The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1588 [1587] Pass the male but not the female

Chapter 1588 [1587] Pass the male but not the female
The Lu family obviously has some contacts in the People's Hospital. When Ding Wei passed by, she found that Lu Ying was living in a single ward. The house was still a suite, with a sofa, not to mention the accompanying bed, and even a separate bathroom. The environment is in this era. It's really good.

There is a strong smell of disinfectant in the air. The walls here are painted white on the top and green paint on the bottom. They should be quite old, and some of the paint has peeled off. There are electric fans on in the single room, and there are small stalls. It's windy, but it doesn't feel cool, so you can stay there.

Doctors and nurses are very busy, and there are many family members of patients chatting in the corridor, the environment is not good, after all, it is a hospital, where can I stay at home comfortably?

Lu Ying's eldest brother is Lu Yuanzhi, and his second brother is Lu Yiming. They are twins. They are the same as Chuan Gu in Lu Chuan Gu, and they are named after Chinese medicine.

Lu Ying said earlier that their family names all come from traditional Chinese medicine, and even ridiculed the names of their sisters, which are similar in purpose.

Not to mention cloves, they are flowers, condiments, and can also be used as medicine. Ding Wei’s name itself comes from Rose.

Lu Yuanzhi is very tall, he feels more than 1.8 meters five, but he doesn't look strong, and he wears very simple clothes. It seems that the clothes are all made by himself. After all, he is not good at buying clothes. He learned from his grandfather. Injuries, when there are no patients, I like to order medicines. After all, many medicines in their family are prepared by themselves, and they need to be ground fresh to make pills, which is very laborious.

Dark skin, because of busy work, I haven't even found a suitable partner. I am 30 years old this year. I don't know if it is because of my height. I am not handsome, and I am not good at communicating. Wei also just stood up and nodded, saying hello.

Bai Zhi explained: "It's because my eldest brother doesn't like to communicate with people and doesn't talk much, so I haven't found a suitable partner until now. In fact, there are many people who are interested in my family's conditions, but they all like my second brother. Only my eldest brother, I don't like it, but I worry about my parents."

The eldest brother of the Lu family doesn't get married, and even if the second brother has a partner, he has to wait. Fortunately, Lu Yiming's partner is not too big, so he can afford to wait.

Before Lu Ying could ask any more questions, she lifted her foot and left. The one with big steps brought some... to escape? ? ?

"Well, I like it, but my sister said that she is too young, so I don't want to scare people. When she grows up, it's not too late to confess her love. I can get to know her more in the past few years, but brother, she is so good. I'm afraid it's too late to confess, and it belongs to someone else, do you think I should say it or not?"

"I only come on No. 20 every month. It's only the beginning of the month. It's early. I thought it would be delayed. It's okay. I take food supplements every day, and I will soon be resurrected with full blood."

Because of the big age difference, Lu Ying and Lu Yuanzhi didn't have much communication, and it was always thought that the late marriage was caused by his brother's personality, but now it seems that there is clearly a story that he doesn't want to mention!

Time passed quickly when I got busy, and when my stomach growled with hunger at six o'clock in the afternoon, the number of patients gradually decreased.

No, on the way back from the hospital, she bought her another pig's blood.

Considering Lu Ying's physical condition, the sisters did not stay in the ward for too long, and left after Lu Yuanzhi had finished eating.

"Can I treat her badly? Don't worry so much about convalescents. Anyway, you don't want to stop this month. Originally, you go home to help your family. It's good for you, and you give the elder brother two Brother has found a lot of things, and our mother will come over in two days, after all, the clinic cannot do without people, and it is more convenient for mother to take care of you than us."

Lu Yuanzhi was actually quite anxious, but he didn't want to let it go, so the marriage was delayed like this.

Let it soak in the well today, and steam it in the pot tomorrow, try to make it first, and arrange it for Lu Ying in a few days if it succeeds.

"I'll go out for a walk, you lie down by yourself, and call the nurse if you need anything."

"Haven't you already eaten? Why did you buy pig's blood?"

