The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 307 [306] Delicious Fisherman 157

Chapter 307 [306] Delicious Fisherman 157 (4 more)
Among the six dishes, there is a cold tofu skin, and the remaining five dishes are hot dishes, namely vinegar cabbage, hot and sour bean sprouts, spicy fish cubes, spicy shrimp, braised tofu, radish stuffed pork, three meat and three vegetables .

She didn't cook for Yanqing alone, because the rice in it was enough for them to eat, so when Yanqing came, she felt awkward for a while when she saw that the food was not cooked for him alone, but after tasting the taste, she put This bit of dissatisfaction was left behind.

He took away the amount of six dishes and one soup for two people. Seeing that the emperor and the prince were so easy to talk to, Xiao Yu also prepared six servings of double skin milk that he made himself, and put it in another suitable one, and handed it over.

Yanqing was surprised that there was dessert after dinner, but she Shen Xiaoyu did not have ordinary food, so she entered the palace full of hope.

After the three of them tasted the food, they saw exclamations in each other's eyes, especially His Majesty the Emperor, who became more and more aware of why this kid of his own had a soft spot for others. This girl is really too ingenious.

It was not easy to subdue the stomachs of the four masters at once, and it accelerated their desire to see her.

Yanqing can only shirk, and will find a suitable opportunity to bring her into the palace.

Three days later, Xiaoyu sent the first batch of [-] bottles of skin care products to Yanyu Building.

After Yanqing used it carefully, he reached a consensus with Xiaoyu on cooperation, but he doesn't want to share it, as long as he cooks for him.

Xiao Yu is naturally happy and at ease, as long as this guy is willing to cover her, cooking is nothing!


Great satisfaction in place.

As for where Xiaoyu's skin care products came from and how they were made, Yanqing was curious, but she refrained from asking, because when negotiating the contract, this girl obviously avoided the important things with him and didn't want to mention them. Since she didn't want to mention them, then Why is he talking so much? When she wants him to know, she will naturally know.

And Xiaoyu Restaurant's activity of giving away a bottle of trial packs for every [-] coins is also going on in an orderly manner. Anyone who has used it has become interested in her products. There are people.

In the case of insufficient manpower, she bought two more young girls to be the waiters upstairs, and these people arranged to live in the same room with Yaya.

After a month of hard work on the farm, all the food and vegetables have been planted and irrigated, and the next step is weeding and watering from time to time.

The long-term worker who was idle was arranged by Xiaoyu to cut down trees in the forest, and all the trees on the mountain were cut down, because at the beginning of next year, she would plant other trees on the mountain, and those fruit trees were kept, and the useless trees were cut down If you can make furniture, keep it for furniture, and if you can't do anything, just use it as firewood.

After coming to the capital for so long, I don't know if the letter they sent out was received by the port town.

Xiaoyu also wants to make another sea line with Uncle Zhang, specializing in seafood and fish products. Before leaving, she wrote a lot of dry goods and sauce making methods. I don't know if Uncle Zhang can make them perfectly.

At noon one day in October, just as Yan Qing left after eating and drinking, another luxurious carriage came to the door.

Ever since Yanqing ate here, more or less aristocrats came to watch the excitement. Watching and watching, the excitement became permanent.

Therefore, it is not uncommon for such dignitaries to come to the waiting room in the store.

The only surprise this time was that it was a rich lady wearing a bamboo hat, and when she entered their restaurant, there was someone to clear the way.

"Princess Yijia is here, you poor ghosts, why don't you get out of here quickly?"

 There are only four updates today, see you tomorrow.

  The old article "Quick Transmigration: The Beautiful Wife Has a Lingtian" has been completed, with 280 million words, those who are interested can go and read it.

  Next, I may have to write tens of thousands of words, and then I can update this article wholeheartedly. Naturally, there will be more updates, so these days may be a little unstable, and I hope everyone will forgive me.

(End of this chapter)

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