The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 330 [329] Delicious Fisherman 180

Chapter 330 [329] Delicious Fisherman 180 (3 more)
Xiaoyu explained while carving: "In fact, fruit carving is also a kind of catering. Generally speaking, it should be food carving, because not only these fruits can be carved, but any food can be carved. It is also a kind of food art. It’s so beautiful. But because I don’t have tools, the themes I can carve are limited. To carve vivid and vivid works of art, you need not only technology, but also a certain aesthetic. When you get a fruit, you can pass There are some existing ingredients, and what I want to carve comes to my mind, and this series of reactions only takes a moment."

"When I first started practicing hands, I used to carry out carving training with radishes. The girl's hand was injured countless times because of this. The current level is the result of repeated experiments. There is no shortcut to this technique, it all depends on exercise. Have you seen these words on the apple? If you are a carver, but the font is ugly, it will greatly affect the beauty, so the women who have practiced calligraphy for many years are afraid of making a fool of themselves."

"When I have nothing to do, I also observe the layering of flowers and the agility of animals. In short, any technology cannot be successful casually. You only know that folk girls cook delicious food, but you don't know How to match food to create a taste that everyone praises."

"In addition to cooking and sculpting, Minnv also has a lot of research on makeup. Minnv opened a skin care product store, which sells shampoo, shower gel, facial cleanser...,"

Xiao Yu is like a salesman, who keeps telling these women who have never seen the world some beauty tips, because she also abducts a lot of beauty knowledge, such as how to protect yourself from the sun, how to remove freckles, how to Whitening, how to draw beautiful eyebrows, how to moisturize dry skin, everything is detailed, and it is very comprehensive.

So much so that none of them showed any impatience, and even felt that they had been sold, and asked her curiously one by one.

Even Kou Dan, who was dressed, had people asking questions.

In the end, the women who came here to find faults all got from Xiaoyu the whitening and other small recipes written by her on the spot. There are a lot of these prescriptions on the Internet. Honey face masks, egg washes and more.

Anyway, regardless of whether it is useful or not, just write it and get a good impression.

Because through today's lecture, she is confident that the business of her small shop will be better.

When all the concubines reluctantly walked out of the Changchun Palace, Xiao Yu had already taken the initiative to tell the queen.

"Your Majesty, I didn't dare to bother you before. Tomorrow, His Royal Highness the Prince of Qing will send these trial outfits to the palace for you. If you don't dislike them, try them out. If you find them useful, they will be sent to you regularly in the future."

The queen looked at Shen Xiaoyu very displeased, always feeling that today's scene was not in vain.

It's true that she can't get on the stage, but everything is written on the bright side, black is black, white is white, it won't give people the feeling of hypocrisy, and it will make people feel pitiful sincerely.

She doesn't look like a country girl who doesn't understand anything. She has read books and learned calligraphy, and she has seen the prescriptions written by her. The handwriting is not bad, at least it can catch the eye.

She can cook, sculpt, and maintain health and beauty. These are her strengths, and she can't pretend that she hasn't seen anything.

Although she does not have a prominent family background, based on what she has learned so far, she is enough to be a good wife.

The second child's temperament has always disliked these intrigues, so if he could go to Qingyang Mansion with her, it would be a good choice.

(End of this chapter)

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