"Then..., you will see a doctor?" Ding Wei shook her head, "I'm not that amazing, but I've heard a lot of cases, plus I'm born smart and have a good memory, plus the cases I've read in medical books, If there are too many, I will naturally remember that being able to judge does not mean that I can be cured, you think too much of me, haha."

Because the eldest brother and the second brother of the Lu family are twins, since they are twins, they must look alike. From this, it can be deduced that the second brother of the Lu family, Lu Yiming, should be more like Uncle Lu.

It can't be said that they are ugly, it can only be said that their looks are not outstanding, and they belong to the public face that can be submerged in the crowd.

The taciturn Lu Yuanzhi stood up suddenly, without looking at Lu Ying, and left without saying a word.

After all, Lu Ying is young, and she has adjusted in about a week. Although she still eats mainly liquid food, her complexion does not look so scary. Just a few days ago, Ding Wei met the absolute authority of the Lu family, Bai Du Ruobai Aunt.

I ate noodles, Sihong soup, red dates, wolfberry, peanuts and red beans. Sometimes the red beans do not contain black beans or brown sugar. No matter how I put it, the taste is sweet and delicious. As a summer drink, it is delicious.

Or teach her to study medicine?

Xiaoxin and the others knew that Ding Wei was a classmate of Lu Ying's. They came here to play and also studied medicine. They didn't dare to neglect, but they were busy with work. Fortunately, Ding Wei was considerate.

Lu Ying choked on her elder brother's straightforward question, blushed, and just wanted to deny it, but that instinctive reaction couldn't hide it from Lu Yuanzhi, who was nearly thirty years old.

Xiaoxin and the others were immediately moved by her understanding, and when they didn't waste time, they would teach Ding Wei very patiently. Ding Wei listened humbly most of the time, and even helped collect medical waste, clean up, and give care to those without family members. The patients served tea and water and so on.

"Why don't you stay and help get the medicine? If you feel bored, you can ask Xiaoxin to take you, receive patients, and arrange for the corresponding doctor. Although our clinic is a Chinese medicine clinic, we also need small injections. Didn't you say that Learning to give injections? Xiaoxin will, "

Lu Yuanzhi took the meal from his sister, and sat down to eat in silence, without even asking his younger brother, Lu Ying looked at Ding Wei bitterly.

So when she saw Uncle Lu for the first time yesterday, Ding Wei didn't feel very impressed. It was like she went to the hospital to see a doctor, and she might not be able to remember the face of the doctor who saw her when she left the hospital gate.

Ding Wei comforted Lu Ying and started talking haha, Lu Ying could only ask her sister to give Ding Wei more nutrition, he wanted to give all his pocket money to Ding Weihua, this made Bai Zhi roll her eyes frequently.

The Lu family has nothing else. Even though they store a lot of grain, whether it is staple food or these soy products, there are a lot of them. Bai Zhi said that many villagers who can't afford medical expenses use grain or dry goods to offset their debts, so their family's Almost never bought anything.

As for the fact that the eldest is not married and the second is not allowed to marry, it is actually not so rigid. There is a high probability that Lu Yiming still does not want to get married, and he made an excuse for himself. The status and the procedures that should be followed have also gone, and the wedding is short of it.

Bai Zhi and Ding Wei didn't go home directly, and naturally they wouldn't boil the Sihong Tang at home when the firewood was extinguished. Considering the situation of the clinic, the two of them went to the clinic to help together, and Bai Zhi went to the pharmacy to help out because she was familiar with the journey.

Because Ding Wei helped a lot at the clinic, after a week of experience, she has almost won the job of a nurse, and she is very handy, and has not made any mistakes, which not only surprised Xiaoxin and the others No end, Bai Zhi was stunned.

Noticing that there are still mung beans in the Lu family, Ding Wei cooks the mung beans on fire and plans to make mung bean cakes.

The aftereffects of blood donation are especially obvious when she wakes up in the morning and when she squats for a long time. This month's menstruation has not yet come, and Ding Wei also knows that she needs to nourish her body, so she did not refuse all the delicious food that Baizhi arranged for her. .

