The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1608 [1607] The arrangement of the sister-in-law

Chapter 1608 [1607] The arrangement of the sister-in-law

Ding Zhenlong and Zhao Qingqing only returned to Beijing in mid-May. This time they not only went to the future in-laws, but also went to the company where the second child was, and even went to the school of the future daughter-in-law. The future in-laws took them to visit the customs of Northeast China Humanity, played thoroughly, not only settled the marriage of the young couple, but also gave them a bride price of 5 yuan, and promised that the minimum match would be reached after three turns and one sound. If conditions permit, I will buy them a refrigerator, TV, washing machine .

Ding Zhenlong also talked about the accident at work. The main reason is that the family’s money was spent to compensate. The two children may feel wronged when they get married. When the conditions are better in the future, I will add it. Now Ding Jianshe’s marriage application has been submitted. , and then they will be given a house, and Zhao Qingqing will give them all the money he saved over the years without touching it, and let the young couple decorate their new home.

The Xia family is also a very talkative family. Ding Zhenlong and his wife were forced to leave their hometown to start a business in the capital. No, I will leave it to my daughter and let her take it to her own little home.

The specific date of the wedding will not be determined until the division headquarters approve it, but there is a high probability that it will be held in the large cafeteria of the army. At that time, the parents of both parties will go there. Neither of the two families has thought about it. All the relatives send a gift, just chat and express their gratitude.

The 1000 yuan bride price was the last savings of the old couple. After returning to Beijing, they began to work harder to earn money.

Seeing this, Ding Wei was very distressed. She offered 5000 yuan to the old couple, but they all refused.

"Girl, it's the blessing of your parents that you can earn money, but your parents have sons, so you shouldn't let you pay for this money. After all, your father and I didn't give you anything, so how can you keep subsidizing us? The two houses in the family are supposed to be built by you, but after selling the house to fill the basket that your father poked out, this in itself is enough to make us uncomfortable. "

"Oh mom, why are you here again? Didn't we agree? I won't mention this matter again in the future. If my dad hears about it, how uncomfortable it will be for him. Forget it, let's just spend money to buy a lesson, you Don't worry, our life will not be bad in the future. Look at whether this house is worth buying. There is a front room. In the future, we don't need to go back and forth anymore. We can live a good life by guarding the door. do not talk."

Ding Wei's words moved Zhao Qingqing to tears, and her voice choked up uncontrollably.

"You think I'd like to blame your dad, but he's just too kind and easy to bully, that's why he was framed like this. He didn't even go to find that Deng Guochao. What did you say, it's not easy for him? It's not easy for him, Let’s make it easy? I’ve lost all the chickens, ducks and geese I’ve raised for so many years, and even your two houses are gone. In the end, I still owed you 8000 yuan, and even your future pensions are gone. It's gone..."

After holding it in for such a long time, my mother couldn't bear it any longer, and started crying bitterly in her arms. In fact, why didn't Ding Wei feel regretful? But what can I do? My father is such a person, and my mother has followed him all these years, so she also likes it. His point?
Dad has a big structure, and he didn't limit his vision to the original one-acre three-point land, which is actually a good thing, especially this year when the policy is fully liberalized, there are more small businesses and hawkers than before, and the lives of ordinary people are getting better day by day , He felt that life had a bright future, and his sons and daughters were up to date, thinking that he had a better life than Deng Guochao, so he just let that person go.

Good people are true, and mother should be angry, but so what, life must continue?
"Mom, it's a blessing in disguise. If it weren't for this, wouldn't you and my dad come here to look for me? Isn't it good now? The family has nothing to worry about. We have such a big house in the capital." , will life be worse from now on? Looking back, I will stay in the capital with my own strength. We are people from the capital through and through, so those who have hurt us in the past will only look up at us. For the rest of my life, I will be confined to the one-acre three-point land, look at my dad, now he is working hard and running around the countryside all day long, it has only been a long time since he came here, and he can clearly feel the surrounding area."

After being persuaded by Ding Wei, Zhao Qingqing's mood obviously improved a lot.

"That's right, the national policy is good. Now we do everything for ourselves. Although it's tiring, why don't we get tired? Isn't it tiring for me to farm the land and raise those poultry and livestock? But I don't earn as much as this. Yes, you are right, people have to look forward, let him pass the past, as long as your dad is happy, it is better than anything else, let's slowly pay back the money in the factory Let's talk later."

Couples who have never borrowed money from others in their life, and have been in debt, it is only temporary to live with the past. As long as they think about the debts that are burdening them, they are not in the mood to think too much. No, May 5 On the 18st, their small shop reopened, and a new variety of Liangpi cold noodles was added. Because of the arrival of summer, more and more people came to try it, and the business gradually resumed its pre-holiday flow.

Ding Wei bought a Wanbao brand refrigerator for 4000 yuan, and a refrigerator of the same brand for [-] yuan, totaling [-] yuan.

Because my parents and Tan Yue make food, the summer is so hot, and the food is easy to spoil, so the freezer is a must, and the reason why I bought a refrigerator and put it in Tan Yue's shop is because I want her to sell iced drinks .

