The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1653 [1652] Convenience for others and convenience for oneself

Chapter 1653 [1652] Convenience for others and convenience for oneself

Although the area of ​​the rental house is small, it is clean and hygienic. Lu Ying is also good at tidying up. This is probably a common problem of being a doctor. Even if she is not a clean freak, she can't stand the mess at home.

His fingers are very long, and the fruit knife is as nimble as Ding Wei's scalpel in his hand, and the skin and flesh are separated in minutes.

The two of them were sitting in the living room, and the sun was shining on him, making his eyelashes seem to be longer. At this time, Ding Wei realized that his eyes were quite big, especially when he was concentrating on the delicate work in his hands. This side view Even if Yan is not divine, he is rare and attractive with his own charm.

Ding Wei rested her chin and just stared at him. He felt uncomfortable being looked at by her, and he didn't even dare to meet her eyes. Instead, he spoke in an extremely gentle voice.

"I'm not welcome to see you again! You will be 19 years old in a few months, do you have any special birthday present you want?"

birthday present?

Their family doesn't pay much attention to birthdays. Even if it was her coming-of-age ceremony last year, the whole family just got together and had a reunion dinner.

Instead, Lu Ying gave her a Plum Blossom brand watch, which was of reasonable value to their students, and she still wore it on her wrist.

She has no idea about branded goods, and her quality of life is also at a moderately prosperous level. What she requires may not be as good as other students with good conditions in the school, so when Lu Ying asked this, she frowned first, and then shook her head .

"I don't know, it seems that I don't lack anything, and it seems that I lack everything. You want to give me a birthday present?"

He remembered things that the family members could forget when they were busy, so when she looked at him sweetly, his face blushed uncontrollably.

Standing up uncomfortably, he stuffed the peeled apple into her hands, put his hands in his pockets awkwardly, and stood at the bottom of the balcony, Ding Wei looked very happy.

"Don't be nervous, I won't do anything to you, it's so cute to scare you!"

Lu Ying's face turned redder, and she turned to stare at her.

"Girls, can't you be a little more reserved? It's business, if you don't want anything in particular, then I'll take care of it!"

Ding Wei looked over expectantly: "Okay, okay, then I'm waiting for the gift you gave me, and what about you, when is your birthday?"

"The eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, Laba Festival."

"Hey, this one is easy to remember, yes, I remember it,"

Ding Wei took a bite of the apple, and in order to calm him down, she changed the topic to his major, which made him relax immediately.

She has also studied Chinese medicine, and she can always give him some constructive suggestions from the conversation. Because Lu Ying has decided to go to the orthopedics department in the future, she also gave him the old prescriptions she compiled to treat bruises. , not a book, but a notebook with a plastic cover.

"You can try all the prescriptions above, or take them home and show them to your parents. I found them from ancient books. As far as the Chinese medicine books on the market are concerned, there are no such good things. For you in the future It will definitely help."

"And this book, I see that you are also very interested in pharmaceuticals. There are many prescriptions for maintenance in it. I am reluctant to make it your experimental product. If you mail me the finished product, I will never dislike it. ha,"

Ding Wei arranged work for Lu Ying without blushing or panting. Lu Ying took a look at it and was very happy.

"You really know how to use talents. This is not a pharmaceutical. It's clearly asking me to make cosmetics for you!"

Ding Wei gritted her teeth, "You're right. Doesn't Lan's Group also have a cosmetics company? The main products are cosmetics made of traditional Chinese medicine. They sell well, and they are branded as a time-honored Chinese brand. Let me tell you , I found these recipes from ancient books. They are extremely precious. You also know how many things were destroyed in those years. I picked them up from the garbage station and copied them into this book. Many of them are incomplete. It’s a pity that it’s a pity to use it now, it’s the respect for our ancestors.”

Lu Ying took it for granted, "Okay, don't worry, I'm sure it will be easy to use and effective, and you won't need to buy cream or something in the future, just look at mine."

"I'm afraid I need to buy a lot of things to do this. Before I leave, I will leave some money for you. If you can do more, do more. I will take it back and sell it. It is also a considerable income. Just treat it as you earning my living expenses .”

"Small man, never forget to make money, but this is a good idea, especially since the medicinal materials here in Guangzhou are really good, more complete than those in the north, and the prices are all within acceptable range, Then I won't be polite to you."