Bai Zhi even jokingly said: "That's it, you can still come here to earn a salary in the past two months. You have done such a good job, you can't lose to Xiaoxin and the others, and your professional knowledge is even stronger than them. Really give us The face of college students, even my dad said that he met a genius. The key is that you can judge what disease they have from the patient's self-report, and tell the doctor the key points. This is not something ordinary people can do. There are no such details in textbooks. Weiwei, are you sure you only took freshman courses? Why do I think you are even better than me who is about to graduate?"

Bai Zhi is also a girl, although she is her own sister, although she doesn't care, but her brother cares, this is also what he strongly demands, he would rather his mother to scrub himself than his own sister to scrub himself, of course, the brothers also stood up and said After that, the scrubbing work can wait until they take over.

The Uncle Lu I met yesterday, that is, Lu Chuangu, is also very tall, exceeding 1.8 meters. Although I have never seen what Aunt Bai looks like, but judging by the height ratio of the Lu family, it must not be too low. You know Even Bai Zhi's height is close to 1.7 meters, and several sons are all over 1.8 meters. According to genetics, Aunt Bai is definitely not a petite. Small body.

"Brother, could it be possible that you already have a girl you like?"

This way of getting along is the key to Lu Ying's character development, right?

Bai Zhi caressed her chest, "Let me just say, you are too amazing, so it's because of this, you say that, I believe, you are indeed very smart, and your memory is indeed good, I heard Lu Ying praised you, You can memorize those obscure Chinese medicine books backwards and forwards, no wonder you, a clinical medicine department, are popular in the Chinese medicine department, and even the forensic department wants you to transfer."

"Miss, don't worry about me. I'll just watch you operate and won't disturb you. If you encounter something you don't understand, I will ask."

"Sorry, I can't play with you anymore,"

She also brought Sihong Soup for her younger brother, which nourishes blood and nourishes qi, but she didn't know if he could drink it, so she planned to go to the hospital to ask about it before making arrangements.

"Like people?"

"Hey, I finally came across this. It was made by others. Come on, I won't be able to eat it until tomorrow. I will fry a plate of green peppers for you as a supper."

Otherwise, the Lu family would look for a wife. Auntie Bai's surname is Bai, and her mother's surname is Du. She named her Bai Duruo, which is the name of her medicine. Eyes, full of aura, with the toughness of a woman from the Northeast, her voice is very loud, don't look at her poor health in the past few years, after hearing that her son was injured because of his bravery, not only did he not blame him, but he was still in good condition He praised him a lot, just praised him, twisted his son's arm fiercely with his hand, and the painful Lu Ying begged for mercy with tears in his eyes. This scene made Ding Wei very emotional.

Bai Zhi hurried over to see her: "You're exhausted, let's go, we have to go home and cook, my second brother has just gone to the hospital, we have to hurry too, tonight the eldest brother rests, dad is on duty at night, and the second brother goes to the hospital to accompany him , After the two of us delivered the meal, we also went back to rest."

Ding Wei didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Sister, I will gain weight if I do this,"

When self-blame and guilt rushed into Lu Ying's eyes, Ding Wei just patted him on the shoulder lightly.

Bai Zhi went home and made refreshing buckwheat cold noodles for her elder brother and second brother, and asked Ding Wei to drink Sihong Soup with rock sugar at home, and she hurried to the hospital with noodles, and the bicycle was specially ridden home from the clinic , in order to facilitate her delivery of meals.

However, she took Bai Zhi's instructions to heart.

As soon as Ding Wei left, Lu Yuanzhi, who was silent at the side, saw his younger brother's eyes sticking to the door, reluctant to leave, with disgust on his face.

Looking at her elder brother's suddenly lonely eyes, Lu Ying thought she was dazzled.

"This was an accident. No one expected it to happen, but it also taught you a lesson. You didn't foresee the danger. Next time, you must protect yourself and don't force yourself. We can go to the clinic during this period of time. Help me out and learn how to prick needles by the way, don’t worry, we won’t be bored.”

