The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 344 [343] Delicious Fisherman 194

Chapter 344 [343] Delicious Fisherman 194 (4 more)
But it is precisely because of such a good brother that he has such an unambitious younger brother who is willing to leave the capital and belong to the fiefdom.

In movies and TV shows, Xiaoyu is used to seeing cases where husbands and wives turn against each other, brothers kill each other, and people rebel against relatives because of fighting for the throne. So such a situation in Yan Kingdom is really rare, and Yan Mo controls the power in the She also admired the ability in her own hands.

Of course, what she admires the most is Yan Qing himself, who can afford to let go, this is not something that ordinary people can do.

Their brothers can get along like this, and the princess is easier to get along with than she imagined. She doesn't mean to dislike her at all, and it can be seen that she is sincere. This is an extremely rare thing, so her heart is also Involuntarily breathed a sigh of relief.

The family dinner at noon was very harmonious. After the meal, everyone needed to rest for a while, because the dinner party would stay very late, after all, tonight was New Year's Eve.

Xiao Yu was also placed in Changchun Palace to rest.

However, she took this opportunity to enter the space. First, she slept in the space for two or three hours, then put on work clothes and harvested the ripe strawberries and apples, and then planted walnuts and pumpkins. Finally, she did not forget to use the space The water washed off the smell of sweat. At this time, the hair has lost its original shape. Fortunately, after waking up after a sleep, it will be redressed.

In ancient times, when attending a banquet, at least two or three sets of clothes would be prepared, so Xiao Yu felt that she was not this kind of fate, and could still make ends meet in a short period of time. If she was asked to do this every day, she would definitely suffocate to death.

But fate is so wonderful, the more she dislikes something, the more the system will send her such tasks, because in the near future, she will become a poor woman who is kept in a harem... (System trailer 2 non- this world)
She slept until about three o'clock in the afternoon, when she was called up by Xiaoya to dress up, of course the clothes she wore when she came here, she brought two spare sets with her, but the clothes were in good condition, so she didn't change them out.

After dressing up, the sun will set, and then the carriages outside the palace will gradually enter the palace to greet the empress.

She was sitting at the bottom of the crown princess. Originally, she couldn't sit in this seat at all, but the empress asked her to sit down, and she didn't dare to refuse.

So when the wives of the royal relatives, dignitaries and dignitaries entered the palace one by one and saw her sitting next to the princess, their gazes really had everything. According to her status, she wanted to give everyone People pay their respects, but the Crown Princess told her in advance that no one needs to greet her, just sit like this, and if she meets a distinguished guest who stands up to greet her, she will just stand up again.

Xiao Yu didn't understand anything when she first came here, the Queen and the Crown Princess now regard her as their own family, so it is definitely not wrong to say that, Yanqing is not by her side, so naturally she has to listen to the Queen and the Crown Princess, besides Xiaoya and that Nanny Liang didn't say anything, so it must be right.

Just like that, before the dinner party started, everyone already knew that she, Shen Xiaoyu, was the future Princess Qing. Those rich and noble ladies who were unwilling to give up, even if they were unwilling to lose to a woman like her, they sat down and sat down while watching her. Beside the princess, and when they were still paying their respects to them, the slightest hope in their hearts was shattered just like that.

(End of this chapter)

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