Ding Wei brought 1 yuan in cash this time, but she didn't dare to tell the boy, for fear of scaring him, to see how much it would cost to purchase, and keep the rest for him.

After the two talked for a while, Ding Wei became sleepy. Lu Ying settled her down, put the key on her bedside, and carefully closed the door and left.

It was said that he had asked for a day off, but Lu Ying went to the hospital after noon, which was equivalent to half a day off.

Ding Wei slept until the sunset, and the first thing she did when she woke up was to find water to drink. Unexpectedly, half of the new enamel cup by the bed was cold and boiled. Although the handwriting on the note is not as good as hers, it can still be regarded as strong and powerful, with its own style.

"There is boiling water in the thermos bottle. Carefully pour it into the cold water, and you can drink it directly. Don't cook if you don't want to. I'll bring you dinner when I get off work."

Knowing that this place is not too far from the hospital, he left work at six o'clock in the evening. Ding Wei touched his empty stomach, drank half a glass of warm water, picked up an orange, and tidied up the messy bed , and stood on the balcony to stretch.

Ding Wei stood on the balcony and did stretching exercises, a few jumping jacks, and a few squats. She felt refreshed. She opened the door and brought a washbasin and towel to the water room to wash her face. She was sober. , ran into the aunt who was cooking at the opposite door, and couldn't hold back, and sneezed.

"I'm choking on you, baby girl, I'm sorry, I left some chili peppers today, hurry up, let's go there quickly,"

Ding Wei quickly shook her head politely: "Auntie, I'm fine, it smells so good, I just got up, wash my face."

"Hurry up, Comrade Xiao Lu said, it's hard work for you to catch the train, he will be off work soon, you can eat ready-made food after you pack it up."

They are really warm neighbors, and they have clearly inquired about their situation.

It's not that Ding Wei has never lived in a Tongzilou. Besides, the structure of the Tongzilou is mostly the same, so she found the water room without much effort, and went to the bathroom by the way. After washing, the whole person became refreshed. .

"Ah, little girl, what kind of thing are you using? It smells so good. It seems to be very easy to use, and it foams a lot!"

Ding Wei saw that the daughters-in-law in the water room were looking curiously at the small soap in her washbasin, Ding Wei explained.

"This is a jasmine-scented handmade soap. I bought it in the capital. It's quite easy to use, but it's not made by a regular manufacturer. It's bought from an old couple. It's absolutely handmade. It costs three dollars for such a small piece." It’s not cheap, but it’s durable.”

In fact, she made it herself, and she made it for 20 yuan in the end, and the family divided it, so basically it was gone.

Because it was too time-consuming, and she also had to buy essential oils, collect jasmine powder and other materials, so Ding Wei didn't make a fuss about selling them. Now whenever someone asks, she will explain it like this.

Sure enough, when the other party heard that they bought it from the capital and asked for thirty cents a piece, they immediately changed the topic with a smirk and started talking about themselves.

Ding Wei achieved her goal, washed her hands in satisfaction, and walked away with a basin in her hand. As soon as she left, the girls on her back would start talking about her.

"This girl looks unsophisticated, she dares to buy such a small piece for thirty cents, and she doesn't know how to live by looking at it."

"That's right, look at the big red flower cotton vest she's wearing, it looks like it came from the village, who still wears that pattern now!"


Ding Wei's ears are quite good, and she heard it before turning the corner. She curled her lips.

"I don't understand anything, this is pure duck down, my mother's brand cotton vest, it's warm!"

The winter in the south is wet and cold, she was worried that she couldn't bear it, so she put a padded vest under the woolen coat, but she didn't expect to be laughed at by these people, if her mother didn't let her use the black one, she insisted on using it This color, saying that black is unlucky, their generation doesn't know how to match it, so just let her be happy, she won't give these people a chance to laugh at her!

Fortunately, she also knitted a pure black turtleneck sweater herself, so that her mother didn't see it, and it was very suitable for making a woolen coat as a base.

It seems that young daughters-in-law and aunts are all the same, they can have a gossip instinct wherever they go.

There is no shampoo in the rental house, and the greasy hair that has been tossed all the way on the train can only be washed tomorrow after buying a suitable one!

Unexpectedly, when Lu Ying came back, she not only brought her two dishes and one soup, but also bought a seagull blue bottle of shampoo.