"It's good to eat fat. Only by eating fat can we prove that we are well-fed. Listen to my sister and let's make up for it. Otherwise, you will suffer during your menstrual period. Have you come this month? There is a high probability that it will be delayed."

"You don't care what others say? The key is what you think. Some things, once you miss them, there will be no chance to save them."

Ding Wei nodded: "When the food was not enough, my father was a worker and subsidized them a lot. If someone was sick, my father would buy medicine and take good care of him. I didn't dare to go during the day, but I went there at night, even when the farming season was busy. , and was sent by my parents to play in the orchard next to the cowshed. I grew up there. The grandparents, uncles and aunts there are very kind. There are several doctors, both Chinese and Western medicine, as well as expert professors. ,"

Bai Zhi said that she looks like her mother, and she is probably the prettiest among the children of the Lu family. Her parents' merits are concentrated on her. Compared with her elder brother Lu Yuanzhi, her younger brother Lu Ying's appearance should be considered good. that's it.

Ding Wei wanted to see a doctor directly, but no one trusted her when she asked for it, so she followed Bai Zhi to the triage desk of the clinic. Trivial things, fortunately, she is not alone. There are already four young girls here, all of whom are helping patients to see a doctor, taking medicine, telling how to decoct medicine, how much water to add, how much to use every day and other trivial things.

Bai Zhi made Sihong soup for Ding Wei, and also left cold noodles for her. The noodles were firm and smooth, not sticky at all. The bowl of noodles is refreshing and tender, and it is even more sour and delicious after adding chili, especially suitable for eating in summer.

The cucumber shreds, tomato slices, and fried eggs in the noodles have also become decorations. I didn't expect Bai Zhi to be able to make them. This noodles are similar to Korean cold noodles.

I have to say that although the clinic is small, it has all internal organs. It really has everything. When they are free, the girls have to pick up the broom to clean up. They are as busy as spinning tops. You have never seen them walking around in the nurses of later generations. Yes, they all run with their feet, and the few girls here are almost like this.

There was no way, Ding Wei told the truth, "I grew up next to the cowshed," she said without forgetting to blink.

"I'm so hungry, but I can't eat anything now. Although I'm exhausted, I can only maintain my life with nutrient solution. Next time I will definitely not force myself. This time I almost lost my life, Weiwei. , thank you for giving me the blood transfusion, I never thought that we have the same blood type."

Bai Zhi had an epiphany, "Oh my God, why didn't you say it earlier? If you said that, your family must have helped him a lot, right?"

Ding Wei glanced at him sideways, "It's not too late to know now, we will take good care of your illness and we will visit you every day. Fortunately, you are in Changshi. If you are in other places, it may be more dangerous. How many people have been alarmed by you, Uncle Lu, it finally brought you back from the gate of hell, the next week is the most critical, and it is also to prevent infection, you have to listen to the doctor's words, "

Ding Wei turned around in surprise: "Is there such a thing? I don't know, no one told me about it."

"You don't know it's because the dean of your department has a domineering attitude, and you are also studying in their department concurrently, so it didn't cause you any trouble. Maybe it was because you were afraid that you would not be able to withstand the pressure and then run away. If it weren't for the school's dual majors, you can't occupy it." According to the regulations of majoring in scholarships, you have to get soft hands for this scholarship, right? You are also a human being, why do you have more brains than others?"

Ding Wei smiled stupidly: "My sister loves to joke, and I have learned a lot. Next, I plan to go to your place to learn how to dispense medicine. I have almost learned the work at the triage table and the nurses. I will give people injections, and I can even comfort children, see the prescriptions, make medicines, make pills, etc., can you teach me?"

"Look at what you said, it's not difficult, but some prescriptions are passed on from male to female, not to mention you, even I can't get in touch with you, don't think about it, unless one day you marry My brother, you know that any family inheritance of this kind has a certain heritage, and the prescriptions are our family's heritage, whether it is medicinal food, plasters, or even gynecological medicines for recuperating palace cold and assisting pregnancy, they are all handed down from the ancestors Come down!"

(End of this chapter)

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