention, but this house is really nice, is it really only five yuan a month's rent?"

"Yes sister, it's only five yuan a month. If it's too much, I can't afford to rent it as a student. In fact, it is rented to me. In fact, it is for me to help look after the house. The whole family has gone abroad, so I can't afford it. I don’t know when I’ll be back, I rented it to someone else, I’m afraid it’s not easy to get it back in the future, so I rented it to me, a foreigner who has no roots in the local area and doesn’t have so many things, he is more clear than us.”

"That's really a good deal, so good people are rewarded. Back then, my parents said that uncle and uncle took too much risk, and gave them food, drink and housing. If they were found out, it would be great. At that time, But no one thought they would stand up and give us such a big favor."

"Isn't that the reason? Back then, no one thought about asking them to repay anything. They also thought it was not easy for them old people. They are so old and have to do so much work. People's hearts are full of flesh...,"

That's what I said, but only Ding Wei knew that their family didn't take advantage of these people, and they didn't give them anything in return. They only said that if they had the opportunity to come to their territory in the future, they would do their best as landlords .

Thinking about it now, there is a little bit of human touch in doing things. Under normal circumstances, even if you don’t give money, you should still send something over.

But no, nothing, nothing but a few dry letters, and fortunately their family is not short of their returns.

Maybe it's because they don't like their muddy legs anymore after they go back, maybe they really want to wait for them to come to the door by themselves, no matter what the reason is, they won't talk about the past in this room .

If it is true, they also helped Dad a lot in those years. Without their guidance, Dad would not be able to become the master of the machinery factory. This is worth the kindness and love of these years!
And Dad chose to carry them out at this time because of credibility, which is more convincing than letting them make up reasons for no reason, and it is also a way for Dad to protect her in disguise.

(End of this chapter)

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