The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1584 [1583] Grab a seat on the train

Chapter 1584 [1583] Grab a seat on the train

In an ordinary family, there are no sisters and brothers who say they don't quarrel, and fights are common. The reason why Ding Wei has never touched Ding Xiang since she was a child is that she is very caring for her, because she Treating Ding Xiang like a child, pampering her, and having so many lifetimes of experience in life, she can't beat her sister violently no matter what.

So now that Ding Xiang sees Bai Zhi beating Lu Ying, and the latter is running away in a hurry in the yard, being confused is second. The key is that Lu Ying feels a little useless, and Ding Wei explained in time at this time.

"This is not cowardice. This is also a kind of reverse tolerance from the younger brother to the older sister. After all, he is a boy. If he stretches out his hand to hit the older sister, wouldn't it be outrageous? This kind of chicken-flying way is warmer on the contrary, you guys Look carefully at Sister Bai Zhi's movements, did she really do it? It's just a show! It looks powerful, but it's actually like playing."

After Ding Wei's explanation of how the siblings get along, Ding Xiang understood a little bit, and Tan Yue was full of envy.

"Although I am the eldest daughter, those younger brothers and sisters not only refused to kiss me, but also sued me for crimes. When they saw me being beaten by my stepmother, they were so excited that they even handed me a hand to greet me. I have never experienced the relationship between brothers and sisters, and I think it is all hypocrisy. I have grown up so much, and I only know that your brothers and sisters have a good relationship, but today I realized that probably only my family can have such vicious brothers and sisters. ?”

Ding Xiang quickly grabbed her hand: "Look, you're here again, didn't you leave that family long ago?"

Tan Yue's eyes were already red. Recalling the past, when she had a sore nose, she couldn't control her emotions. She hurriedly turned around and went to the kitchen, and Ding Xiang hurriedly followed, "Yueyue, it's all over now. , don't think about them."

"Although I separated from my father, my stepmother, and my vicious younger siblings, I only lived with my grandparents for two or three years. As soon as they left, my sister-in-law asked me to drop out of school and let me I work, I work as I work, I should, but I don’t eat well and sleep poorly, and from time to time I gossip with my uncle. My cousins ​​and cousins ​​feel that I am a foreigner from the bottom of my heart. Forget it, you even insulted me with words, all the money lost at home was blamed on me, and my concubine knew I didn't get it, but she still wanted to beat me, is that ridiculous?"

Tan Yue's anger didn't dissipate because of time or the sadness of leaving. Ding Xiang understood and just hugged her silently.

"Then let's show our personal life to those who look down on you. Don't worry, with my sister here, you will definitely be able to pass the exam. Regarding the issue of household registration, we will figure out a solution together in the future. My dad can still say it on the street. It’s worth talking about. When the time comes, we will find someone to see if we can get your hukou out separately. In fact, it’s not that difficult. As long as you go to school, the hukou will be transferred out along with your school status? My sister Cailian used to After being admitted to a technical secondary school, he was transferred out, and after being admitted to a junior college, he was transferred to the school where the junior college was located."

With Ding Xiang's comforting words, Tan Yue felt much more comfortable in her heart, which also strengthened her motivation to study.

The ticket Lu Ying bought was from Beiping to Changshi, because his father and brothers all work in City C, while his mother, grandfather, and grandma live in Baihe Town at the foot of Changbai Mountain. pregnancy.

Therefore, they need to settle in City C first, and then they can go to Changbai Mountain to see it.

Ding Wei brought a few thick clothes for mountain climbing, and spring and autumn clothes and summer clothes. After tidying up, there were only two bags. Fortunately, the siblings didn't have much luggage, so they could help her carry it.

When I was leaving, no one gave me a ride, I just took the bus and left, because it was summer, and it was not easy to bring food, so I took lunch boxes and bought something to eat on the bus.

Although I couldn't get a sleeper ticket, the main reason was that I didn't have enough qualifications. In this day and age, sleeper tickets are all powerful people. Ordinary people, even if they have money, can't buy it, even if they get on the car to make up for it.

