The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 348 [347] Delicious Fisherman 198

Chapter 348 [347] Delicious Fisherman 198 (2 more)
At the beginning, everyone just thought it was rare, but they didn't think what kind of musical instrument such a small thing could play, but no one thought that it was just a prelude, which surprised everyone, and as the music progressed and the climax part When they arrived, the expressions on the faces of those who underestimated Shen Xiaoyu couldn't hold back.

Only the empress nodded in satisfaction, and the emperor was the first to laugh loudly after she finished playing: "Okay, well played!"

It was accompanied by hearty laughter and applause, and the queen also echoed.

"Xiao Yu, the sound of your harmonica is really unique. It's really nice. Do you have any other tunes?"

Xiaoyu knew that this was another chance for the queen to show her talents, and immediately played "Horse Racing", "Farewell" and "Childhood". The quiet, beautiful melody and thought-provoking ending of "Childhood" shocked anyone who listened to it.

It's unbelievable that a small harmonica can have such a powerful explosive force.

Because they had never seen such a musical instrument, let alone heard such a beautiful and wonderful piece of music, each and every one of them, they all relished the melody just now as if they were stupid, and finally thunderous applause erupted on the scene. The concubine was even more amazed: "Miss Shen is really talented, it's amazing!"

However, Princess Yijia was not satisfied with the result, and looked at Shen Xiaoyu provocatively.

"Where did you get this harmonica? And this piece, did you compose it?"

Xiao Yu smiled and asked: "There is only one harmonica in the world. It doesn't matter how I got it. The important thing is that I played a nice piece of music with it. It doesn't matter who composed the music. The important thing is that I successfully performed your music. I don’t know the song, so Princess Yijia, what else can I compare to? I’ll accompany you anytime!”

"You, good, very good, then let's invite you to compete with Liu Yun from the Grand Master's Mansion, shall we?"

Music, chess, calligraphy and painting, does this mean that they have to take turns?
But what if she doesn't know how to play Go?
So she rolled her eyes and said to Miss Liu Yun: "To be honest, girl, I don't know how to play Go. I wonder if you are interested in learning some other games?"

After all, Liu Yun was born in the Grand Master's Mansion, and he has a bookish air in every gesture, but it is unavoidable to be embellished with some worldly pride.

Xiao Yu later taught her how to play backgammon. As expected of a talented woman, Liu Yun became interested at that time.

"Okay, it's better than this, I won't take advantage of you, you go first!"

She doesn't know how to go, but she knows backgammon anyway. The key is to use the go board, but the fight until the board is full, can't tell the winner.

But Xiao Yu smiled and got up and bowed to her: "Miss Liu is very talented, she's so good just after learning it, I'm willing to bow down, you won."

Liu Yun saluted her back: "Miss Shen, you're welcome. We are in a draw. We can't talk about who wins. You are also very interesting. This is the first time I have seen such a wonderful move. Thank you, Miss Shen, for opening it up for us." I hope I have the opportunity to play chess with you again.”

The final inning was declared a draw.

Later, someone came to her for a calligraphy competition. Xiaoyu didn't know any serious calligraphy, but she found another way, and performed a unique skill of drawing a dragon with one stroke for them. Perfect, so she just went through the motions in this round and lost.

Although they lost, everyone still remembers this part fresh, because it was the first time they saw this technique, and Shen Xiaoyu refreshed their horizons many times, which really made them curious, where did Yan Qing find such a strange woman.

(End of this chapter)

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