Although braised pork can be moved in summer, it is easy to deteriorate, so Tan Yue simply made cold dishes and sesame cakes. After all, these are also very popular foods in summer, and there is still beer on the top of her refrigerator, and popsicles on the bottom. , no longer need to push the foam box, running all over the street, there is a store, there is a refrigerator, as long as the signboard is clearly written, not only will there be no fewer customers, but more children will be attracted to buy it.

Although Ding's father and mother felt sorry for the money to buy the refrigerator and freezer, because they don't know how many years it will take to earn it back, but Ding Wei said it relaxedly after installing electric fans in their store.

"Don't worry, Mom and Dad, this thing is durable, and it will pay you back sooner or later."

The furniture and home appliances of the 80s are very durable. Otherwise, many manufacturers have closed down later. Unlike the home appliances of later generations, the technology has improved obviously, but the quality has deteriorated. Who can use things for 30 to [-] years? Ten years is a watershed. .

There are freezers and refrigerators at home, and food can be stored. Not only parents are relieved, but even diners don't have to worry about eating bad stomachs.

Because the electricity bill for the freezer and refrigerator was borne by Ding Wei, Tan Yue directly split the money she earned in half, and Ding Wei didn't want it.

Now the little girl is becoming more and more capable. While taking care of the poultry in the backyard, she can also do her job well. She earns a hundred and ten yuan a month, which is much better than ordinary office workers. .

And now she also makes pancakes, pancakes with pork head meat, stewed pork, cold noodle, and iced drinks, it's a perfect match.

In order to facilitate the purchase of stewed meat, a door was opened between the two facades, which is equivalent to the three stores today being connected into one.

Making sesame seed cakes is very tiring and very hot. The little girl’s daily sweat can be described in a basin, but she doesn’t feel tired at all, and she still smiles at every guest.

"Tired, how can you not be tired, but whoever makes money is not tired, it is not easy for everyone, if you compare with each other, you will be calm."

It is not easy for Zhao Qingqing and Ding Zhenlong. Braised noodles, noodles, cold noodles, and cold noodles all need to stay in the small kitchen. Even if there is an electric fan blowing on it, it is still hot and sweaty, because they have to guard the stove, Tan Yue Not to mention, if she can endure this hardship at such a young age, she deserves to be able to make a lot of money.

Because the supply of Liangpi cold noodles was in short supply, Zhao Qingqing added jelly noodles, rolled noodle skins, and rice skins, which, along with it, also stimulated the cold dish sesame cakes in the next door shop. After catching it, the business of the two companies seemed to be mixed together. In fact, Ding Wei adopted the method of later generations to print many types of receipts in advance, and engraved stamps in triplicate. No one can fake it.

The one in the hands of the diners is numbered, the one in Zhao Qingqing’s hand is reserved, and the other is handed over to the cook, and the meal is picked up by the ticket. Finally, the one in the cook’s hand must match the reserved one. That's their daily turnover.

Of course, there are also errors. Everyone has miscalculated accounts or some people do not consciously evade orders. This kind of behavior cannot be avoided unless there are people assigned to each position.

Ding Weixiu Min seldom lives on campus now, she would go to help after school, and in principle she can transfer, so she never thought about hiring someone, especially since the summer vacation is coming soon, and they have more families, so there is no need to hire someone up.

"The wheat is about to be harvested, and it happens that our house can move around, so I'll go home and harvest the wheat?"

Although uncles and aunts can ask others to help, they can't rely on them for everything. They still have their own land to work on!
Don't farmers have to rely on this one-acre three-point land for a lifetime?

Moreover, the wheat was planted by the couple at the beginning, and they were busy with the fertilization and watering in the middle. Now when it is time to harvest, they still need to help if they can, so Zhao Qingqing didn't even think about it. Let Ding Zhenlong go home.

It may rain at any time during the wheat harvest season, so the common people need to catch up. Originally, Zhao Qingqing planned to go back together, but because they stopped working for about ten days in May, they were afraid that no customers would come to the door after repeated repetitions, so Ding Zhenlong decided to Ask yourself to go back.

After Dad came home, Tan Yue stopped selling drinks and ice cream, and devoted herself to helping Zhao Qingqing with her business.

Dad went home this time and was busy from the end of May to the middle of June. This is when he planted the corn.

"Not tired, the big guys help each other. When I go back, I will cut it slowly by myself first. There are a lot of people in the family. If I finished the harvest early in the morning, come and help me to harvest it. Our family only has a few acres of land, and it didn't take a few days. After all the work, I have been drying and threshing the grains for the past few days, returning the grains to the warehouse, leveling the ground, plowing the ground, and planting corn.

When asked if he had invited others to dinner or paid for labor services, Dad sighed.

"People don't want money, so I bought meat, beer, and vegetables, and let my younger siblings take care of them when I got home. Leopard and I helped out together. For those who came to help, I bought food, cigarettes, and alcohol for a few days. Everything is ready, everyone eats and drinks well, and then go over."