Ding Wei didn't bother about the ticket price that Lu Ying paid for the ticket, because the distance was far away, at least a dozen yuan, and she planned to buy more gifts for the elders after getting off the bus.

There are a lot of people in the waiting hall, people with children, people with children, old people, young people, everyone has big bags and small bags, and they are too crowded to carry.

In this case, there is no such thing as a standing ticket or a sitting ticket. It all depends on who runs fast. The one who runs ahead will naturally occupy the seat, and the one who runs behind should stand all the way.

The two sisters took all their luggage with them and asked Lu Ying to run forward to occupy a seat. They ran all the way from the waiting hall to the carriage. Without contact information, Lu Ying only told them.

"Remember to go backwards for a while, don't get on the carriage leaning on the stairs, go as far as you can, the farther away there are fewer people, I'll take the seat, you go slowly, don't panic,"

After Lu Ying explained, as soon as the ticket gate opened, he started to sprint down at a speed of [-] meters. Ding Wei and Bai Zhi carried their luggage and walked forward along the flow of people. Even if they didn't want to go so fast, the crowd behind would push them away. With you go forward.

The two remembered Lu Ying's explanation. They went down the stairs and walked towards the tail of the train. Every exit was crowded with people. It was easy to identify which compartment he was in. When the sisters were about to find a compartment with fewer people and climb up, they saw Lu Ying open a window and waved at them desperately.

Ding Wei hurried over with the small luggage, handed it to him to put it on the luggage rack, and then she and Bai Zhi climbed into the car with the large luggage.

When the two sisters were out of breath and saw that they had already occupied three seats and the good one by the window, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Sister, Weiwei, you're exhausted, come and sit down, you two sit by the window, I'll sit next to you."

There are two seats here. Lu Ying took the small luggage and occupied the two seats by the window and the table, and when she chose to sit next to Bai Zhi, she greeted her impatiently to Ding Wei's side.

"You stink, don't touch me, look at your sweat, wipe it off quickly."

While talking here, a tall young man in a straight military uniform sat next to Bai Zhi, "Lesbian, is there anyone here?"

Bai Zhi looked up, ho, what a handsome face, subconsciously shook her head.

"No, no one, please sit down."

The soldier was also sweating from running. After thanking him, he put his luggage on the luggage rack, and then sat down panting. Obviously, he came all the way. Not long after they sat down, the entire carriage was full. , In less than 10 minutes, it was bustling with people, just like a vegetable market, it was too lively, and in addition to the hot weather, everyone was sweating.

Ding Wei kept wiping her face with a handkerchief. Seeing Lu Ying rubbing sweat directly with the short sleeves on her elbows, she couldn't help frowning, and took out a clean handkerchief from the cloth bag she carried with her and handed it over.

"You should wipe it too, look how hot you are!"

Lu Ying glanced at the clean handkerchief, worried that it would get dirty, and was about to refuse when Ding Wei wiped his forehead directly and threw it to him.

"I still have some, you can use it anyway, wipe it off quickly, if it's too hot, just wash it off, the cold water will make you face."

The soldier on the opposite side was sitting upright, obviously very hot, but after seeing him calm down, he stopped sweating, which is also a state.

Because they were not familiar with each other, they didn't speak. Instead, they waited for the people in the carriage to stabilize before starting to pack their luggage. Put everything that could be put on it, and put it under their feet. They were all fruits and lunch boxes taken along the way. and some dry food.

The windows of the old-fashioned trains can be opened, but the train has not started yet, so the heat in the compartment is like a steamer.

July is the hottest time. Because of the heat, people in the carriage are in a bad mood, and many people even complain about the crowd.

It's the summer vacation season, and there are more young people than old people. Within 10 minutes after the soldiers sat down, an old man and an old lady moved to the side of the house. The sound that came out was harsh.

Just as the soldier grabbed the luggage next to him and was about to stand up, sister Bai Zhi, who Ding Wei hadn't paid attention to, suddenly grabbed his clothes.

