The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1572 [1571] Meeting Wen Ke again

Chapter 1572 [1571] Meeting Wen Ke again

After handing in the manuscript and getting back the translation, Ding Wei closed herself up again, feeding the chickens and ducks every day and teasing the dog. The rest of the time was spent translating the manuscript to earn living expenses. tenth day.

Ding Wei didn't expect Xiu Min to come so early. She thought it would be the twelfth day of the first lunar month at the earliest, but she didn't expect that she would arrive early in the morning on the eleventh day of the first month. Calculating the time, she started preparations on the seventh day of the first month. It took two or three days to come to her side, and she was very moved.

"I'm sorry, baby, I delayed you at home for the New Year. Look, you were asked to come so early. Will godfather and godmother say anything?"

"Oh my God, why are you being polite to me? Godfather and godmother came to my house with things and asked me to come early. In fact, even if your father and mother don't come, I plan to come here on the tenth day of the lunar new year. I was worried about disturbing you, now that they say it, how can I stay?"

"When I came home this time, I gave my dad a good face. My dad is in a good mood. He has always regarded you as the lucky star of my family. My mother also asked me to treat you better. Your parents are so polite. Come to visit with presents to pay New Year’s greetings, tell me, can they not let them go? Not only that, but this time, my dad actually gave me [-] quick bucks, which is [-] bucks more than last semester, and he even gave it to me personally The train station I went to was something that was simply impossible before."

Ding Wei listened happily from the side: "Do you just wait for people to ask, where do you go to school? Then you can show off?"

Xiu Min gave her a thumbs up in surprise: "You are really good, it can be counted, really, at the train station, I was blushing and embarrassed, my dad was still there like drinking Dafa, blowing non-stop , I've never been so embarrassed in my life."

As Xiu Min spoke, she started to feel her goosebumps, but Ding Wei said.

"It's normal. During the summer vacation, he was supposed to have a good face, but you followed me to the capital. This time when you go home, he will definitely not let go of any chance to give him a proud face. There will be many such scenes in the future. Don't worry, you must be the best and most capable person in your family, maybe in the future, everyone in your village will have to go to Beijing to see you."

"My god, my dad doesn't even dare to brag like that, why are you exaggerating more than him?"

Xiumin is an honest and responsible child, Xiao shouldn't have thought about it, she has never thought about it in her mind, how could she have thought that Ding Wei would be more exaggerated than her father?
However, Ding Wei shook her head with a smile, probably only she knew that Xiu Min's future was beyond their imagination?
How beautiful is a college student in this era, they are graduates of the best universities in the country, this opportunity is even more precious, and Ding Wei has another idea, in the future, if she can win the opportunity to study abroad, she will leave it to Chen Xiumin, Who made her her mother?
No one knows better than her how difficult it is to get a place to study abroad at public expense. But once the place is in her hands, no one can interfere with how to deal with it. At worst, she will sell it to the country for the rest of her life.

She has been brilliant for more than one life until the end, but Chen Xiumin is different. It is very difficult for her to get such an opportunity. If so, then she will help her realize it first. Two people fighting for it are better than one person fighting alone. So, this is also the main reason why she insists on teaching her to learn English.

The language barrier is the primary problem faced by their generation of college students. She must use the five years of university to solve the difficulties one by one, so that she will not cry in embarrassment even if she studies abroad in the future.

Xiumin also brought back a lot of delicious food this time, all of which are her grandmother's best, such as fried sesame candy, sweet and salty food, balls and so on.

At first, Xiu Min was worried that she would dislike it, but Ding Wei picked it up and ate it, sighing as she ate.

"Well, that's the smell, the old smell in my memory, it's so good!"

Sensing Xiu Min's puzzled eyes, Ding Wei hastened to remedy it.

"Oh, what I'm talking about is that I've eaten this flavor at your house before, so I'm still thinking about it. Don't say it, it's really delicious. It's a pity that I couldn't give New Year greetings to my godmother in person this year. When I have a chance later, we two Let’s get together, have a table, and connect with each other.”

Xiu Min was moved by these words, and of course, she was even more curious.

"Why Weiwei, in fact, I have never understood why you treat me so well? From the day you transferred to our elementary school, I began to wonder. You seem to be the only one who treats me unusually, and it has been the same for decades. Good day, what kind of virtue and ability do I have to make you work so hard, and even push me to the Capital University? This is simply not something ordinary people can do, why? Tell me the reason, please?"