This is a simple old farmer. In their eyes, money will never be considered expensive without food. Ding Zhenlong is not short of money, and there are many people in the village who want to curry favor with him. Who made his sons and daughters so successful? Maybe there will be a time when it will be useful to others, so as long as someone has finished their work in the field, they will go over to help without calling.

Ding Zhenlong doesn't know why everyone came to help him, but he has no way to refuse, so he can only treat them to delicious food on this basis. The degree of ease, after all, he has tried his best to use the best food to reduce the height of the debt of favor.

After the corn is planted, there will be watering and fertilization. Ding Zhenlong paid for the water pump and told the Ding family that whoever comes to help our family will lend it to him. There are electricity bills and so on. The village committee collects it on behalf of each household, and after each household has watered, it will record the meter.

The canals in the village were all dug in the 70s and 50s, which was time-consuming and labor-intensive. But in this era, there is no saying that water pipes can be used instead. It would be nice to have a water pump. Ding Zhenlong bought it for 300 yuan, even for convenience. Uncle, I also bought a big tricycle for more than [-] yuan, which is convenient for uncle to transport, and also allows them to ride a tricycle to the county town to sell vegetables.

The income from selling vegetables is also one of the uncle's sources of income.

Ding Lan is graduating this year. Although her daughter graduated from the Capital Normal University, she is the one who strives for herself after all. They say that the married daughter is the one who splashed the water. The couple never thought that they could rely on their daughter to be lazy. The two sons in the family are still ordinary. Workers, whether it is marrying a daughter-in-law or all expenses in the future, they have to pay for themselves, so the husband and wife are busy feeding poultry, selling vegetables and farming, and never steal a day of laziness.

And the house in the city was not bought for the two sons, but for their family. The 2000 yuan was also bought at the current market price. They didn't know what the brother and sister-in-law bought it for. The price, but it was indeed 200 yuan cheaper for them when it was sold, so people should know how to be grateful.

The house is now rented out at a price of 15 yuan per month. They don't live in this house for the time being, how can they live in it?It's time for the sons to ask for their wives. It's a crime to give it to anyone. It's better to subsidize them with the money collected from the rent. Besides Ding Lan, the couple knows about this house, but the two sons don't know about it.

The couple gritted their teeth and bought the house. In fact, they were planning for their own future. They couldn't leave everything to their son. After all, the son would automatically separate when he got married. Their small family's money, how capable they are, they will have a good life. The couple is still young, earning money and spending it by themselves, happy and relaxed, and with such a promising daughter, how bad can they be in the future go?
Therefore, Ding Zhenbao and Wang Yuhuan have followed their elder brothers and sisters-in-law to understand many things over the years. Their children and grandchildren have their own blessings, and they will not interfere too much. As for the house, the children will take her to see it, and they will get money if they don’t show it. In short, they will not let everyone crowded in the same yard and have conflicts.

Wang Yuhuan is not as lucky as her elder brother and sister-in-law. She has such a capable daughter and adopted two daughters. She only has this one daughter. The daughter loves her mother, so she has blessings to enjoy. The girl has the ability to stay in the provincial capital. Turn around Marrying into a good family, she will only be happy for her daughter, but she never thought of letting her be a girl to drag the brothers in the family. Even if she is an older sister, she has no such obligation.

After all, after following Zhao Qingqing for so many years, she has long been swayed by many ways of dealing with people. The daughter is used to hurt, to add to the icing on the family, not for her to help these unsatisfactory younger brothers.

Although Zhao Qingqing has money in her hands, her daughter has money, but she has never used her daughter's money to subsidize herself, and she has never used her daughter's money to buy gifts for these brothers. She thinks it is earned by her daughter, and her Those brothers have nothing to do with each other. Even if Ding Wei doesn't care about it herself, she can't help but care about it. To put it bluntly, a daughter is raised by others, and a son is raised by herself. The responsibility lies in it, and the meaning is different.

Logically, it is not easy to raise a daughter so big. The income of a daughter before she gets married should belong to her natal family, but Zhao Qingqing never thought of doing this. If a daughter trusts herself and lets herself keep it, then she will keep it for her Well, if the girl gave them pension money, she would take it generously, but the money was only for the couple.

Her brothers are not qualified to spend, because the younger sister has no reason to support her brother, sister-in-law and nephew, and she will not use the bride price to supplement her sons.

The sister-in-law and sister-in-law have reached a consensus on these issues. In fact, they are also experienced people. They clearly know how biased their parents will be if they have brothers in their family. They have never taken advantage of their mother's family, but once their mother's family has something to do, they will find a way Let these girls contribute money and effort.

If the financial ability allows it, it’s fine, but obviously some families can’t get rid of the pot, and they force others to take money.
There are too many things like this in the countryside, so Zhao Qingqing and Wang Yuhuan have long thought about how to deal with the series of betrothal gifts in the future, and even considered how to divide their hard-earned family property among the children , no matter boys or girls, there are both. The house is a broken house in my hometown. Whoever wants it will take it. The finances will be divided equally according to the number of children. Having said that, it proves that you are the one with the least ability.

Of course, the sister-in-law's arrangement is actually related to their family's situation.

(End of this chapter)

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