"What are you going to do? You have to take care of my sprained ankle. Sit down, and you are not allowed to go anywhere, and you two, don't think that he should give way to you because he is wearing a military uniform. You are still hurting, who are you giving the signal to? If you really can’t stand, go to the conductor to see if there is a sleeper that can make up the fare. We have to sit for more than ten or twenty hours, so we can’t let you. ,"

"Hey, you little girl, why are you talking so badly? Did I ask you to give way? Look at what you can do, what do you look like? They haven't said anything yet, so why are you bluffing? "

"If I don't bluff, he will give up his position. Don't you just see him wearing this military uniform to suppress him morally? I'll tell you today, we won't give up this position, and he is still wounded. Well, why, you have to put his injuries on the surface, so you don't bully, right? It's been hard enough to defend the country for so many years, and at the end of the car, I have to give way to you, why? ? They all came up with the same money, but we just won’t let them,”

"Forget it, stop arguing, me,"

"Shut up, sit down if you are told, there is no place for you to talk here, I have the final say on today's matter."

Ding Wei was stunned by Bai Zhi's domineering words, and silently gave her thumbs up in her heart.

When the old man and old lady were run away by Bai Zhi, the soldier looked deeply at Bai Zhi, hesitated for a long time to say thank you, but couldn't say it.

Bai Zhi also knew what he was worried about, so she just looked up at him.

"They have hands and feet, and their bodies are very strong. There is no need to give up their positions. Don't be too talkative."

The soldier nodded silently, but kept a sitting posture until Bai Zhi handed Ding Wei a cucumber to quench his thirst, and then said a word.

"His back should be injured, so he can't lean up like us,"

Before Ding Wei curiously asked how she knew this person was injured, Bai Zhi said it herself.

"The smell of medicine on his body is stronger than the smell of sweat. I think it's hard to pretend not to know!"

Ding Wei sniffed and said that she didn't smell anything except the smell of sweat. Maybe Bai Zhi was sensitive to the smell of traditional Chinese medicine, so she could smell it immediately. No wonder she wanted to stand up for this person. Not to mention, in the situation just now, he will definitely have to give up his position in the end.

When the train is moving, all the windows are opened, and the two-way wind produces convection, which cools the entire carriage.

"Comrade, where are you going?"

I saw this man with a strong figure, dark skin, but a resolute and handsome appearance, politely said to Bai Zhi.

"Changshi, you too?"

Bai Zhi nodded, "Yes, we just had a holiday and went home, that's just right, I will protect you along the way, no one will kidnap you morally to give up your position."

"Actually..., it doesn't matter, my injury is also healed,"

"Your external injuries are almost healed, but are you sure you're healed from the internal injuries? Don't be too pushy sometimes. You came to the capital this time to see a doctor, and now you are returning to work?"

The man looked at Bai Zhi in surprise: "You can see that too?"

Lu Ying said a lot: "She is a medical student, why can't you tell, but you are lucky. My sister seldom meddles in business. I'm afraid it's because you are a soldier. It's not easy."

"Shut up, you don't talk, no one thinks you are dumb, but you should take care of others along the way, and I will take care of Weiwei."

Lu Ying curled her lips, "Got it!" Then with a smile on her face, she chatted with him familiarly.

The soldier's name is Wan Jiahe, he works in Changshi, and his family belongs to Shendu. Naturally, they don't ask about the specific unit.

But when Ding Wei heard that his family belonged to Shendu, she was overjoyed.

"I didn't recognize your voice. I thought you were from Northeast Nagada. After all, your accent is clearly northeast."

"I've been in Changshi for more than ten years, and it's normal for my accent to be assimilated. You, are you also from the capital of God?"

Ding Wei nodded, and Wan Jiahe was quite surprised: "You speak Mandarin very well, and I didn't realize that you are from Shendu."

"All three of you go to school in the capital? College students?"

Lu Ying nodded, "Yes, we are all medical students. If you don't mind, can I take your pulse?"

Wan Jiahe handed over his hand almost without hesitation, but still couldn't believe Ding Wei's immature face.