Ding Wei was not surprised that Chen Xiumin would ask such a question, and even thought it was a bit late for her to ask. If she didn't know how to say it before, then now, she is more calm.

"It's very simple. Before I transferred to your elementary school, I had a long, long dream. When I woke up, I remembered my mother's name was Chen Xiumin without remembering anything. As a result, the next day I I just heard this name at school, do you think I can't be excited?"

In fact, Ding Wei has said it more than once, like dreaming, but every time she thinks it is a joke, but this time...

She actually had an indescribable feeling, as if this was the case.

Asking you over and over again, and replying to you over and over again, makes you feel real and unbelievable.

In the end, such speculation turned into an exclamation: "No wonder I'm so tired. I was your mother in the previous life. Then you must treat me better. It's not in vain that I loved you so much in the previous life. By the way, Did I treat you well before?"

Ding Wei shook her head, "I don't remember, I just remember your name, I can't remember anything else, but if you treat me badly, I won't talk about you like that, are you right? "

So the two sisters returned to the days of laughing and joking and fighting. Judging from Xiu Min's reaction, she might never bring up this matter again in the future. Maybe her doubts in her heart have been completely dispelled. Or maybe it's true or not, and it's hard to tell. No matter what, she treats her well, and the world can learn from it. No one needs to doubt this. She knows it well, so there is nothing to say.

Sure enough, the days with Xiumin passed quickly, the two of them were playing and laughing, and it was the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.

On the eve of the Lantern Festival, Ding Wei went to a department store with Xiu Min, bought sesame, peanut, white sugar and glutinous rice flour, and rolled forty or fifty yuan by herself when they got home. There were so many that they couldn't finish a meal, so they wanted to give it away. However, he was afraid of food problems and causing unnecessary troubles, so he simply ate Yuanxiao from the fifteenth day of the first lunar month to the sixteenth day of the first lunar month, eating Yuanxiao for three meals a day, which can be regarded as eating up this little Yuanxiao.

Xiu Min patted her stomach after finishing her work and sighed to Ding Wei: "I won't do so much next year, this time I'll have enough to eat."

On the evening of the sixteenth, the two sisters went to the bathhouse to take a shower, scrub themselves clean, and welcome the first day of school on the eighteenth day of the first month.

Compared to others, the two of them started school really easily. They just rode their bicycles to the dormitory, put the quilts on the balcony to dry, cleaned the house to see what was missing, went to the school supply and marketing agency to buy everything, and then school started.

The two of them had a good relationship on weekdays, and they even bought candies to visit the students who had just arrived in the same professional dormitory. Everyone sat and chatted until the sun went down, went back to the dormitory to collect the quilt, made the bed, and then rode back home .

On the early morning of the [-]th day of the first lunar month, the two of them returned to the state before the holiday, but they did not expect that the substitute professor of histology and embryology this semester would be Wen Ke who had a relationship with Ding Wei once. When the professor came to the podium, Ding Wei, who was sitting in the front row, suddenly felt caught.

Ding Wei was already good-looking, and she was sitting in the front row. Although Wen Ke was wearing glasses, he recognized Ding Wei at a glance when calling the roll.

When Ding Wei bowed her head in embarrassment, Teacher Wen Ke had already tapped a classmate's name with a light smile.

After class, Ding Wei felt embarrassed, and took the initiative to slow down the students by a step, and let Xiu Min go first. Professor Wen also saw her, and deliberately waited for her to go by organizing the paperwork.

"Little girl is amazing. Today I know you. It turns out that you are the number one student in Henan Province who was robbed by two schools. In the end, our school lost. You are really amazing. I heard that you were admitted to Kyoto University at the age of 15." !"

Ding Wei felt even more embarrassed when she heard this: "Professor Wen, I'm sorry, I..."

"Hey~ You're not wrong, you don't know me, and you can't explain everything clearly with your mouth. I understand this, so you don't have to take it to heart. It just so happens that I will take your embryology class for you this semester. In the future, you will also You are my student, I am very happy to meet you, and I am proud to have such an excellent child like you!"

Then Professor Wen casually asked Ding Wei some general knowledge, which was related to the theoretical knowledge involved in freshmen and sophomores. Unexpectedly, Ding Wei not only answered, but also perfectly and systematically, which really surprised Professor Wen, and finally couldn't help it Exclamation.