She looked at him in surprise: "Just bought it? How do you know I need it?"

"My mom used to use the half bottle I had left, and it happened that I didn't have it, so I thought about buying two bottles. I saw that you used this brand, so I bought you another bottle. After eating in a while, if you want to wash, you can wash it. There is no steamed bun here, so I will give you a rice."

Ding Wei opened the lunch box and found a serving of hot and sour potato shreds, a serving of cabbage tofu, half a box of rice, and a serving of lotus root pork rib soup. She said it was soup, but there were seven or eight pieces of rib meat in it, "Ah, they are all my favorites." Well, you haven't eaten yet, let's eat together."

Anyone who knows how to keep in good health knows to eat less at night, so it's not that Lu Ying is stingy and only buys one portion of rice, but that this portion of rice is a whole lunch box. Ding Wei always eats less at night, so these two people are definitely enough to eat up.

"There are no decent dishes at night, I think these two are fresh, so I bought them,"

"It's very good. My favorite is potato shreds. Did you forget? Just in time, I'm hungry. Sit down, let's eat together."

Ding Wei took out two bowls and a wooden shovel from the cupboard, dug the rice into her own bowl, filled another bowl for Lu Yingsheng, and handed him chopsticks to sit down and start eating.

Lu Ying brought back three lunch boxes, two servings of food in one lunch box, which was actually a whole box, and Ding Wei was shocked when she opened it.

"The food in your cafeteria is so affordable, how much is it?"

"This box is ten cents, and there is a subsidy. In addition, the aunt who eats rice has leg problems. After I gave her acupuncture and massage, she felt much better. The most important thing is that I confiscated her money, so every time I go, my The amount of dishes is more than others, and she also told me which dish to order, some dishes are left over from noon, or are not very fresh, she does not recommend them."

"So that's the case. It seems that it is true to say that it is convenient for others to be convenient for you. Auntie is also a kind person who repays kindness."

"Well, because I was still in the internship period at that time, no one was willing to let us try it out. Only my aunt encouraged me and was willing to let me practice with her. In fact, the main reason is that her family's conditions are not good and she can't afford to see a doctor. Usually, she I will never miss it, just thinking that one day someone will cure her leg disease, "

"What kind of leg disease?"

"It's an old disease. When I was young, I worked too hard. I didn't know how to rest. I was injured in the middle of my leg. I only used herbs to treat it casually. As a result, I got rheumatism when I was old. Although I can't cure this disease, I can't cure it. At least it can relieve her pain, especially the climate here is not dry enough, and she will feel uncomfortable even on rainy days. After applying the traditional Chinese medicine paste sent by my father, the effect is not bad. She is very grateful to me."

"Then she treats you like this, other people will be jealous if they see it, or report her or something?"

Lu Ying smiled: "I was also worried about this at the beginning, but later I found that everyone was very kind, and they all knew that I helped her first, so not only did no one report it, but they even joked with her, asking for special treatment, and my aunt scolded her with a smile Yes. She is a poor person, and the hospital also knows the situation of her family. Her husband saved someone bravely, but the other party refused to admit it and ignored him, leaving him permanently disabled. Currently, he can only do some manual work at home. The aunt’s job is also the hospital It's mainly because it's not easy for her to be a woman with a child and take care of her disabled husband, and it's pitiful to say the least, so even if she encounters someone who has no conscience, the hospital will not dismiss her casually."

Ding Wei blinked, and suddenly thought of something, "Did you make up for the meal?"

Hearing this, Lu Ying couldn't help smiling, "You still understand me, you're right, I went to the finance department to make up for five yuan for food expenses, and I will make up for it every month, so even if someone reports it, the hospital won't do anything about it." Like her, the accountant also secretly told me that the auntie also went to pay for the food expenses. After she knew that I had paid for it, she cried at that time and was soothed by the financial lady, so she didn't take advantage of the public, but just wanted to I just enjoy special treatment, we are all good people."

Ding Wei was full of emotion, "It's great, I am relieved to have my aunt here to take care of you. Seeing that you are not thin but strong, I know you eat well here. By the way, her husband is disabled somewhere ?”

"I hit my spine and couldn't do heavy work. Fortunately, my son and daughter are still doing well. Now that they are all admitted to college, they can be assigned to a good unit after graduation. She is considered to have made it through."

(End of this chapter)

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