"I thought you were a high school student, but I didn't expect you to be a college student,"

"This girl skipped a grade before. You see, she is young, and she is indeed not big. We who study medicine have been studying for a long time. She is younger and has more advantages. You don't look too old, but you say you You have been in the Northeast for more than ten years, have you been a soldier for more than ten years?"

Wan Jiahe nodded, "Well, I joined the army when I was a teenager,"

But they didn’t mention the extra words. Ding Wei and the others also knew that soldiers had the rules of soldiers, so they didn’t ask too much, but because of this sick number, Lu Ying took good care of him, because the result after taking the pulse made Lu Ying become a A naughty old lady.

"You are really joking. Your attending doctor dares to let you out of the hospital. You dare to run over to grab a seat when you are so weak? What do you think? Your pulse is weak, do you know that? Although you are a soldier, you have good physical fitness. , but you can’t play like this. Judging by your face, not only is your pulse condition unstable, but even your blood has not been adjusted. This time, you have lost too much blood. What do you think? You’re a sleeper, and you ran over to sit on a hard seat, and you haven’t changed your clothes, so I suspect you don’t have any other clothes to wear.”

Although the clothes don't have epaulets or anything, they look a bit old and don't fit well. At first glance, they are wearing comrades-in-arms. However, there are tasks for others, and ordinary people like them are not easy to interfere, but it has aroused Lu Ying's heart for the Virgin , along the way, he really took good care of Wanjiahe.

It is also to provide hot water for others, and to buy food for others, and it is just a matter of going to the toilet.

Wan Jiahe concluded: "You two are very suitable to be doctors." Nosy!

Ding Wei pursed her lips and snickered, Bai Zhi cast him a blank stare: "You really have no conscience, why are you meddling?"

"Very well, the three of you have worked hard this journey,"

Ding Wei quickly waved her hand: "You don't need to thank me, I didn't help much, but what Lu Ying said is that you should pay more attention to your physical problems, and don't ignore your own health problems just because you are in a hurry to go back. Both brothers are soldiers, I hope you can be like them, always healthy and healthy, "

"Thank you, I will." Although Wan Jiahe didn't talk much, he really took the words of the siblings to heart.

Although the smell in the carriage was not so bad after the train started, it was really not suitable for sleeping because of the loud noise. In addition, the weather was hot, and the mood would inevitably become depressed. I didn’t feel comfortable after eating cucumbers and tomatoes until the conductor pushed Ding Wei felt that she had seen a savior when she drove the car over to sell iced soda.

Orange-flavored soda costs [-] cents a bottle in the capital, and [-] cents for the bottle is refunded. On the train, [-] cents is [-] cents, and [-] cents for the bottle is also refunded. You only need to return it to the next conductor, which is equivalent to It's five cents more expensive, but it's acceptable.

Lu Ying bought four bottles at once, and just gave them one dollar, but Wan Jiahe declined, saying that they would not drink anything.

When a little fat man next to him heard this, he cried and asked his parents for a soda drink. Lu Ying laughed when he heard that the parent asked the child to come over to ask for it.

"Boy, I can give it to you, but if I let you. Mom bring me twenty-five cents, my brother will give it to you, okay? If you don't give me the money, I can't give you this bottle of soda,"

"Then doesn't this uncle not drink? Why can't you give it to me?"

"It's our business whether he drinks it or not. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with you, right? Whether he drinks it or not is our business. Why should I give you this soda? I don't know you, so why should I give it to you?" ?”

"If you don't give it, you won't give it. Why are there so many nonsense? Zhuang Zhuang, come here, let's not drink soda, drink soda and have diarrhea, you are just right, don't have to take medicine and injections again, come here, mom still has biscuits here, let's eat biscuits, "

"I don't want cookies, I want soda, I want soda, soda, woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo,"

The kid howled, and everyone in the car looked at the child's mother. Unexpectedly, the child's mother pushed the bear child to Lu Ying.

"You made him cry, you are responsible for coaxing him!"

(End of this chapter)

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