"You child, you are born to learn the material of this subject. I have seen a genius, but I have never seen a genius like you. I hope we will have the opportunity to cooperate in the future."

The scope of cooperation is very wide. Ding Wei was so flattered and astonished. After all, Wen Ke is a talent who has returned from studying in the United States, and he is also a surgical expert who is competing to be favored by major hospitals. It is really considered to be favored by such a professor. Lucky for her.

This also meant that as long as she performed well enough, it would be easy to recommend her to a graduate student.

Back in the dormitory, Xiu Min didn't ask, and Ding Wei didn't take the initiative to bring it up. This can be regarded as a tacit understanding between them.

I thought there were no scholarships in this era, but I didn’t expect that a week later, the red list was posted. Ding Wei’s total scholarships, big and small, exceeded 100 yuan. In this era, ten yuan is considered a big ticket, not to mention It's ten cards of Great Unity, plus eight yuan, a total of one hundred and eight yuan. This is the first one in the whole department.

Although Xiumin is not as good as Ding Wei, she also received a scholarship of 26 yuan. Not only did she not feel disappointed, she was also happy because she could share the accommodation expenses with Ding Wei. She pooled 26 yuan for the 24 yuan, a total of 50 yuan, and gave it to Ding Wei.

She didn't want to be in debt to Ding Wei all the time, so as long as she found a chance to pay it back, she would not hesitate to take out the money to pay off the debt.

Ding Wei didn't pretend to be polite either, and pretended to be humble. No, as long as Xiu Min gave it, she would take it, because she knew that if Xiu Min gave it out, it would prove that she still had money in hand, so why should she be polite?
If you want a long-lasting friendship, you should allow each other to contribute to each other. If only one party contributes and the other party enjoys the benefits, then they will not persist for so many years. Therefore, everything is mutual, which is the basic principle of life.

In this era, there are not so many large and small clubs, and there is no need to rely on club activities to earn credits, so the students basically spend their spare time in the library. Ding Wei and Xiumin are also based on the courses of the day. Where I don’t understand, I will go to the library to figure it out before leaving. Basically, I have to go home, it’s nothing more than morning and night.

However, the school time was a little late that day, and they returned by bicycle after dark, which was actually only eight o'clock in the evening.

This may not be too late in later generations, but in this era, in the big northern cities that go to bed at six or seven o'clock, when the north wind blows, people shiver and hide at home to keep warm. Regardless of the severe cold, the gangster rode his bicycle around the streets, and he didn't know when he had his eye on her and Xiu Min.

So, the two of them were stopped.

Xiu Min was terrified, because the other party's tone was frivolous, and they would strike up all kinds of conversations, one of them, the greasy-looking one, made even more rude remarks.

"Hey, you don't sleep at night, and you are riding a bicycle waiting for your brother on the street? You look pretty good-looking. Seeing that you are coming from the direction of Beijing University, is it possible that you two are still college students? Brother is not in a good mood today. Otherwise, how about the two of you going to have a drink or two with your brothers? Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll have a delicious meal, and a spicy drink.”

How could Ding Wei, who had seen the big scene, be frightened by four or five punks?

She got out of the car calmly, and stopped Xiu Min behind her. Xiu Min held onto the corner of her clothes tightly, a little frightened and worried about her safety. Ding Wei was moved by this small gesture, and patted her comfortingly. clap her hands.

"It's okay, don't be afraid, I'm here!"

"You also know that it's getting late, and my sister and I have to go home quickly, or my brother and the others should come out to look for us, please make room for me, I will buy some cigarettes and alcohol for you when I am free." past."

The pink-faced man in the lead is not tall, just over 1.7 meters tall, and the few behind him are not short, they are all above this man, and their smiles are wretched, no matter how greasy they look, she also clearly knows that there are so many The social atmosphere in [-] was very bad, especially those unemployed vagrants who returned to the city, and they were even caught on the streets.

Although Ding Wei still didn't know their origins, her words caused several people to roar with laughter.

"Who doesn't know that the two of you live alone, what brother, you can brag about you, in a word, will you come with us? If you come with us obediently, I guarantee that you two will be fine for the time being, but if you don't Come with us, don't blame the brothers for being rude!"

(End of this chapter)

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