The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 363 [362] Delicious Fisherman 213

Chapter 363 [362] Delicious Fisherman 213 (3 more)
She had sworn before that if she gave birth to a daughter, she would seal her belly and never have another child.

However, her giving birth was as thrilling as buying a lottery ticket by her. When the answer was revealed in the spring of the next year, she was once again pissed off and hurt internally.

Because the daughter she was praying for not only didn't come, but this time she actually gave birth to twin sons, which made her faint from anger at that time.

After that, poor Yanqing, every time she wanted to touch her, she had to say a lot of good things, and even knelt on the ground and kowtowed to the mother-in-law to give them a daughter. If she was not sincere, she would not touch her. , what else can I do?I can only do it!
In fact, Xiao Yu was also very guilty, afraid that this wave of operations would drive her into a hurry to find Xiao Er, Xiao San and Xiao Si, but she underestimated her own charm. This man even suffered this grievance, which proved that he really loves her. Her, so she became more and more tender towards him.

She has already given birth to four sons, and she is even better than the princess. The capital is very happy, but her daughter who is looking forward to the stars and the moon has not come, and she is not happy at all, because it was announced before that she would not have a daughter The poisonous oath that will not be sealed, so I can only bite the bullet and continue to live.

But this year she is already 27 years old, and she will be 30, [-], at most [-] years old, if she can't have a daughter again, she is determined not to have another daughter.

A year later, she became pregnant, why the interval was so long, because she wanted to disconnect this connection point, so as to save her son from giving birth endlessly.

Moreover, she deliberately chose the second half of the year to conceive. In the first half of the year, she always gave birth to a son. Shouldn't it be time to change her species in the second half of the year?
After all the hardships until the day of giving birth, she grabbed Yan Qing's hand in fear, "I want to give birth to another son this time, and I will punish you not to touch me for the rest of my life."

Haosheng Yanqing comforted her and forced her to eat a bowl of noodles, so that she could gather strength before coming out of the delivery room.

They have all given birth to three babies, and giving birth to a child is as easy as farting. This is what the older generation said, and it is almost the same in fact.

When the baby was born, she ignored the pain all over her body and hurriedly asked the midwife, "What did I give birth this time?"

The midwives naturally knew what Xiao Yu was praying for, and all knelt down to congratulate her.

"Congratulations, princess, congratulations, princess, this time you gave birth to a little princess, a clean and beautiful little princess!"

When the midwife brought the baby to her and confirmed the gender, Xiao Yu laughed excitedly and fainted.

When she woke up again, there was a circle of heads around her, the biggest one was Yan Qing, the second child stood beside the bed, the third and fourth child crawled on top of her, the fifth child lay in the cradle beside her, listening to Yan Qing He called her with a soft face: "Daughter-in-law, you have worked hard, and congratulations, you finally don't have to regenerate."

Xiao Yu burst into tears with excitement, "Father, congratulations too, you don't have to work so hard every day to sow seeds, woo, we are waiting until the clouds open to see our daughter, it's not easy, in the future you guys will give me a lot of money." Listen carefully, you must treat your daughter (sister) well, if anyone dares to bully her, I will fight with you!"

The children seem to understand but don't understand, Xiaoyu is not satisfied, and asks Yanqing to write a letter of guarantee. After writing the letter of guarantee, he also asks the second child to stamp his fingerprints, and the third child and fourth child to stamp his fingerprints and footprints. Only then did he accept the letter with satisfaction A bond of slavishness.

 This story is over today, try to finish it in the morning, and start a new story (short story) tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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